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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183689 times)

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #555 on: June 26, 2010, 07:36:32 PM »
"Wow good battle Jerry! All you guys to!" Chaos couldn't get Lavaridge out of his head for some reason he was so excited to get there maybe it was a second Gym Badge he was hyped up for he was unsure. "Oh, Jerry how are we gonna get to Lavaridge?"
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #556 on: June 27, 2010, 01:15:52 PM »
- Easy Chaos. Let's get to see Mr. Briney, we'll need to pass through Slateport, then through Mauville, where you can get your electric badge, then we'll head north, where we'll find Lavaridge. Let me show you on my PokeNav. Thanks for the compliment, I'll need to train even harder for my next Gym Battle.

Jerry and Chaos went towards Mr Briney. Jerry explained that there was not much they could do in Dewford then, and asked if he could take them to Slateport. He most happily agreed, saying that he wanted to have a look too at the ship that the scientists there were trying to build, and the submarine.

Off the shore they went, over the waters once again. Jerry resumed with training with some swimmers, and some wild pokemon. Chaos too decided to train for his next badge, the Dynamo Badge given by Watson in Mauville.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #557 on: June 27, 2010, 08:51:57 PM »

When Kino entered the gym, he saw a blue haired guy with a pidgeotto on his left shoulder. "Ah! another challenger!" the blue haired guy said to Kino. "I'm Falkner, Violet city's gym leader, I'm guessing you're here to challenge me?" Falkner asked "...Yeah, my name is Kino" Kino said hesitatingly. "Well Kino I accept your challenge, it will be a 1 on 1 battle" Falkner said as pidgeotto got off Falkner's shoulder. "Alright, you go Argo!" Kino said as Argo stepped in, ready to start fight.

"Pidgeotto use Quick Attack!" Falkner said. Pidgeotto beamed at Argo, Argo tried to dodge but pidgeotto was too fast. Argo went down hard but still ok to fight. "Argo get up and use scratch!" Kino yelled. Argo got up quickly with his claws already sharper, Argo charged at pidgeotto. "Pidgeotto fly!" Falkner said. As pidgeotto began to rise up above, Argo grabbed on to its leg, Argo began to scratch pidgeotto as they were flying. "Pidgeotto shake him off!" Falkner commanded. Pidgeotto flew wildly, trying to shake off Argo. "Let go Argo!" Kino said. Argo let go of pidgeotto and pidgeotto lost control and went crashing toward a wall. This was Kino's plan. Pidgeotto was badly hurt but still willing to fight, pidgeotto got up slowly. "Pidgeotto use quick attack again!" Falkner said foolishly. "Dodge and use tackle Argo!" Kino said. Pidgeotto beamed at Argo again but Argo was prepare this time. Argo dodge it easily and instead of doing tackle, Argo did ember! Argo fiercely shot ember at pidgeotto and pidgeotto fainted. "Yeah!!" Kino yelled happily, then picked up Argo happily. While Kino and Argo was celebrating, Falkner called pidgeotto to its pokeball and went up to Kino. "You're very good Kino, well here's the Zephyr badge" Falkner said as he handed Kino the Zephyr badge. Kino took and look at it happily. "And also here's a badge case, its for to store your badges" Falkner explained, then gave Kino the badge case. Kino took it and put the Zephyr badge in it and put the case in his book bag. "Thanks Falkner, see you later" Kino said happily. Kino left the gym with Argo following him.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #558 on: July 01, 2010, 02:58:42 PM »

'I realised you had not noticed him' The scientist said to the hooded rocket, who seemed to grow agitated. 'You mean the man who was following us?' the grunt responded gruffly. 'We knew he was there. But unlike you, we didn't feel the need to alert him of the fact. But we'll take care of him.'

Kin vaulted over his cover and threw a pokeball past his opponents to the other side of the room. Out from the pokeball materialized Blinky. Knowing his cover was blown, Kin knew he could react a little more rashly. Kin's determination to do something about these people from Team Rocket was fueled not only by all the encounters he had, had with them in the past, but by the unusual abduction of Tsubaki as well. There were many things running through his head at this point, and Kin was having trouble keeping his center. He wondered where Tsubaki was, had Cloud caught up with her, and was she safe? He recognized the scientist and wanted to know why, but didn't want it to interfere with his goal. He didn't know any of the other people in the room, but was quickly attempting to take in information that might prove useful.

Blinky, emerging from his pokeball, stared with eyes closed, at the scene in front of him, as he sat cross legged. Kin stood posed, and ready, he didn't know if he was going to have a pokemon battle, a fist fight, or if he would have to run. Hatsumi followed Kin, jumping over what had previously been their cover, and as he did so, began to glow, and grow. By the time Hatsumi was standing beside Kin, he was no longer a Treeko, but a Grovyle. Now a new sensation flowed through Kin, he was proud of his companion for growing in strength, but would need to stay focussed if he didn't want this to end badly, and instead of taking in a desired look at his evolved friend, he kept his gaze on his adversaries. Hatsumi, kept his eyes peeled between the Rattata, and Bulbasaur, and used his peripheral vision to ensure visual contact on both at all times.

"So what's it going to be Team Rocket? Kin almost spat as he said the name. "I'm sure you don't care that three on one is an unfair fight, well neither do I, but I would still rather not have to pummel you to the ground if I don't have to."

"Oh, come now brother, you can't possibly think you can take on all of us, can you?" Mocked, the scientist. "What?!" Kin and Hatsumi relaxed their poses and looked, stunned, at the scientist; Blinky retained his meditative state.

Squinting, and looking deep into the scientist's eyes, Kin simple said: "Stein?!" Now with all the other thoughts scrambling to take the place as first in his mind, Kin was overflowed. It had been over seven years since he had seen his brother, and was confused between thoughts of love that he had been reunited, and confusion that his brother wasn't the strong pokemon trainer he had expected, as well as hatred for the evident organization his brother had obviously chosen to associate himself with. There was nothing else for it, Kin fell to his knee's, and his hands found his face, as tears poured from his eyes.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 03:18:44 PM by spirit »

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #559 on: July 01, 2010, 04:14:55 PM »

The silence was ended by a figure jumping out from behind them, and a Pokeball being thrown past the Rocket Members. Diedrich saw an Abra appear from the Pokeball, and then a Grovyle appeared behind them, standing next to the man. Both were ready to fight.

Diedrich ran through his options. His original plan was to take out Team Rocket from the inside. However, in order to do that he would have to fight the new opponent. He could go against Team Rocket now, and try to destroy them as a trainer. The more he thought of it, the more he realized that taking Team Rocket out from the outside was more of a child's ambition. There was no way he could be like the other members of Team Rocket for that long. He thought it would be easier than this. He was thinking so hard he almost didn't hear the man say, "So  what's it going to be, Team Rocket?"

As he went on, Diedrich thought of running away. Surely he would be put under more suspicion by Team Rocket, and would never be able to eliminate them. So running wasn't an option.. He was down to two choices, and he knew what he was going to do. He turned and stood next to the man, ready to fight the two team Rocket's, but he was crying! The situation only got more and more complicated, didn't it..
Nevertheless, Diedrich threw out the Pokeball containing Sting. "This should even the odds" He said, "Sting, get ready to fight!" As Diedrich finished, Stein called his Bulbasaur in front of him, and it got ready to fight.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 06:30:20 PM by Mr Pokemon »

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #560 on: July 01, 2010, 05:11:21 PM »

Tsubaki was kneeling, staring at the ground with her eyes wide open, "Stein is Kin's brother..? Tsubaki thought to herself. She put her hand on the wall next to her helping her up. "The man who tried to "dissect"  me is Kin's brother..?" She asked again, scared. She looked over again, to see that it seemed a battle was going to start. An unfair fight, against Kin.  "I... I have to do something..." Tsubaki said, but then Eevee came out of her ball by herself, "Ca-Camellia?" Tsubaki jumped, the egg still in her arms, she would still raise it. When she calmed down she looked back at Kin's situation, with her eyes starting to tear, "I... I need to do something... But what can I do...? Those Rocket Members might be... Too strong..." Tsubaki leaned back against the wall, and slowly came to the ground. "Kin..." She said holding the egg in her arms. Camellia turned her head, and then jumped on some computers to see what was going on. After a second Camellia jumped back down in front of Tsubaki, where she smiled at her, Tsubaki looked up at her, and sadly smiled back.

"Wait... What am I talking about..? Who cares if they are strong! That won't stop me! They are Rocket Members! And they must be stopped..." Tsubaki said, with a new flame of courage engulfing her heart. She started to stand up again, with the help of the wall. "Thanks for bringing me here, strange Ditto..." Tsubaki laughed with the Ditto still on her shoulder. When she finally got up she said, "Lets do our best... Camellia..." Tsubaki smiled, and Camellia jumped in approval. When she came back down, as soon as her paws touched the ground she was surrounded by a bright light. "Eeh..? Camellia?" Tsubaki asked. When the light faded, an Eevee wasn't there, but instead a Leafeon took its place. "Leaf... eon..?" Tsubaki asked, "Well... This lab was probably built over a forest then... Come on! We have to help Kin!" Tsubaki started to run to the group. with Leafeon following.

When she caught up with everyone else she saw Kin on the ground crying,
"Kin?" Tsubaki asked when she got to him, Tsubaki smiled and keeled down, and then she reached over her shoulder with one hand, "Here... I take it this is yours..?" She smiled and she handed him the Ditto. She stood back up and faced the Rocket Members, "Non of us are getting out of here without a fight..." Tsubaki said to them, and her Leafeon standing next to her. She did think it was a little weird to have the egg she just stole from them. But it was better it was with her than them.

In the battle so far with Kin in the back, it was her against Diedrich. She still hated him up to this point. The battle wasn't looking too good at the moment. The Rocket Pokemon have the advantage so far.
"I'll need to think about this strategically... What does Camellia know so far..?" Tsubaki asked pulling out her Pokedex. She scanned Camellia, and read in her mind, "Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Razor Leaf... Did I use any TM's on her..? I forget..." Tsubaki asked.

((Eeh... My fingers... Ugh... =w=...

No 4-limit remember... :3))
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 06:09:47 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #561 on: July 01, 2010, 07:01:56 PM »

"Kin?" Kin looked up to see Tsubaki kneeling beside him. Somehow, seeing someone come to his rescue calmed him a little. "Here... I take it this is yours..?" Tsubaki handed over the ditto. "Cloud! I'm so glad you're safe, and you managed to catch up to Tsubaki. Suddenly, the name of his friend clicked in him. "Tsubaki!? Why are you here, I thought you escaped; it's too dangerous here!" Kin had been pulled out of his stupor, but now had other issues on his mind. Once again, he felt obligated to protect his friend, and now there was someone else beside him as well.

Kin turned to the rocket grunt who was standing beside him. "What are you doing?! Stay away from me! Kin was yelling now, and was still having some trouble coping with the overload of information. He turned to Stein. "You are no brother of mine! My brother left home over seven years ago to be a pokemon master. I remember him coming home after getting his Bulbasaur on his first day, and telling me that I needed to work hard to catch up. It was a couple of years after that, that we received news that my brother had died! I don't know who you are, but you are not my brother!" "Blinky, I need to move somewhere they can't see me."

As soon as Kin had finished yelling at Stein, he, Hatsumi, and Cloud, disappeared, and re-materialized behind some tables elsewhere in the room, out of sight. "You can't do many more of those Blinky; I don't want you to tire yourself out, but I need you to do one more, and then you can take a break." Once more, Kin and Hatsumi were teleported across the room. "Ouch! Cried Kin, as he banged his leg against the table he had just appeared behind.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 07:04:24 PM by spirit »

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #562 on: July 01, 2010, 07:44:37 PM »

Tsubaki sighed now that Kin was gone. "It sounds like you were the one trying to rescue me..." Tsubaki smiled. She reached for two more Pokeballs, "Hinata! Chibi! I need you!" Tsubaki said as they appeared in a bright light. "Chibi will be able substitute for Camellia... But If Stein attacks I'll need Hinata out...  But wait... There were three people... So that only leaves Leafeon for the one that carried me... Hm..." Tsubaki was thinking in her mind, preparing battle strategies. When she was done thinking she waited for the opponent to make the first move.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #563 on: July 01, 2010, 08:18:30 PM »

Diedrich marveled as the man called Kin suddenly dissapeared. Tsubaki had arrived, and was ready to fight him. Although Diedrich felt as though he'd been punched in the gut, he knew how to get out of this. "Sting! Use poison sting on that Bulbasaur, then follow it up with a bite!" The Skorupi, looking confused, shot a small needle from its tail coated with a purple liquid, then launched forward and dug its small, sharp teeth into the Bulbasaur.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #564 on: July 01, 2010, 09:51:52 PM »

Tsubaki was ready to battle with the guy in front of her. As soon as she heard him say, "Sting! Use Poison Sting--" Tsubaki acted immediately, "Camellia, Dodge!" She said, just Camellia just looked back at her questioningly. Tsubaki was distracted on why she wasn't listening, but when she looked at the opponent, she was surprised to see it was attacking his teammate. Tsubaki called Camellia back so she ran back and stood by Tsubaki's leg.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #565 on: July 01, 2010, 10:02:58 PM »
Kira was walking away from New Bark town, with his new partner, Piplup, standing on his shoulder, and holding onto his head. The early morning sun was shining brightly, at times blinding both Kira and Piplup when the road turned east wards slightly. But even being slightly blinded, Kira was having a good morning. He had just started his pokemon adventure, he had gotted his very first pokemon and the lastest model of the pokedex. Piplup sounded happy, hanging onto Kira's head with his wings, and moving his feet to an rythm that was in his head, tapping Kira's shoulder as he did. Kira turned around to the town, that was already one of his favourite places, and already was the centre of Kira's happiest memory.

Kira walked into the pokemon lab, only to see that he had arrived a few days late, and that most of the people had already chosen their pokemon, leaving only three. Walking up to the pokeballs that where left, Kira ran his hand over them. As he did the professer behind him told him what the remaining pokemon were. The one on your left is Chimchar, a fire type, in the middle is turtwig, and on the right is a piplup. Piplup? The one on the right, right? Well i'll take Piplup. Kira picked up the pokeball containing Piplup and looked towards the professer. What do i do now? Go over to the computer at the far side of this room, you'll see a slot for the pokeball. Place that in there and put your hand under the scanner to become a offical pokemon trainer. Doing as the professer said, Kira walked over to the computer at the end of the room. Placing the pokeball inside of the slot, Kira put his right hand over the scanner. The computer made a pinging noise, and out of a slot on the side of the computer, slid out a pokedex. Picking up the dex, and the pokeball, Kira looked back to the professer, who just nodded and Kira, confirming that the pokedex and pokemon were now his. Kira's face burst into a smile, placing his pokedex into his trouser pocket, and bringing out Piplup. The pokemon stood there, facing Kira, with an confused expression. Kira knelt down next to the Piplub, and held out his hand. Hey there Piplup. I guess that we are going to be partners. Piplup put his wing in Kira's hand, and both of them smiled. The professer stood over the pair, smiled that another trainer was out in the world. As you noticed, most of the other pokemon are gone. They have all already headed off towards Violet town, so if you intend to travel with them, you will want to hurry. Heres pictures of a few of them. So keep an eye out around Violet.

Kira turned away from the town, and headed towards the next one. Maybe, just maybe he'll catch up with the other trainers. He wondered what kind of people they would be.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #566 on: July 01, 2010, 10:05:23 PM »
Time Modifier!!


Morning     Noon     Afternoon     Night


Sunny     Cloudy     Raining     Cold     Windy     Clear   

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #567 on: July 01, 2010, 10:08:15 PM »

Kin peered from his cover and noticed the civil conflict among the rockets. "That's odd. Ok, now for our move." "Go Hatsumi," Kin whispered to his partner, and Hatsumi ran out of their hiding spot, taking advantage of it's agility, and threw a brick-break at the Rattata.

((TnT short post is short TnT))

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #568 on: July 01, 2010, 10:16:46 PM »
((No, no, no..! If that's Declan I dunno if he gonna be able to post... He going to join the army or something... Not very good memory... :P! So he might not post. Not that bad spirit, some people just post a line... or a word... =3= ))

Tsubaki turned to see Hatsumi appearing out of no where, and attacked. Tsubaki made her way from where he came from and found Kin, "Kin..! Did you hurt yourself? I thought I heard you say 'Ouch'" Tsubaki asked standing next to him.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 10:19:55 PM by ChibiVampire »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #569 on: July 01, 2010, 10:34:12 PM »

A man suddenly appeared in the room. 'What?' He thought to himself. 'How did he do that?' He then noticed the abra sitting next to him.'So that's how... And it's the man who was following us!' The man was having an arguement with the doctor. Apparently they were long lost brothers or something. Out of the corner of his eye Deccers noticed that Diedrich was edging away.
'Diedrich don't do this!' He yelled at him 'Team Rocket WILL hunt you down!' But he knew it was too late. Diedrich was never loyal.
The girl he had been carrying materialized in the room. 'What is this? A sitcom?'
Diedrich was battling the scientist;
Kin was teleporting around the room;
the girl was reading for a fight;
and Deccers was stood in the middle.
The air behind him moved. 'Dodge, Quick attack, Iron tail, Hyper fang' He fired out the words quickly so that Tatters would know the order of his attack, but it was too late. Kin's Grovyle slammed into the two of them knocking them to the ground. Deccers took the brunt of the impact allowing Tatters to land on his feet. He watched from his position on the ground as Tatters counter attacked with quick attack.