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Author Topic: Just a Story I Wrote...  (Read 5523 times)

Offline Naoko

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Just a Story I Wrote...
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:53:45 AM »
     Megumi Akiyama lied down on the park bench, sighing as she finally got to rest. She started to close her eyes since she was tired from not sleeping at all last night. It had been a few hours since she had gotten to at least relax, though. The ueki-ya* had kicked her out early that morning, probably thinking she was some kind of creep or something. Megumi didn't mind, though. She had been through a lot in her life. It was just too painful to remember, but how could she forget?

     On her eleventh birthday, Megumi's parents decided to go get something special for her. They left her alone when she was taking a nap, but the house maid was there to watch over her. Unfortunately, there was a drunk driver on the road and he ran into the driver's side of the car which killed Megumi's mother in an instant. Her father tried to rescue her and get himself out of the car, but another car couldn't slow down in time and hit the other side of the car, killing her father. Megumi didn't find out she about the horrible accident until four hours later when police came to the house.

     After that, the house maid quit and the Akiyama estate was sold to someone else which soon became the Yamaguchi estate. Megumi went to live with her grandmother from then on. She had to do most of the work though, because her grandmother was ninety-two years old and had arthritis. But she didn't mind working, because she loved helping others. Three years later, when Megumi turned fourteen, her grandmother passed away in her sleep. Ever since then, Megumi has been exploring Japan while sleeping in parks and shopping in local convenient store for food.

     She sighed and looked at the sky. It had started to cloud a little bit now, but it was always best to stay positive. "I'm not going to let some rain stop me!" she shouted, even though there was no rain at that moment. Someone came by, probably another ueki-ya, and looked at her.

     "Why're you sleepin' on that bench?" he asked, saying it in almost gibberish.

     Megumi blinked. She thought if she should answer him, or if it was best to run away. She was a kind person so of course she was going to answer the guy, but what was she going to say? She was an orphan for a year and a half and had no where to go...? What if the guy was a freak and decided to kidnap her? Taking a deep breath, she said ass calmly as possible, "Sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night so when I was resting on the bench after taking a walk, I must have fallen asleep. I'm sorry."

     Thankfully, the guy seemed to believe her. But he sat down next to her, towering at least six inches above her head. He was like a giant, and it only made Megumi more uncomfortable. "Why're you all alone out 'ere?" he asked her with a cocky smile.

     Megumi got up and ran from him. She didn't want to seem rude but that guy was really acting freaky. "Sorry!" she shouted as she got further away. She ran out of the park and stopped by the brick wall that surrounded it. Sighing, she rested against it. She was happy to be away from people, or at least away from that weirdo. Rain started to pour down, but Megumi didn't mind. She liked the rain. It was the best idea that she left, though, so she started to head off.

     She didn't know exactly where she was, unfortuantely. No one seemed to want to answer her either. Suddenly, things started to get blurry. What's going on? She couldn't see two inches in front of her. Then...thump! She fell onto the sidewalk unconscience. Everything after that was hazy. Until...

     "You awake yet...?"

     Megumi slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in a bed. "Eh?! What happened?!" she asked, looking around frantically. Her eyes finally rested upon a boy. She settled a bit. Something about him shouted out to her that let her know he wasn't going to hurt her. He was just concerned. She sighed.

     The boy smiled. It seemed like the light from his smile lit up the whole room, and the room was pretty big too. "I'm Satoru. I found you unconscience in front of the park," he explained.

     Megumi sank into the covers. She had fainted...and if Satoru didn't find her, who knows who would have? "I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble, Satoru-sama." Her face was completely red from embarrassment. But her usually optimism and cheerfulness came back right after that. She smiled and exclaimed, "I'm Megumi Akiyama~! It's really great to meet you Satoru-sama~!"

     Satoru laughed. He was glad to see that Megumi was all right. It was best that she rested a little longer though. But Megumi was a fast healer. Satoru wasn't going to let her out of his sight, even if she insisted she was perfectly fine. No one is absolutely, perfectly fine after just fainting an hour ago.

     Megumi got out of the bed and twirled around. She suddenly stopped and looked towards Satoru. "By the way, where am I?" she asked him. It probably wasn't a good place since his face started to become red like hers a few minutes ago. She suddenly got nervous. Had she been wrong about him? Was he actually another weirdo?!

     Satoru looked up at Megumi, his eyes glowed a yellow color when they were a normal hazel a second ago. "Shikashi maho no chikara...Yume to nemuri ni ochiru**," he said in a voice that could put anyone in a trance, and that was exactly what he was going for. As Megumi fell back asleep, he walked over to her. "We're at Utashinai Academy of Wizardry for Boys, and I have disobeyed orders by helping you and bringing you here."

**Through the power of magic...fall into a dream and sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Okay, so this is a story I'm turning into a manga. (I might even get it published. Yay!) I just felt like sharing it for now, because...I guess I'm going to need some feedback. So, feel free to comment on it or whatever. It's just a manga idea I had and I turned it into a story for now. The main idea is an orphan girl meets two boys who are actually wizards and go to a boys only school of wizardry. So after she collapses and one of the wizards takes her back to the dormitory of the school, he listens to her backstory and offers her to live with him and his roommate. Unfortuantely, this means trouble because she isn't a wizard nor a guy! Adventures, romance, and comedy are what I intend to include but this is only a small entrance story. Anyway, I'll stop talking now. I hope you liked it~

Offline Jerry

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Re: Just a Story I Wrote...
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 10:46:46 AM »
Yes, it's interesting. Nice work and keep it up! :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Just a Story I Wrote...
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 11:50:35 AM »
Sounds a Little bit like: Mamotte Lollipop!, but I wouldnt know for sure, I only read the Description of that one. This is similar, yet way different. Good Job
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Naoko

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Re: Just a Story I Wrote...
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2010, 08:27:37 PM »
Thanks, guys! Aw, and I thought I finally had an idea that was all mine...oh well. I guess it's okay if I'm not really copying it. ^ - ^

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Just a Story I Wrote...
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2010, 08:46:44 PM »
Its like i said, 2 boys, 1 girl, Magic...Those are the only similarities though.

(There are 2 Boys, right?)
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Naoko

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Re: Just a Story I Wrote...
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2010, 08:57:09 PM »
Yeah, I guess. Anyway, thanks! :D
(There's about...three or four guys I think...I'm still mapping out some things.)

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Just a Story I Wrote...
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2010, 09:01:28 PM »
Im looking forward to it. (Insert Cheesy way of saying Thank you Here...)
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.