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Author Topic: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?  (Read 22959 times)

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2012, 05:39:17 AM »
I hated the ice skating because it made me think :P But naw, it wasn't that bad, just annoying. But on the subject of balancing, HG and SS are screwed. I lost to the freakin' Kimono Girls that only have 1 Pokemon each, all eeveelutions. I swear that one girl's Jolteon is waaay over powered on the offensive, and the Vaporeon ONE SHOTTED my Victreebel that was 10 levels higher than it. ... Something is wrong here.

Really? 'cause with an Ampharos (with Signal Beam, + electric moves) I got pretty much all of them relatively quickly, except Umbreon... That was the one that gave me a little more trouble. And I'm almost always under-leveled.

The ice skating throws me off for a bit too.

On the gym subject, the worst gym for me was Bryce's in SS, and I'm not sure why, when the team I had's main weakness is rock, and Brock was easy to take down....
Clair was a bit difficult too.... :/ But then I leveled my Lapras up, and it was better...
(On a side note, yay, I beat Red!!!)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 05:44:49 AM by Hinagiku »

Offline Tristan

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Re: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2012, 08:30:12 AM »
I hated the ice skating because it made me think :P But naw, it wasn't that bad, just annoying. But on the subject of balancing, HG and SS are screwed. I lost to the freakin' Kimono Girls that only have 1 Pokemon each, all eeveelutions. I swear that one girl's Jolteon is waaay over powered on the offensive, and the Vaporeon ONE SHOTTED my Victreebel that was 10 levels higher than it. ... Something is wrong here.

Really? 'cause with an Ampharos (with Signal Beam, + electric moves) I got pretty much all of them relatively quickly, except Umbreon... That was the one that gave me a little more trouble. And I'm almost always under-leveled.

The ice skating throws me off for a bit too.

On the gym subject, the worst gym for me was Bryce's in SS, and I'm not sure why, when the team I had's main weakness is rock, and Brock was easy to take down....
Clair was a bit difficult too.... :/ But then I leveled my Lapras up, and it was better...
(On a side note, yay, I beat Red!!!)

It was weird, but the second time around I brought my Onix along to take out the Jolteon, and then used Victreebel to put Vaporeon asleep and finish it off with a grass move. One of Vaporeon's moves were really effective the first time though... Anyway, congrats on beating Red, I'm just heading into Victory Road now!

Offline John Flame

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Re: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2012, 06:39:36 PM »
Hmm,strong topic.
Let the brawl begin: Lavaridge Gym VS Saffron City

-Incredibly boring and predictable(Yes,i know that you are standing there,not so ace trainer)
-Slow paced(long animations,two faily designed floors and trainers that only waste time)
-Required no skill wathsoever(By now you should be packing something anti-fire,if not...fail)
-Flannery is HOT(You freaking pervert!She simply uses fire types!)

-I missed this gym on the 1st fully finished run of Kanto(Totally unrelated to storyline city....safe for said bad team HQ)
-Made me go into the wrong gym...and think that the real gym was fighting themed.(Fuuuuu)
-Sabrina managed to wipe my charizard(Raaaage)
-Psychic types were overpowered(Fuuu u Alakazam)
-A overly complicated puzzle for my 6-7 year old brain(Youngsters always lose)
-Sabrina is smexy(And you cannot counter that)

Saffron Gym is the bane of my existence.

Sidenote:Failing on Johto?Join Ash!
I swept the floor with Johto... just like Red did :P

Offline Jerry

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Re: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2012, 08:38:24 PM »
Hmm,strong topic.
Let the brawl begin: Lavaridge Gym VS Saffron City

-Incredibly boring and predictable(Yes,i know that you are standing there,not so ace trainer)
-Slow paced(long animations,two faily designed floors and trainers that only waste time)
-Required no skill wathsoever(By now you should be packing something anti-fire,if not...fail)
-Flannery is HOT(You freaking pervert!She simply uses fire types!)

-I missed this gym on the 1st fully finished run of Kanto(Totally unrelated to storyline city....safe for said bad team HQ)
-Made me go into the wrong gym...and think that the real gym was fighting themed.(Fuuuuu)
-Sabrina managed to wipe my charizard(Raaaage)
-Psychic types were overpowered(Fuuu u Alakazam)
-A overly complicated puzzle for my 6-7 year old brain(Youngsters always lose)
-Sabrina is smexy(And you cannot counter that)

Saffron Gym is the bane of my existence.

Sidenote:Failing on Johto?Join Ash!
I swept the floor with Johto... just like Red did :P

Hmm... I actually found Sabrina's gym easier. I just picked horizontal and walked left or right to get to the next panel and poof, after a few I got there.

While with Flanneries, it took more time to look for those camouflaged trainers and make sure I didn't miss anyone in there... And bah, Marshtomp was going easy when I went there.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Tristan

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Re: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2012, 09:45:05 PM »
Hmm,strong topic.
Let the brawl begin: Lavaridge Gym VS Saffron City

-Incredibly boring and predictable(Yes,i know that you are standing there,not so ace trainer)
-Slow paced(long animations,two faily designed floors and trainers that only waste time)
-Required no skill wathsoever(By now you should be packing something anti-fire,if not...fail)
-Flannery is HOT(You freaking pervert!She simply uses fire types!)

-I missed this gym on the 1st fully finished run of Kanto(Totally unrelated to storyline city....safe for said bad team HQ)
-Made me go into the wrong gym...and think that the real gym was fighting themed.(Fuuuuu)
-Sabrina managed to wipe my charizard(Raaaage)
-Psychic types were overpowered(Fuuu u Alakazam)
-A overly complicated puzzle for my 6-7 year old brain(Youngsters always lose)
-Sabrina is smexy(And you cannot counter that)

Saffron Gym is the bane of my existence.

Sidenote:Failing on Johto?Join Ash!
I swept the floor with Johto... just like Red did :P

Hey, hey! I only failed at Johto in the end! Mind you, I wasn't using my starter. Right now I'm a little pissed off because I haven't made it to any town or "safe point" in Kanto and I need to fly back to grab a HM Pokemon real quick... I refuse to give my Garyados all these ridiculous water HMs, but it won't let me fly :(

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: What's you LEAST favorite Gym is any Pokemon game?
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2012, 04:25:55 AM »
It was weird, but the second time around I brought my Onix along to take out the Jolteon, and then used Victreebel to put Vaporeon asleep and finish it off with a grass move. One of Vaporeon's moves were really effective the first time though... Anyway, congrats on beating Red, I'm just heading into Victory Road now!
Good for you, and thanks! ^ ^

With Sabrina's gym... I intentionally hit everyone I could, for some extra training & to sorta see what I was up against...