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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 133434 times)

Offline YouHearThat

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #195 on: June 10, 2010, 09:51:05 PM »

"sorry about that Amphy, had to make a big splash to wake myself up" Kino said smiling. Kino relaxing in the spring and Argo went to the other pokemon to play with. "so what do you guys want to do today?" Kino asked to Amphy and Tsubaki.
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #196 on: June 10, 2010, 09:53:28 PM »

Tsubaki thought about that, "Well... We have a lot of things to do today..! With the PokeNav's... Buying some items at the Mart... And maybe a little training for our new pokemon! And then when thats all over we can come and relax here for one last night in the hotsprings and leave to the next town tomorrow!" Tsubaki smiled, she could only hope that they would agree with that idea,
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #197 on: June 10, 2010, 09:57:37 PM »
Before Jerry turned back to say a last goodbye to Shroomish, he received a hard headbutt on his back sending him on the ground.

- Hey! That's not nice! >=(

'Shroom! Shroomish!" shouted the Shroomish laughing.

- So that's what you want huh? Ok, game on Mudkip, time for battle, use Mud Slap!

Shroomish bounced in the air, upon the trees at an amazing speed... It then used headbutt on the disoriented Mudkip, throwing him on the ground.

- Come on Mudkip, use Mud Slap again!

Mudkip regained balance after hitting the ground and threw mud in the eyes of it's opponent.

- Now, tackle!

Shroomish immediately used tackle in a random way, and both pokemon collided. The Spores sprayed onto Mudkip, making it feel drowsy. Shroomish finally got rid of the mud in its eyes and charged towards Mudkip, inflicting him much damage.

- Wake up Mudkip! It's not nap time! Use Water Gun!

Mudkip opened it eyes just in time to dodge another tackle, and sprayed a jet of pressurized water on Shroomish. The Shroomish then used Absorb on Mudkip.

- Mudkip, hold on!

Shroomish jumped again towards Mudkip with a headbutt. Just then, Mudkip stayed and endured the hit. Another tackle, and Mudkip still endured the hit, he was getting tired.


Mudkip's body glowed... and suddenly, a white light shone from his body. A dazzling beam was sent on Shroomish, falling down, surprised.

Go Pokeball!

And this is how Jerry finally captured the Shroomish.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #198 on: June 10, 2010, 10:07:20 PM »
"Umm well i kind of want to try to teach my Shenzi Shadow ball, any of you know how to try to do that?" Amphy asked "also umm Tsubaki you mean PokeGear don't you?" Shenzi and Angel came and sat on Amphy's shoulder.
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #199 on: June 10, 2010, 10:11:39 PM »

Tsubaki twitched at the last comment, "Yeah... That too.." Tsubaki smiled, "Don't they have a TM for shadow ball?" Tsubaki asked, she also remembered a few TMs her mom bought for her that were in the box before she left, she still needed to check what they were next time she was at the room,
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Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #200 on: June 10, 2010, 10:16:17 PM »
"yeah, um i guess i should go look at the pokemart for that tm, Shenzi would you like to learn shadow ball?" 


"Guess that would be a yes"
Amphy patted Shenzi on the head, "so when should we go look around town?"
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #201 on: June 10, 2010, 10:24:25 PM »

Tsubaki started to stand up, making sure Eevee was still on her shoulders and Ralts in her arms, again she had to readjust her towel, "We can go right now... Don't want to get all pruny..." Tsubaki smiled,
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Offline YouHearThat

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #202 on: June 10, 2010, 10:32:12 PM »

"Sure" Kino said, trying to stand up while holding on to his towel. "Lets go Argo" Kino said to Argo. Argo stopped playing with the water and gets up with Kino, smiling at him.
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Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #203 on: June 10, 2010, 10:32:42 PM »
"'kay" Amphy said as he was getting up and had Shenzi and Angel follow him through the locker room and back to our room so he could change.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #204 on: June 10, 2010, 10:40:49 PM »

Kino and Argo then back to the room, quickly Kino changing to some new clothes, similar to the ones he wore yesterday, he had in his book bag. "the springs felt good" Kino said happily. Kino then lets Argo climb into his book bag and puts it on, Kino holding Argo in his book bag goes outside waiting for Tsubaki and Amphy.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 10:51:04 PM by YouHearThat »
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #205 on: June 10, 2010, 10:57:25 PM »

Tsubaki waited for the two of the to finally leave, she walked over to the girls locker room with her Pokemon tagging along, she took off her towel and started to dry off with another, She wore a small bathrobe carrying all of her stuff, she saw Kino and Amphi outside and waved hello, she made it back to the room and closed the door, she found a change of clothes and pulled them onto the bed, she started to take off the robe and then changed, while she was there she checked the TM's she was given, she cleared out her bag and found four, and then refilled it, "Hm... Lets see... Thunderbolt... Flamethrower... Ice Punch... Attract..?" She asked, she looked over at Ralts, thinking about its evolutions, "Well it looks like there is something here for you Hinata!" She laughed, and Ralts smiled walking up. When Tsubaki was done with everything she grabbed her bag and walked into the lobby. "Um... Im sorry for the trouble, but could me and my friends stay here one more night? The Inn is just so wonderful..." Tsubaki asked, a little embarrassed, "Of course, dear! "Oh, Thank you very much! She smiled, but then she asked, "Um... How much will this cost..? "Oh, don't worry, you are so nice! This night is free too! Everyone needs a place to sleep..!" "Oh thank you, thank you. thank you!" She jumped, she handed the Lady her room card, she swiped it into the computer and added one day to the balance, "Bye-bye now, have a nice stay." Tsubaki smiled, being handed the card back, she walked outside with Eevee back on her shoulders and Ralts, the shy little Pokemon in her arms,

((I was wondering about Argo's tail flame too... :3! Sorry for the late reply, I had to cook lunch... :3))

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #206 on: June 10, 2010, 11:02:34 PM »
Amphy waited for Tsubaki to figure out where we should go as she is still the unofficial leader
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #207 on: June 10, 2010, 11:08:10 PM »

(Unofficial... Excuse me...? =3=!!)
Tsubaki made it to the others waiting for her,
"Sorry to keep you waiting... She apologized, "Well... To start off with, lets get the Pokegear..." She said, Tsubaki started to walk down the street until she found an electronics store, "Hm... Best place to start..." She walked in, expecting the others to be following her,
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #208 on: June 10, 2010, 11:11:59 PM »
Amphy followed Tsubaki in and started looking around, "hmm" Amphy looked at a black pokegear with a light blue outline around all the major seems of the device. "I like this one"
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #209 on: June 10, 2010, 11:15:34 PM »

Kino follows Tsubaki and Amphy into the electronic, In Kino's mind he was thinking of what to name his new friend Pidgey. "(I think I'll name her Spring since I like hot springs)" Kino thought. Then Kino saw a red pokegear with black stripes. "I think I might get this one" Kino said happily.
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