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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 133428 times)

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #255 on: June 11, 2010, 05:38:04 AM »

Tsubaki looked down at Chinchou, but she just shook her head, "Do you remember the pond where you first saw it? I have an idea on how to make it come out..." Tsubaki smiled, she had Chinchou, there was something she could do.
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Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #256 on: June 11, 2010, 05:41:24 AM »
Amphy stared at the chinchou, "I cant wait to see what you two do" Amphy smiled "Shenzi come here please" Shenzi ran back to Amphy and waited to see what will happen
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #257 on: June 11, 2010, 06:15:11 AM »

Tsubaki was carrying Chinchou in her arms until the walked up to a pond side, "Thunder Wave!" Tsubaki threw Chibi into the air above the pond where she created an electrical charge and shot it into the water, Chibi came back down, where Tsubaki was barely able to catch her without falling in, a few seconds later a few goldeens raised to the surface, and soon after, a poliwag, angry, but still with a lof of energy left to fight. Tsubaki turned around and started to walk over to her other pokemon, but Poliwag thought Tsubaki was her enemy, she it shot a water gun at her. Tsubaki turned to see the incoming attack, "Kyaa!!" She screamed, but Ralts saw she was about to be hit, so she jumped past Tsubaki at the attack, using Protect, she was safe from damage, and so was Tsubaki, She pulled Ralts away from the Angry Poliwag, "Its all yours!" She said, laughing, collecting all of her Pokemon, Ralts was on one shoulder, Eevee in the other, and Chinchou in her arms, so they could all watch the battle Amphi would have.
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Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #258 on: June 11, 2010, 06:28:51 AM »
"Alright Shenzi, Angel, battle formation one!" Angel ran behind the poliwag to prevent it from jumping back into the water, and Shenzi stood infront of it and howled loudly, stunning the poliwag for a second, but then used a water gun on shenzi, "Dodge!" Shenzi jumped on top of the water gun and started running towards poliwag. "Bite poliwag now Shenzi!"  Shenzi bit the poliwag, the poilwag started using pound on Shenzi, "Shenzi, let go!" Shenzi let go and jumped back, and the poliwag used water gun on Shenzi again, "Use shadow ball, now!" Shenzi used a shadow ball and it blew straight through the water gun and hit the poliwag right on slamming it back into Angel, "You okay Angel?!"
::Eevee--Eevee:: Angel pushed the now fainted poliwag off himself
"Okay then now time for the pokeball, crap i only have a dusk ball, that won't work"
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #259 on: June 11, 2010, 06:47:23 AM »

Tsubaki looked through be Pokeball pocket, she found the other Net ball, She didn't think she would need it, so she threw it at Amphi, "Amphi! Catch!" She called to him.

((Mmhm... =3=...))

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #260 on: June 11, 2010, 06:53:59 AM »
Amphy catches the ball Thanks Tsubaki, now pokeball, GO!! Amphy threw the pokeball at the poliwag, the ball hit poliwag and in the pokemon went, the ball shook three times then captured, 

"Yes!, I finally caught a poliwag!!" Amphy yelled in excitement and had tears of joy
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #261 on: June 11, 2010, 07:02:25 AM »

Tsubaki smiled at his wonderful victory, but she heard a twig snap and turned to see what it was, She saw that man again, the one with the Spearow but then he turned and went behind the tree, "Be right back, Amphi~!" She said smiling, and then she ran off to see if he was there, when she got at the same spot she saw he disappeared, she walked back to Amphi and her Pokemon, "I wonder who that is... Is he following me..? Or this Chinchou?" She thought to herself, troubled, but didn't want anyone else to find out, or get worried.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #262 on: June 11, 2010, 07:06:27 AM »
"what was that about?" Amphy asked

"Angel time to get back into the ball ok?"
::Eevee:: Amphy returned Eevee to its pokeball and Shenzi hopped up onto Amphy's shoulder
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #263 on: June 11, 2010, 07:10:41 AM »

Tsubaki jumped at Amphi's question, "Eh... Nothing... Tsubaki smiled and then she started looking around, "Hm..? Where's Kino..? Maybe he is waiting for us at the Inn... We wouldn't want to keep him waiting..! Lets go to the Pokemon Center, its getting awfully late... Tsubaki said, and then she started to walk back to the city, and made her way to the Center.
((Lets finish this up, Your getting sleepy... ._.))

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #264 on: June 11, 2010, 07:13:29 AM »
Amphy started walking back not sure were he was going so he waited for Tsubaki to lead the way
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #265 on: June 11, 2010, 07:19:32 AM »

Tsubaki made her way inside, having the three of her Pokemon all ready in their balls, the Nurse took them to be healed, she headed to the lobby to sit down. When she got there she saw that Kino was crying, shocked she sat down in an open chair next to him, she put her hand on his shoulders and asked, "Kino! What's wrong..?" She asked concerned,
((I have to go, so this will start when Kino posts tomorrow... :3! You must be so sleepy Amphy! I'm sorry for keeping you up... ._.))

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Offline Declan_23

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #266 on: June 11, 2010, 02:36:27 PM »
((Seriously guys it's getting hard to keep up with your posts at night :P. Also, sorry for making you wait Mr.Pokemon))

Diedrich demanded to know what was up. By this time the two of them were just on the outskirts of the town.
'Bollocks' Deccers thought'What am I supposed to do know?' He looked around quickly to determine nobody was watching.

'Listen punk.'
He snarled as he shoved Diedrich up against the wall of a nearby shop. 'The bosses aren't so sure that you're loyal. So, we're going to organise a little heist in this town, just to check you're keeping the Rocket morals to heart.' Deccers let Diedrich go and surveyed his surroundings. He eyed a Mart nearby. It seemed to have an outdated security system, no cameras in sight.
'We'll rob that shop. I'll go inside, wait until the shop is empty and make a distraction to draw out the shop keeper.'
'How can I do this? I'm robbing an honest man? 2 days ago I was just a normal kid! What if we get caught?' Adreneline surged through Deccers' body as he entered the shop, the bell jingling as he opened the door. Tatters' claws dug into his shoulder, he was tense as well.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #267 on: June 11, 2010, 07:00:17 PM »
Jerry now was proud of his new companion. He let out Shroomish to walk with them. Another bugcatcher showed up in front of them to challenge Jerry.

- All right team, let's see you battle Shroomish!

The bugcatcher sent out a silcoon.

"Huh, seems like a weak, fragile pokemon."

- Shroomish, start with tackle!

The Silcoon used harden and endured the hit taking little damage. Jerry proceeded with the battle. Shroomish used tackle and Silcoon was just trying to build up defense. A headbutt from Shroomish surprisingly KOed the Silcoon, apparently a critical hit! The bugcatcher then sent out a Cascoon.

"Another one? Oh, this one is a little different..."

Jerry now ordered Shroomish to use Headbutt, but suddenly, the Cascoon let out a powerful Poison Sting. It poisoned Shroomish.

- Oh no... Shroomish, come back, you were great, it's time to rest now. Your turn Mudkip! Use Water Gun!

The weakened Cascoon fell on the first hit. The bugcatcher then sent out a Beedrill. It started by using Fury Attack on Mudkip.

- Quick Mudkip, use Bide!

After taking much damage, Mudkip let go a massive attack that sent Beedrill in a one hit KO. Upon that victory, Mudkip somehow made himself surrounded by a strange bubble, glowing with a blue aura. Mudkip had forgotten Tail Whip and learned Protect!
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #268 on: June 11, 2010, 08:53:22 PM »

"Don't you see, Deccers, this is the problem with Team Rocket. Just a few days ago you were probably just a kid with no money, right? Now you're robbing marts just because someone told you to! It just sickens me, and I want to change it." Diedrich was going out on a limb here, he had no idea how Deccers would react, but he wasn't going to rob a mart, and he hoped Deccers wasn't going to, either.

Offline Declan_23

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #269 on: June 11, 2010, 09:48:16 PM »

Deccers stopped with the mart door wide open, Diedrich was shouting at him
'So'He spat out viciously'You reveal your true colours. Don't try and empathise with me. You know nothing about me!' With this last sentence, Tatters bared his teeth and began a low growl.
'I have to go through with this. To back down now would be weak' He thought. He flung open the door once more.
'Tatters, Quick Attack! He yelled. Tatters launched himslf off of Deccers' shoulder and slammed into the forhead of the shopkeeper, knocking him unconscious.