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Author Topic: Tutoring Trainers  (Read 15644 times)

Offline genbor

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Tutoring Trainers
« on: April 14, 2011, 05:23:01 PM »
 I apologize if a similar or the same topic has been made already, but I seem to have an intense war going on with the Search function.  >:(

 A few ideas/suggestions:

 1.) In many games what I searched for but never found, was an option to "tutor" other players. This would mean that if I was particularly good at something, I could help him gain experience by showing him how to do it.
 This could be accomplished by allowing other players to see your battles you have with your Pokémon; which would give them a slight bonus in experience gain.
 To give an example: A higher level trainer's fight could be watch by other people, whoever watches the fight could gain the slight experience gain from watching it. The higher the trainer level, the higher the experience gain. (This, of course, would only give the Trainer experience and not his Pokémon)
 To back this up, even in game sometimes there are scenes where others show you how to catch a Pokémon. This increases your knowledge of how to catch one properly and therefore your trainer should get a slight bonus.
 Another argument would be that if you have the same Pokémon as the higher level trainer fighting, you could learn a few tricks from how he uses his Pokémon.

 To exploit this idea further, in a 2v2 battle, the trainer's (along with the Pokémon) could "learn" from each other - since each person has different techniques - and therefore enhance their overall experience they gain. I would very originally call it a Party boost. (if there is a Join Party/Group action)

 To go back to how to view a fight, there could be some kind of object pinned to the ground indicating a fight. (a flag, sword stuck in the ground, etc) This object would have a Watch Fight, option, with which you would do just that.

 This would also make Competitions fun for others - and not just wait for announcements to know what happened -  and be there participating in the fight as a Spectator.
 This might cause some lag issues but it sounds fun for me.

2.) Another idea I have is regarding the HMs and TMs.
 It would still be nice to have them around, but since the TM is a use-once-only move, it could have a little twist in it.
 To elaborate on the "twist", here's an example:
   You learn an HM or TM move. The TM move naturally disappears with the use, but after a number of times used, (would have to be a pretty high number to make this worth it) the trainer would learn the move itself. So now he wouldn't need to have that TM/HM in his bag anymore to teach a Pokémon. Since he used it so many times he now knows exactly how to teach the Pokémon the move. So he could teach moves to his, or other trainers' Pokémon without having the HM, TM moves in his inventory. (This could also be classified as an achievement?)

Anyways, these are just my thoughts. They don't seem to blown-out-of-proportion ideas, so it might be worth to think about it. So tell me what you guys think.
                                                                                              Cheers, Genbor

PS: Since I wanna contribute something to the game, and since I realized I am horrible at programming, pixel art, or anything else; I came to the conclusion of trying to "contribute" with ideas and suggestions. That might include Quests if that's still open for people to write and suggest.

PSS: "Contributing" ideas
         change "Contributing to "Annoying"
         And you have "Annoying" ideas  8)
- So tell me when I should stop bugging you with them -
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Offline Jerry

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 05:55:46 PM »
Okay, 1) No, I don't think that exp boosts will be that good, maybe give some trainer exp, but not any boost, I don't think that'd do good. The Team has already tried to make the EXP requirement higher so that the levelling up is not so fast that everybody's in the max level too soon.

On the other note, you can see my thread made a long time ago :P


2) I don't know about that one... this seems a little far fetched... So far, I think that TMs will be re-obtainable, through buying, quests and tutors.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 06:03:52 PM by Jerry »
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Offline genbor

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 06:05:41 PM »
Well that's true, it might make people level-up too fast. So what about the other idea about the HMs and TMs?

 Also sorry about double posting, I really hate that search function seeing how it hates me as well. 8)
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Offline Jerry

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 06:15:13 PM »
I edited my post as I clicked on 'Post' before being able to say something on the second part, and maybe you were caught in between. Yes, the search bar doesn't work all the time, but since I made that thread, I know where it is exactly :)
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2011, 10:37:50 PM »
Personally, I really like the first idea. I think Jerry may have misunderstood you, it is true that it will be harder to level up pokemon, however, not much thought has been given to trainer levels. I do think that there should be a cap though. e.g. After reaching level 5, you can no longer learn anything by watching.
As for idea 2, I don't see why not. Although, I would prefer it that you would have to complete some kind of quest to gain this ability.
Finally, please do keep contributing ideas, they make an interesting read :)

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2011, 02:10:12 PM »
If i could go back on the hms and tms maybe haveing  5 or 6 attack slots instead of your normal 4 but 2 of the slots have to go to hms  it would be pretty helpful.

Offline gaurdianAQ

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2011, 02:17:53 PM »
I like your second idea, but it would have to be a very high number because if you get a very powerful tm like hydro pump or earthquake then you don't want them to be able to teach it to every pokemon.

Maybe after you learn it, in the beginning there is only a 25% chance it will work and you can increase it eventually to say maybe a cap of 60% and afterwards if it fails you have to wait maybe a day before you can try it again.

Or to balance things out maybe make it so that the difficulty of learning the TM is based on the strength of it, so say water gun, that would be an easy one in comparison to hydro pump.

Or possibly you could evolve the TM's your trainer can learn. So you start off by teaching water gun, and then eventually it becomes hydro pump.
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2011, 03:22:40 PM »
Number 1: Personally, I hate it. I mean why would a trainer need experience. In Normal Pokemon games (B/W, HG/SS, etc.) The trainers don't get experience. I think it should follow video game logic. Also if you MUST do it, then make the sword appear in the top corner of the screen. Why on the ground? It will just ruin the beautiful scenery of the game.

Number 2: I kinda hate this idea too. In Black and White you can use the TM's the entire game no matter how much you use them. In all other games, HM's always stay permanently. I think this game should follow the video game logic, and have the same level up mechanics (Medium slow, Medium fast, fast, slow, very slow, very fast).

What I do think you should have is Rotation and triple battles again. Those are fun. Well I'll leave you too reading this. Later.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2011, 06:17:04 PM »
Oops, indeed. I read 'no Trainer experience, but only Pokemon experience' >.<

But then, you already elaborated on that idea Declan :)
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Offline genbor

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2011, 07:33:46 PM »
- Yes I did imagine it to have a certain limitation or a very low experience (not low enough to discourage people from wasting time watching others fight, but not high enough either to allow for power leveling) and also about the limit; it is realistic to say that after watching people fight you have nothing more to learn from other trainers. I really like that. It could be used as a way to encourage people to group/form parties with other people and not the same people, since it would benefit them more to socialize and learn from each other.
 To say it again, how I imagined this experience gain from each other would only work if you have the same Pokémon as the other trainer. See how others use that same Pokémon and 'integrate it' into their knowledge.
 Ex: You have a Bulbasaur as a Pokémon. The other trainer has him as well, and you learn from each other - gain Trainer Experience -
 The only requirement would be to own the same Pokémon, whether in PC or in Inventory. This would also encourage Players to go out and catch other Pokémon instead of just sticking with one set.

 = About the Trainer Experience. I know the games didn't do that, but PU doesn't have to follow the games or canon to be an enjoyable game, and I personally like the idea of Trainer Levels and not just Pokémon.

- About the HMs, TMs: I think I said the same thing; It would have to be pretty high for it to be unique. If everyone can get it easily, it wouldn't have much point in making it. I also like your idea of the move strengths; what you said about starting out with a simple Water Gun, and evolving it into a Hydro Pump. I think that might make it even more worth while.
 With this you could also make it so that a rare TM (HMs should be available to everyone cause of their need for moving around) would be mainly available to a Guild - this way making your Guild a bit stronger and making it have a more unified feel, also it would have more use, since guilds should have "Guild Secrets" in my humble opinion. A rare TM could be one of them.

Well that it for now  8)
                                                               Cheers, Genbor
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2011, 09:03:09 PM »
Or perhaps, you could only learn one TM from each type?
In order to be able to teach a new one, you must forget an old one.

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2011, 09:09:21 PM »
 That would be a nice way of regulating how much moves a Trainer could teach (Which would still be a big amount for experienced trainers since there are 17 Pokémon types) and would keep it unique at the same time. I like the idea.  8)
                                               Cheers, Genbor
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2011, 02:57:30 PM »
 I was playing Pokémon FireRed just a minute ago and got to the part on S.S. Anne. What i found interesting was that the Captain of the ship can teach Pokémon how to use HM Cut; (which in itself would support my idea)
 But anyways, found I found even more interesting was that he can actually use the HM Cut. So instead of increasing a Pokémon's move set by an additional "Hm slot" like it was suggested in another topic, I think we could make trainers themselves have HM slots which, of course, can not be used in battle (trainers don't battle, Pokémon do)
 Anyways its just a thought I found nice. Trainers would need to spend some time to learn and perfect their HM moves to make it harder to obtain, but I think it's a generally good idea.

Trainers could be also Tutored in HM moves this way. So Trainer A teaches Trainer B to use Cut!

- Trainer needs to swim to an island: Trainer used Surf! (even in game we see many NPCs in the water swimming)
- Trainer needs to clear a tree out of his way: Trainer equipped a Machete(or axe, etc) and used Cut. (like our dear S.S. Anne Captain can do)
  And so forth.
Tell me what you think.
                                       Cheers, Genbor
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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2011, 03:11:53 PM »
So instead of increasing a Pokémon's move set by an additional "Hm slot" like it was suggested in another topic, I think we could make trainers themselves have HM slots which, of course, can not be used in battle (trainers don't battle, Pokémon do)
 Anyways its just a thought I found nice. Trainers would need to spend some time to learn and perfect their HM moves to make it harder to obtain, but I think it's a generally good idea.

Trainers could be also Tutored in HM moves this way. So Trainer A teaches Trainer B to use Cut!

- Trainer needs to swim to an island: Trainer used Surf! (even in game we see many NPCs in the water swimming)
- Trainer needs to clear a tree out of his way: Trainer equipped a Machete(or axe, etc) and used Cut. (like our dear S.S. Anne Captain can do)
  And so forth.
Tell me what you think.
                                       Cheers, Genbor

Sounds like a great idea to me and I think the PU team is gonna like this too. I don't think this idea is mentioned yet. Keep thinking that way, and who knows what great idea's you might think of.

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Re: Tutoring Trainers
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2011, 05:02:23 AM »
For the tutoring, think there could be a option to go through a tutorial? learn about the game play. Doesn't have to be just about learning the game play either. You could simply go through the tutorial using the knowledge you gain "IN" the tutorial itself to better get an idea of the game. Then when you come out of the tutorial you could gain maybe a lvl or two. Or get some starter items to help you out a little bit in the begining.
This is a lil bit off topic, or it may be what were talking bout. Idk how the PvP works and ill look that up after this, but if its PvP where ever. Could players not participating in the battle spectate? I read that somewhere. might of been in this topic, anyways, i think thatd be a great idea. Considering players will be able to learn a variety of combinations or see what types are effective against what.
Last thing bout the HM/TM's. Maybe instead of using a TM over and over till you can learn it yourself, there could be level reguirements. So if you reach, lets say lvl 10, you can learn a TM of your choice. and the higher the levels you get the more TM s you could learn at once. Up until your max lvl. And im not saying your going to learn every TM cause that would be to easy. So maybe theres an Item you have to buy for a ridiculous price or a rare item you have to farm that will allow you to learn an extra TM.

So those are my thoughts on this subject. Hope they help, if not i atleast tryed:)