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Author Topic: idea for a town  (Read 5598 times)

Offline spirit

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idea for a town
« on: December 26, 2009, 08:17:11 PM »
ok, first, just in case anyone is confused, i am not part of the pu team, i am merely just making a suggestion for a town/side quest i was considering using as a submission to apply for a job as a story writer.
bear with me if this gets long....i think it will

so there is this campground in the middle of a forest between two very far separated villages where you can find some "travelling" (obviously not actually travelling) merchants selling various products like potions, pokeballs, and room decorations (with preference on unique items). there are also many pokemon trainers (CPU), in and out of tents that you can verse, and in the middle of it all is a large bonfire pit with a man standing near it that tells you of rumors in the pokemon universe. you can never really tell if he is crazy or telling the truth, but you are able to go out and search (mini quests) to either prove or disprove his crackpot stories.

they do not have to be in order, when you speak with him, a message box would come up and he would ask what you want to hear about from a variety of topics. some of these topics would be fake stories put there to throw people off, but every once in a while he would have a rumor to tell that was actually true. when you complete one of the real missions he would become impressed with your abilities and would tell you about more difficult tasks that he thinks you may be capable of, since you were able to manage the last mission.

perhaps he would only have a list of 5 stories to tell at a time, and only one of them would be real. every time you complete the real one, a new set of 5 would appear. there is also no reason these cant have a rotation bases as well, effected by time of day, or day of week. for instance, there are 20 stories per skill level, between midnight and 7:00am he tells the first 5, between 7:00am and noon he tells the next 5, between noon and 7:00pm he tells the third 5, and between 7:00pm and midnight he tells the last 5. from these 20, 4 would be actual missions you could take part in, 1 for each of the 4 time sets. but that is just an example, it could very well be completely different numbers, and could even have a different number of stories to tell for each rotation.

anyway, as you complete more and more of his missions (which btw, is a great, fun, simple way to employ quests for trainers), his missions he asks you to take part in get increasingly absurd, and difficult. then, eventually (perhaps at only a certain time of day as well), he would tell of a hidden village that lives inside a nearby mountain, unfortunately, he does not know where this village, or even where the mountain is as there are many around the area. this hidden village has been locked in civil war for decades, and shows no signs of stopping any time soon... "of course this is just a rumor, and is highly unlikely"

but we know it's not a rumor.... because i said it here.... anyway, you leave the campground (did i mention it was a campground? i can't remember) and shortly after, a strange person, wearing red, runs and bumps into you (unseen by anyone who didn't stumble upon this quest), you find out from him more about the mythical place, when he mentions that he has to run away from something, and tells you not to go where he just came from (or something more creative), so you disobey, and go searching in the direction he just came running from, only to discover a cave entrance (that cannot be seen by anyone who hasn't already done any of this). you enter the cave and find nothing but a long tunnel full of pokemon and at the end is a pond (still inside the cave), but no one is there (all other trainers, including real people, during this part of the mission are invisible), so you leave the cave. after you leave, someone emerges from the empty cave, bumps into you, stares at you for a moment, and then runs off. this person, unlike the last one, is wearing blue, not red.

so you re-enter the cave, go to the pond, and discover that you can dive into the water, so you do. you follow an underwater maze for a while, and eventually come out inside a hollowed out mountain.
if you haven't already guessed this is the hidden village
if you remember the town inside that one mountain in the middle of the sea in ruby and sapphire, picture that, cause it looks somewhat similar to that. there is a large lake you are currently sitting on, you can surf around and find small islands in the middle or along the sides in random locations. surf to the north and you find a shore to which you can get off and talk to many people.
all the people at this point will just ask you what district you belong to and will say nothing further if you cant supply one.

go to the pokemon center to heal up and one of the people inside will pick you out as a foreigner and tell you that you need to pick a district to belong to if you want anyone to talk to you as the villiage is in a civil war between three groups.
the first group is at the base of the village along the watery edge, up level and small cliff edge, is the middle district, keep going up and you find the top people's. all these groups are rivals, with the bottom people hating the top people the most, and vice-versa. the middle people do not like either, but are more tolerant of the two.

one of the first things you will notice here is that every trisection looks a little different, (i will try to do a little sketch later to add here to show you what i am picturing in my head).
the bottom people live in a sort of tropical village-hut type of building, while the middle people live in caves built into the side of the mountain, and the top people live in buildings resembling nests.
as it turns out, the bottom people are of the water tribe, the middle, are the stone tribe, and the top, are the roost (flying) tribe. the pokecenter is in the watter tribes section, as they are the healers. the pokemart is in the roost section, as they can transport goods more easily. in the middle is a stadium, as they are the strong type, and act as the glue that hold the water to the sky.

if you go to the stadium (which happens to be in the very middle of everything) you will find many people standing around, some are arguing between their tribes, some are talking strategy between one another. there are also three people in the building who if you talk to will determine that you are not yet a member of any tribe and will attempt to recruit you to theirs. of course you have the ability and the right to decline their offer, but should you accept, you will first have to pass a trial mission.
to enter the water tribe you must collect a special pearl from the bottom of the ocean.
to enter the stone tribe you must collect a special pebble from the depths of the caves.
to enter the roost tribe you must collect a special gem from the tops of a tall spire.
*note, you can only join one tribe*
after you have joined one of the tribes, you are given some extra apparel for your character if you want to wear it (assuming you can change your appearance in the game), you also are given approval to enter a sacred part of the mountain.
*for the water tribe, this means a guarded underwater series of canals (and some caves that are not full of water, but only accessible through the under water canals) full of items that would be most beneficial to the types of pokemon there. these areas are full of water and ice type pokemon
*for the stone tribe, you can go to the sacred caves through the middle trisection of the village that is home to rock and ground pokemon and items most beneficial to them.
*the roost tribe allows you to go on top of the mountain to stand in a meadow of grass and flowers, and look out over the land below. up here are primarily flying pokemon, but is also home to electric types (for a little balance)

once you have chosen a tribe, everyone in the village will begin talking to you, but will either support you, and have enjoyable conversations with you (if you are a part of their tribe), or will hate and insult you (if you are on the opposing team), as for the stone tribe, if you are not in their team, they will be accepting of you, but wont help you either, if you are on their team, the other two will act like that. their can also be additional small side quests given to you by people in your tribe, but no other tribe will send you on missions

talk around and you will discover that the water tribe worships kyogre, the stone tribe worships groudon, and the roost tribe worships rayquazza. you will even learn that the founding members of team magma and team aqua are from this village and were two childhood rivals that had an unusual distaste for each other, considering they were from the water and stone tribe respectfully, instead of from the water and roost tribes. that said, some people from these two tribes hate each other so much, even though the stone tribe is the most accepting of the three, and as such aspire to one day leave this place and run and join the fabled rival teams in the region of hoenn.

lastly, each sacred section that you gain access to for being a part of their tribe (the under water canal's/ice caves; the mountain caves; and the mountain top) all have their own exits from the mountain being: emerging from the ocean near a beach outside of the mountain, a ground level cave exit, and a slope down the mountain side. the only way to use any of these entrances and exits, is to be a part of the tribe associated to it (of course flying in and out of the village is always acceptable). the original entrance you used (once you have joined a tribe) gets blocked off, and you can no longer see or access it.

oops, i forgot to mention.

after you join one of the three tribes you can collect pokemon in their respective sacred areas that can be used on your team, or in the stadium in this village (no other pokemon can be used in that stadium).

there are regularly hosted tournaments between the three tribes, and the trainers (actual people) get to compete in them and fight for their teams to make their's the dominant tribe in the village. this can obviously change constantly, but the more one tribe wins matches and tournaments the higher their points go up.

i haven't worked out what it would mean if yours was the highest ranked tribe, or what kind of privileges you would get out of it yet, but there should definitely be some sort of incentive.... this would be a great place for people to give their suggestions


.......ahhhhhhhhhhhh that took a while! like i said, i was considering applying as a story writer, and that was going to be my submission, but since i am apparently forgetful and lazy sometimes, i never got around to it, until now. i do hope you all enjoy'd my little rampage of rambling, and encourage and welcome your input, suggestions, altercations, compliments (duh), and constructive criticisms.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 08:25:53 PM by spirit »

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Re: idea for a town
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2009, 08:24:29 PM »
please give any feedback you can

....haha this has to be the shortest message i have ever written in these forums
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 08:26:44 PM by spirit »

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Re: idea for a town
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2009, 09:34:40 PM »
It's certainly an interesting story. I like the way it provides background for Team Aqua and Team Magma, and the way you can take sides. It's a nice twist that you aren't playing god for once (as seen in most RPGs) and resolving the conflict. I love the way you have to find out about this relatively large quest from some old gypsy-type guy. It might be hard to explain why some random friend can't show you where the village is though.

There are a few things which need working out, such as why they hate each other; how they came to be living inside this mountain together, as constructing such a thing would take a lot of effort and teamwork; and why they are still living together when there is the whole region to live in (holy ground?). At one point they must have been united as one tribe, or they found the place already built (all at once? and decided to live together in close proximity? a little unlikely).

Civil war is a little extreme for what is a relatively small community and therefore has to live with each other in some way, especially if this has been going on long enough for the Magma/Aqua founders to have grown up with it going on. Perhaps it has recently escalated for some reason.

I also think the other group members should range from hate to merely "frosty" towards you for favouring another group, and maybe some of them could try to convince you that you made a mistake.

As for the various pokemon areas accessible to team members, you could make it so that you have to get a friend to catch the unique pokemon there for you, or that you have to be in the party of someone who is a member of the group related to that area to enter as a "guest".

Good job, but as always, no promises on what will be included in the game ;)
Remember, unless we say it will be included, a Team Member's speculation and ideas are still just speculation and ideas. Though it may be more likely to be included, there are no guarantees!

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Re: idea for a town
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2010, 03:54:56 PM »
I like it too! :)

The way you designed 'how to unlock that large event' so to say is really creative, god job:)

This takes in some extent of effort and patience to get there, but worth the try.

As for the Rayquaza part, I'm still a little confused. It's true that the people of the stone and water tribe would hate the roost tribe (Groudon and Kyogre 'hate' Rayquaza as it prevents them to fight) but the roost tribe is here to make peace (Rayquaza soothing Groudon and Kyogre). Hence, they shouldn't be less 'tolerant'.

Well, this is my idea about this.

Oh, and perhaps adding the events for Jirachi?
Say if you have friends succeeding in entering in each tribe, the different 'special treasures' (each member of a tribe gets one as a symbol of 'belonging' towards the tribe) 'react' together to start the Jirachi event, the passing by of the meteor (forgot its name...) and later the appearance of Jirachi itself.

Only my suggestions since we were talking about the 'Hoenn' Legendaries :)
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