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Author Topic: [RP]Pokemon Chaos  (Read 8414 times)

Offline DarK_SouL

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[RP]Pokemon Chaos
« on: June 19, 2010, 12:23:00 AM »
OK so I decided to start an RP and its gonna be AWESOME!!!!


This takes place in a region trainers have yet to discover. Here Pokemon live without being caught and battling (although they do battle alot but on there own decision.) But lately a few evil teams have been trying to lead trainers to this place because they think all Pokemon should have trainers and not be wild. We have to stop them!

eerfekop (spell it backwards): Is a place where a Pokemon goes if they want to be free and wild. Trainers have yet to find this place.
Rules: Read Amphy's Worldwide RP rules.
Locations: here are the places you can start at.

Sparpe- A barren desertish place in eerfekop where there are few shops and alot of training room. (Ground, Rock, Bug)

Kleob- A more high tech place in eerfekop where there are many shops and training facilitys to train in. (Normal, Ghost, Steel)

barefs- a forest place with a bunch of trees and lakes where there are shops built into the trees and grass for Pokemon training. (Grass, Water, Poison)

nofler- A village place where big fires are made and Ice is used to freeze the fire, there are shops in huts and you train near the fire. (Fire, Ice, Electric)

Greawi- A place slightly elevated in the air there are big shops and clouds for fighting on. (Flying, Dragon, Fighting)

nerfga- A peaceful place where no living creature can argue, with rare shops and temples to train in.  (Dark, Psychic)

Meeting- The place where friends from everywhere meet also where this of this RP begins...
(All teams 5 members I will make more as more people come)

Team X-Chaos- Mr. Pokemon, Fire Master
Team No Doom- ChibiVampire, Amphy, Boyben10, Jerry, LucarioX (NO-DOOM CANNOT HAVE ANYMORE MEMBERS)

You can join Good or Evil whichever you like most remember only 5 per team though (I am in No Doom)

Name- (what is your Pokemon's name?) (LEGENDARYS ARE PROHIBITED ALSO GEN 5 POKEMON)
Nickname(optional)- (What do people call you?)
PU Name- (What is your name on Pokemon Universe?)
Personality- (What is your Pokemon like?)
Item- (you may equip one item)
Starting Location-(where do you start at)
Team- (what team do you work with)
Moves- (What are your moves.Only 2 TMS, you may use move's your Pokemon can learn in any way EX: Breeding, Events or Move Tutors to see your pokemon's full moveset go to: www.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.com

OK this is all. (If I missed anything please tell me!)

« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 10:42:26 PM by LucarioX »
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 09:57:09 PM »
((Gotta stop using the same names.))


Aura woke up, but he had a weird feeling, like something bad might happen today. "Whatever happens I'll be ready for it!" Aura walked outside, he thought about training but decided against it. He instead would go to Meeting, just the place where you go to meet new people and the place with all the shops. When he got there he saw a lot of people were there today.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2010, 10:12:28 PM »


Aisu woke up one day in her bed. She blinked a few times, stretched, and then yawned. She quickly rushed out of bed getting ready to leave. Next to her bed, was an Amulet Coin, a memento from her grandmother that had recently died, and left the home for her. "Thank you grandmother... I won't let you down..." "You will become the prettiest of the Froslass, I just know it!" Her grandmother's words echoed in her mind. Aisu wore it, and then walked outside into the snowy fields. On one side of her house, was the local city, Nolfer, filled with people and shops. And on the other were open fields where wild Pokemon lived. Aisu always battled them everyday, trying to save up enough funds for the only item she wanted. A Dawn Stone. Today was just another day of collecting for her.
Could you click my links daily?

Offline duotent

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2010, 09:13:20 AM »
Eevee woke up in a daze looking for its parents when he comes across a small pond he takes a drink and out pop his parents to vaporeon they had come to visit him because he had to stay with his grandparents till he evolved he jumped on his parents and played with them he then went to bed as his parents left and said he was gunna join make a team so he could search for stones little knowing he could evolve without them he packed up a bag so he could look for people to help him in his journey
(POKEMON CHAOS) Eevee:tackle, quick attack, dig, shadow ball
(A RANDOM POKEMON RP)ponyta:growl
(NEW Generation)gyarados:splash tackle
allmy roleplay charcters and there attacks plus the rp thir for

Offline boyben10

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2010, 08:47:28 AM »

Slowpoke woke up from its nap on the edge of a nice stream in the nerga area, and quickly realized its prized posession, its king's rock it liked to wear proudly on its head, was missing. It then frantically got up and looked around the immediate area for it, but could not find it, so he asked a nearby alakazam, who then pointed to slowpoke's tail. slowpoke turned its head and then saw that it's king's rock had somehow ended up on it's tail, so he retrieved it and then proceeded to place it on his head. Slowpoke then went swimming in the stream, and then later took a nap on a nice warm rock in the sun.
I like slowpoke.

Offline Jerry

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2010, 07:15:43 PM »

Sneasel was still sleeping. It's been a rough night, the hailstorm outside made so much noise that he made nightmares... those of the night that his parents were trapped. He awoke with a jump, then realised that it was only a nightmare. He could remember that night as if it happened only yesterday. Those humans with  black coats, pursuing his parents, and he into their arms, with the heavy downpour... then, the cliff which suddenly appeared in front of them from behind the bushes... the sound of the  humans getting closer, and there was nowhere to flee... they found them, and raised their nets... his family and himself would be getting trapped for the rest of their lives. Then, he remember his mother putting him down, and faced the humans, together with his fater... then this surge of lightning hitting the edge of the cliff... separating him from his parents, while the part of the cliff where he was, fell down, his parents, desperate, jumped towards him. At that instant, the humans threw their net and prevented them from going any further. This was the last sight of his parents. The next moment was just blank.

Sneasel has been training hard since then. He found a remote area, called Nolfer and discovered that the pokemon there fought for their freedom. He heard that there were some pokemon who especially got in groups and helped keep humans away. Sneasel dreamt to be one day in one of those groups. He has been training hard now, but he knew he had yet much much more to learn. This was a new day, and he had to overcome all his past memories. After all, the past cannot be altered, but he could at least try to secure a good future. He looked at the small claw hanging from his neck. This was the only thing that he had of his parents. He took it with his claws and held it tightly, closing his eyes...

- Mother... father... you miss me so much... One day... one day, I'll be strong enough to fetch you. I don't care of how much time this will take, I just know that I will saved you from those humans.

As he was mumbling those words, a tear ran through his face. 'No' he thought. 'Tears are for the weak, I shouldn't do that'. He wiped off the tear, and got out of his tent. The weather was clear now, and a cool breeze ran through his body. It was be another day of training.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline duotent

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2010, 06:38:48 PM »
after awaking in the morning and saying good bye to his parents and grandmoterEEVEE TRAVELED TO THE LOCAL TEAM BASE FOR POKEMON WANTING TO PROTECT OR FIGHT HUMANS FOR THEIR LAND he traveled all day and part of the night trying to reach the base and finally found in the entrance was on the rock he was standing on located on the highest moutain in his hometown hoping he could see the base he went up there after finding the base eevee approached the team manager and asked if he could join a team the team maanager asked  "what team to ou wanna join or do you wanna start your own sqaud" to which eevee replied "i wanna join a team but i dont know what team to join so ill just see if one of the wants me""ok you will just have to go to the adopt a team member area and say i said to put you up for team adoption"so eevvee did and sat around waiting and playing till he gets accepted by a team
free feel to add me to a team im justy gunna wait till i get accepted btw all moving words are OOC(Out Of Charcter)
(POKEMON CHAOS) Eevee:tackle, quick attack, dig, shadow ball
(A RANDOM POKEMON RP)ponyta:growl
(NEW Generation)gyarados:splash tackle
allmy roleplay charcters and there attacks plus the rp thir for

Offline kyuubiruler

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2010, 07:00:50 AM »

bio:born in pokefree and lived here his whole life
moves:aura sphere,dig,metal claw,qiuck attack
looks like:

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2010, 07:40:57 AM »
You need to SEND me a messege, if you wanna be in this RP.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2010, 12:06:33 AM »
((I was getting annoyed with the way I use Lucario so much so I'm now a Treecko and you guys can change to but only once every 3 months and only three times in all.

Also Duotent post in the OOCC section. We already have to many members so you have to join X-Chaos, and by the way we haven't made a Base or anything yet. Also it isn't Human we are fighting, it is a group of Pokemon who are trying to get humans to find the land.

and last I think like in my other RP, we should choose a select level, because what is the fun of training if we already know moves like Overheat and Aura Sphere and Ice Beam. Can you guys send me a PM with some ideas. Then when I am done, I'll post here and all I need you to do then is edit your moveset with the same rules as the other RP, The Dark Ones, it says: Only one TM and we have to know moves that we would learn at our levels.))

"Well I guess I'll just go train a little to" Before he finished his words he heard an explosion and then was unconscious on the floor. He woke up with a group of Pokemon, some still unconscious, some not. He saw 5 Pokemon, the same number of this group. "Yea the boss called us over here, he knocked them all unconsious, said they looked pretty tough, but if they woke up and escaped they would fight him, and he didn't want to get scratched before he killed them" "Oh don't worry about them escaping, I tied 'em up real good". "I have to find someway to get us all out, we can defeat them if we are not trapped." He looked over to the Pokemon. "Does anyone know a move that can get us out?"

Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline Jerry

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Re: [RP]Pokemon Chaos
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2010, 11:08:51 AM »

Sneasel walked towards a board to see that there was a group recruiting 5 members to take part in rescue missions of all sorts. Sneasel thought for a while and he concluded that it was the best way for him to acquire experience and power in battles. He read the address of the Meeting place and went there. There was already 4 pokemon there and he seemed to be the last one who arrived. There was a Treecko, a Snorunt, an Aron and a Slowpoke. Sneasel waved at them to greet them and stood in a corner.

They stood there waiting... they didn't really know exactly what to wait for, but they all waited. At last, the Treecko spoke and said that he was going to train himself, but he didn't have time to finish his sentence; something exploded from behind the wall to which Sneasel was leaning and the next moment was only blank.

Sneasel woke up in a jump. Everybody else was still unconsious and dust was still in the air. He didn't know what was happening yet, but he saw a shabby figure from the dust. He saw it tie to something to each pokemon, then came to him. Sneasel felt that his hands were being tied by a rope but he was still too weak to move. He then fell unconscious again. He woke up as he was thrown onto the ground.

He opened his eyes and saw that the rest of the pokemon were still here. He was now in a clearance in the forest. Just then, the Treecko woke up. From behind a bush, they could hear voices...

- Yea the boss called us over here, he knocked them all unconscious, said they looked pretty tough, but if they woke up and escaped they would fight him, and he didn't want to get scratched before he killed them.
- Oh don't worry about them escaping, I tied 'em up real good

The Treecko then said that we had to escape, but to do this, we had to set ourselves free.

- Does anyone know a move that can get us out?

Sneasel felt slightly better than before and could manage to move his hands a little.

- I... I'll try. I am weakened, but I'll see what I can do. Uuurrrggggnnnnnhhhh!

Tchack! The rope that held Sneasel was cup into pieces. The claws of Sneasel were sharp enough to set him free.

*pant* *pant*

- Ok guys, I'll set you free now.

Sneasel spotted a bush with some berries nearby. He picked several of them and brought them to the pokemon. He ate some, and as he regained his strength, Sneasel used Scratch on the ropes of the other pokemon as quietly as possible. Soon, they were all free and eating berries to regain vitality.

However, as soon as they were all set free, the two pokemon noticed them and managed to trap all but Sneasel and Treecko.

- I don't think I'll have enough energy to battle those two... I think that we better use the little energy that we have to flee and rest up somewhere he told the Treecko. We'll make up a plan and manage to free them, I promise.

Upon those words, Sneasel grabbed the Treecko and ran through the woods.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 12:53:57 PM by Jerry »
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...