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Author Topic: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~  (Read 7255 times)

Offline Mr Pokemon

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[Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:17:35 PM »
Here I will post the profiles for A New Life. Only I will post here, with a few exceptions. If you want to join the RP, send me a profile message using the format provided here. Thank you!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 11:03:44 PM by Mr Pokemon »

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 11:03:57 PM »
My Profile:
PU Username: Mr Pokemon
RP Char. Name: Urchin
Faction: none
RP Char. Personality: Kind, Outgoing
RP Char. Age: 13
RP Char. Bio: Urchin's parents died when he was only 5. Then, he went to live in an orphanage, where the owners didn't know how to handle children. One day Urchin decided to run away from there, and he figured things would go better than they did. He spent most of his days roaming the streets of Pakittis, looking for scraps of food. Every day he saw children playing with full stomachs. He wished he could join them, but life was not so kind. Urchin had been taken in by several families, but their other children, jealous of the attention he was getting, kicked him out then said he ran away. With nothing to go back to, he returned to being a street urchin. Urchin Plays a harp when he is bored, he is very good, and can sometimes make some money on street corners.
Starting Town: Pakittis
Starting Pokemon: Hoothoot
RP Char. Picture:
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 05:55:30 PM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 11:24:55 PM »
PU Username: ChibiVampire
RP Char. Name: Kennie
Group: No Group
RP Char. Personality: Kind, Generous, and not afraid to stand up for herself
RP Char. Age: 16
RP Char. Bio: Kennie was born into a rich family, but never really got used to it. She always walked with, and befriended the people that worked for her family, and soon she was loved by everyone. Her parents often trapped her in the mansion where she lived. One time she sneaked out and found a young female Caterpie being attack by a Spearow. She grabbed a stick and and whacked the bird. She took the Caterpie in her care, Kennie's parents don't know about it, but every servant did. And they did what they could to help. Kennie named the Caterpie "Ritz" but sometimes calls her "Rita". Ritz had a personality of her own. Kennie played with her as much as she could while her parents were busy or away.
Starting Town: Raichville
Starter Pokemon: Caterpie
RP Char. Picture:

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 10:57:35 PM »
PU Username: Ninja Neb

RP Char. Name: Scy

Group: None

RP Char. Personality: Scy is a gentle and kind young man, who loves to help out others. He is caring, and passionate about the dragon type. Being brought up in the mountian, Scy is also a shy person, but also very strong willed, never breaking just like the stone that surrounded him. Can be clumsy, and hates anyone and anything that would try to cause anybody close to his heart pain.

RP Char. Age: 17

RP Char. Bio: Scy was just a child of 2 when his uncle, an ex dragon tamer, was placed in charge of him, when his parents where arrested for secetly supporting a criminal syndicate along with thier boss, who turned out to be on of the figure heads of that syndicate. His uncle lived high in the mountians, above the town of Gyran, where he and his dragon tpye pokemon lived in seclusion. Scy was brought up around these pokemon, and soon became very attached and passionate about pokemon, especially the dragon type. As he grew older, his uncle taught him the values of discipline, kindness, loyalty, truth, and goodness. Scy always knew about his parents, and how they where tied to criminal organizations, and how this organizations where the ones what caused the world must sorrow, and soon Scy began to hate anything that would hurt the things close to his heart. As scy became 10, he started working around in the mountian areas, only with his uncle and never with anybody else, sometimes it was biulding shelters for the baby dragons that lived with them, and sometimes it was going down the mountian to gather fire wood.

Whenever they needed something from the town, Gyran, it was his uncle who went down. Scy's uncle was to protective over Scy, and never let him into the world until he has turned 17, then he would be able to go see the world for himself, but because of that, Scy has become shy towards other people, and became very sensative, often taking jokes seriously and sometimes the wrong way. Not long after he had turned 16, his uncle gave him and egg. His uncle told him that the pokemon that was i this egg was going to be a valuable partner for Scy, and that before he set off on his journey he should hatch it. Scy took care of the egg, and carried it around with him no matter where he went on the mountian, and not long after wards, the egg had hatched, and Scy had his very first pokemon, Charmander. Scy had expected a dragon type, and asked his uncle why he got a charmander, he learnt a valuable lesson from his uncle. His uncle told him something that was passed down from his dad, and his grandad. "The power of the dragons is something that must be earned and not given. Prove yourself to be capable, and the dragons will choose you to tame them." Scy took those words to heart, he should of known that he must first earn a dragon pokemons respect, before being granted a partnership with them. So when Scy turned 17, his uncle told him it was his turn to go into the world, and that it was his turn to carry on his families legacy of the dragon tamers. Heading down the mountain and into Gyran, Scy began his very own pokemon adventure.

Starting Town: Gyran

Starter Pokemon: Charmander

RP Char. Picture:

« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 10:42:33 AM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 10:42:50 AM »
PU Username: Sora
RP Char. Name: Agnes
Group: None
RP Char. Personality: Agnes is clam, careing, carefull person, who allways puts others in front of her. For a true friend she would do just about anything. But she has some serious trust issues. She is allso overemotional, daydreamer and a bit of a loner. She can speak in front of great audience, but she won't go and speak with a stranger her age. She would rather make friends with a loneley person than with a group of popular people.
RP Char. Age: 14
RP Char. Bio: Being a daughter of a world-known pokemon professor and one of best pokemon breeders, an ex. member of elite four, Agnes lived a life full of pokemon. Before she even went to school she knew more about pokemon than most adults. She spent her childhood in laboratory and books insted among other children, so she never really made much friends.
Everyone allways expected the best from her, as her parents where so sucsessfull. As a 10 years old girl she got piplup's egg as her first pokemon. Piplup, later named Blue however turned out to be nothing like her owner. Little pokemon was outgoing, loveable, hyper, naive and made friends in no time. Somehow this personality diffrence made a strong bond beetween them.
When she turned 12 Agnes set out to her own adventure. (I hope it's logical she has more pokemon by now  ;D)
Starting Town: Swan Point
Starter Pokemon: Piplup
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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2010, 12:16:42 AM »
PU Username: Jerry
RP Char. Name: Jerry
Group: None
RP Char. Personality: Outgoing, quite careless about things and has a lot to learn yet.
RP Char. Age: 14
RP Char. Bio: Jerry was a boy who's parents been trainers travelling all over the area. He obviously inherited their passion for travelling and battling. He is sometimes over confident though and doesn't hesitate to push his pokemon off limits.
Starting Town: Pakkitis
Starter Pokemon: Turtwig
RP Char. Picture:
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 12:22:25 PM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2010, 12:16:53 PM »
PU Username: St. Jimmy
RP Char. Name:Jimmy
Group:no group
RP Char. Personality:Social, Selfless, Independent, and isn't afraid of anything.
RP Char. Age:13
RP Char. Bio:Jimmy grew up in the small town of Gyran. When Jimmy was 12 his parents allowed him to get his first pokemon and he chose a Treeko.  Jimmy wanted to leave home to go on a pokemon journey, but his parents wouldn't let him leave. It has been a year since Jimmy got Treeko and they have become a strong team, but Jimmy's parents still wouldn't let him leave. On the night of his 13th birthday he ran away. Now he has only Treeko to keep him company.
Starting Town:Gyran
Starter Pokemon:Treeko
RP Char. Picture:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 01:41:38 AM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2010, 12:18:52 PM »
PU Username:duotent
RP Char. Name:siran
Group:none yet
RP Char. Personality:shy but protective
RP Char. Age:13
RP Char. Bio:was raised by a tribe of wild eevees and its evolved forms raised in the forest around eukrye were he was born when he was a child his whole family was killed by the people of kamelot for having saved the life of the pokemon they were trying to destroy the legendary pokemon articuno tho they healed it in secret the children found it and told their parents articuno saved siran but was too late to save his parents so articuno left him with the tribe of eevees now his 13 birthday has come so he and the eevee that acted as his brother decided to start a journey.yes i am a male.
Starting Town:eukrye
Starter Pokemon:Eevee
RP Char. Picture:

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2010, 07:47:37 PM »
PU Username: Monzta
RP Char. Name:Renji
Group: Kamelot
RP Char. Personality: Stubborn, brave and serious
RP Char. Age: 15
RP Char. Bio: He woke up one day with no memory. Everyone treated him badly. He wants revenge.
Starting Town: Pakkitis
Starter Pokemon:Gastly
Appearance: none..

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2010, 12:21:05 PM »
PU Username: trainer Silver
RP Char. Name: Hector
Group: no group
RP Char. Personality: Selfish, quick thinking, reckless
RP Char. Age: 16
RP Char. Bio: Hector was always in his fathers shadow. The Champions son. The one who could never surpass his father. His father didn't know. He was too busy taking on trainers who thought they could have his title on a regualr basis. So he told his father he was going to live with his grandfather in Raichville to make something of himself. He was given a cyndaquil as a going away present. No goodbyes; no you can't go. Just, "Hes a cyndaquil, hes yours now. The ship to Olivais leaves at sunset."

Little did his father know, but Hector's grandfather ded a month before, and Hector burned the letter notifying his father of the event before anyone could read it. When he got offf that ship, he was on his own...
Starting Town: Olivais
Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil

« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 12:45:54 PM by Mr Pokemon »

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Re: [Profiles] ~A New Life-RP~
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2010, 12:56:05 PM »
PU Username: Gold
RP Char. Name: Fang
Group: No group
RP Char. Personality: Misanthropic. Does not like people very much, loves his own pokemon. Prefers to stay away from groups of people and is not trusting when he is with people. Very logical, tries to make sense of everything and bases actions on logic instead of emotions.
RP Char. Age: 17
RP Char. Bio: Found on the door step of his "parents" farm. He was raised on the farm but never felt as if he belonged. As soon as he was able to get his first pokemon he left Ungarid. On the road traveling from place to place he found the worst side of humanity. He was given no sympathy or pity from anyone, the only things he could trust were his pokemon.
Starting Town: Ungarid
Starter Pokemon: Eevee
RP Char. Picture:http://tinypic.com?ref=2hp2f05"