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Author Topic: EV's and IV's  (Read 6740 times)

Offline neokills

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EV's and IV's
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:57:36 PM »
ok i was just reading some post and i see that there will not be any EV's but there will be IV's and I only ever played red, blue, yellow, and gold so i was reading a little bit about ti but i couldnt find alot of information on it.

So I was hoping that someone could explain it a little better to me, you dont hvae to worry about EV's since they wont be in the game but could you explain what IV's are? How to do/use them?

Thanx everyone
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Offline Viper

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Re: EV's and IV's
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 12:20:04 AM »
IVs are like these hidden stat bonuses that rely directly on a pokemons nature and characteristic.

Every pokemon has their own randomly picked nature and characteristic

For example, a pokemon with a Brave nature will be given a boost in Attack, and a pokemon with a characteristic "Proud of its power" will also recieve an attack bonus. So if one pokemon had both, they would be given a big bonus to attack.

Two sites that show the different natures and characteristics



A pokemons nature and characteristic are chosen at random, so if you want to get a pokemon thats specced out for just attack it would take multiple tries. The bonus amount that each nature or characteristic is a random number between 0-31.

The only way to "use" them is to keep catching pokemon till you get the desired nature and characteristic

Hope this helped

Offline neokills

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Re: EV's and IV's
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2010, 01:09:05 AM »
this is great info, thank you very much
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Offline Viper

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Re: EV's and IV's
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2010, 01:46:59 AM »
NP  ;D

Offline Raikt

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Re: EV's and IV's
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2010, 03:04:46 AM »
To sum it up nicely; IV's are what make every Pokemon unique. They are what contributes to the varying differences in attack between two Pokemon. You can have an IV of 0-31. For wild Pokemon you caught, these are random at the start of the fight. For Pokemon you breed, you have control over them through indirect methods.

EV's aren't going to be in PU. But, a simple explanation is, you receive 1 or more EV's every time you defeat an enemy Pokemon. You can have up to 510 EV's on any given Pokemon. You can split these around all you want, but you can only have 252 in one stat. Every 4 EV's, at level 100, equals 1 stat point, but you cannot get anymore EV's once you are level 100. (Well, you could, but they only apply when you level up.)

EX: Your level 98 Lucario just beat up a Hoothoot. He would get 1 HP EV. (iirc) After he beats 4 Hoothoots, he would have 4 EV's in his HP stat and would get an extra Hit Point.

Hope that clears up any confusion.
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Offline neokills

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Re: EV's and IV's
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2010, 06:29:25 AM »
thanx to both of you, i needed the info, i was great at the gen1 and 2 games but i need to brush up with the new stuff if im gonna be able to beat every1 else
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Re: EV's and IV's
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 08:27:58 PM »
You know IVs and EVs were here all from the start. It wasn't much considered until Pokemon became really competitive, that is in the Gen III and IV. (especially when WFC was implemented in the games)

As for breeding, two random IV stats from the male pokemon and two other random IV stats from the other female pokemon will pass on to the egg. The last 2 will be randomly chosen.

With Gen IV, new items were introduced; Power Anklet, Power Bracer, etc. These are commonly known to add 4 additional specific EVs to pokemon when they battle a pokemon. However, they also help you to determine what IV to pass on to an egg. If you give a Power Anklet for example to a pokemon being bred, the Speed IV will be passed on to the egg, while the second IV will be random. This eases the work of breeders, if you want to have good IV stats.

Example: You have a Zubat with an IV of 31! Unfortunately, the rest of the IVs are not that good, around 1~10. You breed the Zubat, with a Power Anklet, and with another pokemon, say Ditto with also a 31 IV attack stat. Giving the Ditto a Power Bracer will ensure that the egg will inherit the 31 IV attack stat.

So, the bred Zubat will have 31 IV in both attack and speed, already the pre-requisites for a physical sweeper! :)

Now, you only need to find good stats (other than attack and speed) for the zubat so that it can endure some attacks, here, you'll need HP, defence and special defence.
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