Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Sleeping city

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--- Quote ---in an mmo they cant make i to where it only appears to you that everyone is gone because its impossible to make everyone invisible and to make a jigglypuff be there be appear invisible to everyone else also more than one person has to be able to to do quests at once it is a good idea but hard to implement into an mmo.
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Stuff like this is done all the time in WoW and Runescape. (Im sure in other MMos as well)

Before a player is able to unlock all of the features in an area, the player can only see an empty shell of the town (no people, some buildings cant be seen, etc) until he/she has completed the quest.

Its been done before.

Not sure how difficult it would be to apply something like this but its nothing new.

correct, this is not impossible to do (but then nothing is), it is merely far too difficult and would create alot of lag. yeah they can do this in large-scale MMO's like WoW and Runescape, but that is because they have very powerful systems, servers, money, etc. in a game like this, it is just too much to make.

however, an easier fix would be to make it so that you can see everyone, in town upon your first visit, but when you talk to them all you get are Zzz's. then everything can go from there.
also, the radio tower would only be accessible to people involved in that part of the quest (you could not reenter after you finish), that way, all the sprites for the evil organization, and anything else, can remain there at all times, but not everyone would see it. this would make for less information (i think) than having visibility, and non visibility.

but.....i digress, in the end, i am not a map editor, and therefore do not know if my assumption about this taking less space is correct or not.


--- Quote from: ghostman50 on February 02, 2010, 04:56:05 PM ---Stuff like this is done all the time in WoW and Runescape. (Im sure in other MMos as well)

Before a player is able to unlock all of the features in an area, the player can only see an empty shell of the town (no people, some buildings cant be seen, etc) until he/she has completed the quest.

Its been done before.

Not sure how difficult it would be to apply something like this but its nothing new.

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Yes I know stuff like can be done they're called "instances". But it's quite hard to make these (especially with the current code) so it's not possible.

I meant no npc's not people and I still think it could be done. This was my first idea for a quest,so for future ideas can you give me like a do's and dont's ,so I know what could work and what defiantly wont.

The Fireball Kid:

--- Quote from: Draagn on February 02, 2010, 11:10:12 PM ---I meant no npc's not people and I still think it could be done. This was my first idea for a quest,so for future ideas can you give me like a do's and dont's ,so I know what could work and what defiantly wont.

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Here, let me tell you what is wrong. Since you still don't know.

--- Quote ---You arrive at a city (insert name here) and you notice that its empty ,and all the houses doors are locked. Finally you go to the pokemon center even the nurse is gone.In the center of the city there is a big radio station,when you make it to the station you try to go in but the door is locked,and when you try to walk away you here a jiggly puff and you fall asleep. When you wake up the town is crowded with people and is a normal city.
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The problem with this is...PU is an MMO. For example...what happens when you complete it and another person hasn't yet? You both will see different towns which is impossible unless...what Mr Dark said, you need to enter an instance for it to happen.


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