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Author Topic: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights  (Read 2872455 times)

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3390 on: March 14, 2012, 02:18:20 AM »
Oh noes ;A;
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3391 on: March 14, 2012, 03:08:05 AM »
*reads new sig*
Very true. Mustang IS useless when wet.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3392 on: March 14, 2012, 03:33:57 AM »
*laughs because Ayara isn't thinking in Cathlin-Shock mentality*
Anyway... How are the apple tablets, if anyone has one? I'm not too interested in buying one, but how do they work? Well?
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Arctus

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3393 on: March 14, 2012, 03:43:32 AM »
I used to have a bigger laptop, but now I just use a small netbook, althouh im happy with it, it does everything i need and want it to

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3394 on: March 14, 2012, 04:02:46 AM »
Lexie....*throws barrage of shoes and books* DONT TRY TO MAKE ME THINK LIKE THE PERVERTS ON MY BUS!
Gawds. fine, he's useless when it's raining. happy?
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Hinagiku

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3395 on: March 14, 2012, 04:24:15 AM »
I have a lot of characters.... Hm, 2 for Warriors rps, Dairenn (half-elf), Dairenn and Brigit (human twins, occasionally have powers), Samantha, Daisy (trainer), Daisy (person), Simon, Tory, Faith, Ellen, Garrison, Airileis, Mirim, a country and all its citizens... Um, yeah.

Onto the current topic:
I have a 4-year-old Dell laptop that has survived a harsh virus or two and while the keyboard and screen and top of it don't look all that great after wear and tear, it's pretty trusty. Minus the fact that since it overheats reaaaaally quickly now, it has to have a fan blowing on it at all times. Makes me wonder how I'll work that at uni... But like I said, trusty.

Actually, pretty much all my technology is trusty (knock on wood). I still have my old DS, GBA, Super Nintendo, cellphone (I liked it since forever, it was a great flip phone, and takes better pictures than my slide phone), and GBA SP and not one of them has failed on me even though I don't necessarily take extremely good care of them. Whereas I have friends that break their things easily. It helps that they last though, since I don't have money to replace any of them.

Offline Arctus

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3396 on: March 14, 2012, 04:58:29 AM »
It helps that they last though, since I don't have money to replace any of them.

Haha, that usually is a good persuasive for things not to brake. I know from experience.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3397 on: March 14, 2012, 12:24:17 PM »
Ooh! You'e so lucky! THe longest surviving electronics in my house are my Gamecube (had it since 2005), and my house phone (had it since I was born, although the buttons are jammed....).
Everything else dies within a year. I'm actually surpriesed that my cellphone, netbook and DSi have made it for so long...
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3398 on: March 14, 2012, 04:39:27 PM »
The odd thing is that other than one person and myself, everyone I know with a DS always manages to break it somehow. It's always either the hinge broke, or the L & R buttons don't work, or the screen is cracked, or a certain part of the touch screen doesn't work. One of my sister's friends lost her stylus and decided to use a PENCIL instead, and now her DS looks like you put it in the blender. Apparently, it didn't blend.

Yet the worst thing that's happened to my systems is they get a few scratches or dents, but always small ones.

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3399 on: March 14, 2012, 04:52:54 PM »
:P i've got a laptop from like 10 years ago... it only has 30 seconds of battery. It's like its in hospital constantly plugged... beep... beep... beeeeeeeep. noooooooooo. Jks it's still running fine. And my old Ds broke in two one half touch screen, other normal screen it just snapped. Got a Ds lite and I miss my old original.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3400 on: March 14, 2012, 05:30:50 PM »
The odd thing is that other than one person and myself, everyone I know with a DS always manages to break it somehow. It's always either the hinge broke, or the L & R buttons don't work, or the screen is cracked, or a certain part of the touch screen doesn't work. One of my sister's friends lost her stylus and decided to use a PENCIL instead, and now her DS looks like you put it in the blender. Apparently, it didn't blend.

Yet the worst thing that's happened to my systems is they get a few scratches or dents, but always small ones.

I'm all so used to this o_o I can't understand how other people's things get so terribad looking after so little time!
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Tickles

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3401 on: March 15, 2012, 02:26:11 AM »
So question: Who has clicked my red button  of knowledge? I feel like some people have clicked it.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3402 on: March 15, 2012, 02:32:05 AM »
I have clicked the button of knowledge. It is very helpful, I must say. I read that before somewhere else (probably by choice on the site), but now that it's a button in your sig, not to mention that it's red and shiny, more people are going to click it. So, that's a plus for all the poor people tired of answering stupid questions (which now deserve stupid answers).
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Tickles

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3403 on: March 15, 2012, 02:34:53 AM »
Actually, I made this updated one like a couple days ago, and put it in my sig since people still don't bother to read. Now whenever they ask a question related to one in that thread, I just have to post: "Click on my red button, and all will be revealed." or something yoda sounding. I'm not sure, it will come with practice.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #3404 on: March 15, 2012, 02:38:07 AM »
Iz haz clicked it!
'tis knowledgeable.
You should use "The red button shall reveal all, young one."
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 02:40:10 AM by Ayara012 »
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.