Pokémon Discussion > Games

Newest Pokemon Game!!!

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As it turns out, I was looking through Bulbapedia and I found the newest game for the Nintendo DS.
Its called "Pokemon Black and White Version" Or maybe White and Black... Anyway its real.

This is the link to the page...


It has pictures, so you know its legit. If you don't believe me, just check out the page... :3
And the new Continent is called... "Isshu" =3=?
On the page it has link to more pages, so U can see more information... And the starter pokemon for Generation 5 were revealed in May... I dunno what day but they are out.
The link for them is...

Just scroll down till you find "Isshu"

(I would buy the game, but I recently lost my DS... Or someone stole it.... T^T!)

this topic is being discussed already in various areas on this site 2 i can find



Oh... Silly me... >w<
I think i need glasses or something... =3=

yea it happens just remember search is our friends

I didn't know it was plural... =3=..?
Discoveries every day... >:3!


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