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Author Topic: Old Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^ (Storyline)  (Read 183672 times)

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #600 on: July 06, 2010, 08:44:15 PM »
"It's okay Jerry I could use the training so I think I will go through the tall grass. but they do have a bike shop in Mauville an I may get one there, I think you told me that was how you got your bike too. I meet you at the Pokemon Center In Mauville, unless you want to meet somewhere else?" "Hey I was at Mauville before I met you guys, I know a shortcut, it isn't much shorter but it will take a little less time."
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #601 on: July 06, 2010, 09:54:07 PM »
((You didnt clear up the Riolu/Aura Situation, Chaos. It is still confusing Jerry and me.))
((Who is speaking in the Green text???))

(I will go with Chaos for now. I wouldn't be able to communicate with either of you without Riolu, right? I need the training too, if I want to have a chance. Right now, I could probably Tackle and Growl, thats instinctive.)

So we started down the secret trail that ? brought up. It was just a Simple Trail, with Trees spotted everywhere. Where you would expect a trail, it was Grassy, meaning few people went through here. There were still Pokemon here, but few were hostile. Normally, trainers would go right, after passing the bike trail. We turned left, then right, crossing through the woods. Mostly Bug Pokemon lived here. The reason there were few hostile Pokemon was that they were mostly Silcoon and Cascoon. They were quietly sleeping, and We knew it would be best left that way.

Now I knew why few people came this way....

As we reached the end of the Trail, we came acrost an Ariados. With its Giant Web blocking our way out, I knew we had no choice but to fight, and I Growled, then stepped forward.

(This is it, if I cant fight my way out of this Im done for.)

((EDIT: I Said "?", because I dont know who is speaking at the end of Chaos' Last Post.))

((2nd Edit: Climactic Battle Scene Added.))

((-*- Ariados VS. Coran: The Fight to Reclaim his Loss! -*-))

I Stared at Ariados, hoping to Intimidate him. It seemed to work, I saw a single bead of Sweat drip down. My Rivalry Kicked in, I felt stronger.
Chaos reached for a Pokeball, but I looked back when I sensed this. I didnt have to say anything, He knew.

This was my fight.

I leaped towards Ariados, with blinding speed. I impacted With a dynamic force, and He fell from the web. I Tackled again and again, but I didn't get far. I had to think, and fast, or it would be over. I hadn't thought of my wounds lately, they had been healed, I realized the place Kirlia took me too was a Pokemon Center. Knowing this, I didn't hold back anymore. I held back because I thought My pain would resurface.

(Charge!!!!!!) I felt it, my energy was collecting, my body, Surging. (Thundershock!!!!! Yes...it launched. Finally.) The Ariados took a Solid Shot, Hit a Tree, then fell to the Ground.

I tried to smile...even though the inevitable was coming, We had made it to Mauville, and that was reason enough for me to smile. and as I watched Chaos walk towards me, my conciousness slipped, for that simple attack drained the last drop of strength I had.

Would I actually be able to continue using Thundershock, I was unsure.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 01:30:29 AM by Unbreakable »
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #602 on: July 07, 2010, 04:10:58 AM »
((Riolu is Lucario it evolved before we meet Coran in Dewford and Jerry idk who said it wrong I just saw it when I was skimming through the pages oh and the Green text is Aura.)) ((lol, Unbreakable since my name on V1 Pokemon-Universe was ChaosControl you call me Chaos but thats also my name in RP))

Chaos knew the second he met eyes with Coran and they understood each other that he was his Pokemon. Then he even noticed Coran use a Thunder Shock!!! "Good job Coran that was impressive!". Coran had finished off the Ariados with the ThunderShock but the move had finished off Coran.

Chaos ran towards Coran unsure if it was okay. He was unconcious but still alive "Aura we have to get him to a Pokemon Center, quick!" "OK lets go!"

Chaos and Aura ran out of the woods, they were getting closer to the Pokemon Center but still not there yet. They ran into a Manetric. "Aura use Force Palm!" Aura ran at the wild Pokemon and hit it with a hard blow. The Manetric was strong though, it used a Fire Fang. "Wow I didn't even know they could learn that move!" "Yeah they can if you have a Move Tutor. He must have been released by a Trainer!" Aura used a Aura Sphere and finished it off.

They approached the Pokemon Center and ran in. "Hi, can you please heal this Shinx for me?" Chaos slowly said the words panting from all the running he and Aura had done. "Ok but it may take a little while, it has some severe cuts and bruises, it seems to have struggled to use a move. But it won't be done healing until late tonight." "OK that's fine we can wait."

Chaos and Aura went and sat down in the Pokemon Center chairs, Jerry wasn't here yet, they just noticed, that since they were worried about Coran before.

Chaos recalled all the moves his Pokemon knew "OK lets see Iron/Lairon knows Headbutt, Rock Tomb, Arial Ace and Metal Claw, Flare/Combusken knows Double Kick, Peck, Ember and Shadow Claw. Wave/Feebas knows Flail, Splash and Tackle...oh wait it knows Flail and it doesn't learn that until level 30! All my Pokemon are in the 20's, that means by the time my Pokemon reach level 30 it will be Milotic! Anyway back to thinking. Eevee hasn't hatched yet. Aura/Lucario knows Aura Sphere, Dig, Force Palm and Reversal...wait wait wait, Aura you are way stronger then all the other Pokemon on my team! I think you should take a break from battling for a little while.""OK, a vacation is fine by me!" "Cool." Aura and Chaos continued to wait.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #603 on: July 07, 2010, 05:16:43 PM »

Camellia payed no attention to the unconscious person Tsubaki was attending to, but instead always had her eyes on the seemingly quiet lab. When suddenly twin tentacles shot out aiming for the trainers huddled together. ((I think they are tentacles or something... They is in Super Effective... xP!)) Camellia quickly spinned her hear and shot a razor leaf attack from the leaf on her head to the Vine Whip. The sets of leafs were closing in on the whip, looking like they would hit its mark, but then Tsubaki turned to see the attack aiming right towards her, "--Aah!" She screamed, and only used one arm to cover her head, since she was already taking care of the egg.

(( I hope thats right... I mean you didn't say who you were attacking, well the poison gas was to Kin's pokemon, so I thought the Vine whip was to us... xP))

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #604 on: July 07, 2010, 07:17:06 PM »
((Well, since that was what he did with poor Diedrich, I thought that he cold do the same...))


Jerry fought his way through the cycling road, hoping that Chaos and Coran made their way safely to Mauville in the meantime.  He fought numerous trainers on his way, he was surprised to see so many trainers so much enthusiast at battling. He trained each of his pokemon, and Zubat was getting more confident in battles now. Jerry has felt the slight hesitation of Zubat in each of her matches, but he knew that Zubat will get his trust sooner or later. She was becoming really strong. The egg Jerry had was starting to make some cracking noises, more frequently now. It seemed that it would hatch soon! Jerry was waiting impatiently for that moment to arrive...

Once in Mauville, Jerry went into the pokemon center to heal his pokemon, and to his surprise, there was Chaos and Aura. Coran wasn't there though. Apparently, he burned himself out battling a wild Ariados, so Chaos told him.

- Well, at least he's recovering his strength. It's a good sign, and maybe he'll get all his power back soon! Chaos, have you thought of checking the bike shop in the meantime? I'll wait for Coran when you'll be there, don't worry. Then, perhaps you'll be able to get your second badge! ;)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #605 on: July 07, 2010, 07:30:12 PM »
Sting watched as people crowded around his trainer. He was getting angry, but decided it was for the best. He turned away to face his opponent. Even with no master, he thought he could still fight. The Bulbasaur had used another vine whip, and a Grimer had entered, now using poison gas. Sting didn't know if he could beat both of them. Fortunately for Sting, a Leafeon stood near him, attempting to stop the vines with a razor leaf. Sting saw an opportunity to strike the Bulbasaur, and launched forward, his mouth open ready to bite.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #606 on: July 07, 2010, 07:43:57 PM »
Chaos got up, "OK I'll go on to the Bike Shop, come back here and if Coran isn't better I'll go on and get my second badge. But we still have too reteach him some of his moves from Watson so we will need to go back there later, unless you want to come with me to battle him then I can wait here too, after I go to the Bike Shop. Well just think about it while I'm gone." Chaos walked out of the Pokemon Center with Aura.

They got to the Bike Shop from the Pokemon Center. "Wow this place is big, it must have a lot of different Bikes to choose from!" "Hello, are you interested in a Bike, we have all kinds to choose from!!!" The guy kept shouting and offering Chaos different kinds of bikes. Another person walked in. "Hi, im sorry about him, that is my assistant Jeff. I'm the owner here, who are you?" "I'm Chaos from Oldale Town, and this is Aura, my Lucario." "Well its nice to meet you, but I do have a favor to ask, can you run an errand for me?" "Well what kind of errand?" " I need you to go get me this special Bike part from the Day-Care Center, I meant to have it shipped here but by accident  gave them the wrong address and they sent it over there." "Well sure, I guess I could." "OK just so you can get there faster I'll let you borrow a bike." "Oh thanks!" The Man handed him a Bike that seemed to be able to go fast but had good control.

Chaos and Aura left the building. "Why are you doing this, you hate going into Day-Care Centers." "First off that's only because those people are so persistent asking you to Give them your Pokemon, I mean how can you trust them? But I'm doing it because I think the guy might give me a Pokemon, there were a lot of Pokemon in there and I think they were his." "OK whatever but I'm not letting you keep me in there." Chaos got on his bike and started pedaling "Wait does that mean you are putting me in there? Chaos wait!" Aura darted towards him "Don't worry, you'll have fun in there...I'm just joking I'm not going to!" They were getting closer to the Day-Care Center.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #607 on: July 07, 2010, 07:45:35 PM »

A Skorupi was rushing towards Bulbasaur.... As his pokemon were sending attacks, Stein had secretly unlocked a bolted door. He turned back, and saw the Skorupi.

"Grimer, now use that Pound of yours to pull down that Skorupi. You there, did you eat your tongue? If you don't want to do anything, I'm getting my own way."

Grimer was not swift enough and missed Skorupi, which got a direct hit at Bulbasaur.

"Darn weak Grimer.... Come here both, incompetent pokemon. Seems like you'll need to refine your battle skills next time."

Stein held out his two pokeballs and both Bulbasaur and Grimer went into their respective pokeballs. Stein opened the door went into the small hallway and closed it behind him, before locking it from the other side. At the other end of the way, there was light... something which Stein didn't quite appreciate. He got into his motorcycle hidden between the foliage and started the engine.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline ChibiVampire

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #608 on: July 07, 2010, 09:05:40 PM »

Tsubaki still had her arm in front of her, after a moment, she slowly lowered it, and saw nothing was attacking her, she saw Stein recalling his Pokemon and escaping, "Leafeon quic--" She started to point, but cut herself off. She lowered her finger, and smiled, "Lets get this one somewhere safe..."She said looking back at Diedrich. She had a feeling that he wasn't all bad. She would have to apologize to him for saying such bad things when they first met.

((Awesome Jerry... xD!))

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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #609 on: July 07, 2010, 09:13:49 PM »
((I cant believe it didnt post!!!!))

I woke up and I noticed I was Shaking vigorously and Breathing Heavily. Even though My condition was far from Ok, I knew I would be Just fine.

I closed my eyes, and a Single Thought went through my head. (Finally, I can sleep of my own accord.)

About an hour later, Awakened, I got out of the soft, White bed I laid in, I wasnt quite fully healed yet, but I would be Okay, and I could walk perfectly fine. As I wandered through the corridors, using my instincts to navigate, I found myself in the entry Room. (Lets see, Tiled floor, Concrete Walls, Trainers, Pokemon, and some healing machines, Its a Pokemon Center for sure.)

Jerry was Here, But Chaos wasnt. (Oh well, I will wait until Chaos is Back) I looked up at Jerry and Smiled.
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Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #610 on: July 07, 2010, 10:29:21 PM »
((It's ok))

They approached the Day-Care Center, "I hope they don't bug me again for my Pokemon." "They probably will. I hope so, I've never seen you mad" "Wow thanks, that made me feel better. If only a nicer Pokemon had the ability to talk." "Wow sarcasm what an amazing ability. I have this" Aura used Aura Sphere and it crashed into something. "Oh god, go faster!" they ran into the Day-Care Center "Whoa that was a close one." "Great ability, at least my sarcasm can't crash into things."

They walked through the hall they were in and to the basic Day-Care part. A lot of Pokemon were here too. Chaos and Aura then noticed something. All the Pokemon were in a Corner away from the people at the place where you register Pokemon. Two people on one side and two on the other. "Hey, I said give us the Pokemon!" "No you are not talking these, they are not yours!" "Hey it's those people me and Jerry were fighting before!" "Yeah and they are trying to take the Day-Care Pokemon" They ran over to the four people. It was an Older Couple, and the other two were grunts in Black outfits. "Those elders seem to be handling the grunts." "Oh hello I didn't see you there, can you please help us, these people are trying to take all the Pokemon." "Yes, I see that but you seem to be beating them." "Yes but more are coming in!". Two more grunts were standing behind Chaos now, and he noticed them. He turned around and pulled out two Pokeballs, Iron and Flare came out. "OK guys you ready!" Flare and Iron nodded. The two grunts sent out Mightyena and Loudred.

Flare started off the battle with a Shadow Claw on Loudred and Iron used a Metal Claw on Mightyena. Loudred then stomped around shouting. "Ow, that must be Uproar!" and the Mightyena bit Flare. Iron used a Rock Tomb on Mightena and Flare hit Loudred with a strong Double Kick to its head. The Loudred seemed to not be able to make a noise from the hit to its head. Mightyena noticing it's companions pain decided to go first. It used a Howl on Flare and Loudred recovering from its blow used a Mud-Slap on Iron. Iron used a Headbutt on Loudred finishing it off. "Good job!" and Flare used a Ember on Mightyena. Mightyena wasn't finished though and it bit Flare one last time before Iron hit it with an Ariel Ace and finished it too. "Great job both of you!" Chaos returned them to their Pokeballs. The foursome ran off. "That was some impressive battling youngster!" "So why did you come here? Would you like us to take care of one of your Pokemon?" Aura snickered. "Um, no thank you but do you have a Bike Part?" " Yes it came here yesterday but there was an additional item, I believe it was a TM. Would you like to have it?" "I guess so...Thanks! But I was supposed to take that part to the owner of the Bike Shop." "Oh OK here is both of them then, if Cornelius wants them, but I probably shouldn't call him that, I know how he hates people to know his name" The Elderly women handed Chaos the parts. "Oh really I guess thats why he didn't mention his name. But anyway thank you!" Aura and Chaos walked out of the Day-Care Center.

"See that wasn't so bad, they only asked you once." "Yea I guess you are right" "So what TM is that?" "Oh it's an Electric Type move." "I can't believe that man doesn't like his name, I mean Cornelius isn't so bad" Chaos got on his bike and he and Aura went back to the Bike Shop.

When they got there it was still only Cornelius and Jeff. "Oh hey, your back!" "Yep and I brought the Bike Part. So you guys don't get much business around here do you Cornil...." Chaos stopped himself trying not to make the man embarrassed. "Oh thank you, and yeah we do it's just today not many people have-wait what did you say?" "Well the Day-Care people told me your name, but personally I don't think it is a bad name at all." "Why Thank you, I still don't like it very much but I'm glad someone does." "Oh your welcome." Chaos handed him the Bike Part. "I really appreciate you getting that for me. Why don't you keep that Bike I let you borrow you as a reward" "OK, if you are sure, thank you!" "No problem, why don't we register each other in our Pokenav's!" "Um okay" *Chaos registered Cornelius in the Pokenav!* "OK bye!" "Bye" Chaos and Aura left the Shop. "Wow he was nice, but he seemed in a hurry." "Yea, but I bet he just has stuff to do, owning a Bike Shop and all."

When Chaos and Aura got to the Pokemon Center, Chaos folded up his new Bike and put it in his backpack. They walked in, Chaos saw Coran and walked towards him and Jerry. "Oh I'm glad you are better! I have a lot to tell you guys about" "These people gave me an electric TM and I think we should try to learn it later if you want Coran. but anyway first I will tell you my story."

((Sorry about the long post guys, you guys can do this to if you want.))

Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #611 on: July 08, 2010, 12:41:28 AM »
Kira was walking down route 30, snacking on some of the berrys he had picked back on route 29. The berry's juices tingled his throat as he ate them. He was walking at a slightly faster pace then usual, he was still trying to catch up with the people who left the lab a few days before him. Even at his current pace, Kira knew he wouldn't be able to reach Violet until noon on the following day, and thats including a nights rest. Without the sleep, he would most properly reach Violet early morning, around nine, but Kira knew he would have to stop and rest, since his pokemon still needed to rest up from the battle earlier. Another half hour down the road, Kira got tierd of his pace and headed towards the nearby stream for a drink. Kneeling down on the bank, Kira placed his hands into the water, cupping some water and pulled them back out, before placing them next to his lips so he could drink. The water was refreshing, a nice cold drink for a warm day and a long walk. Putting one hand back in, he wet his hair a little to help cool down a little. He leant back a little, so he look into the sky. The occasional Pidgey flew over head, and bug pokemon where often seen crawling all over the trees.

Standing back up, Kira made his way back to the path. The sun had started to set, another 2 hours of sunshine until it would set behind the horizon. Kira needed to make his way into place where he could pitch up for the night and fast. He didn't have a source of light for when it was dark, one of the things he had foregotten to pack before he left his uncles. Walking once again in the direction of Violet, Kira's head was constantly looking around for a place where he could pitch his tent. He wanted to to be a place next to the stream so if he or his pokemon got thisty, they could drink. He had all the food he need already, so a food source wasn't a proplem. Even though berry bushes were in abundance on this route. Leaving the path once again and heading to the stream, Kira looked around for a clearing. The sun had nearly disappeared by the time he found a suitable place for him to pitch up his tent. Throwing down his bag, releasing all 3 of his pokemon, he had the Ralts use thier psychic power to help put up the tent, and Piplup just sat down next to the water, occasionally splashing the water and blowing bubbles. As soon as the tent was put up, Kira walked a few feet into the woods, picking up twigs, sticks and other items that would be easy to light. Making a ring of stones a metre away from the tent, Kira put the fire wood into the ring, reached into his pocket for a box of matches, striking one of the matches. The fire was soon going, and if the fire got out of control he was next to the stream, and Pipup could use one Bubble to help put it out.

Some time went by, Kira and his pokemon where sitting around the fire, sharing the berrys. The two Ralts occasionally teleported around the fire, playing a game of chase. He luaghed as his pokemon played, churped, sat together, and then they lay down, looking up into the sky. Kira lay down on his back, and looked into the sky with his pokemon. The sky was clear, and the stars were shining brightly. Nothing was flying about this time, and the only thing that blocked thier view of the stars where the trees that surrounded them, so they only had a limited view of the sky. Piplup churped as he looked up into the sky, his face was cheery. Then a rustling sound was heard, a bunch of the bushes next to the tent started rustling. Kira stood up and looked in the direction of the sounds, both the Ralts teleported onto his shoulders and Piplup had stood infront of them. All of the pokemon was ready for a battle, even if they were about to sleep. Although by suprise, a few weedles, caterpies and wurmples crawled towards in thier direction, none of which had wanted to battle. The bug pokemon went past Kira and his pokemon, and curled around the fire. Looking suprised by these bug pokemon, Kira's pokemon went to the fire with the bug pokemon and sat around with them. Kira sat down next to the tent as his pokemon socialized with the other pokemon. Kira had decide that he would leave the pokemon alone and headed off into the tent. Before entering the tent, Kira placed his pokemon's pokeballs right next to the mouth of the tent. Right guys, before you all fall to sleep, put that fire out. I don't want to be the cause for route 30's great fire. With that Kira entered the tent and settled down for sleep. But before he could, Kira heard a growling noise from outside the tent.

A group of poochyenas had seen the fire and the crowd of pokemon around the fire, and decided that they would take over the fire by scaring of the pokemon. When Kira had got out of the tent, he saw six poochyena, all growling at the pokemon. The bug pokemon where packing off slowly, but Kira's pokemon where all standing infront of the fire, facing the poochyena. One of the six didn't seem to want to do anything, and wasn't growling. This one was at the back of the group, whining at the others, almost to seem to be saying that they should leave. But the one at the front, barked back at it, this one must be the boss of this little pack. Piplup took a step forward, a blew bubble at the poochyena at the front of the pack, which hit him square on, and forced him to step backwards. Piplup churped, warning the poochyena to back off. In response, the poochyena on the right charge at Piplup, only to be caught off guard by both Ralts, lifting it up with confusion and throwing it backwards. Both Ralts had teleported infront of Piplup, both aura's glowing brightly. Two more Poochyena charged, and instead of throwing them back, the Ralts made a barrier, made of thier power. The two poochyena slammed into the barrier, breaking it, then the boss poochyena jumped over the two who broke the barrier, and slammed into the Ralts. The Ralts where caught off gaurd and were both knocked out from the power of the attack and were both thrown past the fire. Piplup, seeing his allies were taken down.

Then Piplup started to grow, and as he grew he turned pure white. His wings grew larger, his body taller and stockier. Kira had to cover his eyes, the light that Piplup was giving off was blinding. The white light died down, Kira uncovered his eyes and where Piplup once stood, a Prinplup now was in its place, and he didn't waste time. Prinplup went straight onto the offensive, and bashed the boss Poochyena with its wing, then the two behind him where both hit with metal claw. Prinplup stood infront of the poochyena, ready for another bash at them. Then the bug pokemon crawled up behind him. The Weedles fired off poison stings, while the Caterpies used string shot. Next to Kira crawled up some Wurmples, which had both of his Ralts on thier backs. Picked up the Ralts, Kira placed them inside the tent, and sprayed them with potion. Please let this heal them. Kira thought as his left the tent. Prinplub was firing off his water gun, the Weedles were still firing off poison sting, and Caterpies were still firing string shots. The Poochyenas decided that this was a battle that could not be won, and left the scene, the last one, which didn't take part of the battle, walked towards Prinplup, and raised one of his front paws and bowed his head, before running back off into the woods after his pack.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 01:51:45 PM by ninja neb »

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #612 on: July 08, 2010, 12:31:35 PM »
((It's spelt 'Prinplup' ;)))

- Hey, nice Chaos! Coran just woke up it seems, and he appears full of strength again. Should we go to the Gym? We'll talk to Wattson about Coran after your battle. Oh, and by the way, while I was training on the cycle road, there was a coordinator. He didn't have prize money to give me for the battle, and so, he gave me some pokeblocks. I gave some to my pokemon, and then I saw those three pale blue pokeblocks. I think that the blue ones enhance the beauty in a pokemon and have been thinking about your Feebas. You can have them if you like :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #613 on: July 08, 2010, 03:15:57 PM »
((almost like those little Blue pills. JK!))

I watched the door in Anxiety, as well as Anticipation. After a few minutes, The glass doors Slid open, Revealing Chaos, putting his bike away. *Jumping* (Hey!! Chaos!!! We're over Here!!!! Man, I hope Aura Heard that.) *SIGH*

(Lets go, Lets go, to the gym. Lets go see Watson!!!!) Wow...I remember about this years before: Jump start, a conditon in Electric types, after healing, usually resulting in Hyperactivity.
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

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Re: A Random Pokemon RP~! ^_^
« Reply #614 on: July 08, 2010, 07:55:37 PM »
"Oh thanks Jerry, I do need some. Coran you seem to have recovered quickly!" "We probably should go to the Gym." "Yeah your right Aura, so we go to the Gym then I teach Coran this TM, if he wants to learn it. Oh and hopefully Wattson can help us reteach Coran his moves. So Jerry are you coming to the Gym or staying here?"

EDIT: Feeding Feebas:

"Just think about it while I feed Feebas" Chaos walked outside. "Ok Feebas come on out!" Feebas came out of its Pokeball and flopped around on the ground. "OK I have some Pokeblocks for you! I would have got you some poffins but I don't think they are available around here." "FE-FE-BAS!" "OK I guess your ready!" Chaos crouched down on the ground and fed it one Pokeblock.....two Pokeblocks.....and finally the last Pokeblock. Feebas' scales got shiny, like it was about to evolve but it still wasn't quite ready yet. "Fe-fe-bas..." "It's okay, you just need a few more, i'll find them! Don't worry about it." Chaos got up slowly and walked back into the Pokemon Center. "Apparently it is not ready yet, but I don't mind waiting,thanks Jerry, you got it one step closer!"

« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 08:44:00 PM by LucarioX »
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.