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Author Topic: The Steel Cave  (Read 4485 times)

Offline BuzzKillington

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The Steel Cave
« on: June 06, 2010, 08:29:24 AM »
The Steel Cave
In Game Context: Around lvl 30-40 for your Poke’mon at least after the fifth gym leader...
You leave a town (let’s say for argument sake the fifth gym town) As you are leaving town you see a rugged path of the main track. On closer inspection (Press A at the gateway to the path) it says

“A dull metal pathway, unused for some time”

You are intrigued and walk down the path way, It is a dull grey path with rocks and weeds. You travel down and see a large building its similar with a dull grey metal open doors, dishevelled looking building, doors ajar and weeds every were. A large Sign is covered in grime (Press A Welcome to the Metal Works, your one stop shop for all things steel) As you walk through you see piles of steel girders and such, everything is abandoned. Finally you come to a glowing room. You walk in. There is a large, muscular smith (much like Hagrid) working at a forge.
“Hello what is this place?” you say
“Ugh, don’t matter no more, people don’t come here anymore” he replies
The chat window ends he pulls something out of the forge and the sprite of a metal coat appears. You walk over to it click (it says the smith has just produced a metal coat, it is still warm). You return to the man.
“May I have that metal coat?” You say
“No, that there is too valuable it’s the last bit of steel I have left, after the mine was locked up”

“What happened?”
“Why don’t you go down and find out for ya self”

You leave the chat window and walk down the stair case to the right. Down the stairs is a rock hewn chamber with a huge shiny metal door. Cart tracks lead up to the door but are cut off by the door. You walk back up the stairs and talk to the smith.
“Yeah Capius shut down the mine and locked himself inside, some say he turned mad with power and wanted the cave for himself, here i’ll show ya something”

He takes you over to his living quarters in an adjacent room, he gives you a ledger and you read the entry. It describes the flourishing business off selling steel and forging metal coats and other steel items. People flocked here to buy the best steel products in the land. Two brothers Capius and Copias ran the forge. The two were powerful trainers both specializing in steel the pair were training in the cave against the steel pokemon preparing for the pokemon league. They travelled to the league and Capius and Copias faced each other in the final, Copias defeated him and gained the glory and was invited to run a gym in the league. Capius was furious when he returned to the forge. He was obsessed with training and the forge began to lose customers and become un viable. Teh forge began to lose its prosperity and people lost their jobs. Capius locked the doors to the cave and is said to be training hard in the cave, non stop, driven by rage.
The Smith tells you that he is out of steel and that Copias is the only other one with the key, he tells you he is the gym leader in the next town. You say you want to help him get more steel and to reunite the brothers.

You travel to the next town were the steel gym is. You explain the situation to the brother. He cannot leave the gym but asks you to take the key and give a letter to his brother. Its at his house in the mountains above. You climb up the path have to fight some pokemon and trainers and reach his house obtain the letter  and the key and head back toward the forge. You open the door and move into the cave. The black rocks are glinting with small silver steel pinpoints. You move through the cave fighting level 30ish steel pokemon and some rock pokemon. You travel through and reach the end, a thin dishevelled man with crazed grey hair is standing their a Steelix Bashing the rock in front of him. You encounter him and he turns enraged and attacks. He has a Magnamite lv 30, a Scizor level 34 and a Steelix level 36. You beat him and he calms down he reads the letter and says he will forgive his brother. He elaves through a back passage and you go back to the smith. He tells you you can buy a metal coat from him anytime. He is elated and moves down into the mine.

Rewards: The Abilitly to train and catch pokemon in the Steel cave
Access to a new route that leads to the steel gym town (the route Capius left by)
The ability to buy metal coats from the forge
Access to fighting the steel gym which now becomes a Double Battle Gym with both brothers as the letter told of how Capios convinced the league to change it to a double gym.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 09:09:23 AM by BuzzKillington »
Narcissism, Arrogance and Antipathy are the key to my existance...

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: The Steel Cave
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 09:01:24 AM »
Haha... Wow, your really good at that. Hopefully this quest will be accepted, I would love to accomplish this! XD!
Could you click my links daily?

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Re: The Steel Cave
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 12:17:08 PM »
Intriguing! I like it. I'm not going to make any suggestions or anything like that, I'm more curious to see how you develop on your own. I'd definitely be interested in reading more from you, and meeting you on IRC sometime.

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Re: The Steel Cave
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2010, 12:55:28 PM »
Wow, I really liked it!
Maybe you should try writing some other quests sometime.

Offline Jerry

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Re: The Steel Cave
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2010, 07:07:37 PM »
Yup, great quest, great story behind, the flow is good, well elaborate.

And you should be proud, spirit doesn't always say that he likes it straight away. ;)
Keep up the good work! :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline neokills

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Re: The Steel Cave
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 12:49:39 AM »
great idea sounds good.
***Thanx to lucariox for this great signature***