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Author Topic: Levels and badges  (Read 21413 times)

Offline Declan_23

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2011, 08:05:20 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2011, 05:37:06 AM »
Trainer levels, my friends. Remember that we have them now.

your pokemon's obedience should be linked to the trainer level.
IE - A level 65 trainer can have pokemon up to level 75 obey him.

Offline Raikt

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2011, 06:51:45 AM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.

I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.
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Offline crozza159

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2011, 01:18:44 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.

I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.

Actually that is a really good idea, it adds more to the surprise factor of each gym.
Your first gym would have pokemon of that level and pokemon obtainable at that level, this then allows for many different ways to go through it, and it would be a lot more difficult for people to ask what pokemon this gym has if not many people have done that gym type as that gym leader.

Ex. I may choose the rock gym first, many others would choose this as their first gym so i could be told that the leader has Onix Geodude and Nosepass (first three that popped into my head).
Or i could do it as my last gym, and not many others have ended the gym challenge with rock so it would proove a great challenge for me to receive a warning of the Golem Armaldo Aggron Magcargo and Tyranitar that the same leader has.

just realised that what i just referred to doesnt seem to be in this thread, it is in another...just not sure which one
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 03:02:13 PM by crozza159 »

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Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2011, 10:03:34 PM »
I like that idea!

Offline Youngster Conor

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2011, 10:46:06 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.

I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.

I like your idea but I'm not sure how it would work as you can hardly go straight from the starter town right up to the furthest away gym.

Offline Declan_23

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2011, 11:04:42 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.
Sure you can. But this is straying off topic.
I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.

I like your idea but I'm not sure how it would work as you can hardly go straight from the starter town right up to the furthest away gym.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2011, 11:07:47 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.

I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.

I like your idea but I'm not sure how it would work as you can hardly go straight from the starter town right up to the furthest away gym.
One of the magical features of PU is that the objective isn't to beat the gyms. It's an option. There are many other "professions". You could choose to exclusively be a coordinator, if I remember correctly. There's more than enough to do that'll level you up besides gym battles.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2011, 07:39:04 AM »
Um, pokemon constests are not yet fully (if at all) implemented in the game...

Other 'professions' for the time being are tournaments, as far as I remember. All the others, ie breeding, contest, berry planter, pokeball maker, etc are later down the list of priorities.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2011, 11:20:42 AM »
i think that i will stick to battling for the champion ship!

Offline Chad29

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2011, 06:05:25 PM »
I suppose when you guys get around to putting it in, I'll be a fisherman. Or some other water oriented trainer like a surfer. riding righteous waves on the back of my Sharpedo!

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2011, 10:17:11 PM »
Um, pokemon constests are not yet fully (if at all) implemented in the game...

Other 'professions' for the time being are tournaments, as far as I remember. All the others, ie breeding, contest, berry planter, pokeball maker, etc are later down the list of priorities.
Well, right now we're talking about a game that hasn't even reached open beta yet. My point is that Gym Battles aren't the only priority, so your pokemon's obedience level shouldn't be tied to it. Your trainer level seems better suited for that.

Offline Sun Fin

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2011, 09:17:45 PM »
When you have your first badge, you can of course go to the third gym, but there will the leader's pokémon be at level 30, so you are kind of supposed to follow the path.
And where exactly did you get this information?
And these restrictions make the game practically unplayable unless you want challenge the gym leaders.

I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.

Actually that is a really good idea, it adds more to the surprise factor of each gym.
Your first gym would have pokemon of that level and pokemon obtainable at that level, this then allows for many different ways to go through it, and it would be a lot more difficult for people to ask what pokemon this gym has if not many people have done that gym type as that gym leader.

Ex. I may choose the rock gym first, many others would choose this as their first gym so i could be told that the leader has Onix Geodude and Nosepass (first three that popped into my head).
Or i could do it as my last gym, and not many others have ended the gym challenge with rock so it would proove a great challenge for me to receive a warning of the Golem Armaldo Aggron Magcargo and Tyranitar that the same leader has.

just realised that what i just referred to doesnt seem to be in this thread, it is in another...just not sure which one

I also really like this idea, for example if you pick a Charmander then you probably don't want to go to the rock gym first!

Also liked this idea. I think the two combined would work really well!

Hrm... I have to give most idea threads credit, as they lead me to interesting ideas of my own.

Don't take this as law as it just occurred to me while noshing some breakfast and listening to some music, but we could always implement a level cap once you acquire certain badges. It could also be used to add a challenging modifier to the gyms.

For example, the first gym leader could have a level cap of 10, meaning that before you acquire their badge, you cannot raise any of your Pokemon higher than that. (However, you are free to raise an unlimited number of Pokemon up to that level). Then, once you fight the gym leader, most of their Pokemon will be a level or two higher than yours, adding a challenging feel to it.

Once beaten, you gain the badge and the ability to move on the next level cap.

This would solve the issue of people over leveling their Pokemon early in the game, the difficulty issue that most people seem to think it will lack (Though trust me, I plan to make plenty of challenges for you to overcome) and the issue of (Is it really an issue or did I simply think I read about it somewhere?) players breezing through the game too quickly. It would simply be one more reason to take it slowly and enjoy the content.


Offline Seth Lazareus

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2011, 11:43:02 PM »
I always assumed we were scaling the gyms appropriately to level. IE: You beat the first gym, the rock gym, and can freely go to the fifteenth gym, the ice gym, and those Pokemon would now be scaled up to the same level as any other second gym.

Definitely a great idea. Really mixes things up.

I like your idea but I'm not sure how it would work as you can hardly go straight from the starter town right up to the furthest away gym.

Easy fix? Perhaps. Why not just change up the locations be doing two things.

Spawn points for starters.

Make several slightly different beginner towns near different gyms and send people to them accordingly, this would also help spread people out at the beginning of the game.


Make it so that from that first town there is a path that leads to up to 3 different gyms.

Problems that could arise:

1. You'd have to figure out how to keep quests up with the level of the trainer and there pokemon to go with this, but if quests were only do able at a certain level and next to the names of available quests were the locations that you could carry it out then problem solved.

2. NPC's If you wanted to train against NPC's that aren't a part of quests then how would get them to be the proper level? Personally my answer to this would be it's an mmorpg, why not battle other players (presumably you can gain exp. from this as well), there is also the option of wild pokemon, gyms, and quests, what more would you need?

For example, the first gym leader could have a level cap of 10, meaning that before you acquire their badge, you cannot raise any of your Pokemon higher than that. (However, you are free to raise an unlimited number of Pokemon up to that level). Then, once you fight the gym leader, most of their Pokemon will be a level or two higher than yours, adding a challenging feel to it.

I would not want this implemented. Gym badges shouldn't determine what level you can raise your pokemon to, that takes way to much control over the way that the player plays. Think about it, it's an mmorpg and it's supposed to take a different and better swing than the games. Lets not be gym oriented entirely. Making gyms a challenge would be nice, however making them the center piece of everything would take away a lot of the fun in the game. Instead make it so that in order to enter certain tournaments you need a certain number of gym badges. (Kind of like in the show cept with 4 badges you can still enter a certain tournament meant for people who have at least that many badges.) Then also hold tournaments etc. that don't require any badges to participate. That's if there is an intention of adding tournaments, which I believe Jerry mentioned.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 11:50:53 PM by Seth Lazareus »
"I choose you Moltres".

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Re: Levels and badges
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2011, 06:46:28 AM »
Wouldn't it be easier if you could only move on to the next area of the game by getting a badge. So you cant move on to the second area until you have the first badge and so forth. that way your stuck in that area and the higher lvl your Pokemon gets the less exp it gets so its not getting ridiculously overpowered. As for the gyms i remember playing a different Pokemon game where the gym leaders Pokemon weren't technically the lvl it should have been. So its could be lvl 10 but its stats are much higher. So it'll all balance out one way or another. Either you raise your Pokemon as high of a lvl as you can and battle the gym and still get a challenge OR you can get the option of raising a variety of Pokemon. So if its a rock based gym then raise a water/grass/ice whatever type thats effective against rock to still get a challenge from the battle but also balance the lvls out.

PS: If any of that made sense then im glad to get my idea out. If not then its alright, its 11am and it all sounds like a good idea in my head, haha.