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Author Topic: Tutoring Trainers  (Read 15645 times)

Offline Jerry

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2011, 06:59:24 PM »
Yeah, I liked your ideas :)

That could be worked... I think.
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2011, 07:55:22 PM »
Could players not participating in the battle spectate? I read that somewhere. might of been in this topic, anyways, i think thatd be a great idea.

 You probably read it in my post since i did mention spectating a battle, or you could have read Jerry's post about it, (he posted before me) but anyway Mr. Dark said there won't be any spectates, so if he says so than you should stick with that.
 About your idea on TMs that we don't use repetitive-use learning, but after we gain levels as a Trainer and then be able to learn some... I don't know. I'm not sure how many levels there will be for a Trainer so I can't really elaborate on that one right now.

 I like your Tutorial idea, mainly teaching new players about what's new on the server, and of course allowing us to choose one of the starter Pokémons at the end of the Tutorial. For the starter equipment, I would say we shouldn't get anything too big. 5 Pokéballs and a Potion would be enough, seeing how in the games that's how you start out.
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2011, 08:03:23 PM »
Yeah thats a good idea or a buton for  an instruction manual telling you what buttons do or an option to change controls to different buttons.

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2011, 09:21:55 PM »
This would be a good idea for guilds.  Stay with me here.

If guilds take off and they are big and popular.  Maybe each guild could have it's own unique characteristics.  Lets say trainer A is in guild 1 and trainer B is in guild 2.  They are both active members of their respective guilds.  So they get a stat boost unique to the guild they are in.  guild 1 boosts a trainers capture rate, while guild 2 boosts a trainers ability to raise a pokemon.  (they level a bit faster.) 

Also to stay on topic with this thread.  Maybe each guild could have unique tutors (npcs) that teach trainers various things that go towards that guilds specialized area.

Offline jackasscheyne

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2011, 09:28:02 PM »
guild boosts sounds like a good idea. i think, like a few other games ive played, it should cost to make a guild... nothing too steep but enough to make sure people dont make one at like lvl four. a ban on creating one til like lvl 10 and a 100,000poke pricetag. then a function to choose your own boosts for your guild and the ability to upgrade the rank of your guild, gaining better boosts in the chosen field sound fair :)
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2011, 09:38:56 PM »
guild 1 boosts a trainers capture rate, while guild 2 boosts a trainers ability to raise a pokemon.  (they level a bit faster.) 

 I don't think there is any need to boost either of them since as a Trainer progresses, (levels up) he becames more adept at catching and training Pokémon. At least that's what I got after browsing through the topics.
 About the NPC trainers in a guild... I think that would make a guild more of what other MMORPGs have as Classes. I don't really like the idea of Trainer Class system entering Pokémon. There's already a sort of Class feel with the Pokémon they use, so there's no need to add more.

 I get where your coming from, I thought about this too, but dismissed it. I like the each guild would make some unique contribution to the player inside it, but I do not think it should be in the sense you put it.

 My idea on the guilds (maybe yours as well):
 - A Guild should have a Guild House (if possible, created by a guild member in pixel art with authorization)
 - A Guild rule. (ex: All Trainer's need is guts! Battle anyone that comes across your path!)
 - I like the idea of a Guild Showdown in weekly tournaments, or such.
 - Some special deals. (ex: Guild A has an agreement with Mart to give discount)
 - etc.

                                                                Cheers, Genbor
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2011, 05:39:26 PM »
Yes, I think that guilds have the possibility to have a common 'HQ' which will be then require some sort of monthly fee (in game money). This might contain a battle field and other things that a usual 'HQ' would have, while other guilds which can't afford one can still exist without those buildings.

Guild rule... I'll rather call it a guild motto :P

There will most likely be inter-guild tourneys.

Maybe to elaborate on the guild boost... some ideas need to be added though.
- Guilds will have some sort of badge given to each member. The badge, is what allows the members to get the boosts. (just like gym badges, which 'raise the def' of your pokemon in the case of the boulder badge, raise the speed in the case of the thunder badge which gives your pokemon a slight speed boost, etc)
- The 'level' of the badge will then be directly related to the level of the guild.
- At each level up of the guild, the guild creator (maybe +other admins) decide on what aspect to invest. (eg. add a slight boost to capture rate)
- And at the same time, maybe implement the move tutoring part.
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2011, 07:02:03 PM »
Yes, I think that guilds have the possibility to have a common 'HQ' which will be then require some sort of monthly fee (in game money). This might contain a battle field and other things that a usual 'HQ' would have, while other guilds which can't afford one can still exist without those buildings.

Guild rule... I'll rather call it a guild motto :P

There will most likely be inter-guild tourneys.

Maybe to elaborate on the guild boost... some ideas need to be added though.
- Guilds will have some sort of badge given to each member. The badge, is what allows the members to get the boosts. (just like gym badges, which 'raise the def' of your pokemon in the case of the boulder badge, raise the speed in the case of the thunder badge which gives your pokemon a slight speed boost, etc)
- The 'level' of the badge will then be directly related to the level of the guild.
- At each level up of the guild, the guild creator (maybe +other admins) decide on what aspect to invest. (eg. add a slight boost to capture rate)
- And at the same time, maybe implement the move tutoring part.

And once more, nicely evaluated by Jerry.

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2011, 11:09:55 PM »
Yeah there should be a rank system in the guild your in saying how many people ware beaten from that guild by yours and vice versa.

Offline genbor

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2011, 12:47:13 PM »
Maybe to elaborate on the guild boost... some ideas need to be added though.
- Guilds will have some sort of badge given to each member. The badge, is what allows the members to get the boosts. (just like gym badges, which 'raise the def' of your pokemon in the case of the boulder badge, raise the speed in the case of the thunder badge which gives your pokemon a slight speed boost, etc)
- The 'level' of the badge will then be directly related to the level of the guild.
- At each level up of the guild, the guild creator (maybe +other admins) decide on what aspect to invest. (eg. add a slight boost to capture rate)
- And at the same time, maybe implement the move tutoring part.

 That sounds a lot like the Guild system in Dofus (MMORPG). In the game, if the Guild levels up, the Guildmaster can invest characteristic points into the strength of the Percs (a placeable symbol of a guild which places a monopoly on the area, meaning that it taxes anyone who has a fight on the map).

 Although I like the idea, there's the question of how the Guilds would be leveled up. Would it be like in Dofus, where a portion of the Guildmembers' experience points (the amount is chosen by the Guildmember) are contributed to the Guild, and that's how it would level up; or should we think of something more unique...

 I'll think of a detailed Guild system plan, if there isn't one already, which can be discussed and modified.
                                                                            Cheers, Genbor

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2011, 07:25:41 PM »
Hm.. this is getting off topic :-\

Okay, a last one:

No, I wasn't aware of that genbor. I only played some Pokemon Crater and Runescape (both of which were lame and I quit quickly) and no more MMORPG. I just got this idea when I thought about the Pokemon in-game badges. Of course, the guild level has to be defined now. But no, I don't think that the level/exp of the creator should be what triggers the level ups. I more think about achievement points, maybe winning tournaments, number of members (the points obtained decreases as more members join, eg. 100 EXP when you hit 10 members, 75 EXP when you hit 20, 50 EXP when you hit 50, 20 EXP when you hit 100, etc), general contribution to the guild (maybe something like the size of the HQ which is directly related to the guild's funds and other achievements) and so on. I look at it from a more 'guild' perspective where the whole guild contribute in its level up.
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Offline jackasscheyne

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2011, 09:15:44 PM »
just had an idea when reading newer posts. ive read the posts on having a common HQ for guilds. does this involve like a guild base? kinda like bases on ruby and sapphire but for your guild only. or maybe having like an enterance hall where others could apply for the guild. and the possibilty to buy furniture and equipment etc. maybe even like a mini Ebay on the game to buy sell and trade between players, plus bidding for stuff. i gather that there will be poke-marts and shops like that but i thought that special trading for items between people seemed like a good idea too :) just suggestions lol.
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2011, 09:28:58 PM »
just had an idea when reading newer posts. ive read the posts on having a common HQ for guilds. does this involve like a guild base? kinda like bases on ruby and sapphire but for your guild only. or maybe having like an enterance hall where others could apply for the guild. and the possibilty to buy furniture and equipment etc. maybe even like a mini Ebay on the game to buy sell and trade between players, plus bidding for stuff. i gather that there will be poke-marts and shops like that but i thought that special trading for items between people seemed like a good idea too :) just suggestions lol.

 Good ideas, but most of them have been mentioned in different posts already, if you want check them out and elaborate on them:

Guilds: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,2496.0.html
In game Ebay a.k.a Auction House: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3137.msg68230.html#msg68230
                                                   Cheers, Genbor
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