Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

Balance of Dimensions [RP]

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As the words echoed out, Steven closed his eyes, sliding a hand over the gray, glowing symbol on his forearm out of habit. The world seemed to shift and change around him as he felt himself divided up, until finally, all of him made it to a body.

In a clearing of the forest, sparks of color began to fly out in every which way, before a single, massive die was thrown into the air from seemingly nowhere; rolling for several seconds above the forest, before flashing a single number in every direction: One. In immediate response, the die seemed to explode downwards in a myriad of color, as a single figure was constructed from the ground up amidst the chaos. Inconspicuous, his entrance was not.

The figure stood a bit taller than Steven, however, a good bit of that was simply his head. Atop his body was an old, CRT-TV, with several dials on the front. The display by default showed a bit of a color-spectrum, before fizzling out into a static-y mess. The static was interrupted as a smile was 'drawn on', in mess of scrambled colors; until a flash of light overtook the screen, and the display turned to a blank screen.

His outfit was rather normal in comparison to his head; he wore a a striped dress-coat with a white dress-shirt, and an orange bow tie. He wore white gloves, with a pair of brown dress-shoes at the bottom of it all; and in his left hand, he carried a wooden cane, similar to a Sheppard's crook in shape. At a snap of his gloved finger, a pair of small dice appeared over his left hand, palming them as he began to walk around.

A muffled whistle echoed out through the forest as he walked; prompting him to pause, and tuck his cane under his arm as he began to turn the dials. His voice grew clearer, ever so clearer with each turn, until the number '58' was displayed on his screen; and his voice came through crystal clear. Perfect. "Aha! There we go!" He exclaimed, as he took his cane  and began to lean on it. "Now then... Where is our opponent?" He asked aloud, his volume increasing as he twisted a different dial up; perhaps he was trying to lead them to him.

Thrown for a loop at the sudden change in her vernacular, the girl came off as fairly. . . eccentric, but her straight forward demeanor was admirable. Mac followed her gaze to the screen playing the current battle, but he didn't recognize most of the names. Probably have to call my organizer. . . He thought to himself, thinking that the Steven fellow looked familiar - or at the very least, the logo of his sponsor did. The girl he wasn't too sure about, yet the matched looking interesting enough, and Mac opted to hold off on conversation until after the battle so he could watch it.

Of course, just as the drone-building fellow was beginning to get comfortable, it was hard not to notice the disturbance in the arena. I mean-- come on. Even a blind man would be able to notice a giant die cascading over the treeline and crashing into the Earth below. Things like that make a loud noise. Plus, it didn't help that the familiar buzzing in her head to indicate the arrival of an enemy was present. It was dull, but still noticeable. At the same time, it felt more like an itch, as though trying to determine whether or not this entity was... real.

It was about as sudden as the tug that had brought her into this world. Curling up and around through branches and leaves, a prismatic wind lit up the scene. At the same time, the hum no longer jittered. Whoever they were, they were North of where she stood. Damn, she had only got one drone down, and it was already time to seek this bastard out... whoever it was. Either she could stomp forward and track this fellow down, or she could stay back and try to think of a new battle plan. After all, something was going a little screwy with data, and she managed to lose an entire super move! Playing it safe, she cast a hand out, ordering the little ball drone to scuttle off and scout the area. With a soft honk.

"Come on, ol... 'me'. Do something cool. I know you've got it in there somewhere." A brow was raised at the silence. Among it, a gaze was cast down to her hands as though expecting knowledge to simply float down from the heavens and nestle up to her palms. Sadly, as expected, that was not the case at all. However, after the first drone had scuttled off, the hopelessness was answered by an involuntary creaking open of the shell upon her back. From the depths of the inner workings, a bronze disk slipped out to the forest floor, rustling against the leaves with each bounce and roll until it came to an anticlimactic thump and halt against a tree trunk. Intrigued, she made an approach to this foreign object, kneeling down to take it up into eager hands. Was this a building material? Highly likely. Though, what the hell was she supposed to do with this fiddly little thing?

Aaron chuckled at her suggestion, which slowly grew into a deep, healthy laughter that rumbled up from his stomach and filled the area around him as Jessie animatedly acted out what he should be doing. "That. . . was amazing." He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, smiling brightly, shoving the weird way the other girl had looked at him to the back of his mind. "I'm not sure I'm quite that flexible, though. I'd probably end up flat on my face."

He offhandedly rubbed at the Nimbus Cloud astral mark with the palm of his left hand, nervously tracing small circles on it. The room was a good bit quieter than he had expected it to be; most of the people were off on their own, or talking to their teams to rehearse last minute strategy. It was a bit unnerving, especially after a representative of the Galactic Tournament dropped in to tell them one of the competitors had been replaced at the last second.

Aaron leaned against the wall and watched the new guy, Tyler, interacting with the girl with a TV-box on her head. They both seemed nice enough, at least; maybe not everyone here is so bad after all. The blonde looked over at Jessie, and recalling that she had been battling for six years, asked, "Is it a normal thing for people to be replaced so late?"

Jessie couldn't help but laugh with Aaron at her display. "Thanks," she said, still chuckling. "And the backflip part was a joke. Leave fancy acrobatics to Wukong."

She thought for a moment about his question, but then shook her head. "Not really," she replied. "Usually their opponent just gets a bye for the match and then there's one less person in the round robin. Happens every year, someone gets injured or DQ'd and the spot doesn't get filled. Maybe he was on the waiting list and just happened to be around when the other droped?" She shrugged. "I dunno. Could be new policy." The redhead glanced up at the screen and then pointed at it. "Hey look, that's the guy you and I fought! Remember that? His name's Discord, right?" She tilted her head back and laughed. "Oh man, that fight was a lot of fun."


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