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Author Topic: Anyone willing to help a fellow trainer with moveset help for my team?  (Read 23975 times)

Offline Amphi

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any help is good on these guys as I'm not exactly sure on what to teach them, i will play somewhat competitively with them even though a few are in the UU tier
close combat is a given

energy ball or leaf blade not sure

aura sphere
shadow ball

will o' wisp

not sure at all

again no idea
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Offline babyHERO

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I'll just give you ideas for ...
Fearow - Pluck \ Mirror Move \  Assurance \ Toxic  {Hint Hint* Toxic + Assurance} I'll Leave you with that thought  ;D

Lanturn - Signal Beam \ Hydro Pump \ Spark \    Thunder Wave   

I Didn't Include Hm\Tm moves because I wasn't sure if just was just talking abt moves they pokemon normally learn. However I Did use it with fearow i just couldn't ignore that combo ..Help this helps a little ..Lanturn ....I really couldn't work with that pokemon..
  by- marijan2

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baton pass
double team
energy ball

swords dance
close combat

will o' wisp
magical leaf
focus blast

Hydro pump
Thunder wave
Confuse ray

Giga impact
Aerial ace

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I'll just give you ideas for ...
Fearow - Pluck \ Mirror Move \  Assurance \ Toxic  {Hint Hint* Toxic + Assurance} I'll Leave you with that thought  ;D

Are you sure about the Toxic/Assurance combo? I never tried it, but isn't the damage due to Toxic after all the moves were played? Hence, no doubling of power of Assurance. ???
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thanks for the help so far, would lanturn be considered a special wall?
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Offline Raikt

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In effort to balance your team, I will suggest the movesets I feel will benefit you best; take note that this is not "end all" and that everything is up for change. Moves aren't a problem either, as I'll probably be breeding for you. :p

Since you technically don't have a lead, it would be best to lead with Infernape. I figured you'd enjoy this, and he doesn't lose any of his attacking power.

Infernape @ Focus Sash
EV's: 64 Attack / 252 Special Attack / 192 Speed

- Stealth Rock
- Close Combat
- Fire Blast
- Fake Out

This set is really fun; I've tested it extensively. Fake Out is used to break other leads Focus Sash's, so that you can OHKO them with Close Combat or Fire Blast. Of course, you should always try to set up Stealth Rock first. Trust me when I say it makes a huge difference.

Lucario @ Life Orb
EV's: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Defense

- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Crunch

This set epitomizes simplicity. Switch it in on a move that will deal no damage, and on a Pokemon that can't threaten it, or switch it in once another one faints. Swords Dance once, and prepare to decimate their team. Close Combat is for STAB, Extreme Speed is for Priority on fast targets, and Crunch is for Ghosts that resist both your other moves.

Lanturn @ Leftovers
EV's: 40 HP / 76 Defense / 140 Special Attack / 252 Special Defense

- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave / Toxic

Honestly, the choice of status is up to you. Do you want to cut their speed in half, or break other walls that switch in? Thunder Wave is generally more crippling, and I would recommend it. You have a pretty good wall breaker if Infernape survives, so it's not as necessary.

Leafeon @
EV's: 252 HP / 20 Defense / 236 Speed

- Leaf Blade
- Wish
- Yawn
- Protect

Leafeon has a pretty awesome defensive stat, so you should capitalize on that. That's what this set aims to do. Wish is something that all the eeveelutions do well, so it is included of course. Yawn is another great support move, crippling a least one Pokemon on the enemy team. Protect allows you to gain in a turn of wish for free, which can also be used to heal your teammates, and put an enemy to sleep. Leaf Blade is its most powerful attacking option.

Gardevoir @ Light Clay
EV's: 252 HP / 120 Special Defense / 136 Speed

- Will-o-Wisp
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Psychic

Generally having more than one status effect not on the same Pokemon is a bad idea; but it works here as the Pokemon that switch into Gardevoir are usually always Physical Attackers. The Dual Screens, Light Screen and Reflect, are for amazing support. With Light Clay, they last for 8 turns, cutting all damage you receive by 50%.

Fearow @ Choice Band
EV's: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP

- Return
- Drill Peck
- Assurance
- Quick Attack

Fearow won't be doing much, but he is fun to use. Return and Drill Peck are for STAB and are powerful moves. Assurance is for Ghost and Psychic types switching in. Quick Attack is for revenge killing weakened, but faster, Pokemon.
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Offline babyHERO

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I'll just give you ideas for ...
Fearow - Pluck \ Mirror Move \  Assurance \ Toxic  {Hint Hint* Toxic + Assurance} I'll Leave you with that thought  ;D

Are you sure about the Toxic/Assurance combo? I never tried it, but isn't the damage due to Toxic after all the moves were played? Hence, no doubling of power of Assurance. ???

Hm.. Well I haven't thought abt that however, I just read up on both moves and it seems possible that this combo can still be used because - Assurance inflicts damage and will deal double damage if the foe has already received damage on the turn it is used. That being said, Toxic if i remember damages the target everyturn for six turn each time increasing the poison damage.. But As i imagine for this to work the user in which is using this combo must have a higher speed in order to attack first. Let me give you a example..
Say I have Fearow and you have Snorlax {Im sure you know which one is faster} So we begin the battle ..I attack first with (Toxic) then you attack with (body slam) so then after you attack you are then afflicted with the toxic affect so its my go to attack and i use Assurance and i can do so for the nxt 5 turns ..and this is the damage Poison the enemy, then using Assurance to deal great amount of damage (Assurance gets boosted up to 100 BP thanks to Toxic, and boosts up to 150 'cause of STAB). ...Now i can be completely wrong about this ...So Im not sure because Iv never tried to do it just thought about it.  :-\

  by- marijan2

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In effort to balance your team, I will suggest the movesets I feel will benefit you best; take note that this is not "end all" and that everything is up for change. Moves aren't a problem either, as I'll probably be breeding for you. :p

Since you technically don't have a lead, it would be best to lead with Infernape. I figured you'd enjoy this, and he doesn't lose any of his attacking power.

Infernape @ Focus Sash
EV's: 64 Attack / 252 Special Attack / 192 Speed

- Stealth Rock
- Close Combat
- Fire Blast
- Fake Out

This set is really fun; I've tested it extensively. Fake Out is used to break other leads Focus Sash's, so that you can OHKO them with Close Combat or Fire Blast. Of course, you should always try to set up Stealth Rock first. Trust me when I say it makes a huge difference.

Lucario @ Life Orb
EV's: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Defense

- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Crunch

This set epitomizes simplicity. Switch it in on a move that will deal no damage, and on a Pokemon that can't threaten it, or switch it in once another one faints. Swords Dance once, and prepare to decimate their team. Close Combat is for STAB, Extreme Speed is for Priority on fast targets, and Crunch is for Ghosts that resist both your other moves.

Lanturn @ Leftovers
EV's: 40 HP / 76 Defense / 140 Special Attack / 252 Special Defense

- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave / Toxic

Honestly, the choice of status is up to you. Do you want to cut their speed in half, or break other walls that switch in? Thunder Wave is generally more crippling, and I would recommend it. You have a pretty good wall breaker if Infernape survives, so it's not as necessary.

Leafeon @
EV's: 252 HP / 20 Defense / 236 Speed

- Leaf Blade
- Wish
- Yawn
- Protect

Leafeon has a pretty awesome defensive stat, so you should capitalize on that. That's what this set aims to do. Wish is something that all the eeveelutions do well, so it is included of course. Yawn is another great support move, crippling a least one Pokemon on the enemy team. Protect allows you to gain in a turn of wish for free, which can also be used to heal your teammates, and put an enemy to sleep. Leaf Blade is its most powerful attacking option.

Gardevoir @ Light Clay
EV's: 252 HP / 120 Special Defense / 136 Speed

- Will-o-Wisp
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Psychic

Generally having more than one status effect not on the same Pokemon is a bad idea; but it works here as the Pokemon that switch into Gardevoir are usually always Physical Attackers. The Dual Screens, Light Screen and Reflect, are for amazing support. With Light Clay, they last for 8 turns, cutting all damage you receive by 50%.

Fearow @ Choice Band
EV's: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP

- Return
- Drill Peck
- Assurance
- Quick Attack

Fearow won't be doing much, but he is fun to use. Return and Drill Peck are for STAB and are powerful moves. Assurance is for Ghost and Psychic types switching in. Quick Attack is for revenge killing weakened, but faster, Pokemon.
oh wow thank you for all that work ^ ^ ive never really been good at moveset stuff
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Offline Raikt

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Also, note: Toxic will not double Assurance's Base Power. It is an end of turn effect, meaning it happens after everything else, and thus the move will be executed before Toxic is applied. Stealth Rock and Spikes, however, will activate Assurance. So, as long as Stealth Rock is up, then it's Base Power will double.

Assurance is also a Dark type move, so Fearow will NOT get STAB on it.
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Offline babyHERO

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Aaah ..I know it as gonna be sum downfall ..As for Fearow yeah yur right I was actually thinkinq about Umbreon XD
I see you have a good eye for puttinq together a pokemon's moveset ..So i would like to ask what do you think is a good moveset for Gengar ..i have other members in my team downpack but Gengar has me thinkinq hard...what would be best according to you?
  by- marijan2

Offline Raikt

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Best? That's such an arbitrary term in the metagame, really. There are more than few good sets for Gengar.

If you want surprise to be on your side, you could try a mixed set of Substitute / Focus Punch / Explosion / Shadow Ball. Fighting and Ghost offer unresisted type coverage, hitting everything for at least neutral. Explosion is a last ditch effort to take out something, and Substitute is great for scouting moves and switch ins.

Another set to try would be Protect / Hidden Power (If it is Fire) / Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball. You could put in Focus Blast, otherwise you are completely decimated by Tyranitar, but I don't like the accuracy on it. It's a personal choice.

But, no more thread hijacking. This is for help on Amphy's team. If you want to post your team up in another thread, I'd be happy to give you advice on it.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 08:14:04 PM by Raikt »
Weekly awesomsauce: www.collegehumor.com/video/6359051/wow-jason-statham-really-wants-wow
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Offline babyHERO

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Interesting I having thought about movesets as such ..thnks alot you gave me an good idea of what to do with him.
Yess, sorry for going off topic. Im about to make a thread now .
  by- marijan2

Offline Gammal

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baton pass
double team
energy ball

No... Evasion moves are gay and OP.
No one will play you if you use them.

Offline Amphi

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baton pass
double team
energy ball

No... Evasion moves are gay and OP.
No one will play you if you use them.
hmm thanks for information
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baton pass
double team
energy ball

No... Evasion moves are gay and OP.
No one will play you if you use them.
hmm thanks for information

Sorry about the post, I know it was not very lengthy, but I think Raikit has covered everything pretty much.
The only thing I would consider changing  is Leafeons moves.

132 HP / 160 Atk / 216 Spe
- Leaf Blade
- Swords Dance
- Baton Pass
- Roar / GrassWhistle

'But... you already have Lucario with SD, not really anyone els to pass it on to.
And it looks like you need the wish support
I think you should stick to what Raikit said.
Or possibly change some pokes in the team. 

I know its rude to suggest changing pokes in ones team, but I will do so, and I hope you dont mind.

Ferrow to Swellow.
It has basically the same stats, but its faster. It also have the ability Guts which is very nice indeed if you put a flame orb on him.

And I would strongly suggest you get rid of Leafeon, for basically anything.

I would also suggest you take Infernape off you lead, make him a mix ape and get something like an Aerodactyl to set up a fast stealth rock for you.
Your infernape brings a lot of this teams power, I dont see loosing him early on as a viable option.

Toxic Orb / Flame Orb     
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Facade
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Protect

You can also go  Quick Attack or Pursuit in the last move slot, its all a personal.. I like scouting with protect.

Life Orb
Naive / Hasty
252 Atk / 64 SpA / 192 Spe
- Close Combat
- U-turn / Grass Knot
- Stone Edge / Mach Punch
- Overheat

Focus Sash
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

With access to Taunt and Stealth Rock, Aerodactyl can prevent opposing Pokemon from setting up, giving you time to put up your own Stealth Rock. You can then attempt to batter your opponent with either Aerodactyl or the other members of your team.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 01:56:45 PM by Gammal »