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Author Topic: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0 <Noon; Cloudy>  (Read 617797 times)

Offline DrPinkies

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #75 on: November 07, 2010, 08:17:01 PM »
As Jerry leaves I shout,
"I will be in the cave training if you need me!"
I quickly leave the cafeteria and head into the cave.
To Skorupi:"You must get lonely, not having another pokemon companion, lets change that."
Immediately after entering the cave I spot many pokemon, a few Geodudes, an Onix, a few Zubat's
*Hmmmm, none of these type spark my intrest*
Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spot a Haunter.
It will be a tough fight...are you up to it Skorupi?"
He seems to understand and scratches his front claw against the ground.
Atleast we will catch it off guard, Skorupi use Crunch!
Skorupi lands a heavy blow on Haunter, who was completely unaware of it coming.
"Now use Pin Missle!"
Skorupi fires a volley of poisonous pin's towards the dazed Haunter.  Three volleys hit head on, but just as Skorupi launches the fourth Haunter quickly retaliates with a Shadow Ball, and hits Skorupi head on, and sends him flying against a wall.  Before I have a chance to command Skorupi, Haunter uses a Dark Pulse attack.
"I knew this was too tough of a battle, Skorupi lets leave quick!"
I notice a look in his eyes, he wasnt going to give up just yet.
"Fine, only because there is a Poke' Center close by, Use Poison Fang!"
Haunter attempts to use Lick, but his toungue gets bitten with a Poison Fang attack by Skorupi
"Yes! Now finish him with him with another Crunch"
After the Crunch attack hits, I throw a Poke' Ball.
*We did it! the poison must have made it easier to catch!*
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 02:51:25 AM by DrPinkies »

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #76 on: November 07, 2010, 09:59:12 PM »

The other guys left, leaving Deccers and Tatters alone at the table. Making sure nobody was looking, he checked his mobile.
Sure enough, attached to a text from a few weeks ago was a picture of Light; along with a figure underneath.
Deccers had left Team Rocket on amicable terms, if there could be such a thing with a criminal organisation. And therefore, was under no obligation to carry out their orders. However, there was a hefty reward and money didn't exactly grow on trees.
He figured he'd postpone the decision until later. This extra info could give him an advantage.
'C'mon Tatters.' He called to his poke'mon as he left the table. 'We're outta here.'

Offline DrPinkies

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #77 on: November 07, 2010, 11:23:40 PM »
After a quick run to the Poke' Center, I return to the cave, and train with both of my pokemon, Skorupi a little more then Haunter.
*Skorupi has to be close to evolving, I figure the next couple of battle should accomplish that task, but, i have no idea on Haunter's current state, for all I know it could have went from a Ghastly to itself seconds before I caught it...I'm going to get Skorupi to become a Drapion, and go from there.
I continue power training Skorupi for many hours, and setup camp there, awaiting the return of Jerry, hopefully to get more information.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 11:25:29 PM by DrPinkies »

Offline Amphi

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #78 on: November 08, 2010, 12:29:53 AM »
Amphi decided he might as well go out and train for awhile, he figured that Jerry would be out somewhere looking for a battle, so he figured why not go see him.  Amphi slipped his snag machine on to his right arm, and put a special contact into his left eye that lets him see a shadow pokemon's aura, unfortunately the contact makes his eye appear red.  After getting his contact in he grabbed his bag and had larvitar and tsutarja get on his shoulder.

-Tsutarja, are you ready to go after some shadow pokemon? Amphi asked his new partner.


Amphi, Larvitar, and Tsutarja, left their room, making sure to lock the door on their way out, and went to find Jerry. After searching for around a few minutes, Amphi found Jerry outside battling a person, he just caught a glimpse of him taking out the houndour, and saw the trainer release a Quagsire, Amphi noticed that it was a shadow pokemon, but unfortunatly since Jerry was battling it he couldn't go after it, and he couldn't tell Jerry what it was either, it was his job to figure it out on his own, at least according to the Oath Amphi had to take when he became a snagger. 
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Offline DrPinkies

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #79 on: November 08, 2010, 01:22:36 AM »
  Suddenly, after defeating a Dugtrio, Skorupi started glowing, It was evolving!  I give the command to Stop, and the glowing fades.
*Good, now that I have Skorupi's evolution in my back pocket, I can either choose to save it for a dire situation, or go through with it after all, all I would need is Skorupi to win a few battles.*
I open my laptop and break through Team Rockets firewall, and access the member list.
I thought as much, Deccers is an Ex Team Rocket member as well, his 'Tatters' gave it away.  But judging by the way he looked at me, he may know my secret...or i'm just thinking into this too much, its natural to look at strangers that way...Either way, He and this 'N' may be the two perfect people for my master plan...Deccers is the easy one to contact, this 'N' is much harder to find...
I use my cell phone to send a text message to Deccers mobile phone[Which is located under this]
the number which I got from Team Rockets member list.  After sending, I take out the battery, and destroy both that and the phone, to prevent tracking. By the sounds of 'N' he is a little younger, so I will use a lower vocabulary, he won't be able to resist 'N' calling him out openly after that defeat.  I chuckle softly.

Hello Deccers,
This is N, meet me in the cave by the Pokemon Center, for our rematch battle, I feel I did not hurt Tatters hard enough, and your pride is still alive, I still yet need to crush it.  I will be in hiding here all day, and will only come out when I see you come in...ALONE.  Unless of course your afraid of someone clearly stronger then you.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 02:47:34 AM by DrPinkies »

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #80 on: November 08, 2010, 02:40:12 AM »
  I woke up after a few hours.  I wiped the drool from my mouth and looked out the window.  Meadows and woods and mountains covered the earth beneath me.
  Suddennly a loud voice boomed over the intercom, We will be landing in about one hour.
  I then fell back asleep.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2010, 09:23:26 PM by St. Jimmy »

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #81 on: November 08, 2010, 08:01:25 AM »
The Quagsire that the boy sent out didn't seem strong at all... it seemed rather dumb by its looks.

- This will be okay Chimchar. The type disadvantage you have will be manageable. Use Mach Punch, go!

Chimchar ran and punched the Quagsire. However, Quagsire's jelly like body merely made Chimchar bounce off.

- We'll see if it'll be easy... Quagsire, use Water Gun!
- Chimchar, dodge and Flame Wheel!

This was the move Chimchar just learnt and which the speed he rolled, the easily dodged the attack and hit Quagsire on the head.

- Good, now Ember!

Chimchar threw spits of fire as soon as the attack landed and succeeded in burning the opponent.

- Ha! Good job Chimchar! Mach Punch now!
- Protect!

The Quagsire embraced itself into a purplish aura and completely stopped the attack. "What? How is it that the protect move has this purple aura? It is usually green!?"

While Jerry was wondering, The boy ordered Quagsire to use Mud Shot and this attack slowed down Chimchar.

- Now, finish with Water Gun!
-Dodge it Chimchar!

Chimchar was too much slowed down by the mud. It fainted upon the Water Gun attack. Jerry frowned and took Chimchar back into its pokeball.

- Shimama, I'm counting on you! Go!

Once again, Shimama was on the field.

- Use Quick Attack!

Quagsire once again used Protect and proceeded with Mud Shot.

- Dodge using Nitro Charge!

Shimama obeyed and hit Quagsire, evading the Mud Shot. Quagsire was becoming at last tired.

- Use Charge now!
- Heh, use Mud Shot!

Shimama jumped in the air avoiding the attack and Charged. When she landed, she used Shock Wave, on the ground beneath Quagsire, making it stumble down.

- It's now or never! Use Quick Attack to send it in the air, then Nitro Charge!

Shimama did as instructed and slammed the Quagsire on the trunk of a tree.

- Darn, your pokemon are tough... I need to train mine more...
- Yours were tough too... I had a hard time with them... especially your Quagsire... have you noticed the purple aura of its Protect move? Is it not strange?
- What are you talking about? You didn't see the move, so you don't know what you're talking about. Bye now.

The boy turned away and walked quickly. Jerry was confused at the reaction of the boy upon his question... this felt strange... As he was about to head to the pokemon centre, he spot Amphi.

- Oh, you're awake! I guess you saw my match. Let's go back to the pokemon centre.

Jerry didn't dare about speaking about the strange Quagsire... Amphi might think he was crazy or something like that, just like the boy reacted... "No," he though. "I'll prefer not saying anything until I'm sure something is going on..."
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #82 on: November 08, 2010, 03:41:01 PM »
Amphi walked to the pokemon center with Jerry, wishing he could tell him more about shadow pokemon and the small device on his wrist.

-Hey Jer, that was an awesome battle against that quagsire, I wasn't sure if you could pull off a win against it.
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #83 on: November 08, 2010, 07:26:41 PM »

Deccer's train of thought was interrupted by the ping of an incoming message.
Hello Deccers,
This is N, meet me in the cave by the Pokemon Center, for our rematch battle, I feel I did not hurt Tatters hard enough, and your pride is still alive, I still yet need to crush it.  I will be in hiding here all day, and will only come out when I see you come in...ALONE.  Unless of course your afraid of someone clearly stronger then you.

'Interesting...'He pondered. 'That punk's done his research. I didn't tell him anything. And why the stress on coming alone? Not that I need anybody else. The cave's good though, my dark clothing should allow me to sneak up on him. He'll have no chance in all that white. I'll make him squirm though.'
Having made his mind up, he set off to the forest for some pre-match training. He'd been working on a combination attack for Tatters.
'Tatters! Go!' He shouted.
The rattata bounded off, hitting a tree with Quick attack. Next was a dodge, he bounced back out of the way as pine cones dropped off of the brances above. To counter he jumped back in, this time with an iron tail quickly followed with a crunch, reducing the tree to splinters.
'Excellent mate.' He encouraged. 'I reckon we've got this one covered.'

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #84 on: November 08, 2010, 08:13:48 PM »
- Thanks! I wasn't sure either to win this battle... this Quagsire was really strong... I'll need another pokemon to support my team soon...

As they both walked in the Pokemon Centre, Jerry handed his two pokeballs to Nurse Joy. A couple of minutes later, he was given his pokeballs back.

- Hmm... I wonder where Deccers and Light are... I guess they couldn't wait anymore. I made up my mind. There is still some time left, enough to go to Sanyou. I'll be training on the route if necessary. I'm just going to buy some stuff and set out. We should be in Sanyou by this night, just in time to go to bed. You are coming with me Amphi?

While saying those words, Jerry had already ordered some potions and pokeballs with the seller of the centre.

- Thank you, here's the money.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #85 on: November 08, 2010, 09:04:48 PM »
-sure why not, I'll come with ya.

Amphi bought some pokeballs and a few potions just incase, and stuffed them in his bag with the rest his stuff, and noticed he had some apricorn balls from Johto, a huge amount of them actually.

- Hey Jer, I just noticed i have some special pokeballs with me from Johto, would you like one or two of them? my bag's quite full and I'd like to clear it up a little.
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #86 on: November 08, 2010, 09:06:33 PM »
- Oh sure! Why not? I'll be very grateful! Which one do you think I should take...? This Moonball seems nice...

(Okay, off to sleep now, see you!)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #87 on: November 08, 2010, 09:09:12 PM »
-Take which ever ones you want, i have plenty, Amphi said as he pulled one of each out for Jerry to see
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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #88 on: November 08, 2010, 11:42:05 PM »

Dax saw a Pokemon out of the corner of its eye. Then he saw the man he was fighting run away "What is wrong with you! We are in the middle of a battle!" "I don't care! This is more important!" "Wow the people here... five minutes with the first trainer I see in sinnoh and he just runs off, I wonder if somewhere else would better suit me? First I gotta see what that guy was up to!" Dax ran off towards him. "There you are!" "Wh-!" Dax tackled the mystery man. "What's your problem!" "I didn't want you to hurt that Pokemon, it saw you are ran off. It didn't wanna be captured!" "I've been after that Pokemon for 2 Years now, it always comes and goes. We kinda became rivals, and I want it... that Shiny Charamander...
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: [RP]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0
« Reply #89 on: November 09, 2010, 01:09:13 AM »
*Hmmmm, why isn't he here by now? I ponder.  *He may be contacting authorities, or gathering friends...I don't know if this 'N' has a warrent out on him...I wanted to save this, but I may not have any other chances...*
I release Skorupi from his Poke' Ball.
"Skorupi, use Pin Missle on that Dugtrio!"
I continue training Skorupi until eventually he began to glow very bright.
"I no longer have a surprise evolution in my back pocket, I'll have to save that tactic for Haunter I suppose, but this is precautionary."
Skorupi evolved into Drapion.  I return him into his Poke' Ball and begin to work on traps just in case.  I put a large figurine in white clothing, made to look like 'N', sitting on rock with a book in it's fake hand.  And under a stone archway in the cave entrance I dig giant holes, with the help of Drapion, and cover them up with a thin canvas and dirt on top, perfect pit trap.
*If he comes alone, I can let him out easily.  If not, I have a large headstart.*
I dim the light in my camp, so you can't see the figure isnt real, and wait patiently for some action.