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Author Topic: Genbor says: Hi!  (Read 4556 times)

Offline genbor

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Genbor says: Hi!
« on: April 12, 2011, 08:30:45 PM »
 Like my title suggests, I am here to officially say hi to the Pokémon Universe. I've been registered for a few days now and have been looking at topics occasionally (meaning whenever I had time) but haven't really seen this option yet.
 Although not sure what kind of introduction should I be doing I'll just do it the way I like. (I read FAQ, and the Forum Etiquette + Regulations so hopefully I don't cross them)

 Name: Viktor
 Age: 18              (You can probably find this info on my profile, if not I'll update it soon)
 Country: Hungary

Not sure how the character creation will go, but if I can choose a name it will be Genbor.(surprise surprise)
Starting and forever used Pokémon: Bulbasaur (well, his evolved forms anyways)
My Trainer Philosophy is to catch the Pokémon I like and battle with them till we win. -All you need is guts!-

Anyways I love the games, and love what you are doing here. Not sure how the game will look like in its final form but so far what I have read about it I'm enchanted by the PokéUniverse. This game would be a dream come true, since I always wanted to battle others with my Pokémon when I used to play, but never had a cable or the same game. Although I haven't played for a while now (last Pokémon Game i played was the Crystal version) after i stumbled upon this website the old passion for the game revived.

Since I haven't been up-to-date with the games, I don't quite understand these newer options like breeding (if it was available in Crystal than I have the excuse of relying on my guts and just beat the game with brawl) so I would like to ask help in these cases. (starting from the new options after Crystal) If you have time and like to help newbies out a tutorial or links of them would be greatly appreciated.
 I read on the forums about the IV system - a predetermined x-value for a Pokémon that boosts stuff and is unchangeable (if I understood it right) - and would like to ask if starting Pokémon that are the same would have the same stats including IV (not even sure if I'm using it in a proper way) or it's determined by luck? - ex: starting Bulbasuar good IV stats for one guy and starting Bulbasaur bad IV stats for another-

Anyways I am looking forward to the game, and would like to say keep up what you're doing. If this website managed to pull me back into the Pokémon Universe, then I'm sure it will attract others like me as well.
 So with regards, 
                                                                                                       Cheers, Genbor/Viktor (whichever you like better)

PS: Forgot to add one thing.
 I fell for the Aprils Fools prank, and it made me cry I was laughing so hard. Thanks for that.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 08:33:05 PM by genbor »
It's ghost dammit, GHOST!

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Re: Genbor says: Hi!
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 09:04:37 PM »
Welcome to the forums genbor! And a very good introduction I must say.

Offline Eulogy

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Re: Genbor says: Hi!
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 09:16:19 PM »
Welcome Genbor! Glad to have ya here! :D
Love the person, hate the sin.

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Re: Genbor says: Hi!
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 10:15:33 PM »
Hey Genbor! Welcome to PU! :)

To address your query, yes, IVs are determined randomly, so with luck you go! :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Re: Genbor says: Hi!
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 11:32:02 PM »
IVs are random, yes, but to lower the amount of frustration of having bad ones - and to generally stop players from feeling like they need to cheat/exploit in the game - we've changed them to be from a range of 0-31, to 15-31.

Hopefully this lowers the amount of people typing "Pokemon Universe IV hack" into Google XP
Also means that if you find a shiny Pokemon, he is less likely to be made unusable. (Natures can still do it though :( )
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.