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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183954 times)

Offline spirit

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #315 on: June 12, 2010, 02:45:56 PM »
(Hey sorry it's taken me so long to join in, I didn't notice that you guys started without me, and my work keeps me busy, but I do have an RP explanation planned for the future; all I need is the perfect set up. Also, I would like to point out a few things.... 1) you people keep complaining about having to read 2 pages.....I just spent the entire night reading all 26! yeah, the sun is now up. 2) you also are worried about your long posts? don't worry, now that I'm here it is likely yours won't seem so long....heck, I'm probably already close to matching most of your long posts and I haven't even started yet. 3) also, forgetting the charmander in a pool, I'm surprised nobody is concerned that it was riding around in a backpack with nothing but it's head poking out. ;)

I think there were a couple other things I noticed, but I don't recall them, nor are they that important. But I must say, I have really been enjoying this RP, it has a great story, and an excellent -coincidental- balance between a "main story", and two "side stories", it feels like it could/would make a great anime. Anyway, onto my start....which isn't really my start, you will hear that later.)

Credit to Kuhns for the pic

Kin sat on a branch in the hotel hot springs. He had spent much of his day meditating and was now relaxing with his pokemon, as they absorbed the steam from the water below. Kin knew exactly what was about to happen, he had seen it while he was walking back to the hotel, not long before. The trainers bellow, and their pokemon seemed to be having fun. This wasn't the first time Kin had seen the trainer called Tsubaki and her friends, he had been fascinated by her skill when he watched her battle against a rocket and his spearow (fearow? I think you said both in the post), and decided she might be a fun companion, if only for a little while.

Then it happened, the rocket he had noticed earlier that day walked into the hot springs and began hassling all the trainers. It really wasn't a well thought out plan on the rockets part, but then rockets didn't always think things out. Kin had to give the rocket some credit, he could tell the poochyena it sent out was skilled and definitely a dangerous foe, even for Kin himself; which is why he had decided to wait for him, instead of jumping in carelessly. The rocket had just begun to threaten people, claiming he would steal their pokemon, when Kin decided to make his move.

Kin dropped from the tree and landed swiftly behind the grunt. With his left hand he cupped the grunts face, and blocked his vision; at the same moment, he lowered his stance, pulling the grunt backwards and off balance, with all his weight being supported by Kin. With his free hand, Kin threw a hand full of leaves at poochyena's back, causing it to turn around and be startled to see it's master being subdued by a previously unnoticed adversary. In the moment that poochyena turned it's back, Kin's treeko: Hatsumi, followed his masters lead and dropped from the tree as well, and came crashing down with a "brick break" attack. The attack was supper effective, but would not normally have been strong enough to deal with the poochyena; it was only due to the element of surprise did it cause sufficient damage.

Kin stepped back and let go of the rocket, who fell to the ground with a thud. Frightened, the rocket scrambled to his feet and recalled his pokemon, as he fled the scene. Kin eased his low stance and stood casually as he watched the scared grunt.
"It's strange, there are a number of Rocket's in the area today." he said aloud to himself. He then turned to look at tsubaki and Amphy. "I suppose I should introduce myself; this is Hastumi," indicating his Treeko, "and I am Kin."

(Phew, how's that for a long post? oh, and sorry if that was godmodding [I don't think it was, but if so, let me know], I just figured after having been absent for a whole day and a half [game time] that I needed a slightly different intro, and this one at least hinted at my character and his traits in an effective manner.)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 02:53:08 PM by spirit »

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #316 on: June 12, 2010, 03:16:05 PM »

Diedrich, of course, immediately agreed to this. "Okay, let's follow her. What do you have in mind?" He knew this wouldn't be good, but what choice did he have?

{(Nice epic entrance, spirit  :) )}

Offline Declan_23

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #317 on: June 12, 2010, 03:59:38 PM »

'We go and say hi. We're brothers who just started our pokemon journey a couple of days ago.' Deccers double checked both of them ensuring that there was no Rocket insignia on show.
'We're normal kids, nobody knows any different and there's nothing to link us to the mart. Shhh!' A grunt in full uniform was threatening the girl and her friend. Deccers watched helplessly as a man dropped from a tree and took him out.
'And THAT is why it doesn't pay to advertise... On second thoughts we should keep away from that guy. He's trouble.'

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #318 on: June 12, 2010, 05:05:46 PM »
Amphy opened his eyes when someone started introducing himself, "Hi, not sure if you know my name but I'm Amphy, and the pokemon behind me are my partners," Amphy's pokemon went over to Kin and his treecko, "The poochyena is Shenzi, The eevee is Angel, and the poliwag is Kero" Amphy smiled lazily, "Sorry if it seems that I'm not that enthusiastic about our meeting, just feel like being lazy at the moment"
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Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #319 on: June 12, 2010, 05:19:38 PM »

"Deccers.. They know me. I can't be some kid starting his journey, because they know I'm in Team Rocket."

Offline Jerry

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #320 on: June 12, 2010, 05:21:23 PM »
((Nice entry spirit ;)))

- Finally, we're here. Oops, with all what happened, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mark, a worker of the Devon Company and was transporting this secret parcel to the President. I'm afraid I cannot tell anything to you right now, I hope you understand.

- Oh yes, I'm Jerry, nice to meet you. It's okay; I'm always ready to help.

- You know... come with me and I'll show you the President. I'm sure that he'll be happy to see you.

They came to a huge three storey building, and went inside. Up the stairs they went, and on the 3rd floor, they saw a woman dressed in red.

- Can I help you? Oh, Mr Mark, the President has been worried. He'll be so relieved to see you. What kept you so long?
- It's all right now. This young man, Jerry, is it?, help me get rid of a horrid bandit who was tailing me. I want to show him to the president.
- Of course, just walk in, he's been waiting all day.

As they went in the office, Mark told the President everything, and introduced him to Jerry.

- I am very grateful for what you have done young trainer. As a matter of fact, the parcel I've been waiting for is a prototype of a small gadget known as the Pokemon Navigator, of PokeNav for short. It can save the numbers of your friends having a PokeGear, contains an in build map and other more little interesting gadgets. The thing is, I need someone to give a feedback of this gadget before it can be put for sale. Would you do me a favour to be my first client?

Overjoyed, Jerry gladly accepted. The number of the President was already there. The latter told Jerry that he could call him any time he wanted. After wishing good luck to Jerry for his match against the Gym Leader, the president went on with his work. Jerry thanked him and headed to the town's gym, the first step towards the Pokemon League...
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #321 on: June 12, 2010, 08:36:32 PM »

Tsubaki jumped when the new person came out of no where, maybe that was because she was distracted playing with her Pokemon, a second later she introduced herself to the stranger, "Oh... Hello, My name is Tsubaki, She said smiling, and then she pointed to the Pokemon with her, "My Eevee is Camellia, Ralts is Hinata, and Chinchou is Chibi." She smiled, she picked up the Chinchou and started to play with her, Tsubaki didn't want her new friend to feel left out,

((Hm... Congrats spirit! Thanks for joining, sorry for not starting with you, I don't mean to be mean, but that could have taken a while with all your work... >.>! Um... That is kinda godmodding, you could have said it was some random grunt and not a player or something. ^_^! Um... Mr. Pokemon, if they do that might make something happen, we might not, because remember: Hot Springs emit Steam, so it might be a little hard to do that if you try to hide yourself. >:3!! I like to help people... =w=! Wow... I think this part is bigger than my post... >.>! Yeah... It is... :p!))
« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 09:01:16 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #322 on: June 12, 2010, 08:59:17 PM »
((Actually, I think spirit meant that the grunt was Diedrich... :D))

Jerry felt that he needed some more training before challenging the Gym Leader. He knew he had a type advantage, but Roxanne the Gym Leader was famous among the townspeople. He decided to go around the town, looking for some training, and this is where he saw a Ralts.

The Ralts teleported as soon as Jerry came too much near it. "Hm... it seems that it'll be difficult to battle this Ralts..." Jerry decided to settle down, and make a camp fire.

- Mudkip, Shroomish! We're going to take lunch now. Help me gather some wood.

After a good meal, Jerry was full, and so were Shroomish and Mudkip, but there was still some food left. Jerry saw the Ralts peeking from afar and waited... Suddenly, the Ralts teleported near them and ate some food. Jerry threw a pokeball immediately. The Ralts broke out, furious.

- Mudkip, use Mudslap!

The Ralts teleported and appeared behind Mudkip, using confusion.

- Mudkip, come back, let's go Shroomish!

Shroomish started with Mega Drain. Ralts teleported again and used Confusion on Shroomish. Shroomish then used Stun Spore, paralysing Ralts. Shroomish chained with Headbutt, knocking down Ralts.

- Good! Go pokeball!

And Jerry got a Ralts.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #323 on: June 12, 2010, 10:46:26 PM »

Deccers quickly sized up the situation. 'I can't have Diedrich recognised! We would become the main suspects for the robbery. Also that ninja guy looks tough, he completely annihilated that grunt!'
'We go into that hotel. It looks safe enough'
He replied to Diedrich indicating the building next to the springs. 'Only thing is, those guys are probably staying there too. So we're gonna stay in our room and not attract any attention. Kapish? Deccers strolled into the foyer.

Offline spirit

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #324 on: June 13, 2010, 12:06:48 AM »
(I'm surprised the most confusing part of my post was whether the grunt was an npc or not, oh you guys. It was an NPC as you deduced.)

"It's nice to finally meet you Amphy, Tsubaki. I'm sorry for my sudden, and kind of rude intrusion, but there was no way I could have defeated that grunt in a normal battle; his pokemon are too strong." Kin said. His expression then dwindled and the words he just spoke hit himself hard. He realized just what it must have seemed like to just pop in without warning. Kin had done this sort of thing before, but this time was different, he had actually wanted to be friends with these trainers, and now felt that might not happen.

"Well, I don't mean to be a bother," He said hesitatingly, "so I will let you go back to what you were doing. Try to be careful." And with that, Kin, with tears forming in his eyes, and Hatsumi, behind him, began to turn away from what they thought might be a chance at friendship.

(Oh, and grrrrr....I was going to go for Galade! >: I will have my revenge!)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 12:12:08 AM by spirit »

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #325 on: June 13, 2010, 12:13:46 AM »

Tsubaki looked at him and said out loud, "No--! Wait--! Tsubaki said, stopping herself, embarrassed at what she said she looked down so he wouldn't see her face, "I... I mean..." She started, trying to figure out what to say, "Well... Your already here, so... Why not enjoy the springs..?" Tsubaki said trying to convince him to stay, her three Pokemon looking up at her in question.

((Lol, some people can have the same Pokemon... :3! Me and Amphi have Eevee, Me and Kino have Ralts... :O... You people need to stop copying me... :I
Lol, jk, you can have whatever you want... :3!))
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #326 on: June 13, 2010, 12:17:52 AM »

"Are you sure?" Kin asked getting excited. He was so eager to join them, that as he whipped himself around to face Tsubaki, he slipped on the ground and fell on his butt.

(And that is probably the shortest post you will ever see from me. Also, I don't mind having the same pokemon as someone else, but three ralts is a little much.)

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #327 on: June 13, 2010, 12:26:15 AM »

((Ralts has my fav evolution.. :3! Hm... Gardevoir vs Gallade... =3=! I feel sorry for the two lovers... :3))
Tsubaki looked up to see that the man fell, and giggled to herself, "Of course I'm sure!" Tsubaki laughed, "It would be wrong of me to leave you to be alone..." She gave a kind and gentle smile. And her Pokemon smiled watching her smile, they thought the man was a good person, now that they see how Tsubaki acts to him.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #328 on: June 13, 2010, 12:44:00 AM »

Embarrassed, Kin stood up and laughed. "Ok, I'll be right back." Kin turns and cautiously runs to the change rooms.

"Hatsumi, I am so happy, It's been a while since I've had any human friends to hang out with." Kin then remembered that he was at a hot spring, and Tsubaki is a girl, and he blushed. "Oh, thank god there's no one to see me now," Kin said to his pokemon.

When he was finished getting ready, he returned to the hot springs, wearing nothing but a towel, took one look at Tsubaki, and turned his head away, to hide his blushing. "Um...I...uh...I guess I should let my...uh....other pokemon out eh?" he stammered. Kin grabbed one of the small pokeballs from the belt he had brought with him into the hot springs. "I guess I could have just let him out inside the change room," Kin thought to himself. "Go Blinky!"

As the pokemon materialized, Kin and Hatsumi lowered themselves into the water. "This is my Abra: Blinky."
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 12:53:20 AM by spirit »

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #329 on: June 13, 2010, 12:55:24 AM »

Tsubaki looked up seeing that Kin and his Treeco(Forget how to spell somethings) making their way into the water, with Kin mentioning an Abra, she turned and saw it, "Well hello, Blinky..!" Tsubaki smiled at the Abra, she hoped it wouldn't be too shy, she would like to play with it everyone in a while, it looked like a little child, like Ralts, (Boy or Girl..? 0w0?)
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