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Author Topic: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0 <Noon; Cloudy>  (Read 617408 times)

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2010, 11:55:41 PM »

I walked outside and sat down of the grass. I don't know how to explain what happened next, but it just did. I saw a Scyther and a Crogrunk playing around (Nothing like that...) and I got a feeling, that I was ready, to be a Pokemon trainer. I dashed across the road to Rowans Lab. "Good morning Dax, what can I do for you. Well I need a Pokeball, badly." "Why?" "I'm going to become a Pokemon Trainer!" "Oh good for you!" Rowan handed him a Pokeball, and he ran back outside. He slid to the forest and kept running. The Syther and Crogunk were still there. Dax didn't know which he wanted, but they gave him the rush, the rush a Trainer gets. And he had to have one, they encouraged him to be a Trainer. So he looked away and threw the Pokeball. He heard the grass rustle, one had ran off. He heard the Pokeball click, he had caught one of them. He didn't know which was which. He looked back, and he grabbed the Pokeball. "Hm, I'll know sometime, I'll let it rest." He went back to Rowan's lab. "Did you catch your second Pokemon?" "Yup! I don't know what it is yet though." "Well, just release it when you wanna, now, take these." Rowan gave him a Pokedex, 5 Pokeballs and a Pokebook. "Hum, what is this? Pokebook?" "Well it is a book that tells the location of Pokemon." "Well Rowan, thanks but no thanks. I think I will catch the right Pokemon on my own, I don't want my journey to be something I plan." "Alright, that is fine with me." "Either way, I don't think  can give you anymore advice then that. Good luck Dax." "Thanks Professor." Dax walked out that door and couldn't begin to imagine the journey that awaited him in the Region of Sinnoh. 
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #46 on: November 05, 2010, 01:36:32 AM »
Amphi, Larvitar, and Tsutarja watched as Jerry and his Chimchar gracefully caught their first addition to their team. Larvitar and Tsutarja ran up to Jerry, and Chimchar, and they congratulated them.  Amphi still standing there just staring in amazment.

-He might become a problem for my mission, I hope he will continue being on the "good" side. Amphi thought to himself before walking up to Jerry and congratulating him.

- Good job Jer, glad you caught a pokemon for the first time. Amphi smiled as he said this.
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #47 on: November 05, 2010, 03:40:28 PM »
- Thank you everyone! I was afraid that I wouldn't catch it... a couple of seconds later and it would have unleashed a powerful Shock Wave on Chimchar and I don't think that Chimchar would have been able to withstand so much power. Well, I think that it's time for us to do some more training. Let's get back in Kanoko. I'd like to visit the pokemon centre which opened this morning and heal my pokemon when we're there.

They exited the woods but to Jerry's surprise, the stranger they saw earlier battle N was on the ground.

- Wait... I thought he already went to the pokemon centre!? We can't let him like that. Would you help me take him to the pokemon centre Amphi?

Jerry grabbed the left arm of the stranger and pulled the latter up a little on him. Chimchar was following closely, not knowing what it could do.

- Hey! Hey there? Can you hear me?
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #48 on: November 05, 2010, 06:29:53 PM »
Amphi helped Jerry take care of the mysterious guy, Larvitar and Tsutarja walked beside him, helping with what ever they could.
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #49 on: November 05, 2010, 06:39:19 PM »

Deccers' head spun as he came round. He was being manhandled by the two boys from earlier. Unable to fight he groaned and closed his eyes. Tatters had crawled under his t-shirt and was clinging on for dear life.

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2010, 07:10:58 PM »
The stranger groaned a little but couldn't seem to be able to fully gain consciousness.

Jerry and Amphi carried him to the pokemon centre where a nurse told them to put him on a bed in a room she directed them. Then, both of them had to wait outside while the stranger was being taken care of.

- I hope that he'll be okay... Jerry told Amphi.

Meanwhile, Jerry handed Chimchar and the pokeball of Shimama to another nurse for them to be healed.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Amphi

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2010, 07:14:08 PM »
Amphi, Larvitar, and Tsutarja went and relaxed at a nearby table, for some odd reason they were all tired, even though they had never done any thing.

-Amphy asked if his two pokemon would like some food, of course the question was also aimed at Jerry too.
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2010, 07:38:54 PM »
- Sure. I didn't notice that so much time passed since we set off into the woods...

At that moment, the nurse came back with Chimchar and Shimama's pokeball.

- Thank you! Let's see how is Shimama now.

Jerry pressed the button on Shimama's pokeball and the pokemon materialised in front of them.


It rubbed it's muzzle in Jerry's hand.

- Welcome to my team Shimama! This is Chimchar whom you've battled with earlier. It was a great battle! Here is Amphi, a friend. You probably saw him with me earlier, with his Tsutarja and Larvitar. We were going to eat now. Are you hungry?

Shimama nodded enthusiastically.

- Okay, just like I thought! Let's go to the cafeteria to have something then, Amphi!
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2010, 09:59:58 PM »

Deccers woke up to see a friendly Nurse Joy above him.
'Rise and shine.' She smiled at him.
'Uhh.. hey.' He managed to mumble. His head still felt as if an elephant was jumping on him.
'Where am I?' He asked; noticing his hoody and shirt in the corner of the room.
'In the poke'centre.' She grinned at his obvious discomfort of being topless.
'You'd lost a lot of blood, and something must have made you excited because your adrenaline levels were through the roof.'
'Yeah, some punk challanged me to a battle.'
'It wasn't exactly a great idea to accept when you're in that state.'
'Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks for the help, but I'm leaving.'
He quickly pulled on his t-shirt and jumper, noticing that somebody had washed the blood out.
As he turned to leave she called at him.
'You can take the bandage off in a few days, but you'll always have a scar! And the boys who brought you in are waiting out front!'
Deccers followed the signs back to the reception. It seemed much bigger inside than out. He stumbled in on the guys who'd been carrying him.
'Alright?' He greeted them.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2010, 10:24:19 PM »

"Whew, I'm not used to walking like this." He stopped at the entrance to a cave and sat down. *Pant, pant, pant* "Geez, I forgot about getting tired. This journey isn't going to be easy." He saw a kid walk up. "Hm, wow you are so lazy! Get up and get your journey started!" "I'm lazy, I bet I could beat you in a battle any day!" "Yeah right!" The enigmatic guy threw out his Pokeball. "Go! Krabby!" "Wow, Squirtle is way better! Now I know your rusty but we can do 'dis!" Squirtle blasted out of his Pokeball. "SQUIRT!" Squrtle started off with a Water Gun. "Good start!" THe foe used a bubblebeam "Wow, tough Pokemon!" "Thanks" "Alright Squirtle time for a Bubble attack!" The foe used his Bubble also. "Crap, this will be to long, I gotta get on with my adventure!" "Whaddya gonna do then!" "Get my other Pokemon out." "Huh!" "Yeps! C'mon out... well we'll see won't we! Haha!" The Pokeball flew out and...
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #55 on: November 05, 2010, 10:29:28 PM »
  Me and Chimchar spent time training in the woods.  By the time we were done  I could tell that cyndaquil was stronger.  We walked back to the pokemon center and when we got into the lobby I saw a man on the bench who appeared to be sleeping.  I pulled a sandwhich out of my bag and gave Cyndaquil some pokemon food. 
  I then studied the map across the room, and one region struck me as interesting. I'm gunna go there, I thought to myself.
  I noticed Cyndaquil was done with his food, so I returned him to his pokeball and walked out the door.

Offline xhizor8201

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #56 on: November 05, 2010, 11:31:51 PM »
Xhizor finally made it to Cherrygrove City. The first thing he did was go to the pokemon center to heal his pokemon. After that, he checked his map again and to see where he should be headed to next.
-"Looks like Violet city is our next destination, but first, let go get something to eat" he said.
They went to the nearest restaurant and ate.
They waited a little while before leaving because they were so stuffed. They paid for their meal and they left the restaurant. Xhizor checked the description about the town and he noticed that it had a gym in it.
-"Cool, our first gym battle is coming up. You prepared Treecko?" he asked
Treecko nodded
-All right then, lets be on our way" he said.

Offline St. Jimmy

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #57 on: November 05, 2010, 11:53:51 PM »
   As I was walking out of the center I saw a pokemon in the at the edge of the woods.  I quickly released Cyndaquil from its' pokeball and we chased after it.  It was a Kibago and it wanted to fight.
   It attacked with scratch, but cyndaquil dodged the attack and hit it with ember. Cyndaquil then tried to tackle Kibago, but it dodged and hit Cyndaquil with dragon rage.  Cyndaquil was hurt, but it didn't want to stop fighting.  It used one more ember on Kibago and then I threw a pokeball.  One... Two.. three... Click!
   I had caught my first pokemon.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 05:47:00 PM by St. Jimmy »

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2010, 04:25:03 PM »
As they were about to head to the cafeteria, the stranger appeared before them. He seemed to be in better shape.

- Alright? he said
- Oh, I'm glad that you're feeling better. I'm Jerry. This is Chimchar and this is Shimama, my pokemon. And here is Amphi and his pokemon, Tsutarja and Larvitar. It was a nice match earlier and seeing you down like that on the ground... we brought you here and were about to have something to eat. Want to come with us?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 04:40:37 PM by Jerry »
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2010, 02:01:05 AM »
Amphi started on his way to the cafeteria, of course larvitar and tsutarja were following him closely.  Once Amphi was at the cafeteria he went over to the counter and dinged the little waiting bell.

- Hello, how may I help you? The kind lady asked in a cheerful manner.

- I would like to order some food, please, is that the menu? Amphi asked as he pointed up at a board with various things written on it.

-Yes it is, what would you like? Again she said in a cheerful manner.

-Hmm, well, First of all i need food for both my pokemon, preferably the pokemon food that is for a certain type, so I'll take food for rock types, and food for grass. Amphi said happily

-Okay, and would you like anything for yourself? She asked

-I'll just take a cheese burger combo. Amphi said calmly.

-Okay then, you can go sit down, I'll bring the food right out to you when it's ready.

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