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Author Topic: Pink slips  (Read 12914 times)

Offline SantaClaws

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Pink slips
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:55:22 PM »
I bet this has already been asked, but I did not know what word to put in search tbh :S

Is there / will there be a feature where you can make a "pink slip" for a pokemon or an item etc. And then have to battle for it? I realize this in theory could be done without a system from the developers, but it would be nice with a way to prevent people from just walking away like a sore loser.

If you don't understand what I mean let me rephrase.
Player#1 meets Player#2, They both have a rare pokemon. Neither one wants to trade, because they both want both rare pokemons. They decide to duel, and whoever wins gets both pokemon. Player#1 wins, but Player#2 childishly decides that the match didn't count and walks away.

Would you consider to make a "pink slip"-system like that?


Offline Raikt

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2010, 12:09:47 AM »
There will be a report button; it will be useful for things such as hacking, glitching, exploiting, or players who are being abusive to other. It will not be used to settle petty debates such as what you proposed.

Those issues should be resolved between players. Though, honestly, agreeing to that in the first place would be a terrible idea.
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Offline BuzzKillington

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2010, 03:32:37 PM »
I like it, its like drag racing right?
It would be a nice way to add drama to the battles. I would personally never agree to  a battle with one of my team members but if i was still searching for my ultimate team and i had caught a rare pokemon i didnt really want i would fight them for it if they didnt want to trade.
Good idea
- Buzz -
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Offline SantaClaws

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 07:17:22 PM »
It was kinda like you know you're not able to catch your opponents pokemons right, that would be unfair. But this way, if both parties agree ofcourse, it would kinda still be possible.
I'm just not into all the roleplaying thing, I like the competitive aspect of games. The way it is now I feel like duels are sort of pointless, I don't see any difference from fighting wild pokemon tbh. So that's why I personally would like a feature like that to boost the competitivity(is that a word?:D) . :(
 But it has already been denied so... I apreciate your open mind though Buzz.


Offline Amphi

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2010, 06:15:15 PM »
basically betting a pokemon on the battle.... I don't like that idea
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Offline SantaClaws

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 09:27:46 PM »
basically betting a pokemon on the battle.... I don't like that idea

Gee, thanks for that slightly useless comment....

Now you guys have stated your opinion which is fine, but neither of you gave a real argument as to why..? What's up with this forum?! Is nothing up for discussion at all?? - I respect that YOU don't like the idea, but no one said it was to be mandatory (that wouldn't make sense at all). The idea was for it to be OPTIONAL, so if you don't want to bet your pokemon(or it could be an item) you can choose not to. Is it that hard to comprehend..? rly?!
- It's up to the developers if they want to bother making a system like that or not, but for gods sakes get your self together and write something remotely usefull instead of "I don't like that idea." or "agreeing to that in the first place would be a terrible idea." - Why can't you explain WHY you don't like that idea??

-One thing is to say you don't like it because it would be too troublesome to program it, and you think no one would use it. <-- This is a valid point!!!
-Another thing is to say you don't like it because you think it'll ruin the game somehow. <-- In that case explain how!

I really don't understand why you guys are against promoting competitivity though..
I already had my peace with it not being made, but reading a comment like the one above just ticks me off...

Offline Amphi

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2010, 03:15:29 AM »
'kay really, I'm thinking of this from my personal preference, I'm entitled to say my own opinion on how i dont like that idea, and dont call a person's comment useless because honestly i have every right to say that
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Offline SantaClaws

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2010, 02:04:50 PM »
'kay really, I'm thinking of this from my personal preference, I'm entitled to say my own opinion on how i dont like that idea, and dont call a person's comment useless because honestly i have every right to say that

But for what purpose? All you've established is bumping up the thread, even though:
A) the matter has already been settled
B) and you're not even contributing anything to the subject.

If I wanted everyones opinion without a discussion, I would've made a poll..

It's like saying "I don't want hotkeys in the game, I don't like them". - Well don't use them then, problem solved.

Why don't you just write what's on your mind? I actually want to read it, I'm not just flaming you dude. Atleast I explained why I found your comment useless, that should count for something..

Anyway, I think you guys should lock this thread, since Raikt already said it will not be implemented.
However @Amphy I think you should consider some of this when you write a post, have a purpose..

I want to be clear, that I'm not just flaming you (it's hard to tell on the internet). But  I want to say:

I'm entitled to say my own opinion on how I don't like... the way you're stating your opinion without any argumentation... because honestly I have every right to say that.


Offline Angeal

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2010, 05:59:21 PM »
listen to you both, bickering like two year olds, your BOTH right,

SantaClaws-Amphy is entirely correct when he says he is allowed to voice his opinion, and NOWHERE on this forum does it specifically state that all opinions must be backed up or argued

Amphy-Although I see nothing wrong with it, it is a common courtesy to explain you opinion when you wish to voice it in a debate.

now moving on, although I agree with amphy, i don't like the batteling for pokemon idea.I do rather enjoy the Pink Slip concept if it were applied to items or if the programmers wish, property, clothing, and various other miscelanious things, IF they are included.

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2010, 07:16:25 PM »
As for now our only idea was to be able to bet money on a battle, but this can be extended with items in the future.
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Offline Amphi

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2010, 08:28:50 PM »
my reasoning behind my opinion is the fact that i don't believe pokemon to be tools of betting, even though its just coding in a game, my opinion, my post, so deal with it
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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2010, 07:05:59 PM »
I don't think that pokemon or items should be listed as prizes. You are already getting some 'reputation' by accumulating wins. Trading is there to get pokemon, and this will be made fair by the team.
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Offline Raikt

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2010, 09:00:39 PM »
For note:

The idea of putting Pokemon up for grabs, and their owner being decided by a battle, inherently conflicts with the ideas behind Pokemon to begin with. Pokemon are not slaves. They are not prizes. They are not mindless machines. They are your partners, friends, and traveling companions. Items, however, are fine for this purpose.

So, I would be against any idea that promotes them as anything other than that. It would not increase competitiveness, as you claimed. Most users would be extremely lax to put any of their prized Pokemon in such a position. Not only that, but it would be exceedingly easy for veteran players to pressure newer players into such battles in order to walk away with their Pokemon, unless severe limits were placed on the battles.

In short, no. I would not like to see something like this. There are other ways to squeeze competitiveness out of battles, as seen through competitive battling on sites such as Smogon.

I already addressed the issue of reporting.
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Offline Spartan231490

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2010, 05:27:43 AM »
For note:

The idea of putting Pokemon up for grabs, and their owner being decided by a battle, inherently conflicts with the ideas behind Pokemon to begin with. Pokemon are not slaves. They are not prizes. They are not mindless machines. They are your partners, friends, and traveling companions. Items, however, are fine for this purpose.

So, I would be against any idea that promotes them as anything other than that. It would not increase competitiveness, as you claimed. Most users would be extremely lax to put any of their prized Pokemon in such a position. Not only that, but it would be exceedingly easy for veteran players to pressure newer players into such battles in order to walk away with their Pokemon, unless severe limits were placed on the battles.

In short, no. I would not like to see something like this. There are other ways to squeeze competitiveness out of battles, as seen through competitive battling on sites such as Smogon.

I already addressed the issue of reporting.

Just had to say, none of the main characters of the anime/games used pokemon as simple slaves, but it was a common attribute of rivals/team rocket.  So this concept is not entirely non-cannon.  I also feel like ash did this to get butterfree back, but that was a long time ago for me, so im prolly wrong.
On topic: I think it would add to the game, especially for items, but it would have to totally mandatory, and there would have to be some method of protecting new players from doing so foolishly.
Unrelated question: are there going to be any master balls in PU?

Offline Azaeliaz

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Re: Pink slips
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2010, 03:08:10 AM »
Yes, reporting is a good thing. But remember to get their username before they battle, because if they lose and exit out of their browser it may be hard to get their name otherwise.

But still, if people are really mature, they will agree to guide lines and stick to them. They are hurting the game by just walking away.
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