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Author Topic: How battling is seen by another player  (Read 20049 times)

Offline Jerry

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How battling is seen by another player
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:07:41 PM »
I was wondering how would a player battling someone or a wild pokemon would appear to another player.

Eg. P

-Player 1 goes into grass and sees a weedle. While battling, player 2 comes along. Does player 2 see player one immobile in the grass?

-Player 1 is battling against player 2. Player 3 comes along. Does player 3 see the two trainers facing each other?

Or will they just disappear temporarily for the other players?

As a side note, if they remain visible to other players, we could perhaps include pokemon sprites. Since they will be immobile, only one sprite in each direction is required, (or 493*4 = 1972 sprites, that's quite big already, I know)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 04:18:08 PM by Jerry »
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Re: How battling is see by another player
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 03:17:33 PM »
-Player 1 goes into grass and sees a weedle. While battling, player 2 comes along. Does player 2 see player one immobile in the grass?

-Player 1 is battling against player 2. Player 3 comes along. Does player 3 see the two trainers facing each other?

As a side note, if they remain visible to other players, we could perhaps include pokemon sprites. Since they will be immobile, only one sprite in each direction is required, (or 493*4 = 1972 sprites, that's quite big already, I know)
This should be possible to implement as long as we have the sprites.
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


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Offline Jerry

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Re: How battling is see by another player
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2010, 03:20:38 PM »
Thanks! That raises another issue... can players... go through other players like a ghost? Because if not, and we have a lot of players, the place will be overcrowded...
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Re: How battling is see by another player
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 04:16:48 PM »
I like the idea of seeing the wild pokemon a player is fighting, it might also be nice to have a pokeball animation if they catch it.

Generally the way to deal with walking through other players is if try to walk through them you stop for 1 second, then if you keep pressing the arrow key, you will walk through them.
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Re: How battling is see by another player
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 04:19:13 PM »
Thanks! That raises another issue... can players... go through other players like a ghost? Because if not, and we have a lot of players, the place will be overcrowded...

Yes it's possible to walk through each other. We allow this because we don't want a "habbo pool's closed"-Incident here on PU.
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Offline joe198098

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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 08:02:27 AM »
that would be lame if people ran into eachother. you wouldnt be able to get anywhere!  i like the idea with the pokeball animation.  it might cuase lag though, depending on how many people are on the route.  that many animations at once could slow the game down. still, cool idea!

Offline Jerry

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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 07:15:56 PM »
Maybe including something more (later), to make other people able to have an idea of a match. Like when a trainer orders his/her pokemon to attack, the 'overhead' message for example 'Charmander, use ember!' could appear to the nearby trainers.
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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2010, 08:24:13 PM »
Maybe including something more (later), to make other people able to have an idea of a match. Like when a trainer orders his/her pokemon to attack, the 'overhead' message for example 'Charmander, use ember!' could appear to the nearby trainers.

Might be nice indeed. It also might cause the chat to flood when there are lots of people playing near each other.
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


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Offline Impwadman

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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2010, 09:12:15 PM »
You don't necessarily have to have the message appear in the chat box. You could have it just appear over battlers head. I don't think people that are out of distance of the battle, or even close but not able to see the player, will care if someone is battling.

**EDIT: I also have another idea. When people go into battle, there player and whatever else they are fighting, should disappear also. I played the game "Dofus" for a little bit and when battling a monster, the player would disappear.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 10:34:30 PM by Impwadman »

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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2010, 11:30:15 PM »
**EDIT: I also have another idea. When people go into battle, there player and whatever else they are fighting, should disappear also. I played the game "Dofus" for a little bit and when battling a monster, the player would disappear.

No, players will stay visible while in battle.
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2010, 11:44:32 PM »
Sprites would be awsome as long as they would be like ghosts and possible to move through.  An idea I have pondered though was in tournaments it would be cool if you could go into maybe an actual stadium and sit and watch people battle.  It would be like in the anime and I think it would be a great feature.  Just a thought...
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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2010, 03:02:49 AM »
Sprites would be awsome as long as they would be like ghosts and possible to move through.  An idea I have pondered though was in tournaments it would be cool if you could go into maybe an actual stadium and sit and watch people battle.  It would be like in the anime and I think it would be a great feature.  Just a thought...

I think that would be cool for a huge tournament only. I think I read somewhere that you would be able to see others battles if you wanted to, but that that wouldn't be in the game till later.

But for the whole stadium thing, like I said before that'd be cool for some crazy huge tournament IF the people actually wanted to watch. Maybe theyd learn a trick or two from the better players in PU when it comes out.

Offline Jerry

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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2010, 03:45:47 PM »
Maybe including something more (later), to make other people able to have an idea of a match. Like when a trainer orders his/her pokemon to attack, the 'overhead' message for example 'Charmander, use ember!' could appear to the nearby trainers.

Might be nice indeed. It also might cause the chat to flood when there are lots of people playing near each other.

Yes, that's the problem. I don't know yet how the chat will work exactly.

I think there should be something like two features if what I suggested is implemented. One, the chating will only be in the message box and 'battle messages' will only appear above the player's head.
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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2010, 03:53:42 PM »
Let me re-quote myself + addition:

Might be nice indeed. It also might cause the chat to flood when there are lots of people playing near each other. Even if the message is only shows above the players head
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Offline Jerry

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Re: How battling is seen by another player
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2010, 04:13:01 PM »
Oh, ok.

Hmm, since I really want something like this to be possible, I have another idea:

The 'outside' player will have to 'talk' to the battling trainer(s) to see the messages. So, only a few players will see it at a time.

Also, to avoid chat flooding, a player should be next to a player to be able to talk to him/her, and not far away.
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