Name: Declan
Age: 16
Location: United Kingdom
Quote: 'Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Give a man a fishing rod and he'll sit in a boat drinking beer all day'
Position: Secondary story/quest writer
1. Do you have pets? - A cat, Maximus (named after the gladiator in Gladiator) and a dog.
2. What is your favorite color? - Purple, dunno why. Apparently it's girly though ¬_¬
3. What kind of music do you like? - Mainly rock. I like all kinds so long as it's not too heavy. Old stuff is win too.
4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on PU? - Judo, sail, hang out. Not much out of the ordinary.
5. What are your goals/dreams in life? - I've always wanted to invent something and name it after myself. And everyone would be like "I have to go use the Declan now"
6. What got you involved in PU? - Honestly? Spirit begged me to join. I quote "[23:45] <@Spirit42> i'm so lazy, i bascially hired a guy to keep me working"
7. What makes you different from the rest of the PU team? - Youngest member. Ooooh yeah *puts on sunglasses*
8. Who do you admire? Why? - I admire Nelson Mandela. Honestly a great man. If everybody had 10% of his greatness the world would be a better place.
9. Are you into sports? If so which ones? - Judo, Skiing, Sailing, Kayaking, Windsurfing
10. What is your dream job? - Engineer at ESA (European Space Agency)
11. What was your first screenname? - Hot_Choc_007
12. Do you have any piercings? - No, my body is a temple
13. Are you a lefty/righty? - Righty
14. Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one? - Nah, my body's perfect as it is.
15. Do you have any siblings? If so, how many of each? - Younger Brother, younger sister, older sister.
16. What is your favorite website? - , absolutely hilarious.
17. Do you play computer games? If so, which ones? - Empire Earth, much better than this AoE crap the rest of the team plays.
18. Do you play video game consoles? Which ones? - PS3

not that often though.
19. Are you married or planing to get married? - Not really thinking that far ahead yet, but yes hopefully.
20. Which languages do you speak? - English, Dutch, Bit of German.
21. Do you drink? - Yes, probably too much for somebody my age.
22. Do you smoke? - Never tobaccco
23. Do you have a license? - To kill? Yes
a) Do you own a car? N/A
b) Have you ever been stopped for speeding? N/A
24. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? - Good solid 8 hours, providing I've not been out.
25. How do you sleep? - Surrounded by hot chics.
26. Have you ever been on an airplane? - Yes.
27. Have you ever broken a bone? - I broke my collar bone in Judo. I've also broken several bones of other people.
28. Do you wear jewelry? If so what jewelry do you wear? - I have a leather bracelet. That is all.
29. How do you dress? - Jeans, hoody/ Jeans, t-shirt/ Jeans, polo. Depending on what's on the top of the pile.
30. How many keys are on your keyring? - 3, two keys for home and a school locker key. (We don't have combination lockers like in the states.)
31. What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up? - Weekend 2 am - 10 am. Weekday 11pm - 7am
32. What's the freakiest thing you have done? - Guessed somebody's birthday exactly

33. Do you live alone? - Nope, I have family
34. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? - About 4
35. How many hours a day do you spend in PU? - About 4 (I usually have IRC running in the background)
36. What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other? - Beer is most fun. But tastiest is Green creme soda.
37. What do you hate? - Football fanatics, Inequaltiy, being too lazy to go and get food, meeting new people.
38. What do you love? - Having a good time.
39. What is your religion? - the religion of awesome
40. What is your hair color? - Light brown
41. How tall are you? - 190cm or 6'3"
42. How much do you weigh? - 68kg or 11 stone
Also, you have one week to ask me any questions you feel I should have covered.