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Paperdoll Competition: Genbor is the Winner!

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 *bump* I want this topic to stay at the front page so the voting will be fair.

I also stickied this topic, because it's the final :)

If sprites could have some sort of expression on their faces, it would make the voting much easier.

 Well I tried making mine smile in the previous versions (or at least have a smirk on his face) but it didn't really show, so I believe expressions will be available in-game through popup signs.


--- Quote from: CelaGhost on July 27, 2012, 06:20:29 AM ---If sprites could have some sort of expression on their faces, it would make the voting much easier.

--- End quote ---
How would it make the voting easier? The default expression of any animated sprite/piece of art is neutral. It would look stupid as poop if an NPC was permanently smiling or any type of expression.

Anyway, i'm using this thread to say i've returned after three years.. for some reason.


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