Pokémon Discussion > Anime & Movies

Red or Ash

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John Flame:
Lol,everytime i hear this song start playing.
It's like i have flashback of pokémon red.

And then... a nightmare starts.I remember my stupidity when i first got there....Lvl 65 typhlosion vs.....zard,venusaur,blastoise... oh god...


--- Quote from: John Flame on December 24, 2011, 09:01:09 AM ---Lol,everytime i hear this song start playing.
It's like i have flashback of pokémon red.

And then... a nightmare starts.I remember my stupidity when i first got there....Lvl 65 typhlosion vs.....zard,venusaur,blastoise... oh god...

--- End quote ---

Oh, you weren't the only one. Pikachu took care of my Feraligatr and (mostly) water team pretty fast.

Mr. Fox:
Give me my team and I will teach him who the real boss is...


So if your gonna be the real boss your gonna give us a job, pay us are wages and make us despise you because your the worst boss int he world and nobody likes you well your doing one of the above right already.

Red. End of Story.

He pretty much is what Ash is DYING to become(it'll never happen 'cause they'd have to end EVERYTHING, and we know how Nintendo loves continuing things, even if the storyline is confusing *cough* Legend of Zelda *cough*)

Red doesn't cry, or fall apart when he loses, he just trains like a BAWS.


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