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Author Topic: [RP] Ender's Game  (Read 18787 times)

Offline Mr Pokemon

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[RP] Ender's Game
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:40:42 PM »
After finishing Ender's Shadow not too long ago, I decided that the Battle School would make a great RP. The only problem I saw was that not many people may join. There is only one way to test that out, so here goes. (Even if you haven't read Ender's Game, if you read this you might catch on)

-Please follow all the global RP rules
-Don't make yourself too good, or advance too fast
-No godmodding! I can't stress this enough.
-Be realistic

The Buggers have launched two invasions on Earth. Now is our time to retaliate. The I.F (International Fleet) Have sent a fleet to the Bugger's World, now it is five years later, and the I.F is looking for the commanders of this fleet. In about five years, the human fleet will reach the Bugger's world. Brilliant children from all over the world are being taken to what is know as battle school. A large, floating building in outer space, it is the first school the children go to to becoming commanders. The main focus of battle school is the battle room, a zero-gravity box where two armies of 40 kids hold mock battles. Located in the room are what are know as stars. Stars are boxes that float in the middle of the room, adding more strategy to the game. In order to win, one army must have four soldiers press their heads against the corners of the other teams gate, or entryway. Another soldier must pass through. This ends the battle. The Children wear suits that freeze when hit by a beam from one of the guns. When frozen, a soldier cannot move that part of their body until the end of the battle. If completely frozen, a soldier is "killed" and will drift for the duration of the battle. There are 21 armies in battle school-
    * Asp - orange, orange, brown
    * Badger black, brown, brown
    * Condor - black, blue, black
    * Centipede - green, brown, green
    * Dragon - grey, orange, grey
    * Ferret - white, brown, white
    * Flame - red, orange, yellow
    * Griffin - orange, yellow, red
    * Hound - black, brown, black
    * Leopard - orange, black, black
    * Manticore - red, orange, red
    * Phoenix - orange, orange, red
    * Rabbit - grey, white, grey
    * Rat - grey, green, green
    * Salamander - green, green, brown
    * Scorpion - black, orange, black
    * Spider - black, black, red
    * Squirrel -brown, white, white
    * Tide - white, white blue
    * Tiger - orange, orange, black
    * Wave - blue, white, blue
The three colors represent the flash suit colors, and the ribbons on the wall that guide students to their coridors. This RP takes place about 5 years before Ender's Game, so you will not meet any of the characters from the book.

Profile Skeleton:
PU name:
Char. Name:
Age: (between 6 and 10)

Starting Off:_____
All characters start as launchies first arriving in the battle school. Before you are placed in an army, you must go through the tour of battle school, an introduction to the battle room etc. This will allow you to meet other RPers in your launch group, or characters you make, and make it seem more realistic. This can be one post too, such as, "After being taught the basics of the battle room, *insert name here* was taken on a tour of the battle school. He faced lots of name calling from the older kids, but pushed it aside. The next day, he woke up and headed to his Algebra class, which seemed like it took forever, he had learned all of this stuff back on Earth."
You should include some interaction with other people, I was just making an example. After you feel your character is ready to be introduced to an army, you may do so, and then the rest of your story is up to you.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 04:09:53 PM by Unbreakable »

Offline Monzta

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 01:46:42 PM »

I walk into the gates of the battle school. The building is huge and looks luxurious. The big commander welcomes me and gives a little tour."So, Renji. Welcome to the school! We will be a bit hard on you, but trust me, at the end, you will be as strong as you ever wished." Awesome! It shouldn't be too hard. "Here, my boy, is the battle room, where you will do all your training. There is zero gravity and you will be with your army of 40 kids - which we will determine later. You'll learn the other stuff when you're ready to join an army. You got here pretty late, it's nearly dark. Here's your room." He leads me into a big, luxurious room. There are only 5 of 8 beds to choose from. I choose the one near the middle. I unpack and wear my PJ's and hop into bed. How comfortable! I make friends with the boy on my left. His name is Oscar. After a long nights' sleep, I go to my gym class. All the new students are here. It's the commander."Hello, boys, how was your sleep? Hehe. Today, we are going to test your endurance, stamina, strength and balance. Chop-Chop! get on any machine and work till you get tired, then swap." I go on the treadmill. The commander sets the speed to full saying that it's just wussy if you don't. We did about 5 rotations and the class ended. It's lunch time. I sit on my own, not being able to find my friend. Some big boys come up to me. "Give me your money, Jerk." "Never, stupid bullies!" Before I could strike they gave a punch on my face.. they hide me behind the toilets.. I can't move.. "...H-h-heelp" I feel blood dripping all over my face.. but i'm not going to cry. I have to be strong and wait. "H-HELP!"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 03:55:17 AM by Monzta »

Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2010, 09:29:10 PM »

I walked to the gates of the battle school. A  kid was besides me. We exchanged gestures. A big commander came up  to us "Hello, you must be Renji and Oscar." I was weirded out at how he knew our names but that didn't really matter. He kept talking about stuff but I really didn't care. He showed us to this big room. "Fancy.." I muttered. "There are only four beds to choose from." He said. I chose the left middle one. I made a friend in the first few minutes Renji was an O.K kid. I quickly went to my bed and slept. The kid besides me Renji was snoring loudly. I could barely sleep so I took my pillow's and put them on top of my ears. There was the Occasional toss and turn. After some time sleeping I wake up and go to gym class waiting for the others. How do I know the schedule? Well before we slept they gave us a schedule. I waited an hour and eventually slept. Everyone was there by the time I woke up. The commander was saying something but I didn't really listen. I just copied what my friend did. I was the only one not told "Don't be a wussy!" Or "Done ALREADY?!" I was pretty proud of myself. Everyone ran down stairs. I was the last to go down. The commander shook my hand before I left. "You did good kid." He would tell me. I walked down stairs and went down to the bathrooms because I had to wash my hands before eating. I saw a few kids surrounding a stall I asked what was going on. They just pushed me out of the way. I pushed a kid and made my way to the stall. Renji was stuck between the toliet. The boys took out there fist and said "You want some?" I kicked one on the noise and faked a punch kicking the boy on the nuts. Two down, four too go. I round house kicked a kid down. "You guys suck!" I yelled. I grabed a kid and threw him at the other with ease. There was only one kid left "Sorry don't hurt me!" I ignored his plead and punched him on the nose. ((FALCON PUNCH!)) I took off his clothes and put them in the trash. I went to the stall making sure Renji is ok. Suddenly the commander came. "What the HELL is going on!?"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 12:49:27 AM by Drbg11 »
Feed My pokemon please I dont want it to die of hunger!
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2010, 01:54:11 AM »

I walked down to the Gate, as I did, I shrunk more and more. Feeling Intensly Nervous as I inched Toward the Captain. As I approached, He stuck out his Hand, "Hi, Lirys, Welcome to the battle academy." It was nice to see that Staff was friendly. "Hi, Sir. I may be Timid, but I wont fail you." "Good to hear. Here's your Roomates, Renji and Oscar."

I followed them to our Room, Which I stayed in the Entire time, Save the 40 V. 40 match I was in... "Look at him, he's such a wimp." One of the bullies stated. "Just wait, Im not backing down, not yet. I started aiming precisly, and my targeting was on point. Kids stopped as I took them down. The Captains Of my team watched my Hit/Miss Ratio. I walked out, my side Victorious. One captain stopped me cold, "Lirys, we were watching carefully, and great Job! Thats the highest accuracy rating anyone's gotten so far: 97.66% Amazing!" I Walked down the Wave Line, then to my room, proud of my achievement.

((No, Drbg, I Mod every RPer Equally.))
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2010, 02:12:11 AM »
Oscar said casually. "Starting a wining streak." The commander then sighed "Dont do this in the bathrooms. Thats why we have Sparing rooms." "Oh and let me get theese boys to the Nurse." Oscar took Renjis hand. "You ok Bro?"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 02:40:36 AM by Drbg11 »
Feed My pokemon please I dont want it to die of hunger!
Wont you please feed that cute face?

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2010, 02:24:34 PM »
(Note that the battle school is in space, and it is not for actual fist fights, but for mock battle with flash suits and freezing, as explained in the first post.)

Wyl was a little nauseous from the zero gravity they experienced on the launch ship. He and the rest of his launch group hurriedly wobbled out of the ship, into a building. Wyl wondered how they managed to create gravity here in space. He would try and figure that out tomorrow. For now, they were taken to their room. As the captain guiding them opened the door, Wyl, one of the first in line, saw that it was just a long room with bunks lining the sides. Being one of the first, he went to the back and picked out the second to last bunk on the right. He was on the bottom. He noticed a pad on the bed, and picked it up. The captain proceeded to talk.

"You will notice on your beds a small pad like object. These are your desks. You may play some games on these, chat with other people, read books, and much more. If you place your palm on the desk, it will turn on. Your desk will only turn on when you palm it. You may then sign on, and explore."
Wyl watched some of the others sign on, he did so himself, stunned at the technology. He pulled up some books that he would read later, then went on to play the fantasy game. After a few minutes, he decided it was boring and quit. He noticed the captain hadn't left.

"Now, we will take a tour of the rest of the battle school. Line up and follow me."

The launchies lined up and went out of the room. The Captain took them to see the bathroom, but then the tour got interesting. He began to yell at a few kids who had gotten into a fight. Idiots, Wyl thought, before they went to the nurse with the hurt kids. It looked like they weren't hurt that bad, but who knew. After that, they went to see the training room. The captain explained that they would have to spend half an hour here each day to keep their bones from deteriorating. Apparently they were supposed to exercise now, so Wyl went on to jog and lift weights. After the half hour of rigorous exercise, they were taken to the battle room.

Offline Monzta

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2010, 07:26:26 AM »
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for helping. Before I could land a punch they gave a big one just above my forehead, which is my weak spot." The nurse puts a bandage on my forehead. I walk out, and head towards my room.   
Name: Renji
Army: Dragon
Uniform: Grey, Orange, Grey.
Aweeeessoommee!! I've just been assigned to my army! My next class.. the battle room.I walk in and wear my gear, and get ready for the battle. The commander taught us how to use our weapons at our first gym session. We float around in the room and get into position.3...2...1.. GO! a voice says. I take cover behind some obstacles. I shoot several shot's on the bully that punched me. He freezes over, but I still continue shooting at him. "Renji, he's out of the match, shoot the OTHERS!" the commander shouts at me. I listen to him, and freeze half the other team. OUCH! I get shot on my left leg. My leg gets in massive pain but then I heal myself with the health pack and it recovers.I freeze some more people, and the rest of the army finishes them off. We line up in front of the commander, sweating and tired. He unfreezes the kids that couldn't reach a health pack, then gives our highest scores. He gets to my name. "..Renji. Your highest score was.. 95.6% accuracy, and quickest shooter! That's the second best we've ever got, after a kid named Wyl. Well done! hmm.. Renji! You're an Assasin! Specialise in knives, bows and silenced weapons! Tomorrow, you'll be given your Dragon Assasin uniform. Oh my god! What and honour!  He continues to tell what the other kids are. Most of them need more training. I walk to my room. I wear my PJ's, and hop into bed.I talk to Oscar about how I got our positions and specialties. I shut my eyes and have a long, relaxed sleep.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 07:10:40 AM by Monzta »

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2010, 02:46:00 PM »

I Went to the Sparring Room, and a bully glanced at me, "Whats Baby Lirys doing in the Sparring Room? Doesn't He Know?" I started Shrinking back, "I k-know What This Room is for." He Glared at Me, as I shrunk More, he said, "Then why are you Here, Want to get your butt handed to you?" That Did It. My Timid Personality Snapped, I was ready to fight.

I Ran Behind him, Then Caught his foot with my own, and tripped him. As he got Up, he said, " Wasn't expecting that, you sure made it easy for me. Now I know your Weakness." "Only Pansies Stop a fight, Then Taunt their Opponent." That sure made him mad... He Charged Fist-First, and I stepped to the side, Grabbed his Arm, Then Flipped him. Again..He Got up. I sped toward him, Kicked him in the head, then punched his Gut. This time, He refused to get up. "How did you, a Baby, Beat me?" "Im Not Weak! I may not be physically strong, but Im Swift, Agile, and Precise. Maybe I'll Work toward Strong, Then Ill be Unbeatable. Remember This."
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2010, 02:52:33 PM »
Oscar got out of bed very early. He started wandering around school. "We slept so early last night. That sucks I mean...we are just ten..and seven year olds." Oscar smacked his head. Oscar wandered around and saw a kid put quite a smackdown on some bullys. "Yo Kid whats your name?" I shouted. ((Unbreakable thats ur que))
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 03:00:51 PM by Drbg11 »
Feed My pokemon please I dont want it to die of hunger!
Wont you please feed that cute face?

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2010, 03:03:15 PM »
((Oscar Doesnt look like Shadow in THIS RP *cough*)):


Hi, My Names Lirys....
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2010, 06:28:48 PM »
  "Your pretty fast." Oscar said. He just walked away ignoring and awnser. Wandering in school.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 08:22:30 PM by Drbg11 »
Feed My pokemon please I dont want it to die of hunger!
Wont you please feed that cute face?

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2010, 08:16:09 PM »
((Still messing with your char pictures I see Drgb :P ))

Meena had just finished her Tai Chi session this evening and was on her way home, when a weird vehicle stopped near her.

- You're Meena, right? Would you like to join the Battle School?
- Who are you?
- Fear not. We are here to try and save the world. We already talked to your parents about it, and they agreed, since it's for the good of mankind. You have probably heard about the Buggers?
- Y-yes. Are they coming back again?
- We are not sure, but we are ready to train some bright children at Battle School to enhance their abilities and train them so that they can cope with another invasion.
- I would like to say good bye to my parents first, and take some things, if this is possible.
- Of course you can.

Meena got home, packed a few things, including the picture of her and her parents. She knew she was going to miss them and vice versa, but the thought of losing her parents once more was something she couldn't afford. Those adoptive parents were the nicest persons she knew, and for them as well as for the biolgical parents, she worked hard everywhere she went. She waved goodbye to her parents, took her bag and went into the vehicle of the man. The vehicle started to make a soft noise, then rose in the air. She was seeing the ground getting further before her eyes as the vehicle sped up through the sky. The surroundings became darker as she was leaving the atmosphere. It was becoming colder.

After some time, they arrived at a huge spaceship. Meena could see the huge rotating parts of the ship and the large flat Solar Panels. It was the beginning of a new life.

Meena got it, got welcomed by a formal looking man.

- Welcome to Battle School Meena. This man here will guide you to your room. Have a nice stay here! We'll bring you more information when you set yourself.

Meena got into her new room. Nobody else was there, though it could accommodate two people... She unpacked her things, and sat on the bed, thinking about what will happen to her now...


- Welcome to Battle School Meena. This man here will guide you to your dormitory. Have a nice stay here! We'll bring you more information when you set yourself.

Meena entered the dormitory. It was a huge hall with about a dozen beds on each side of the room. She went to the furthest bed and put her bag on her bed. She started unpacking her things, and putting her clothes in the drawer next to her bed. There we other new girls it seemed... they were unpacking their things too. She sat on her bed when she was done with unpacking, thinking about what will happen to her now...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 06:54:52 AM by Jerry »
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2010, 08:47:22 PM »
Oscar found the girls room. He had a pervy look on his face. He slowly touched the doorknob. "What am I doing?" He though to himself. He let go of the doorknob and started wandering around again. "Heh I should pull a prank." He muttered. He found the Lunch Room and stormed in. Suprisingly the door was open. He wanderd around and found the door to the Kitchen. He checked around making shore no one was there. He tried to open thee door but it was locked. He decided to Kick the door. The door flung open reaviling The kitching. Oscar came rushing in and took two cups of water. "Hehehe" oscar ran to the girls room and slowly opened the door. He saw that a girl was awake and droped his cups. "Its not what it looks like!"
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 09:03:32 PM by Drbg11 »
Feed My pokemon please I dont want it to die of hunger!
Wont you please feed that cute face?

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2010, 11:24:10 AM »

Wyl went to his classes. They were all easy, but still better than the classes he was taking on Earth. He went back to his room. When he got to his bunk, there was a slip of paper. On in was written:
Wave Army: Blue, White, Blue
Commander: Coster Ullen
Be there by 1800

He was being assigned to an army already. No one else in his launch group had been assigned yet. He went outside and found the ribbon that was colored blue, white, blue, and followed it until he came to a door. He hesitated to open it, but finally did after about a minute. It was just like the room he was in before, except all the kids were older and talked more.

"Hey, look! Its the launchy!" One of the kids shouted. A few of the others laughed, some of them started chanting. Wyl said nothing, and found his bunk. It was near the front. A few minutes later the door opened and a young boy stepped in. He looked to be 10 or 11, but apparently had some authority over these kids because they shut up.

"I was told we got a new soldier today" Some kids said "yes" Most of them nodded. Coster looked around the room, and eventually found the new face. "Welcome to Wave army, it'll be hell" With that he turned to the rest of the kids. "This new soldier, Wyl, should be treated like a soldier who's been in wave army for 3 years. I don't care how young he is, how smart he is, or how good he is in battles, if you refuse to show any sign of respect to him, he will be useless in battle, and we will lose." He then turned to Wyl. "You'll find your flash suit and gun in the drawer under your bed, on the left. See how your flash suit feels, but don't bother with your gun yet, it won't work. Dinner is in 1 hour."

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Re: [RP] Ender's Game
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2010, 09:37:20 PM »
Meena heard something fall at the entrance of her room and some faint voice. She was a little confused, and walked silently towards the door.

- Uh... somebody here?

She saw two cups on the floor with water spilled at the doorway.

Meena has closed her eyes for a while, and suddenly, she heard something fall somewhere in the dormitory and some faint voice. She opened her eyes, and saw that most of the girls had already gone. She was alone in the dormitory.

- Uh... did anybody hear this noise?

The few girls shook their head. She got up silently and tried to make out what made this noise but found only two empty cups on the floor, with water spilled.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 07:09:56 AM by Jerry »
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...