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Author Topic: Funny things I thought about.  (Read 7438 times)

Offline Chad29

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Funny things I thought about.
« on: January 04, 2011, 01:31:09 AM »
Think about it. Some kid starts his journey, gets stronger, and in that must be less than a year's time gets all the badges and beats the five most powerful trainers in the game. They must go through champions all the time. It's just something kind of funny I thought about recently.

Of course part of the reason is that the pokemon aren't really at max level anyway. If the highest levels in the game are in the sixties, why is the max level 100? Why didn't the devs just make the maximum pokemon level be 50 or 60? Then at least you wouldn't be able to grind your pokemon to higher levels than the Elite Four and Champion.

Offline JohnnyXtreme

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Re: Funny things I thought about.
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 11:55:33 PM »
Well, it takes quite a bit of work to get pokemon up to the levels of the Elite 4. They aren't out facing everyone like the player is, so they don't really have a lot of oppertunities to level up their Poke's.
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Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Funny things I thought about.
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 04:16:59 AM »
1 - Pokemon aren't like Martial Arts. There isn't a whole lot to training, really. After sufficient amounts of doing the same thing multiple times, you get better at it. Pokemon are a lot easier to train. That's why in the pokemon world, ten years and ten months are pretty much the same thing, whereas in Martial Arts, there is an enormous skill gap between two weeks and two months alone.

2 - Don't get into the finer deets too much. You won't find any answers. Pokemon was designated to be sold to children, ones not wise enough to ask questions about things like that. I know they have a lot of srs buziness formulas to decide the stats of a pokemon, but I think that was just to keep kid interested a bit longer after the bright colors and little monsters got a hook in your childhood innocence.

Offline Chad29

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Re: Funny things I thought about.
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2011, 09:40:30 PM »
You know there's a guy in one of the recent generations. I forget if it's 3 or four, that asks you what do you do as soon as you reach a new town. He answers this himself by saying the Gym. I thought this was funny. Normally by the time I reach a town half of my team is unconscious, while the other half may have status ailments or be low on health. I always go to the Poke Center first. Then maybe the Mart to gear up for the Gym.

So is there any player that actually does run to the Gym first thing after reaching any new town? Where would the NPC get this idea from?

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Funny things I thought about.
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2011, 10:00:30 PM »
Maybe he was meant to be an idiot?

Offline Jerry

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Re: Funny things I thought about.
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2011, 09:06:07 AM »
I think you're referring to Barry in Gen IV.

If I remember well, he was in the town before you and might have had the time to get prepared for the Gym.

Though... sometimes I go directly to the Gym when entering a town and in some rare cases, I'll not go to the PokeCentre until I beat the leader.
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