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Author Topic: gym battles  (Read 19308 times)

Offline neokills

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gym battles
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:32:54 AM »
i recent post i read made me think of this, ok in the show the gym leader sometimes only uses 2 sometimes 3 pokemon, and the same rules apply to the challanger, now my suggestion is that if the gym leader only uses 2 pokemon then the trainer should only be able to choose 2 also making the strategy harder.

also i think the g ym leader should have a "bank" of maybe 6 to 10 pokemon and when the challenger goes to battle, if the gym leader for this gym is only going to use 2 pokemon then game will randomly pick 2 pokemon from the "bank" so that way the challenger does not know which pokemon they will have to battle and then will have to adjust their battle styles accordingly. reason being because if the challenger knows exactly which pokemon he or she will b fighting they will just be able to set their team with the types/pokemon that are strongest against the gyms type/pokemon.

I hope i didnt make that too confusing but I thought it would b a great idea let me know what u think

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Offline Jerry

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 07:46:05 AM »

On another note, I don't think that all the good trainers (so to say) get their 6 pokemon right from the start. Most, if not all, the trainers I know catch certain pokemon as they progress, hence these rules are not that necessary for the first few badges. But as the difficulty increases through the game, there will more pokemon from the Gym Leaders, hence, these rules will not be as necessary. However, if there was a system where that Gym Leader would impose those rules, it would be interesting if (s)he always chooses one particular pokemon (his/her strongest) and two random pokemon from a set of pokemon.

Or perhaps make the rules even more difficult, by allowing the challenger use less pokemon than the Gym leader ::)
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Offline SantaClaws

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 12:48:54 PM »
I don't like the idea that you have to use less pokemon. This means it will be useless to train more than 2-3 pokemon at a time??!! That's just wrong, and it does NOT "make the strategy harder", on the contrary!! If you have more pokemon, you have more abillities to choose from, and therefore you have more options, hence more different strategies. In the gameboy games you're able to just train 1 or 2 pokemon alone, and they will become so strong that they kill everything in one shot and therefore never gets hurt... Is that what you want?? PU should promote trainers with wide variaties of pokemon and skills.. not just have one super pokemon that only has attacking moves, but a team which has leer and growl etc. to soften up the opponents pokemon, and then send in the strong beasts to finnish the job imo.
- I do like the idea that the gym leaders pick random pokemon though, or maybe even choose a specifik team to counter your own well.


Offline neokills

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2010, 12:59:08 PM »
I don't like the idea that you have to use less pokemon. This means it will be useless to train more than 2-3 pokemon at a time??!! That's just wrong, and it does NOT "make the strategy harder",

You would still have to train many different kinds and types of pokemon, you couldnt just go through with 2/3 pokemon unless you only made 2/3 really strong and didnt train anything else. you would still have to train almost every time so you hvae the advantage in the gym battle, and by not know which pokemon the gym leader will b using will make it more fun and harder, because if you dont know what they will have or use you will need to train many many different kinds of pokemon.

do you honestly think that a gym battle where you get to use 6 pokemon and the gym leader only has 2 pokemon is realistic? if thats the case then maybe all the gym leaders should just have 6 pokemon then. so then it still works both ways.
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Offline SantaClaws

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 01:37:41 PM »
You would still have to train many different kinds and types of pokemon, you couldnt just go through with 2/3 pokemon unless you only made 2/3 really strong and didnt train anything else. you would still have to train almost every time so you hvae the advantage in the gym battle, and by not know which pokemon the gym leader will b using will make it more fun and harder, because if you dont know what they will have or use you will need to train many many different kinds of pokemon.

I disagree, making combos between different kinds of pokemon will create more viable strategies. By restricting the number of pokemon you can use, all your pokemon would basicly have to be strong attacking types. If you can have 6 pokemon, as I said, you can make combos by softening up the opponent and then take it out easier.. It's one of those small things that would make the game different from the rest, by making those skills like leer and growl remotely usefull!
- a psychich and a fire and a leaf for example would counter just about anything wouldn't you say?? So why not just train those 3 exclusively if you can't use any more pokemon anyway? -If you can have more pokemon, you'd have more moves to choose from == more options == good game.

do you honestly think that a gym battle where you get to use 6 pokemon and the gym leader only has 2 pokemon is realistic? if thats the case then maybe all the gym leaders should just have 6 pokemon then. so then it still works both ways.

Okay, please don't get me started on "realistic" in a f....... pokemon game..... That's just ridiculous.. But if the gym leaders have 6 pokemon, the battle will be longer, harder, and it can have more different outcomes.. Meaning the gym leader will have more "options" on how to approach you, and yourself him aswell. 
- Also, why would the gym leader only use 2 pokemon if he has more? (Asuming he is randomly picking pokemon). Ofcourse it'd make sense if it was somekind of gym-rule, but again, I'd just prefere if you had more pokemon to choose from.. Why'd you even bother train an entire team of 6 pokemon if you can't use them all in a gym battle anyway?? -imo you should be able to use up to 6 pokemon, so you can make more different combos.. There's no one saying that YOU can't make that rule for yourself to make it "harder"/"fun" for yourself, but I just don't agree that it would be any harder, since training more pokemon takes longer than training few pokemon...

- However, I see no problem in making somekind of tournament or events where this would be implemented. I just don't like the idea in the normal gyms.

- Santa

Offline neokills

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2010, 06:35:43 PM »
i still have no idea how you can think that the game is harder when the gym leader only uses 2 pokemon and you get to use 6, How is that at all in any way hard? almost any team of 6 could beat any gym just because of the simple fact that you have 6 and they only have 2 or 3. its too easy any one can do it as proven by ALL of the other pokemon games where any kid with a gameboy older than 5 can beat it. just seems to easy to me.
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Offline SantaClaws

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2010, 11:54:17 PM »
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. In the gameboy games I always had like 2 maybe 3 pokemon that I trained exclusively, and never used anything else. It is actually much harder to train several pokemon at a time. I hope the PU team will make it so that a team of low level pokemon can stand a chance against a strong pokemon. Because in the gameboy games, if you just train 1 pokemon it'll eventually be able to KO everything in one hit, and therefore never get hurt. So imho, it'd hurt the game if it forces you to train few pokemon into high levels opposed to several pokemon that can work well as a team with different combinations.
- Please explain to me why you think anyone would bother train 6 pokemon if you can only use 3 of them at a time. Pokemon should be about teamwork even amongst your own pokemon.
- That being said, I really don't care how many pokemon the gym leader has. It's not about the number of pokemon, it's about the strength of the ones you have. He can have 2 or 3 or 6, idc but restricting the number the player can use I feel will ruin the game. It's a good idea for a tournament event maybe.
- The random pokemon idea is great though, I like that.


Offline Jerry

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2010, 09:04:02 PM »
But then, the Gym Leaders won't be the Gym Leaders of Nintendo, they'll be those of PU, and I can assure you that they plan to make it so that when you face a gym leader, you will need to show your worth to obtain your badge. At times, yes, one pokemon can go on a win streak. Say it's your starter. Now, you got half of your badges with this one pokemon. You head on to the next gym, but hey, this gym holds a type strong on your pokemon, and guess what? Your move pool just cannot take the pokemon in one hit or two, before your pokemon gets down. And then there is the balance team ensuring that any pokemon can beat any other pokemon. Well, you'll be 'blocked' on this gym leader if you're not well prepared. (You won't know which type the Leader has until you go up to him/her, well, unless someone else tells it to you.)
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Offline neokills

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2010, 09:11:43 PM »
that brings another issue to my attention, in the show when the gym leader sends out a pokemon ash is able to just pick and choose which of his pokemon are best to battle with, so i dont know if i like the idea of just the "front" or 1st pokemon to automatically be sent out, esp. if you dont know the gym's type and what pokemon he/she would be using.

I think you should be able to go into a gym match and once the gym leader sends out a pokemon you can choose which 1 you want to send out.
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Offline Jerry

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2010, 09:14:28 PM »
Yes, that's another option... I doubt though that it'll be implemented.

Say in a PVP battle, what will determine who sends the first pokemon. Obviously, the one sending afterwards will have an edge on the first one... ::)
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Offline neokills

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2010, 09:18:33 PM »
well a coin should be flipped, or the trainer with the highest level has to send out 1st. something like that, or it could be made so that you can only choose which 1 you send out ONLY for gym battles, and it would be normal for all the other battles
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Offline Jerry

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2010, 09:24:15 PM »
That's better! :)
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Offline TheGr8

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2010, 04:18:49 AM »
well a coin should be flipped, or the trainer with the highest level has to send out 1st. something like that, or it could be made so that you can only choose which 1 you send out ONLY for gym battles, and it would be normal for all the other battles

Flipping a coin would be fairer in my opinion. I like the ideas implemented. PU will amaze us im sure :)

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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2010, 04:26:26 AM »
that brings another issue to my attention, in the show when the gym leader sends out a pokemon ash is able to just pick and choose which of his pokemon are best to battle with, so i dont know if i like the idea of just the "front" or 1st pokemon to automatically be sent out, esp. if you dont know the gym's type and what pokemon he/she would be using.

I think you should be able to go into a gym match and once the gym leader sends out a pokemon you can choose which 1 you want to send out.

Do you remeber in the games? There was this guy near the door, and he would inform you of the types. Thus, you can adjust your Pokemon types.

Though, Types arent everything, so dont worry about it.

This is something like that is most likely going to be implemented.
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Offline Frenchfry

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Re: gym battles
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2010, 04:52:56 AM »
that brings another issue to my attention, in the show when the gym leader sends out a pokemon ash is able to just pick and choose which of his pokemon are best to battle with, so i dont know if i like the idea of just the "front" or 1st pokemon to automatically be sent out, esp. if you dont know the gym's type and what pokemon he/she would be using.

I think you should be able to go into a gym match and once the gym leader sends out a pokemon you can choose which 1 you want to send out.

Do you remeber in the games? There was this guy near the door, and he would inform you of the types. Thus, you can adjust your Pokemon types.

Though, Types arent everything, so dont worry about it.

This is something like that is most likely going to be implemented.
Unbreakable, we aren't supposed to know what pokemon the gym leaders have until we go up against them. That means that unless some guys who don't like being rule-followers post the gym leaders' types in the forum, nobody will know until the battle. Even if they post this, most of US are going to be playing the DAY the game's released, or soon after, meaning anyone who's going to be reading this without finding it with the search bar will be battling the gym leaders not too soon after the first guy in public beta.

You're right, though. Types aren't everything. I pwned the half the series' water gyms with fire types. That may be because I overtrained my starter half the time, totally ignoring the rest of my team...