Pokémon Discussion > Games

Looking for a lucky egg, willing to trade


I have SoulSilver and am looking for the "lucky egg" item held by wild Chanseys.  It's getting really tiresome hunting them down, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to trade me one.  I can offer any of the Johto starters, some Eevees, or some pokemon with special moves in return, among others.  If you would like another pokemon, let me know and I'll see what I can do (no legendaries, shineys, or things I'd have to cheat for please). I also have the Yellow Forest and Winner's Path route wonder cards to offer, if you don't have those already.  I'd appreciate some help with this. :) Thanks.

Like I posted in the other thread, I'm always up for helping other players out with hard to get (or anyone, actually) Pokemon or Items. I have a few lucky eggs lying around, iirc. It's been a while since I last checked. I'm currently not in a place where I can easily access IRC, but I'm still checking PU, so you can send me a PM. I'll be able to get to you in a day or two.

In the mean time, if anyone else can help more quickly, or has any requests of their own, don't be afraid to ask. (I should probably make a topic for requests, eh?)

Lucky egg received.



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