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Author Topic: Global Role Play Rules [Look here before starting to RolePlay]  (Read 12544 times)

Offline Amphi

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Terms used in this post:
RP - Role-Play (RPs = Role-Plays, RPer(s) = Role-Player(s), RPing = Role-Playing)
GM - Game Master

    Role-Playing Tags:
    [RP] - RP is active and accepted by mods
    [Pending] - RP is under construction, or hasn't met the requirements of the rules (Below)
    [Closed] - RP is no longer active and is also locked
    [OOCC] - Out of Character Chat, RP details and conversations about the RP are located here
    [Profiles] - Character profiles are PM'd to the GM, who puts them here once approved

Rules for the Hosts

1. The setting of the RP must be in the original post. This responsibility is solely up to the GM (Host).
# Does that mean that you want to allow hosts not to have a setting? Or have it somewhere else?

2. A GM is allowed to co-host an RP with one or more other members. The other members will have the same authority as the GM."

3. The decision of moderators override that of GMs.

4. You are limited to starting (hosting) one RP per month. Going over this limit will result in a warning, and possible deletion of the thread. Exceptions can be granted if you PM a moderator.

5. After 1 month of inactivity from a host, all of the GM’s RPs will be locked. After a period of two weeks, if the user still fails to respond, requests to reopen the RP are less likely to be approved. You must be active enough to maintain your RP. This will be enforced, unless there are other active RPers keeping the RP running.

6. The GM is required to keep an ongoing summary of the RP's events and advancements for the entire duration of the project. It is to be posted on the first page of the RP thread.

7. The GM must decide the the maximum number of RPers in their RP and the maximum number of controllable characters upon its creation.

8. The GM should state the extent to which profanity is allowed. Profanity is generally allowed if doing so makes a character in-character. RPs that allow any profanity should warn so in the title with (Warning: May contain profanity)

Rules for the RPers

1. The GM’s word is law, and must be followed. You may appeal to a moderator if you feel a GM is abusing their power.

2. As a player, you must post within three days of your last post. Any longer may result in being kicked out of the RP as the GM sees fit. Please message your GM in cases where you may be offline for extended periods of time so preparation can be made for your absence.

3. Do not God-Mod unless given consent from the character's owner. Both parties must let everyone participating in the RP that an event was allowed by posting in the OOCC thread of the RP.

4. If an RP is inactive due to a single user being inactive for a period of 1 month, then that user's actions can be modded, but only to the extent that the RP moves along (only small actions can be modded; the GM will see to it that modding remains fair to every RPer. Members of the RP can appeal to moderators if they feel that the GM is not being entirely fair). This rule does not apply if an RP remains active due to the modding of more than 2 inactive RPers. After extended periods, the GM may decide to keep their character(s), or remove them.

General rules for RPs

1. Proper grammar and spelling is a MUST. All posts that are not well-written will be deleted. Moderators reserve the right to delete posts that are not well-written or edit out typos. Moderators may give a warning to the RPer should that RPer continues to ignore this rule and appropriate actions will be taken.

2. While flaming in character is allowed, there are certain restrictions. Flaming cannot be discriminatory towards any real-world race, religion, philosophy, gender, or sexual preference, and that they are characters attacking each other, not members insulting other members. Put another way: all flaming must be done in character.

3. If an RP does not reach the general standard of the RPing section, it will either be closed or the topic starter will be given things to fix about the RP to fix. If the GM(s) doesn't comply within seven days, the topic will be deleted.

4. This board was made solely for the sake of RPing and only for RPing. Anything which does not concern RPing can/will be removed without prior notice by the staff and/or moderators.


1. Should any member think that a change of rules is unfair, they can discuss the matter with any RP moderator.

2. Moderators may remove posts that they feel are not on-topic.

3. RPs are automatically closed after 4 weeks of inactivity.


1. The most common punishment will be a verbal warning. If you do not shape up after receiving this warning you will receive either a permanent or temporary ban from the RP forum.

2. Your posts may occasionally be deleted. You will be PMed asking you to rewrite it, unless the post really doesn't have its place in the thread.

3. If after receiving a ban from the RP forum you continue posting you will receive an official warning.

Jerry 14-Apr-2014:
- Major revision. The older rules are below for comparison.
Jerry 20-Apr-2011:
- altered rule 17 and removed the part about character fights as I don't see why it's there.
- amended Punishment 2. by the "unless ..." part, since having only a small handful of active RPs are easily tracked.
- amended Hot Topics Policy by adding ", if there are... " The criteria need not be changed.
Jerry 19-Dec-2011:
- added rule 18 so that some things are clearer.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 09:48:55 PM by Jerry »
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Re: Global Role Play Rules [Look here before starting to RolePlay]
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2014, 09:45:57 PM »
Previous rules:

    Role-Playing Tags
    [RP] - RP is active and accepted by mods
    [Pending] - RP is under construction, or hasn't met the requirements of the rules (Below)
    [Closed] - RP is no longer active and is also locked

1. Proper grammar and spelling is a MUST. All posts that are not well-written will be deleted. If there are scattered typos, the moderators will edit the post and correct them, but if this persists, the moderators can send a warning to the RPer and appropriate actions will be taken.

2. SPECIFICALLY STATE THE SETTING OF THE RP IN THE ORIGINAL POST. Yes. Which means hosts MUST give a definitive description of the starting area of the RP.

3. Posts must have something to do with the actual RP.

4. No more than one character is to be controlled within any given post with a maximum of 2 main characters per thread.

5. You may not control another character without their express permission for ANY reason.

6. A main character cannot be killed unless they allow it.

7. No god modding. You are NOT all powerful.

8. While flaming in character is allowed, there are certain restrictions. Flaming cannot be discriminatory towards any real-world race, religion, philosophy, gender, or sexual preference, and that they are characters attacking each other, not members insulting other members. Put another way: all flaming must be done in character.

9. Profanity is allowed, but there are restrictions to keep it artful. FIRST OFF, the member that posts the thread must get permission from a moderator and include reasoning for the profanity to be allowed. Second, the member that posts the thread must indicate that there is to be profanity in the thread in the subject line. Third, the member that posts the thread must state that they wish for profanity to be allowed in that thread and any restrictions that they wish to impose must be followed. Fourth, the F-word is not to be used under ANY circumstances. Finally, any profanity with a sexual meaning must be used in a general context, never in a sexual one (e. g., a character can call another character a dickhead, but cannot use the profanity to tauntingly tell an opponent to "suck dick").

10. Read all announcements and stickies before posting and check often for updates. They are there to help you become a better RPer.

11. All RPs will be closed after 4 weeks of inactivity. This helps keep the forums more organized.

12. If a RP does not reach the general standard of the RPing section, it will either be closed or the topic starter will be given things to fix about the RP to fix. If s/he doesn't comply within a certain amount of time, the topic will be closed.

13. All RPs which have been locked because of failing to meet standards will be deleted within' 7 days of locking, this is to keep all the spam off this forum for good.

14. All RPing, and discussion about the RP must commence within a SINGLE thread. This means that separate threads for "playing" and "planning" are not allowed. It is not necessary for these two parts of the RP be divorced, and it only serves to clutter up the forum.

15. You are limited to starting (hosting) one RP per month. Going over this limit will result in a warning, and a deletion of the topic. Exceptions will be granted if you PM a moderator.

16. If an RP is inactive due to a single user being inactive for a period of 1 month, then that user's actions can be modded, but only to the extent that the RP moves along (Only small actions can be modded. The staff will see to it that modding remains fair to every RPer). This rule does not apply if an RP remains active due to the modding of more than 2 inactive RPers.

17. If a user is the host of an RP, after 1 month of inactivity, ALL of their RPs will be locked. After a Period of two weeks, if the user STILL fails to respond, we will remove the said topics. You must be active enough to maintain your RP. This will be enforced, unless there are other active RPers keeping the RP running.

18. This board was made solely for the sake of RPing and only for RPing. Anything which does not concern RPing can/will be removed without prior notice by the staff and/or moderators.


1. The most common punishment will be a verbal warning. If you do not shape up after receiving this warning you will receive either a permanent or temporary ban from the RP forum.
2. Your posts may occasionally be deleted. You will be PMed asking you to rewrite it, unless the post really doesn't have its place in the thread.
3. If after receiving a ban from the roleplay forum you continue posting you will receive an official warning.

Hot Topics policy - This means that topics the Staff (Chibivampire and Myself) would like to keep active will be stickied until they end or die, if there are many RPs actively being run and all being somewhat successful at the same time.

Criteria for a hot topic - More than fifty posts, currently active or was active and is currently dwindling in activity, and people seem to be having fun in the RP. The better the quality of the RP the more likely it is going to be stickied.
Keep in mind that only 2-3 Hot Topics will be stickied at a time, and still active Hot Topics will be unstickied to make room for higher quality RPs that meet the criteria. Also, not all topics that make the criteria will be stickied. Ultimately, the decision is up to the Staff.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...