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Author Topic: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)  (Read 2406501 times)

Offline Monzta

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4485 on: April 21, 2011, 05:24:50 AM »
xbox 3600?

Holy poop!

Anyway, I used to play CoD 1, 2, 3 and 4 before it went mainstream (No hipster). But I really hate it when you play a good game for a while, then when the latest gen comes out 12 year old go and buy it not knowing the previous stories. Like ratchet and clank, Battlefield and Spyro ;_;

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4486 on: April 21, 2011, 06:21:49 AM »
Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4487 on: April 21, 2011, 12:06:20 PM »
I prefer killzone.

Offline St. Jimmy

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4488 on: April 21, 2011, 12:47:03 PM »
Fallout 3, Portal 2, and pokemon are really the only games I ever play.  I got bored with CoD Black Ops because it was just too easy, and I suck at Halo so I never really liked it...

Offline TrainerX

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4489 on: April 21, 2011, 01:23:27 PM »
Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.
Reach is actually a good game to start with, because it takes place before the first Halo game. If you play Reach first, you'll know what they're talking about when they mention Reach. Reach is my favorite out of all of the Halo games I've played(I've never played Halo 2 or ODST). I hadn't played the others much when I bought Reach, because I could only play them at my cousin's house. I read somewhere that Reach is a good way to start the series though, so I bought that first. Now I need to find the rest of the games at Gamestop or Gamequest and buy them.

Call of Duty's multiplayer is bad, mostly because it's unfair(I'm pretty sure that you guys know why, so I'm not going to explain something that doesn't need to be explained.), and the campaign isn't that challenging. I've played one of the older Call of Duty games, and that was much better. I don't remember which one it was though.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4490 on: April 21, 2011, 02:16:03 PM »
I'm really addicted to Dungeon Hunter: Alliance right now. Got it of PSN for $15-20. Definitely one of the best Dungeon games out there.
If you want a good FPS you should try Borderlands. It came out a while ago but it is still great. It's an FPS RPG with lots of weapons and I like what they did with the graphics.

Offline Viper

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4491 on: April 21, 2011, 03:32:28 PM »
Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.

That's because your all too young. I remember when the first halo came out. It was epic. A completely new game that had a great story and multiplayer. I've bought every halo game since then including halo wars, which btw when that came out I was #800 in the world for 1v1s. That game was actually fun. Anyway I still play halo reach now, I took a break after black ops came out to play that but I've come back to halo now. I realized that cod takes no skill at all and to be good at halo you actually need skill, which is why I play it.

Of course mass effect still remains my favorite game series of all time. Amazing plot and storyline plus insane graphics and good combat equals best game of all time. When ME3 comes out I am definitely going to the midnight release of that.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4492 on: April 21, 2011, 04:36:24 PM »
My router works, for my DS. But on my 360 the DNS server can't work with XBL. I tried giving it its own IP and everything  :-\

Uh ho... I hope my DS will work on the Wifi I will get ???

I see, have you tried looking on the net for people having the same problem? There are sometimes help sites. Well I really don't know...  :(

Anyway, speaking of consoles, I don't have many...

GBA Advance SP
Nintendo DS
N64 (broken)
Old PS1 that a cousin 'gave' me.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline TrainerX

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4493 on: April 21, 2011, 06:04:37 PM »
Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.

That's because your all too young. I remember when the first halo came out. It was epic. A completely new game that had a great story and multiplayer. I've bought every halo game since then including halo wars, which btw when that came out I was #800 in the world for 1v1s. That game was actually fun. Anyway I still play halo reach now, I took a break after black ops came out to play that but I've come back to halo now. I realized that cod takes no skill at all and to be good at halo you actually need skill, which is why I play it.

Of course mass effect still remains my favorite game series of all time. Amazing plot and storyline plus insane graphics and good combat equals best game of all time. When ME3 comes out I am definitely going to the midnight release of that.
I read about Mass Effect 3 in Gameinformer, and the game looks awesome. I'm going to buy the first one and the second one so that I actually know what's going on in the third game when I eventually get that. I don't think I would enjoy it as much if I didn't know what was happening.

Offline Viper

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4494 on: April 21, 2011, 09:06:18 PM »
Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.

That's because your all too young. I remember when the first halo came out. It was epic. A completely new game that had a great story and multiplayer. I've bought every halo game since then including halo wars, which btw when that came out I was #800 in the world for 1v1s. That game was actually fun. Anyway I still play halo reach now, I took a break after black ops came out to play that but I've come back to halo now. I realized that cod takes no skill at all and to be good at halo you actually need skill, which is why I play it.

Of course mass effect still remains my favorite game series of all time. Amazing plot and storyline plus insane graphics and good combat equals best game of all time. When ME3 comes out I am definitely going to the midnight release of that.
I read about Mass Effect 3 in Gameinformer, and the game looks awesome. I'm going to buy the first one and the second one so that I actually know what's going on in the third game when I eventually get that. I don't think I would enjoy it as much if I didn't know what was happening.

Oh definitely do that, it will be worth it. Not only will you be able to get the storyline, but the games themselves are amazing, even the first one.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4495 on: April 21, 2011, 09:34:21 PM »
Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.
Reach is actually a good game to start with, because it takes place before the first Halo game. If you play Reach first, you'll know what they're talking about when they mention Reach. Reach is my favorite out of all of the Halo games I've played(I've never played Halo 2 or ODST). I hadn't played the others much when I bought Reach, because I could only play them at my cousin's house. I read somewhere that Reach is a good way to start the series though, so I bought that first. Now I need to find the rest of the games at Gamestop or Gamequest and buy them.

But they don't appriciate the graphics, storyline and everything. Especially if they play reach, then play the others. I'm still amazed by the graphics of all Halo games. I mean those were beautiful graphics for a 360 game. And I recommend getting the others, they are all great.

Me too. Half my friends started with Reach. Thousands buy games for gameplay and not plot and story every day, which is one of the KEY PARTS of games! It kills me.

That's because your all too young. I remember when the first halo came out. It was epic. A completely new game that had a great story and multiplayer. I've bought every halo game since then including halo wars, which btw when that came out I was #800 in the world for 1v1s. That game was actually fun. Anyway I still play halo reach now, I took a break after black ops came out to play that but I've come back to halo now. I realized that cod takes no skill at all and to be good at halo you actually need skill, which is why I play it.

Of course mass effect still remains my favorite game series of all time. Amazing plot and storyline plus insane graphics and good combat equals best game of all time. When ME3 comes out I am definitely going to the midnight release of that.

Exactly, my best friends are smart enough to go through all the games. Why do you think they are my friends? lol. And exactly again, CoD just isn't that fun to me either.
I watched my brother play ME2 once. It did look really fun.

I'm really addicted to Dungeon Hunter: Alliance right now. Got it of PSN for $15-20. Definitely one of the best Dungeon games out there.
If you want a good FPS you should try Borderlands. It came out a while ago but it is still great. It's an FPS RPG with lots of weapons and I like what they did with the graphics.
I'm thinking about getting it from my bro. Not sure yet. It looks really fun, and he has the GotY addition.

Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4496 on: April 22, 2011, 01:26:58 AM »
Silver's 2 cents time!

Mass Effect was amazing, Mass Effect 2 did notl ive up to my expectations for gameplay, as I felt like I was playing Space Gears of War.

Halo: ODST doesn't exist.
Halo 2 is still the best Halo game.
Halo Reach changed how Cortana got to the Pillar of Autumn (For more information, read The Fall of Reach, thats what actually happened).

Everyone cares too mcuh about graphics nowadays.

You know what? Some of(No ALL of) the best games I've played have had terrible graphics by todays standards.
I just discovered Cave Story. I love it. You know what it looks like?

Graphics are nice, but they shouldn't be top priority, which games are right now, and I hate it.

Gameplay and Story should be worked out FIRST, and only then should you care about what your game looks like visually.
The thrill in playing a game does not come from our chances of winning. It is the weight and pressure of losing that fuels our fascination. It is why people challenge, why they gamble and why they compete. The adrenaline that comes from defying defeat is what motivates us.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4497 on: April 22, 2011, 02:03:26 AM »
Exactly, its important, but it comes after the more important things.

Like FF 7/14 (I can never remember) the one with Cloud Sepheroth Shiva Red XIII, ya know the one? It was great, and didn't have the best graphics.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4498 on: April 22, 2011, 02:21:24 AM »
Exactly, its important, but it comes after the more important things.

Like FF 7/14 (I can never remember) the one with Cloud Sepheroth Shiva Red XIII, ya know the one? It was great, and didn't have the best graphics.
Thats 7. 14 is an mmo.
My favorit game is still the US final fantasy 6(or JPN final fantasy 3 whichever way you like it)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 02:23:01 AM by Roloc »
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: Chit chat thread (May contain offensive content)
« Reply #4499 on: April 22, 2011, 03:26:00 AM »
No it's not. It's for PS1. Maybe it was 13? idk.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.