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Author Topic: Obey/Disobey feature  (Read 9632 times)

Offline Jerry

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Obey/Disobey feature
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:13:23 AM »
Following the thread made eariler in the Ideas and Suggestions about what the game shouldn't have, I was wondering if there will be the 'obey/disobey' feature in pokemon that are too high in level for the current trainer level.

All players (presumably) are allowed to trade with anyone, and hence can get a high level pokemon in the process. If that pokemon turns out to be disobeying, this trading would be discouraged.

So, PU team?
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Offline Kuhns

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 05:35:39 AM »
I'm not following you, are you saying you're for noobs running around with high-level Pokemon that they didn't train/earn?

Because I far as I know, noobs won't be allowed to use high level Pokemon.

Offline Phosphorous

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2010, 05:54:13 AM »
I'm not following you, are you saying you're for noobs running around with high-level Pokemon that they didn't train/earn?

Because I far as I know, noobs won't be allowed to use high level Pokemon.

He said if the trade where to happen, and your a noob with a lvl 57 w/e, then the pokemon would not obey you in battle.

Anyways I feel like the player should be a certain level for him to even be able to trade for strong pokemon. If you trained it yourself then I guess it should listen to you. But this might also encourage people to get badges IF high lvl pokemon don't listen to you :]

Offline duotent

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2010, 06:01:00 AM »
maybe just make it so depending on how old the charcter is thats how high a level pokemon like if they just started playing they can trade only for level 5-10 pokemon
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Offline Chaoseth

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2010, 06:36:57 AM »
The DEVS should make it so you need to meet a certain requirement to be able to trade at all. this keeps new players from getting high lvl pokemon.

If it is made so high lvl ones don't obey you and a new person gets one, they could just keep it in their pc until it does obey if anyone can do trades.
And if a Pokemon doesn't obey you past a certain lvl there might not be many people  that trade for high lvls if they can't use them. Most trading would probably end up being done by trainers with at least 8 badges and lvl 50-100 Pokemon.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 06:38:35 AM by Chaoseth »

Offline darion101

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2010, 06:48:49 AM »
Well if not one of the ideas already suggested, maybe have it to where you can only trade pokemon that are within 5 or 10 levels of each other. so that lower level players can still trade, but makes it more difficult to receive a higher level Pokemon.

Offline Rolien

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2010, 07:05:16 AM »
Well if not one of the ideas already suggested, maybe have it to where you can only trade pokemon that are within 5 or 10 levels of each other. so that lower level players can still trade, but makes it more difficult to receive a higher level Pokemon.

Hmm a interesting idea, however some pokemon are bound to be rare and people will want to trade them but not want to level them.

My personal oppinion is have the badges from the gyms determine what level a pokemon will obey you. But if you trained it past that I think it should still obey you as long as you trained it past that.
For example the first badge would make pokemon up to level 20 obey however if you trained a pokemon to 25 it would still obey you but if you traded with another player for a 25 it would not obey you.

Offline baralai15

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2010, 07:12:29 AM »
I think there should be a limit like example, Pokemon only obey up to level 10 until you get the first badge. Once you got the first one it obeys up to level 20 until second badge. Only examples but you get the picture. Good idea, because having noobs run around with high levels sucks lol. Also another thing to watch out for is breeding pokemon and getting a level 1 with surf or waterfall or things like that so noobs can access secret places at lower levels.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2010, 10:59:23 AM »
@ Kuhns, yes, I mean like Phosphorous said. I don't want to have noobs trading with high level pokemon and using them to wind the badges quickly, with a pokemon they didn't even train. If it were to be like the original games, having a high level pokemon obtained from trade wouldn't obey the player (except on rare occasions of luck) unless the player has certain bagdes.

@ Phosphorous, yes, encouraging people to get badges is the way to go! It has already been said that the gym leaders won't be that easy, so yes, I think that encouraging them to train to obtain their badges seem fair to me.

@ duodent: How old the character is? What if someone comes to play, doesn't play for a year and come back, trade with a high level pokemon, etc? No, I will stick to either the traded pokemon which are on too high a level to disobey the trainer or the player be a certain level to be able to trade pokemon.

@ Chaoseth. No trading will be among all types of trainers. If there is trading pokemon of quite low level (depending on how far the player is in the game), the pokemon will obey you then.

@ darion101: Hmm, interesting indeed, but I don't think that it will be of any benefit. Say two well experienced trainers agree on the trade of two rare pokemon, quite far apart concerning their levels.

Eg. Player 1 with Bagon Lv 5, Player 2 with Dratini Lv 25.
Player 1 will not be able to trade then. He will have to train the Bagon to level 15 or 20 according to the system you propose. What's the use of training a pokemon is it will be traded over? No, I'm not totally on this one.

@ Rolien: Good idea. I was thinking about a similar system, along that of the trainer's level.

@ balarai15: You said something similar to that of Rolien... :-\
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
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Offline baralai15

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2010, 10:19:09 PM »
lol i didnt read their post but yea pretty much. but my idea still with being able to breed pokemon and having them taught surf, rock smash, water fall or fly before you actually get them should be disabled somehow.

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2010, 10:25:32 PM »
Yes, it will be there.
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Offline baralai15

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Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2010, 12:48:39 AM »
Good because in another game i formally played, it was do-able and things got out of hand with noobs surfing to one of the last gyms lol