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Author Topic: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red  (Read 8791 times)

Offline Sequoia

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Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« on: October 02, 2011, 09:34:39 PM »
So about half a year ago I heard about the Nuzlocke challenge, and I thought it was interesting enough to go ahead and jump on the bandwagon. The idea behind this story started when I decided to name all the Pokemon I catch after Transformers. Then I thought it would be a fun idea to name the player Sari (from Transformers: Animated). And then suddenly the challenge somehow came to life and dumped a three-game cross-over plot and a very confused Shockwave on my head.  :-\

For this challenge, I will be using these rules:
1. You may only catch the first pokemon you encounter in a new area (Shinies are exempt)
2. Once a pokemon is registered in the pokedex, it is rendered uncatchable (eg no duplicates)(again, Shinies are exempt)
3. If a pokemon faints, it is considered dead and must be released
4. All caught pokemon must be named after canon Transformers

I welcome any critique you guys may have that will help me improve. Pointless flames, on the other hand, will be used to make s'mores.  :P

Also, some chapters may end up too long for one post, which will force me to split the chapter. If you're going to comment on the latest chapter, look at the bottom of the post. If there are a line of asteriks/stars, like this:     *     *     *     *     and so on across the post, that is the end of the chapter. If the stars aren't there, the chapter isn't finished yet.
In other words: No stars, no comments.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 09:38:19 PM by Sequoia »
You ask why the Old Chateau, I ask what better place to study ghost Pokemon.

Offline Sequoia

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2011, 09:40:11 PM »
You can say this takes place in a slight AU where Shockwave somehow ended up on Earth during Season 2 (I honestly am not worried about those details because I don't think they're important to the story). Sari is also still unaware that she is a technorganic.


     It was interesting, just how little time it takes for an orderly operation to dissolve into complete and utter chaos.

     Battle cries and clashes of metal on metal rend the air, drowning out the once soothing background noise that was the quiet hum of machinery. Stray shots peppered the walls, leaving smoking pot holes the size of a human. Chunks of rock were still falling from the hole in the ceiling where Starscream and his clones had busted in, leaving the Decepticons' space bridge open to the elements.

     Shockwave flinched slightly as a stalactite tumbled to the ground just a few meters from the computer terminal he was standing in front of. He still wasn't quite sure how he had gotten to Earth; he was supposed to be on Cybertron, prepping the space bridges for his lord's triumphant return. A shot from one of the Starscream clones suddenly zinged between his antennae, leaving them tingling from the energy and bringing his focus back to reality and his task. Now was not a good time to get distracted with unimportant questions. As long as he had the coordinates and his Head of Intel override codes, it didn't matter from where he was connecting the space bridges. And once that was done, the Autobots were as good as finished.

     A tiny flash of yellow out of the corner of his optic grabbed his attention from the screen to see a small human youngling running on the terminal towards him, a look of determination on its face. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Come to stop me, Human?" He asked in an amused tone. "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

     Its face broke into a devious smile. "Like this," it replied before leaping onto the keyboard he was working at and stomping on random keys. The little deviant was trying to sabotage the coordinates!

     "Stop that at once!" He cried angrily, bringing down his servo to squash the impudent fleshy. It leaped out of the way at the last second, and his servo merely mashed keys, inputting even more gibberish into the computer. "Ack! No no no!" Slaggit, he didn't have much time left! He hastily typed in another code to delete the bad data--and found more growing on the screen. He turned to growl at the human, who had resumed stomping while he was distracted. "Why, you little...."

     And thus started what could certainly be the strangest dance either one of them had seen or done. The human and Shockwave's servos flitted around the keyboard, the human's pattern random and dizzying, Shockwave's pattern frantic and purposeful. He occasionally tried to flick the annoying organic off the keyboard, but it merely leaped out of way and continued dancing.

     After a few of his irritated flicks it looked up at him with a cheeky grin, only for that grin to melt into a face of horror before it ran screaming off the keyboard. Shockwave glanced up, wondering what caused it to run off like that, and managed to pull his arms away before they were crushed by a particularly large boulder that had dislodged from the ceiling. It crashed right through the terminal, destroying the keyboard and circuitry underneath and causing the coordinates to be locked in, bad data and all.

     The screens of the other terminals all changed to a baleful pulsing red as warnings flooded their screens. A wave of electricity flowed up the space bridge and pounce on the orb of energy situated between the prongs. As the electricity was absorbed, the orb started fluctuating in size.

     Shockwave felt a slight tugging sensation that seemed to be growing stronger. When he saw pebbles and small pieces of scrap metal slide along the floor he realized he wasn't alone. He grabbed the railing as the tug became even stronger. As he looked around, he saw the former combatants hastily reaching for any secure thing in sight as they started getting pulled towards the bridge.

     A shrill scream pierced the air and he turned his head in time to get a face full of the human from earlier. He shook his head to get rid of the obstruction to his vision, and the human, slightly dazed from the impact, rolled off to the side, where it grabbed and wrapped itself around his antenna.

     He was about to flick the antenna to get it off when gravity suddenly shifted and he found himself dangling at an angle from the floor with debris flying past them at an increasing rate. A moving object got his attention. A large rock, smaller than the one that had destroyed the terminal but still larger than the human, was rapidly gaining momentum as it rolled right at them, being lifted into the air by the pull of the malfunctioning bridge.

     ...Oh slag.

     He turned his head at the last second to protect his optic, and the rock smashed into his temple, causing static to flood his HUD. For a split second, his death grip on the railing slacked as his CPU rebooted. That split second was all that was needed to rip his claws off and send both him and the shrieking human plummeting towards the bridge.

     There were cries of dismay and horror, most likely from the Autobots. Shockwave felt himself being flipped until he was looking at the bridge head on. The human, who had gotten jarred off his antenna when the rock hit his head, had an expression of pure terror on her face as she was swallowed by the orb. Astroseconds before he reached the same fate Shockwave could have sworn that he saw the color of the energy change by just the slightest shade...

     And then the energy engulfed him, an excruciating wave of electricity raging through his circuits and forcing him into stasis.

     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 12:35:01 PM by Sequoia »
You ask why the Old Chateau, I ask what better place to study ghost Pokemon.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2011, 02:09:08 PM »
I can't see how this is related to FireRed in any way, nor to Pokemon or Nuzlocke, but nice piece of writing.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Sequoia

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 12:34:00 PM »
I can't see how this is related to FireRed in any way, nor to Pokemon or Nuzlocke, but nice piece of writing.

This is just the prologue. The Pokemon will be coming in the next chapter.
You ask why the Old Chateau, I ask what better place to study ghost Pokemon.

Offline Jerry

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 12:36:59 PM »
Ah, okay.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Sequoia

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2011, 01:01:01 PM »
Chapter 1

    "Gary, I'm heading out to the Tangela patch. Would you like to come with me?"

     A man in his senior years stood at the doorway of a house in a small town, tapping his finger on the knob as he waited for an answer. His hair was fully grey and there were some wrinkles on his face, but his eyes were sharp and bright. He was wearing brown slacks and a purple polo shirt with a white lab coat.

     A young boy with orange-brown spiky hair, a black shirt and purple cargo pants ran down the stairs of the house. "Wait for me, Gramps!" He shouted as he shot out the door past the man. The man merely chuckled in amusement at his grandson's energy as he closed the door and walked after the youth.

     They walked past a large laboratory towards a white fence that separated the town from a patch of tall grass by the sea. The man opened up the gate in the fence and leaned against it, pulling a notepad and pencil from his pocket and scrutinizing the grass.

     Gary hopped up onto the fence and his eyes narrowed as he peered at the grass with the same intensity. His eyes suddenly widened and with a triumphant cry he pointed towards the northeastern corner. There, shaking the grass ever so slightly, was what looked like a knotted bundle of blue seaweed with eyes and feet.

     "Good work, Gary," the man said as he started writing notes. "If we can keep finding more Tangela, we'll be able to document their behavior in sunny weather."

     The minutes past, both grandfather and grandson finding more Tangela to watch and document. While the man was looking over his notes, Gary suddenly noticed something off about the Tangela. They had all frozen in their activities, vines quivering as if they had suddenly gotten cold. "Gramps...?"

     The man looked up from his notes and noticed the Tangela. "That's strange...."

     As suddenly as they had frozen in their tracks, the Tangela burst into panic, scampering around as their vines whipped themselves into frenzies. A worried expression grew on the man's face as the majority of them fled into the nearby trees. "Something's wrong. Gary, I want you to go to the lab and--"

     A loud crack like thunder interrupted him and he turned to see a large orb of blue energy hovering a few feet over the grass. Rocks and pieces of metal started flying out of the orb in all directions, growing larger the longer the orb hung there.

     "Gary, get down!" The man flung himself at Gary, dragging him off the fence and curling over him to protect him from stray debris. They lay there as the minutes stretched out, the sounds of items hitting the ground growing larger with the size of the items. The man jerked when he heard a high-pitched scream that ended in a grunt, and then there was another deafening crack and the air was flooded with silence.

     He let Gary crawl out from underneath him as he slowly stretched up to peek over the fence. The area was a mess, the ground and half the grass torn up by boulders and twisted chunks of metal. There didn't seem to be anything else out there, but he was sure he had a heard a scream....

     "Hello?" He called out. "Is anybody out there?"

     There! A patch of grass that hadn't been destroyed rustled as a head--a human head--peeked up. It a girl, who looked just a little younger than Gary, with tan skin, brown eyes and dark red-brown hair that was gathered up in two pigtails. She froze when she saw the man, her eyes clouded with fear and confusion.

     He stepped forward slowly, holding his hands out where she could see them. "It's alright," he said in a calm voice. "I'm here to help you. Are you hurt?"

     She slowly shook her head and started to get up when the grass in front of her started rustling. A swath of blue vines appeared in front of her and looked up at her with beady eyes. "Gela?"

     Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung slightly open as she stared at the Tangela for a few seconds, before she started screaming and hastily crawling away from the it. The Tangela also started panicking, tripping over its vines as it hurried to join the others in the trees.

     "It's alright, it's alright, it's not going to hurt you," the man said as he hurried over to calm the girl down. "Do you know what happened to you?"

     "Well, I-I was heading into the Decepticons' hideout with the Autobots to find Bulkhead and my dad, and it turns out that they were making a space bridge to invade Cybertron, and--"

     "Wait, wait, hold on," the man interrupted. Decepticons? Autobots? "Er, why don't we start with the basics. I'm Professor Oak. What's your name, my dear?"


     "Oh, that's alright. People sometimes get over-excited after a significant event."

     "No, I mean my name is Sari."

     "Oh. Well, anyways," Oak looked back to see Gary walking into the grass. "This is my grandson, Gary."

     "Woah," Gary said, nudging his foot at something in the grass. "What is that?"

    It happened to be what looked like some kind of human-sized robot. It was painted light grey and black with teal accents, and its shoulders and lower legs looked like they were made of tank treads. There were three large claws on each of its hands, and in place of what would be ears on a human were two long antennae that looked vaguely like antlers. The creepiest thing about it, however, was that it didn't have a face, just a splotch of black where the face should have been.

     Sari stepped back with a gasp when she saw the robot. "Shockwave," she muttered, eying it apprehensively.

     "You know this robot?" Oak asked.

     "Professor!" A shout cut Sari off before she could answer. Oak turned to see a heavy set young man and a girl barely out of her toddler years at the fence. The man looked at the mess in astonishment. "What happened here?"

     "I'm not quite sure yet, Steve," Oak answered. "Could you come help me? We found something that we need to take to my lab."

     "You're not actually going to bring a Decepticon along, are you?" Sari asked in disbelief.

    "I would like to take a closer look at it," Oak said, "and the equipment I would need to do that is too big to take out of the lab. Would you like to come? One of my assistants can look you over for injuries, and you can tell me about that orb that spit you out here."

     Sari chewed on her lip as she mulled the offer over. "Alright," she answered before pointing to Shockwave, "as long as I don't have to be anywhere near him when he reboots."

     "Alright," Oak agreed as he grabbed Shockwave under his shoulders. "Perhaps, while we're carrying this to the lab, you can start by telling me what a 'Decepticon' is...."
     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 02:13:53 PM by Sequoia »
You ask why the Old Chateau, I ask what better place to study ghost Pokemon.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2011, 01:03:08 PM »
man am I glad I found this site! It has a large number of talented writers... any one want to do some homework for me? :P

Offline Jerry

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2011, 01:48:32 PM »
Hmm I think I'm starting to get what you're at, but we'll see :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...

Offline Sequoia

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2011, 02:15:25 PM »
Chapter 2
          After much grunting, lifting, dropping and cursing, the two men finally managed to wrestle Shockwave’s unresponsive chassis into Oak’s lab. After placing him on a hastily cleared table, Oak placed his hands on his lower back, several pops emanating from his spine as he stretched.

            “I’m getting too old for this,” he muttered before turning to one of his assistants. “Could you make us some tea, please? If that is alright with you, my dear,” he added as he turned to Sari, who nodded in thanks. As the assistant started boiling some water, Oak sat down next to the table and motioned for Sari to do the same. “Perhaps it would be best if we start with your story,” he suggested.

            And so Sari told them about Detroit and her father’s company; about the arrival of the Autobots and their various adventures; about the arrival of the Decepticons and the Autobots’ efforts to protect the Allspark; about the Allspark splitting into pieces and the race to find the fragments; about her father’s disappearance and Powell seizing control of the company, kicking her out into the streets due to there being no record of her existence; about the Decepticons building a space bridge in an attempt to conquer Cybertron; about the Autobots finding the Decepticons hideout and charging in to rescue their kidnapped comrade; about the battle that resulted in the space bridge overloading, sucking up Shockwave and herself and dumping them here.

            A pregnant silence followed the end of Sari’s tale as everyone absorbed what she had told them. Steve was the first one to speak. “Wow,” he breathed. “That was some heavy data, man.”

            “Indeed,” Oak agreed, “if I hadn’t seen the portal myself, I would have serious trouble believing you. No offense.”

            Sari sighed as she gazed into her cup of tea. “Thinking about it now, it would be a little hard to believe. But I really need to get back. I need to see if the Autobots and my dad are okay.”

            “I can understand why you’re so anxious to go home. But the portal opened so unexpectedly and it closed so fast there was no time at all to do any kind of analysis on it,” Oak shrugged helplessly. “For now, I’m afraid, you can’t go home.”

            Any further conversation was interrupted when Shockwave twitched. In the sudden silence the dull whirr of machinery starting up could be heard. A huge optic in the middle of the Decepticon’s not-face suddenly turned on, glaring a baleful red as a slit pupil shifted around, taking in the surroundings.

            Oak and Sari hastily scrambled away from the table as Shockwave sat up and turned to look at them. His gaze rested on Sari, and his antennae twitched. “You,” he growled, slowly standing up and bringing his claws to bear. “What did you put into the computer—“ He suddenly cut himself off and slightly relaxed out of surprise as he continued staring at Sari. He then slowly looked around at the other humans as if unsure that they were really there. Finally he looked down at his own claws, moving them individually, like he was testing them to make sure they worked.

            “How did I get so small?” he asked as he lowered his servos. As he glanced back at Sari, however, the shock in his optics was quickly replaced with anger. “This is all your fault!”

            Sari screamed as he lunged at her, but before he could grab her, a large bolt of electricity arced out towards Shockwave, sending him flying across the room. As he lay there twitching from the excess electricity running through his circuits, Sari turned to look at her savior and gasped. “What is that thing?”

            Hovering about five feet off the ground was a silver-colored ball about the size of Sari’s head. A large screw was poking out the top of it, and two large u-shaped magnets with red and blue ends were attached to its sides. The strangest thing about it, however, was the large round eye in its very center, its tiny pupil focused on Shockwave as he slowly got up.

            Steve had a large grin on his face. “Nice shot, Magnemite!” he said as he beamed at the metal ball. In response, it let out a string of high-pitched electronic beeps.

            Oak stepped forward. “Now that you are active, I believe its time you both learned about the basics of this world, seeing as you’re going to be staying here for a while,” he said. “And I would advise that you behave yourself, Mr. Shockwave. Magnemite have very good accuracy, especially after they use Lock-On.”

            Shockwave glanced at the Magnemite, which started sparking from it magnets in warning, before looking back at Oak. “Very well.”

            “Good. Now, on this world, very much like your world, Sari, humans are the dominant sentient species. However, unlike on your world, humans also have a very close relationship with creatures that we call Pokémon. A good example of a Pokémon would be Steve’s Magnemite here.” The Magnemite let out another string of beeps. “Magnemite consist of only one species of Pokémon. To date, there are over 400 different species of Pokémon known to exist.”

            “Wow. That’s a lot of Pokémon,” Sari commented.

            “It is indeed,” Oak agreed. “Now, as I’ve said before, humans and Pokémon have very close relationships with each other. Some work and play together, and others, such as myself, study Pokémon so that we may know more about them. There are some, however, who capture and battle Pokémon. These people are called Pokémon Trainers.”

            “Why would they do that, though?” Sari asked. “If people and Pokémon are so close, why would they make their partners fight like that? Wouldn’t it be considered abuse or something?”

            “Well, I guess some people would consider it that,” Oak answered, “but there are quite a few good reasons why they battle. For example, there are still plenty of wild Pokémon who would attack without hesitation, so having your own Pokémon gives you a measure of protection. Pokémon also become stronger from battling, and many Trainers find that battling also helps them to develop closer bonds with their Pokémon.”

            “As interesting as this is,” Shockwave interrupted. “I don’t see the point in this lecture. I’m looking for a way back to my universe, not advice on how to keep an organic pet.”

            “As I told Sari shortly before you woke up, there currently is no way you to go home,” Oak said before closing his eyes in thought. “Actually, though, there may be one way….”

            “Really?” Sari asked, her eyes wide with hope. “What is it?”

            “In a city called Saffron, there is a well known business called the Silph Company. They mostly deal with Pokémon-related items, but they have a very good research and development team, so they may have something that could help you. It’s a start at least.”

            Shockwave’s antennae twitched in interest. “And where exactly is this Saffron?”

            “Hang on, my sister’s got a town map. I’ll go get it,” Gary said as he dashed out the door.

            “Saffron City is quite a ways from Pallet Town,” Oak said. “You first need to go north from here past Viridian City and the Viridian Forest. Once you get to Pewter City, turn east until you reach Mt. Moon. There’s a system of tunnels inside so you can through the mountain instead of over it, which will save you time. On the other side is Celadon City, and just a short distance south of that, Saffron.”

            “Got it!” Gary ran back into the lab, waving a plastic tube.

            “Thank you, Gary,” Oak said as he took the tube. Holding it in both hands, he pulled on it until it split apart vertically, revealing a roll of paper inside. As he pulled the halves further apart, the paper unrolled, revealing a map. Oak then laid it down on the table and motioned for Sari and Shockwave to come closer so they could see. “This is where we are right now,” he said as he placed a finger on a small red dot that was on the western shore, “just go north,” he slid his finger up the map, past another red dot and two blue dots before resting on a third red dot, “east,” the finger went to the right, taking a slight detour up again before resuming its journey right through a blue dot, stopping on a red dot that was on a crossroad of four roads, “and finally, a short trip south.” Another red dot almost directly underneath at another crossroads. “Saffron is one of the largest cities in this region. You shouldn’t be able to miss it.”

            Without another word, Shockwave turned and started walking towards the exit.

            “Now wait just one minute!” Oak cried. “It’s a very long journey, and you’ll be going through many dangerous areas. You’ll need Pokémon for protection!”

            “I do not need protection from inferior organic creatures,” Shockwave said, a hint of superiority in his voice. “I am perfectly capable of defending myself.”

            “Says the robot who almost got electrocuted by one of those ‘inferior creatures,’” Sari said with a sly smirk.

            Shockwave let out a low metallic growl as his claws twitched. “That was a small error,” he ground out, “and it will not happen again.”

            “Regardless of whether it will happen to you or not, Sari will still need one,” Oak said. “Unless you plan on protecting her as well.”

            “And why would I do that? She has allied herself with the Autobots; therefore, she is my enemy. Were it not for that… ‘Magnemite,’ I would have eliminated her by now.”

            Oak gave him a stunned look before quickly ushering Sari and Gary to the back of the lab, towards an out of the way table. On the table were three red and white balls with white buttons in their centers. “These are Pokéballs,” Oak said. “These are what trainers use to catch and carry around their Pokémon. When I was young, I used to be a serious trainer.” He smiled fondly before glancing back at Shockwave. Turning back to the two, he continued. “But now, in my old age, I have only these three left. Sari, you may pick one for your journey.”

            “What!? Hey!” Gary sputtered indignantly. “Gramps, what about me? You promised I could have one!”

            “Gary, hush.” Oak reprimanded him. “You may pick one after Sari. Now be patient!”

            “Are you sure, Professor?” Sari asked hesitantly. “I wouldn’t want to get one of your Pokémon hurt.”

            “Pokémon are very easy to care for if they do get. You just have to take them to a Pokémon Center,” Oak said with another glance at Shockwave. “It’s not so easy with humans, though, I’m afraid. If you’d like some help deciding, I’d suggest the one on the right. Charmander will be the most effective should Shockwave decide to do something.”

            After a moment’s hesitation, Sari reached out and picked up the Pokéball. “How do I let it out?”

            “You just need to throw it or push the button,” Gary said as he grabbed the Pokéball in the center. “Like this.” When he pushed the button, it split open, letting out white light that hit the ground and materialized into a blue bipedal turtle with large brown eyes and a long slightly curly tail.

            “Woah,” Sari breathed as she looked at the turtle in amazement. She then looked down at her own Pokéball and pushed the button. The white light from it didn’t materialize into a turtle like Gary’s, but instead became a bipedal lizard with bright orange skin, blue eyes, and, to her horror, a small flame on the tip of its tail.

            “It’s on fire!” She shrieked. “Find some water, quick!”

            “Sari, Sari, it’s alright!” Oak quickly reassured her. “It’s supposed to be like that. Charmander is a fire type Pokémon. The flame is actually a measure of its health.”

            “…Fire type?”

            “I forgot to tell you about that, didn’t I? Well, Pokémon don’t only come in different species; they come in different types as well. There are fifteen different types, and those types affect the kind of moves Pokémon can naturally learn. For example, Charmander is a fire type, so it can deal fire attacks like Ember or Flamethrower. Gary’s Squirtle is a water type. It can learn moves like Water Pulse and Surf.”

            “So, a Pokémon’s type determines how it fights?”

            “Exactly. It also determines how effective its opponent’s move will be against it. But that is something you will find for yourself on your journey. For now, you need to learn the basics of battling. Gary, if you could help, please?”

            “Sure! Let’s go outside.”

            Sari nodded and turned to head out, only to stop. “Hey, where did Shockwave go?”

            Oak glanced around the lab, then looked questioningly at one of his assistants, who shrugged helplessly. “He left,” she said simply.

            “He must have already started on to Saffron,” Oak guessed with a sigh. “Oh well. There’s not much we can actually do about it. Let’s get your lesson started, Sari.”

            Outside, Oak had Gary and Sari stand on opposite sides of the small clearing in front of the lab. Gary smirked before confidently throwing his Pokéball. “Go, Squirtle!”

            “Just do what Gary does, right?” Sari asked herself before shrugging. “Go, Charmander!”

            After both Pokémon had materialized, Oak stepped forward. “Now, a Pokémon battle is when trainers pit their Pokémon against each other. The trainer that makes the other trainer’s Pokémon faint by lowering their HP to 0, wins. Currently, Squirtle knows the moves Tackle and Tail Whip, while Charmander can use Scratch and Growl. Try those moves out.”

            “Alright then. Squirtle, use Tail Whip!” Gary commanded.

            At this, the Squirtle turned around until it’s shelled back was facing Charmander, then started waving its tail back and forth. As Charmander watched the tail, Sari saw it relax slightly. “Charmander, what are you doing?”

            “Charmander’s defense has been lowered,” Oak explained. “Lowering the foe’s stats will put you at an advantage.”

            “We can’t have that,” Sari muttered. “Charmander, use Scratch!”

            Blinking and shaking its head, Charmander snapped itself out of its daze before rushing forward. It raked its claws along the length of the Squirtle’s exposed tail, causing it to cry out and jump around.

            “Good, good!” Oak said, “Inflicting damage on the foe is the key to any battle.”

            “So that’s how we’re gonna play, huh?” Gary challenged. “Alright, then. Squirtle, use Tackle!”

            Tail still twitching, the Squirtle rushed forward, lowering its head like a battering ram. It plowed right into Charmander, causing it to fall backwards and hit the ground hard.

            “Charmander!” Sari cried out, only to sigh in relief when slowly got back on its feet. “Alright, we’re getting serious now. Use Scratch again!”

            Gary growled as the Squirtle reared back from the onslaught. “Squirtle, use Tail Whip again! One more Tackle after that should do the trick.”

            Once again the Squirtle started wagging its tail, and once again Charmander watched the tail as if hypnotized.

            “Charmander, snap out of it!” Sari called in frustration. “Scratch again!”

            “Squirtle, turn around so it won’t get your tail again!” Gary quickly commanded.

            The Squirtle was turning around just as Charmander reached it. The lizard’s claws ran across the turtle’s face, and momentum picked it up and threw it a few feet away.

            “Well,” Oak said, “looks like that went critical. Sometimes, a move will land on your opponent with more power than normal. That is called a critical hit.”

            “Squirtle! Come on, get back up!” Gary cried out.

            The Squirtle managed to get onto its hands before its elbows gave out, sending it to the ground again.

            “Squirtle has fainted,” Oak announced. “The winners are Sari and Charmander!”

            “Yes!” Sari whooped and jumped into the air in triumph. “Way to go, Charmander!”

            “Excellent!” Oak said as he walked over. “If you win, you receive prize money and your Pokémon will grow. This will make them stronger and allow them to learn more powerful attacks. Now, let’s get these two healed up before you go on your way.”
     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
You ask why the Old Chateau, I ask what better place to study ghost Pokemon.

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2011, 02:26:48 PM »
nice. I have to say I didn't expect this to be so good. Keep up the good work, looking forward to more.

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2011, 02:30:21 PM »
 That's my guild member! :D
It's ghost dammit, GHOST!

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2011, 08:40:58 PM »
Okay, finally getting familiar :P
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline Sequoia

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2011, 02:39:08 PM »
It didn't really hit me until just last night, but if people here don't know about Transformers, they're not going to know what the main characters look like. So I'll put up some images (which I probably should have done at the beginning):

Sari Sumdac

and Shockwave
You ask why the Old Chateau, I ask what better place to study ghost Pokemon.

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Re: Transformers Nuzlocke: Fire Red
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2011, 06:58:05 PM »
Ah, it does get a little clearer. XD
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
Also, forum notification emails are not getting in my inbox... again...