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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183677 times)

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #570 on: July 01, 2010, 11:47:00 PM »
[size=12]I will try to be more descriptive from now on

I woke up, dazed. I had almost forgotten my surroundings, but it came to me, a small Stump covered in moss, and eaten away, just enough for me to squeeze in, I had pulled in some leaves for a cushion of sorts. about 10 feet out in front of me a stream flowed. I remember washing up from before.

I stepped out of the dissolved stump, and looked around. Trees all around with beams of light breaking through the gaps the leaves left. Many of the forest pokemon hid here, they knew it was a safe Haven, They were all asleep, even the Rattata and Nidoran{both genders}

I decided I should let them sleep. I wandered around, as I passed an endless sea of trees. (No...it can't be... a Gliscor? Yes) It was and just ahead of me, taunting me, I wanted Revenge. I bolted off, until I realized. (Im still..hurt, itll have to wait...) I looked slightly forward, expecting an end to the madness that was this overgrowth. Instead, a lone Oran berry, on a bush. (Finally, maybe now, I can get help. I reached for it, expecting to be fully healed, but my prize, stolen by a Pigey (ToT)
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #571 on: July 02, 2010, 01:09:37 AM »
Contest announcer- "Due to the disruption on the outskirts of the city the Police department have asked us to post pone the contest till they figure everything out"

Crowd and other contestants- "Awwuh"

"Well, Shenzi, and Angel, should we go and check it out?"

"Bark, Eevee" the pokemon said in unison

Amphy ran off to the warehouse to see what was going on, when he got there he looked through a window and saw Tsubaki, Kin and team rocket members.

"hmm maybe i should help them", just then a bright white light started glowing near Amphy

((~~Edit~~ Deleted all the new OOCC posts, thanks Chibivampire for telling the new guy how things work :D))
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 01:22:31 AM by Amphy »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #572 on: July 02, 2010, 01:48:44 AM »

(ToT My berry ToT, can you take my Thundershock? Go!!!) *Crackles* a shining cyan field of light surrounding me, (Release!) XzapX ....(poor Pidgey..in my anger.. I fried the thing.) "Cucroo" *breath* (Oh well..I need this berry) *eats* (Im still..in pain, but now I dont have to hold back anything. Uh....Yes, Light) I raced forward, then (I..Im in the same city I ran from?!? Nooooo!!!....)

The first Human I saw upon my return, I expected a Brutal slap. Like all before her. Instead, she gave me some Moomoo Milk, I loved it. In this town, I was caught every attempt, when i was a theif, I had a terrible Reputation. and my health was in danger, my coat was easier to spot, It was so dirty and matted. I was leaving, The woman assumed I didnt want a master. The old gang had me in their sight, waiting for an ambush.

I was feeling an ominous presence, the streets getting darker. I decided to keep charging my energy, just in case. They jumped, 20 Gliscor readying a Poison Sting Barrage.

with Discharge overload, and deflected Poison Sting.

 I  Survived.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #573 on: July 02, 2010, 04:27:51 PM »
Kira was now just outside Cherry grove, a town in the middle of New bark, and Violet. He was resting in the grass with Piplup, while messing around with his pokedex. He was trying to learn his way around the functions of the dex. Kira had learnt how to change the langauge of the pokedex, and the voice that the dex uses. There was one opton that made Kira laugh, as it spoke in the manner of a contest announcer, but sounded like the professer at New Bark. A mixture that he had never imagined. It was a shame that, that option was so loud. It scared off a bunch of Pidgeys when he asked the dex about Piplup. Kira looked over to Piplup, who was sitting next to a near by bush, eating the berrys that were growing on it. Kira stood up, placed his pokedex in his pocket and walked over to the bush and sat down next to Piplup, picked off a few berrys and placed one in his mouth. The berry's taste was so sweet, yet when it was in the back of your mouth, the taste cahnged to sour. A great mixture, and both Kira and Piplup loved it. Picking off a few more berrys, putting them in his bag for later on, he stood back up and took a look around the area.

He was still close to the path, and Cherrygrove was about a mile down the path, he could see the city in the distance. But yet Kira hasn't even had a pokemon battle yet. He ran into no trainers along the way, which he thought to be quite wierd. He had heard that trainers were everywhere, and were always ready to battle. Piplup, c'mon, we're going to go into the woods for a few hours. Lets see what pokemon we find. Kira brought his hand down to Piplup's level and Piplup jumped onto Kira's hand. Placing Piplup back on his shoulder, he walked away from the path and into the woods, Piplup happily hugging his head again. If Piplup ever evolved, this will become alot harder for Kira. The pair spent half an hour walking through the words, finding the occasional pokemon, for which Kira kept using his pokedex to gather data. He had gathered information about Pidgeys, various bug pokemon, even a poochenya. But non of which Kira thought that he wanted to catch. Not right at that moment. Finally, the pair made it to a small stream. Getting Piplup off his shoulder, and back onto the ground, Kira sat down to watch Piplup, who was down by the water, contemplating jumping into the water. Before Kira could say anything, Piplup did jump into the water, and started splashing around, occasionally getting Kira with the water.

On the other side of the stream, Kira noticed a bush with the same berrys growing on it as the ones before. Jumping across the stream, Kira at down, facing the bush, and collected more berrys. He and Piplup and ate all the ones he had gathered back at the road, and since they both enjoyed them so much, he decided that it would be nice to take a few more. Just before he finished filling a pocket of his bag with the berrys, Kira looked over to Piplup, who was no longer alone in the water. He had a pair of Ralts playing with him. Immediantly, Kira walked over to the trio in the water. Standing on the bank, Kira thought of catching one of the Ralts. Taking off his shoes and socks, rolling up his jeans, and stepped into the water. Piplup, prepare for a battle, we are going to get a new partner. As soon as he finished his sentence, one of the Ralts teleported away, onto the bank of the stream, just so it wouldn't be caught in the battle. The other, was still in the stream, facing Kira and Piplup, ready for battle. Kira already learnt Piplup's move pool, which was limited to pound and growl. Piplup, scare him with growl and then pound on the Ralts. Piplup growled, rather more along the cute side then scarey, but never the less a growl is a growl, and then Piplup jumped onto the Ralts, then churped. Kira smiled a little at this, but Piplup wasn't taking this battle seriously, it was more like a game then a battle to him. Ralts, now on the verge of drowning with Piplup on top of him, teleported onto the bank, with Piplup still on it. Ralts stood up, throwing Piplup off him, teleported again, next to Kira. Kira was shocked by this move, as a wild Ralts had teleported to his side, while battling his own pokemon. But the teleporting was taking its toll on the Ralts, Kira could tell by looking at Ralts, it was tierd. Piplup, pound once more! Piplup stood up and ran at Ralts, this time more like a batlle ready pokemon then one playing around, and jumped at Ralts, which teleported again, right behind Piplup, which then hit the floor after his attack being dodged. But Kira knew this would happen.

Throwing a pokeball at the Ralts, the ball opened up and a red beam shot out of it, right at the Ralts, which was then caught in the ball. Ralts still fought on inside the ball, as the ball was wriggling on the ground, and the small button on the front of the ball was still glowing red. But Ralts was too tierd to struggle any longer. The ball became motionless, and the button returned to its white color. Kira walked over to the pokeball, picked it up, and looked over to Piplup. Great job Piplup. Piplup? Piplup was standing up, staring at Kira, with its wings crossed. Piplup was mad a Kira for ending the fun to early for its liking. Kira laughed a little at Piplup, even when it was mad it looked cute. Picking up the Piplup, Kira hugged him and placed him ontop of his shoulder. Reaching into his bag, taking out a berry from a pocket and giving it Piplup, Piplup soon forgot about him being mad at Kira and started eating the berry. Kira turned around with Piplup on his shoulder and Ralts resting in its ball on his belt, he started heading towards the path once again. But before he got too far the second Ralts teleported infront of him. Kira had completly forgotten about this one. But this Ralts didn't want to fight, it looked sad and upset. Kira reached to his belt and got the ball that the Ralts he caught was in, and threw it next to the second Ralts, now Kira's Ralts was standing side by side next to the second, both of them had a look of sorrow on there faces. Kira now understood what he had just done. He had taken a family and broke it. These Ralts were kin. Walking over to them both, this time with two pokeballs in his hands, he knelt down next to the Ralts, while Piplup, who had just finished the berry, looked confused over everything that had just taken place. So, i take it you are family. I wouldn't want to take one of you away from the other, so how about the both of you coming along with us? Both of the Ralts understood what Kira had just said to them, and both were confused. Kira was just another human to them, and one that had just been ready to take one away from the other. But now he was offering a place for both of them to come with him. What was this human thinking? Both Ralts looked at each other for a short while, almost like they where communicating between themselves. Then both turned to Kira, knowing that he had a place for both of them together. Both teleported from infront of Kira, to the one Kira caught being next to him, and the other one standing on the vacant shoulder. So i take that as a yes. Then we should make this offical. Kira tapped both the pokeball's buttons and both of the Ralts disappeared inside of them. Kira had only intended to catch the one. But now he was walking back towards the path to Cherrygrove, with two new companions.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #574 on: July 02, 2010, 08:50:07 PM »
Jerry and Chaos reached Slateport at noon. The market was full at that time. Mr. Briney told them that he was going to the harbour of the town because he heard of a new submarine being built and wanted to see it. Jerry and Chaos went into the market. Both of them bought more supplies... the trip to Dewford did cost a lot of their supplies, especially the Gym Battle... There were some plushies too on sales. Jerry decided to buy one of each... a collection of those couldn't hurt. A strange seller was talking about seaweeds seeming to be ready to attack people! Another one was selling vitamins. Jerry bought some and gave them to his pokemon. Marshtomp got a Protein, Zubat got a Carbos, Kirlia got a Calcium and Breloom got an HP up. They all seemed somewhat stronger after that... but Jerry's money was getting really low!

They paid a quick visit to the museum at Slateport, there was interesting things to learn there about the sea. Suddenly, a group of strange people got in, and went to the next floor, where there was details about marine vessels since long ago. Shouts could be heard...

- Give them to me or I'll take them from you by force! Go Sharpedo!

At that sound, Jerry and Chaos ran upstairs, ignoring any of the other strange people's warnings. When they got up, they saw a man which seemed like heir leader battle a professor, fighting with a Magnemite. Two grunts were beside them, they noticed Jerry and Chaos.

- What are you two kids doing here? You have no business here, shoo!
- I don't let you steal this professor here, I'll do anything to stop you! Zubat, go!
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #575 on: July 02, 2010, 10:17:09 PM »

Sting had landed the bite on the opponent's Bulbasaur, but was quickly shaken off when Stein realized what was happening. "Looks like we've got a rebel. Ooh, I wanna hear you scream when I dissect you! Bulbasaur, use Vine whip on him!"Diedrich didn't see the vines headed towards his face until too late. One hit the bridge of his nose with a crack, the other on his cheek. He flew to the ground, blood pouring from his nose. "Aargh! And you wonder why I left Team Rocket!?"As he slowly got up, he said to his Skorupi, "Sting! Pin Missile the Bulbasaur, we're playing fair." Sting had learned a new move while training. After 3 hits from the Pin missile, the Bulbasaur launched another Vine whip to Diedrich. This time, both hit his forehead. Diedrich fell to the ground, knocked out. Sting came to his side, trying to find something to help its master.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #576 on: July 02, 2010, 10:41:21 PM »
"Lets go Shenzi and Angel we're helping out Tsubaki and kin" The three  moved back away from the wall  "Now use Shadow Ball and Hidden Power!" Amphy yelled, as the two pokemon fired off some really powerful attacks, and the wall was suddenly broken inward with pieces of debris sent hurtling inward towards everyone, "Espeon use psychic to stop the debris from hitting our friends, Mightyena go attack that Bulbasaur now!"  Espeon caught all the pieces with psychic before the hit Amphy's friends then sent the debris hurtling towards Stein, Mightyena used iron tail on the Bulbasaur
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #577 on: July 03, 2010, 01:59:58 AM »
Chaos gave his Pokemon some items too, he gave them all an HP UP. "I think health is the most important stat of Pokemon!" He also saved one for Eevee whenever it hatched.

"I'll get the other one, I hate people who steal!" Chaos began with Iron. Iron used a Aerial Ace on the Grunts Poochyena, it howled loudly and backed away and charged at Iron biting it roughly. Iron used a Headbutt knocking the Poochyena down. "That thing is weak!" The Poochyena did seem to be determined though it used another Bite on Iron and it started glowing it was evolving "Who's weak now you little kid!" "Don't worry Iron Pocchyena evolves at level 18 so it is still more weak then us. "LAIR-ON!"./ Chaos felt ready for anything...
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #578 on: July 03, 2010, 02:54:05 AM »
I left that town, my "home." I had no choice but to call it home, it was all I knew. I was afraid on my arrival on this beach town, that again, humans would despise me. So I traveled by rooftop. Looking through a Skylight, on the roof, I sat, observing the Intense battle below. (He seems so serious...he said Iron..a Lairon... haha, pretty funny.) Iron had defeated the MIghtyena. His master fled, and Mightyena followed suit. I wasn't very careful about my footing, I was too focused on viewing.

My front Paws slipped, and I fell, Head-first. (Well, so much for being undetectable...) "Shinx....."

I dont remember anything until a while after that. That same guy, I woke up, and there he was.

((EDITED: Aron is actually Lairon, i think.))
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 05:44:11 PM by Unbreakable »
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #579 on: July 03, 2010, 09:46:46 AM »
((Now, I'm confused... who evolved during this battle???))
((Unbreakable, the match isn't over... yet! ;)))

- Good Chaos! Hang on. Zubat, Wing attack on this grunt's Poochyena!

Zubat charged, the Poochyena used Bite on Zubat, but Zubat swiftly dodged the hit, and landed a powerful Wing Attack on the back of the Poochyena, it was a Critical Hit!

- Now, Zubat, let's try out your new move! Air Cutter!

This time, the attack fainted the Poochyena already on the ground from the previous attack. The grunt sent out a Mightyena. Zubat was somewhat intimidated, but no less determined to win. It used Confuse Ray, after the Mightyena used Howl. The latter hit itself, doing much damage after its boost in attack, and Zubat landed an Air Cutter, again a Critical Hit! Zubat then concluded the battle with a last Air Cutter.

The grunt couldn't take it anymore and ran away, followed by his Mightyena. At this instant, a Shinx fell from the roof...

- Huh? What's that pokemon doing here? Go Kirlia, teleport it to a safe place, I'll join you later.

Kirlia teleported with the Shinx. Chaos was nearly done with the other grunt...
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #580 on: July 03, 2010, 05:41:13 PM »
((I think Iron had previously evolved, then during the fight, Poochyena Evolved.
It is confusing, we should ask Chaos.))

I woke up, not knowing quite where I was....(a Kirlia? Oh that's right, You Saved me. Your master is Jerry.) Kirlia nodded. (Where am I, exactly?) I, still scarred from the past I lived before. It seemed that my fall had reopened my old wounds, Immediately, my Pain surged tremendously,

I collapsed, and my eyes slowly rejected the light.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #581 on: July 03, 2010, 11:39:36 PM »

Kin watched as Hatsumi landed the blow on the Rattata. "Cloud, razo---". Kin lost his focus as he noticed Amphy in the window, and Hatsumi took a blow from his opponent. Hatsumi flew back and rammed into Kin, throwing the pair back, and once again behind a table, our of site.

As Amphy started to take down the building, Kin knew he had to act fast, he would have to change his strategy away from battling. He grabbed two of his pokeballs from his belt, extended both his arms out, and returned Blinky and Cloud to his position. "I don't think these Rockets are going to let me go so easily," he thought. "Cloud, this one is up to you again.

The wall and rubble began collapsing, and Kin ran out from his hiding place, and bolted past the rockets, and down the hallway, with Hatsumi following closely behind him.

When Kin figured that none of the rockets were looking, he popped up beside Tsubaki, grabbed her arm, and pointed to Amphy.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #582 on: July 03, 2010, 11:49:46 PM »

Tsubaki turned when she was being pulled, and saw Kin pointing at the newly arrived trainer, "Amphi!" Tsubaki smiled, but then she turned back to see what was going on with the Rocket Members, she saw the one she met at the beginning of her journey on the ground with his head bleeding, and his Pokemon beside him, "I need to help him! It doesn't matter if he is a Rocket, he tried to help us..!" Tsubaki thought, she tried to yank herself from the grip Kin had on her, since she still had the Pokemon egg in her other hand, to try to help the member, "We--..! We need to help him!" Tsubaki said to Kin and Amphi. Tsubaki had a fear of blood, but now wasn't the time to worry about that, when someone needed help.
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #583 on: July 03, 2010, 11:59:38 PM »
Amphy ran over to the injured Rocket member and pulled fabric off his sleeve and tried finding the wound(s) on him to try and help seal them up by wrapping the fabric around the wounds, "Baki, I can't find wounds please help"
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #584 on: July 04, 2010, 01:31:30 AM »
Chaos looked over and noticed Jerry was done with his battle. The Grunt with his new Pokemon was determined. Iron used a Aerial Ace on the Mightyena. Mightyena ran and bit Iron. Iron clawed it with a Metal Claw. Chaos thought it would almost be over but to his surprise the Mightyena growled at the Grunt and the Grunt backed up slowly, and the Mightyena escaped. "What, why did it run away!" "You aren't supposed to treat Pokemon like you own them, they're supposed to be companions!" "I don't care I still have a Carvanha!" he sent it out. Carvanha used an Ice Fang on Iron. Iron was tired of taking it easy, it Headbutted the Carvanha Full-Throttle, the Carvanha was already hurt badly, it used a Swagger and confused Iron. Iron couldn't attack the next turn from being confused. Carvanha used a bite this time, Iron could attack now although it was still confused, so it used a Metal Claw and finished it. "Good job Iron, you rest up now." he put Iron back in his Pokeball.
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