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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183951 times)

Offline Gammal

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #330 on: June 13, 2010, 02:34:58 AM »
((Il be a team rocket member :).
Il start reading through what you guys have been posting.

PS. Il take bulbasaur ))
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 02:41:12 AM by Gammal »

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #331 on: June 13, 2010, 02:36:58 AM »
((Okay, send me your profile when you made it. :3))
((PS Use parenthesis please. >.>!))
Could you click my links daily?

Offline Amphi

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #332 on: June 13, 2010, 02:59:53 AM »
"Your Treecko is really cool Kin, I plan on trying to catch one soon as i can" Amphy stared at it, "just figured I'd point that out" Amphy smiled "Why don't you have your pokemon play with ares, they like to make new friends"
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Offline YouHearThat

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #333 on: June 13, 2010, 03:06:56 AM »

Kino and Forest went into the Inn and to their room. "So this is where we will be staying for today Forest." Kino said, then notice his friends were at the springs still. "Lets go meet with the gang Forest." Kino said to Forest. Kino with Forest flying beside him, walks to the springs, Kino did not change clothes because he was still sort upset of what happen to Argo and he blames himself for that. When Kino got there, he notice someone new there talking to Tsubaki and Amphy. "Hi Tsubaki and Amphy, I see you made a new friend," Kino said curiously, "my name is Kino, what's yours?"

((Kino doesn't have a Ralts 0.0))
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 03:10:24 AM by YouHearThat »
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #334 on: June 13, 2010, 03:10:45 AM »
((No wait, sorry, hehe, I was thinking about Jerry.... :I))
Could you click my links daily?

Offline spirit

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #335 on: June 13, 2010, 04:35:27 AM »

Kin nodded to his pokemon, indicating that they were free to enjoy themselves. Hatsumi began swimming, and blinky started teleporting around. "yeah, he does that. that's why he's called blinky. I can't tell you how helpful that ability is. he saved me with that when we first met. shall I tell you the story?"

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #336 on: June 13, 2010, 04:44:02 AM »

Tsubaki smiled at his offer, "Of course! I would love to hear the story! Tsubaki smiled, saying it out loud, she looked down, embarrassed for being so loud,
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 04:50:00 AM by ChibiVampire »
Could you click my links daily?

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #337 on: June 13, 2010, 12:09:38 PM »

"Okay, fine, we can stay at the Inn." Diedrich started to follow Deccers, then stopped. "We'd better go at night, when they won't be able to recognize us." I should go train my new Pokemon, too, Diedrich thought. He threw out his Skorupi, then decided it needed a name. "Hmm, I should name you. How about..  Sting?" The Skorupi made a chirping sound and jumped a bit. Diedrich assumed he liked the name.

{(My unoriginal names are awesome  :) )}
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 12:13:25 PM by Mr Pokemon »

Offline Gammal

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #338 on: June 13, 2010, 01:19:30 PM »

((I hope im doing this right!))
Stein was sitting back in his chair, the room was filled with strange gadgets and would probably be considered very messy in the eyes of a "normal" person, but Stein is not normal, nor is the way he organizes his things.
Ahhh... Stein let out a big sigh as he stretched his arms and legs.
I wonder... is it night or day? He said to himself as he adjusted the screw in his head with his left arm, a few loud clicks could be heard as the screw turned, and Stein made an awkward face, his eyes rolling up a bit and his mouth twisting into a smile as he enjoyed the discomfort just a bit...
The countless computer screens filled the room with light, this was a place where normal time was of no importance, the room was filled with smoke, as Stein never went long without a cigarette.

In the far back of the room the sound of someone tinkering with the machines could be heard.
Suddenly the screens flickered and some were turned off, a big sizzling noise came from one of the terminals, and smoke started to pour out.
Root! Stein called out straight up in to the air, not bothering with the direction of the call.
In a few seconds a Bulbasaur came running, the Bulbasaur looked pale and a bit tired, but happy to have its masters attention.
Stein turned towards it Root... How many times have I told you? You cant be working on two different machines at once, you will short circuit them!
Root looked confused and let out a Frustrated "Bulbaaa..." As if to say that he had nothing to do with the computers failure, at least not this time.
Stein realizing that there had to be something els messing up his computers, rose up of his chair, motioned Bulbasaur to follow and started to head towards the door
 I guess its time to have a look at the power station. He said, turning and smiling towards his companion. Root ran happily back and forth between Steins legs as he walked away from the many screens into the darkness.

((I hope this is an ok post!! >.<))

« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 03:33:20 PM by Gammal »

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #339 on: June 13, 2010, 01:36:49 PM »
{( It seems fine to me =^) )}

Offline spirit

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #340 on: June 13, 2010, 01:52:45 PM »
("You know you can go ahead and skip this episode, I'm sure nothing significant will happen; It's probably just filler")

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry, I'm a little flustered. My social skills aren't that great, but you should see my survival skills," Kin apologized to the trainer. "Kino is it? That's funny, my name is Kin, pretty close eh?
(By the way, is it Kee-no? or Kin-o? Mine is Kin, like a descendant)
Well, take a seat won't you? I was just about to tell the story of how my Abra and I became friends, though I should probably start at the very beginning. I'm guessing you're all new trainers, and I guess technically so am I, but my story is probably very different from yours, and I have been training with pokemon for a lot longer.

Well, It all started seven years ago when I was 14. I hadn`t started as a pokemon trainer yet, and to be honest, I didn`t really want to be one. My real dream was very different, I wanted to be a skilled martial artist. I didn`t believe in relying on pokemon to win my battles. My life up to this point had not been very easy, but that is beside the point. Anyway.... I was training alone in a forest, I was climbing trees, and trying to soak in how serine everything was. I was no good at fighting at the time, but I thought I was. Perhaps seven years from today, I will look back on myself today and realize I still am no good. So I was playing by myself, like I always did, when I came face to face with a wild Mightyena.

The Mightyena in the area are well known for their ferocious behavior; more so than most. My mom had warned me not to enter the forest:
'It's unsafe! Wild pokemon live in tall grass!' she had said, but I was naive, and had not listened. I really didn't know what to do, I tried climbing the tree, but the Mightyena would just tackle the tree, and try to take down the tree if he could, with me in it of course.

It was then that my life was saved. Hatsumi jumped from a neighboring tree, and he let out a growl at the Mightyena. I had never seen anything so heroic in my life. I looked at him, and he looked back at me. It was in that moment that I trusted my life with Hatsumi. Hatsumi extended out one of his hands, and I took it without a second thought. As soon as my hand was in Hatsumi's, he jumped from the tree to a neighboring one; I had to assist in his jumps, since he was too weak to support me completely on his own, but I couldn't have gotten as far as i did without him. There we were, leaping through the tree's, the wind blowing past my face, and the Mightyena on the ground below, doing everything it could to keep up. Eventually, we managed to outrun, and out maneuver the Mightyena, and Hatsumi and I have been together ever since.

Over the years, Hatsumi, and I have been training our survival skills, and our martial arts; I even began to mimic some of the moves of pokemon and adapt them into my own knowledge pool. Perhaps you noticed my razor leaf attack earlier...it may not have dealt any damage, but it still lead to the success of my battle with that rocket grunt. Hatsumi and I have been honing our skills for years now, and we are always trying to find a new place, and a new way to do so. Sometimes, we come across other trainers, and we follow them around for a while, but we always seem to pop in and out with need, or just base curiosity.

One day, Hatsumi and I were meditating in a field, training our spiritual awareness, when an Abra apparated in front of us. I had just recently decided, and been approved, to be a pokemon trainer, and felt that this Abra might make a great first pokemon, for me, as a trainer. I quickly called out Hatsumi, who jumped to his feet and threw a pound at the abra. Unfortunately, and to our dismay, the abra disapparated, and Hatsumi's fist hit nothing but air. I was saddened that i couldn't catch the pokemon; normally, I don't try to catch just any pokemon, but there was something odd that triggered during my meditation, when it appeared in the field, and I had a great urge to add it to my team.

Not wanting to get too flustered, I continued on with the reason I had come to this place. I had been meditating to try and see if I could notice anything to my advantage in my upcoming goal, but having missed the chance I was given to have that advantage, I got to my feet and began walking to the cliff wall I was at the bottom of. I was so eager to start with my mission, that I didn't even realize I had accidentally dropped my pokeballs. There was a cave at this mountain, that was said to be filled with countless Zubat, and a mysterious master who commanded them. The mountain was known as Mt. Carbon, and everyone had been banned entry. I didn't fully understand why I was there, not at the time at least, but my journey had taken me there, and that was all that mattered to me. Even though I was not supposed to enter the cave in the mountain face, I walked over the 'no entry' signs and proceeded inside.

In the dark cave, lit only by the cave entrance, and a torch in my hand, I met Zubat after Zubat. Slowly, Hatsumi began to grow week, and I grew tired with him. Suddenly an overgrown Zubat appeared before us, and I sent out Hatsumi, assuming that he was still strong enough to take on such a common type of pokemon. The Zubat swooped at Hatsumi, who ducked out of the way and turned and attempted a quick attack which hit the Zubat and knocked it to the ground. Zubat retaliated with a supersonic, confusing Hatsumi. I watched, worried, as Hatsumi failed to find the coordination to retaliate; the Zubat's move had obviously been super effective.

Things only got worse, when a bright light emanated from the Zubat, and before my eyes it evolved into a Golbat. The newly strengthened Golbat, swooped past Hatsumi, who failed to pound it out of the air to protect me. In my surprise, I was unable to dodge the attack, and suffered a leach life of my own. Hatsumi snapped out of his confusion, and looked at me with concern in his eyes. Reflecting back, I wish he hadn't, and had saved his worries for after we were out of the fight, but what is done is done, and what was done is that Hatsumi suffered a bite of his own: a poison fang. I regret to say that Hatsumi instantly became poisoned. Golbat began to screech and I knew we were in trouble.

It was fortunate that at that moment, Abra reappeared, inside the cave. I cried out to the Abra to help us, and I suppose it must have known that we needed it's help, because, even before I was half through my plea, it had teleported Hatsumi and I outside of the cave, and back into a low-cut-grass field, located between the cave and the closest town. I bowed and thanked the Abra, who smiled and teleported away. Hatsumi and I enlisted the help of the local pokemon center, and clinic. We both spent a night resting up, and met up the next day outside of the pokemon center.

Once again, I found myself surprised, when the Abra appeared, yet again, infront of Hatsumi and I. I was shocked to see that the Abra had all my pokeballs with it, and i quickly ran over to pick them up. I took one look at the Abra, who looked back at me, and smiled, and I threw my pokeball. That is how my two pokemon came both to my rescue, and became a part of my team. It was at that moment that I decided that any pokemon that will join my team will not be because I want them on my team, but because their is something special about them, and that they are meant to be part of my team. Perhaps that is what it means to be a true pokemon master.

I still don't really want to be a master of the pokemon league, my goal always has been, and always will be for justice, and protection of myself, my family, and my friends, but now that I have become a pokemon trainer, things are looking at least a little different. It's wierd, you might think I should be very skilled as a pokemon trainer, what with having had seven years of training, but the battles I have fought, and the way battles are fought in the league are very different, and in that respect, I am still very new. That is why I didn't attack that rocket grunt head-on; I have had to mark my victories in battle, by finding unique ways of fighting. Now that I am commiting myself at least a little more strongly to the league, I am looking for some companions, at least for a little while...."
Kin began to hesitate; he was worried what his new friends might say, and began to wonder if he had spoken for too long without letting them get a word in edge-wise, "maybe I could....join you on your journey...?"

(boo yeah, longest post thus far....seriously though....I understand if you didn't read all that, but you might want to read the last line or two. yeah.... TL;DR indeed. Oh, and don't worry, I have no intention of making my posts this long ever again.....also, while Tsubaki has her own theme song [which is epic btw], and this is no theme song for my character, but the following song seems to fit very nicely to this story: Kin's Backstory)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 08:35:34 PM by spirit »

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #341 on: June 13, 2010, 03:21:23 PM »
((Epic post is epic))

As Deccers approached the check in desk he realised Diedrich was no longer following him. He spun round but the boy was no where to be seen.
'Can I help you?' Asked the friendly looking man behind the desk.
'Umm Yeah. Can I have a single room?'
'Oh you're alone. There are some kids at the spings in case you're interested. Also, your first night is free.
'I don't need anybody else. And a wise man once told me that nothing is for free.' He replied as he took the keycard off of the desk. He walked down the corridor and opened his room. The first thing he did was stretch out fully clothed on the bed.
'What have we got ourselves into Tatters?' Deccers asked out loud to his pokemon.
'Tatatata, taatatattata.' The Rattata responded.

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #342 on: June 13, 2010, 03:34:58 PM »

Diedrich was looking around to see if anyone was watching them. When he saw nobody, he said "All clear"to Deccers, who he realized was gone. He sprinted to the hotel, and when he got inside, heard Deccers saying "What have we gotten ourselves into, Tatters?"He caught up, and caught his breath for a minute, before a woman at the desk asked him, "Sir, where are you going?"  "I'm staying with him." He jerked a thumb towards Deccers. He didn't appear to disagree, so the woman let him go. He turned to Deccers, saying "You could've waited for me"

Offline Gammal

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #343 on: June 13, 2010, 04:07:39 PM »

The door opened with a screech, Stein and Root stepped into the corridor leading away from his lab.
At the end there was a big red door, almost like a blast door, but a couple of meters before they turned right in to another hallway, this one heading slightly downwards, as they approached the end of the hallway there was nothing but darkness.
Stein flicked a switch, and the lights flickered for a while before settling in.
Lets have a look then. Thought Stein and went into the room.
The room was quite small, and there was not much in it. A few cables lay scattered across the floor, linking the big machines together, many of them were old and broken, but most of them were still running, if just barely.
A noise was heard coming from behind the power terminals, and Root faced the direction of the noise, ready to protect his master from whatever lurked in the darkness.
Probably rats... Stein said.  Lets give them something in return for destroying my machines. His voice much lower and irritated.
Smoke them out Root!
Root jumped up into the air and let out a big cloud of Poison Powder.
Now we just have to wait Stein said and stood in the doorway ready to intercept anything trying to escape.

But something was wrong, the cloud of smoke was disappearing behind one of the terminals, almost as something was sucking the poison in like a vacuum cleaner.
That does it! Who ever you are, you will not defile my workplace any further! Root, Whine Whip!
The green vines shot through the air, and with their return they brought the offender.
It was a Grimer, a small blob of poison. No wonder the poison did not work. Thought Stein.
The Grimer seemed weak, and it was slightly burned, it had probably got electrocuted as it chewed through the wire.
Since you have entered my lab without my permission I consider you my property.  Said Stein and grabbed a pokeball from his pocket.
The Grimer did not resist, and Stein put the newly caught Grimer in his pocket.
Good work root, now lets get back to work...

((I need some help to motivate my character to move out into the world to meet/mess/stalk other people! ))
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 06:49:31 PM by Gammal »

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #344 on: June 13, 2010, 06:59:26 PM »
Jerry eyed the Gym with aw... it was the first gym he saw before him. He nodded at the smiling man who welcomed him at the town entrance and told him about Roxanne and her rock type pokemon. "Rock... this will be tough, they are said to be pokemon with great defences. I hope my type advantage will bring me victory...". As he went deeper into the gym through a corridor, he entered a huge dark hall. Suddenly, the lights were switched on and Roxanne appeared before him.

- I guess you're my challenger of the day. I'd be pleased to test your skills. There, Rick, we have a trainer!

She then went to the other side of the hall, facing Jerry. Rick, the referee of the gym, nodded and annouced:

- Today, Roxanne will battle the challenger. The match will be carried out with three pokemon on each side, and only the challenger will be allowed to switch pokemon! You can start!

Roxanne sent out Geodude, while Jerry sent out Ralts.

- Now Ralts, I hope you are ready, and that you remember what I told you!

Roxanne's Geodude started with Sandstorm, hurting Ralts. Ralts retaliated with Confusion, sending Geodude to the ground. Geodude got up and rolled fast towards Ralts. The latter teleported and reappeared behind Geodude, using Growl, followed by Confusion again. While Ralts was concentrating on the attack, Geodude, in the air used managed to grab the adjacent rocks and threw them at Ralts. It was a Rock Throw attack, but Ralts could not focus on each Rock and Geodude at the same time. One of the rocks hit Ralts and made him lose his focus. Then, Geodude used another Roll out sending Ralts right through the air. Thanks to the earlier growl, Roll out did not do much damage, but Ralts was getting tired. Geodude leashed another rollout, but this time, Ralts teleported in time, then use Confusion again. Geodude was trying desperately to launch another Rock Throw like before.

- Now!

Ralts used his Double Team move, and duplicated into many Ralts surrounding the Geodude. Geodude, in confusion, used tackle on one of them, but went through the duplicate Ralts. Ralts used for a last time Confusion on Geodude which fainted.

((I didn't expect this battle to be so long... I'll have to break it into more posts then...))
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...