Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Gym/Quest Idea

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I think having it up for a couple days makes it more exciting, plus more people would rush to it just because it's only going to be there for several days. There would be more social and interacting going on, and so i think thatd be cooler.

As for having to be a higher lvl, I know by the time that comes up i guess I would be high enough cuz im one of the people who was here before the game was released, but i think other players would be pretty pissed haha, but that also depends how often this mountain shows up.

Also since you're thinking about making this place huge....
nvm I was gonna be like after he's captured that a hole show up so u dont have to back down again.

But 1. If you die you go to the pokemon center.
and 2.You can use fly.

I fail lol.


--- Quote from: Phosphorous on December 29, 2009, 05:53:00 PM ---As for having to be a higher lvl, I know by the time that comes up i guess I would be high enough cuz im one of the people who was here before the game was released, but i think other players would be pretty pissed haha, but that also depends how often this mountain shows up.

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I changed the experience formula so you'll don't level up as fast as it was in the pre-beta.

I have to say, Hiteryan, I like that second idea of yours a lot (don't get me wrong though, the first idea is pretty solid too), but I have a response to what you said here...

--- Quote from: Hiteryan on December 27, 2009, 02:25:53 PM ---Now, either this special event would last for a few days, and then the mountain would sink back into the ocean, or this would just be for the really strongest players, and the mountain would just stick there forever.
--- End quote ---

... What you suggested, with the town and the spiral mountain, sounds more like a continued quest than a special event. If you want me to explain why I feel that, you'll have to wait a day until I'm in more of an explaining mood :P.

I'm all ears Fairn :b

I chose it as a monthly event or something because people would be able to catch unique kinds of Pokémon, but any ideas are welcome.

Love it. It's very unique :)
Both ideas are great btw,a great touch :)


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