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Author Topic: These Streets Pt5  (Read 3316 times)

Offline Declan_23

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These Streets Pt5
« on: October 02, 2010, 08:16:27 PM »
Installment nummero fiveo.
Sorry about the rush of new people in this part, hope it won't get too confusing...

Wolf panicked.'How much can I tell him? He claims to stand up for others, but how can I trust him?'
'I... uh, it just came naturally.' he stammered.
Badger's dark brown eyes pierced him, he betrayed nothing as he slowly replied
'Of course it did.' There was no hint of irony or sarcasm. 'I suppose your family will want to know where you are.'
'I have no family' Wolf spat out, frustrated with the questioning. 'I don't need anybody else.'
'We'll see about that.' Badger smirked 'Where do you stay?'
'This is like a bloody interrogation.'
'Around.' he replied guardedly.
'Good, you'll stay with us from now.' revealed Badger. 'We could do with more recruits with your...'He paused, eyeing Wolf slowly, searching for the word. 'Instincts.'
'WHAT? I don't even know you!'
Badger gave a snort of laughter 'You didn't think we'd just let you go did you? On your feet, we need to head back to HQ.' He spoke now with heightened urgency.

Wolf peeled himself off the mildewed mattress he'd been perched on. His now blood stained hoody lay crumpled on the floor. He pulled it on over his baggy navy t-shirt. His jeans were ripped, dotted with brown and black after his ordeal; his once blue trainers felt sticky on the bare floorboards. There was no chance that he'd be able to disguise that he'd been fighting. Now that he'd stood up he could better judge the height of the men. Badger towered over him, but Camel barely reached his shoulders.

The small man lead the way out of the room. Bright sunlight startled Wolf after the dark room and a blast of cool air froze his exposed face. Hurridly he pulled up his hood and tightened the cords. Leaning against the wall to the right of the front door stood a short, stocky man wearing cargo shorts and a tight 'Hard Rock Cafe' t-shirt. His blond hair was shaved down to a number two and he sported a stud in his left ear.
'This is Rat.' Badger indicated the guard. 'He used to be a proffessional bodyguard and's as hard as nails.' Wolf noticed a small smirk on Rat's face as he jokingly flexed a bicep.

Camel lead the way down through the backstreets. Despite the sun being high in the sky, shadows played across the narrow alleys camouflaging the grime. The route snaked deeper into the older and rougher part of town. Slogans covered the walls: 'White is right!' and 'F*ck the Nazis!' battled to cover each other. Wolf's night time efforts had not been in vain. Badger and Wolf walked side by side, with Rat bringing up the rear.
'So, if Rat's a guard, what do you and Camel do?' Wolf finally plucked up the courage to ask the intimdating man.
'Camel's a medic. Although, I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of him and a scimitar. You're lucky he was with us when we found you. My job is little more... obscure, you'll find out more soon...' Badger cut himself short as Camel came to an abrupt stop outside an old terraced house. The ancient, dark green door looked as it could withstand a seige. The three men checked the streets either side of the entrance for passers by. When they were convinced they were alone, Camel rapped sharply on the door four times. A hatch was drawn back and an eye quickly filled the gap. The man on the other side gave an affirmative grunt and swung open the door. Wolf was shoved in and the others quickly followed. The sentry on the door was pounced on by Camel, who quickly kissed both his cheeks. The young man turned bright red and quickly began vigorously rubbing his face.
'You don't need to do that every flipping time.' He muttered as he touched fists with Rat. The four of them were standing in a large enterance hall, the walls were clad in dark wood panneling and the brightly tiled floor contrasted with the drab furnishings. A lonely bookcase stood next to the stool where the guard had been seated. An assault rifle rested on the floor in front. The sight of this made Wolf feel queasy, he'd never been at home around firearms.
'You can go through now.' The unnamed man indicated a door on the left. Wolf had no idea what to expect as he gingerly followed Badger through. Rat and Camel had seemingly disappeared while he was examining his surroundings.

Three men were seated around a long dining table. An intricately designed chandelier hung above them, shedding light on the scene. The figure at the head of the table was in his late sixties, with short white hair and a grey moustache. Despite his age, he held an air of confidence and the others eyed him with respect. To his right sat a tall african man of slight build. He was in the process of trimming his fingernails with a military issue dagger. The third man had his back to Wolf. He also, was past his prime and had little hair on his head. Wolf gasped as the ageing man turned around his seat. Then, remembering himself, he pushed his feet together and bowed low.

'Sensei!' He breathed in recognition.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 10:28:52 PM by Declan_23 »

Offline Jerry

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Re: These Streets Pt5
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2010, 09:17:35 PM »
Nice part :)

One thing you might want to change in the last paragraph:

To the right of him sat a tall african man of slight build.

Change to:

"To his right sat a tall african man on slight build."

There. It's simpler :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: These Streets Pt5
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 10:28:24 PM »
cheers dude.

Offline Pubbles

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Re: These Streets Pt5
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2010, 02:21:29 AM »
Well done mate!

One thing I would advise is to describe a shirt, instead of saying "a tight 'Hard Rock Cafe' t-shirt" try something like this:

"To the right of the front door a short, a stocky man leaned against the wall. Wearing  khaki ((Or any other color))cargo shorts and a shirt stretched tight on him with the words 'Hard Rock Cafe' in bold letters on it he turned to face them as they came out."

I know it's longer of a sentence, but by writing it this way you avoid telling somebody something when you can show them the same thing. In addition you avoid making the assumption that your audience knows what a "Hard Rock Cafe" shirt looks like... Though most everyone does have some idea, I'm sure... The more detail you force feed your readers, the easier it is for them to see what you want them to see, rather than what they assume you mean.

I love it... I'm so happy you made it longer for my sake!  ;D

... ... ... Shh ... ... ... The walls have feet ... ... ...

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: These Streets Pt5
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 03:42:44 AM »
Mmm.... Character development. My favorite color.