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Author Topic: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)  (Read 21432 times)

Offline schindle

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2010, 01:35:19 PM »
no item using in pvp. it would be lame i guess.

for winning pvp battles you get equippement for your trainer. clothes etc. Those special clothes got effects for all of your pokemon.

when a trainers pvp master, he got clothes that impress your pokemon :-D
or that scare the enemys pokemon. :-)
cloak of quickness
your pokemon got an 50% higher agility for the first turn it gets in the fight.

bracers of xxx
your enemys pokemon are scared of your aura. they lose 10 stages of health.

something like that^^
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Offline Gammal

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2010, 01:57:18 PM »
no item using in pvp. it would be lame i guess.

for winning pvp battles you get equippement for your trainer. clothes etc. Those special clothes got effects for all of your pokemon.

when a trainers pvp master, he got clothes that impress your pokemon :-D
or that scare the enemys pokemon. :-)
cloak of quickness
your pokemon got an 50% higher agility for the first turn it gets in the fight.

bracers of xxx
your enemys pokemon are scared of your aura. they lose 10 stages of health.

something like that^^

Ok, this is kinda like.. gear right? You get gear, up your stats etc..
I honestly believe this is taking it a bit far from what Pokemon is about.
Its about the Pokemon, and how you train them and use them, not about the trainer getting new clothes to impress his Pokemon....
Also this would probably create LOADS of problems, and I think it will be a real hassle to get to work in the game, not only coding wise, but also balance wise.

But nevertheless, thanks for contributing.

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2010, 02:09:24 PM »
this was kinda... joke... that gearthing^^

i actually ment that the trainers increasing the power of the pokemon!
a pokemon of a newbie trainer shouldnt be as strong as a pokemon of an expierenced.
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2010, 04:11:11 PM »
this was kinda... joke... that gearthing^^

i actually ment that the trainers increasing the power of the pokemon!
a pokemon of a newbie trainer shouldnt be as strong as a pokemon of an expierenced.
Yeah I read your post on the other thread and I took the liberty and copied a thing you said, putting it under your name ofc. Great idea btw.

and how about these?

Scout - You scout the area carefully instead of attacking, you now know the area as the back of you hand (hey is that a new birth mark?) making your Pokemon have x% chance to gain the upper hand making them get 1+prio when attacking. Lasts 2turns

Change to sleep,poison, burn and leach seed.
I was thinking guys, maybe there areas need a bit of updating to?
Pokemon is burned, enemy uses water attack; the effect is removed.
Pokemon gets leach seeded, enemy uses fire attack, leach seed is burned away.
Pokemon gets frozen. Attacker uses fighting move, the ice shatters (dont wanna stack effects on fire here)
Pokemon gets slept. Attacker uses any attacking move, user wakes up the NEXT turn but is confused.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 06:36:20 PM by Gammal »

Offline NotlaHunk

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2010, 10:44:48 AM »
I have an idea on how to use but not REALLY USE Items

It an item that can be held by pokemons...
Don't have a name yet so.... <insert item name here>  ;D

The use of the item is that you can put a potion or any status cures in it and it will use it automatically in battles. But it heals doesn't heal once. It will divide the HP that the pokemon can heal and heal the pokemon per turn(much like leftover/heal bell) but much better i think...

Potions also have an increased effectiveness when installed in the item and also, max potions and full restores will have a definite HP that it can heal
Potion: 20 --> 50
Super Potion: 50 --> 80
Hyper Potion: 200 --> 250
Max Potion: 300

Heals will be divided by 5-30 or even lower HP heal per turn (depends on the players./ GM's to decide)

Also, if you input a status recov item like antidotes, prlyz heal, etc. It will have a 2x effect or it can heal twice. You can also input a full heal, the full heal can heal 1 of every stat effect.

Full Restore is a combined Max Pot and Full Heal :)

Also... If ever we implement it...
I have planned a series of Quests on how to get the item:
1: You will meet the inventor of the item and will fight you to see if your worth the item

2-6: Parts hunting

7: After finishing the parts, you will be sent out and you should come back after 20-60 minutes, but instead of you arriving and recieving the item, the creator will tell you that the item has been stolen by <insert bad group name here> so, you go on their hideout, fight a couple of grunts and fight the leader. if you win you get the item back but you need to deliver it to the creator first

8: Creator will see that the item is damaged, and you have to get another, and the last item for it to be restored. after you come back, item will be restored and you are free to use it.

Its not a totally clear quest but its the complete idea for it :)

i also have a trouble of thinking if the item should be single pokemon held or group held :)

what do you guys think? ;D

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2010, 06:42:43 PM »
Following my thread on conserving battling style, and suggesting terrain boost...

In a cave: Night Vision
Dark pokemon get a +20% (or some other number) accuracy for their moves for 5 turns. Also, it has 10% chance to boost the speed of the pokemon by 1.5 for the number of turns. It ends if the opponent uses flash (doesn't know yet as for how flash would be in the game, considering the HM threads) or sunny day.

In a cold region: Frost terrain
Ice pokemon get a boost in speed (1.5 boost) for 5 turns. It also has 10 % chance to decrease the accuracy of the opponent's moves by 20% and increase the defense of the pokemon by 10% (damage reduced by 10%). It ends upon sunny day, but remains active for 8 turns if hail is in play.

Near a volcano: Vulcan's incineration
Fire type pokemon have a boost in attack and special attack by 1.5 times for 5 turns. It also has a 10% chance of boosting the pokemon's defense by 10% and decrease damage due to water attacks by 20%. It ends upon sandstorm and rain dance, but lasts for 8 turns if sunny day is in play.

In a forest: Nature's wisdom
Boost grass and bug types attack and special attack of grass and bug type pokemon by 10% for 5 turns. It has a 10% chance of slowing down the opponent and decreasing its defense and special defense by 10%. It can be ended earlier by using an flying type attack that does not inflict damage (tail wind, whirlwind, roost, etc), but lasts for 8 turns is sunny day is in play.

On a plain: Quick feet
Normal and fighting pokemon get a speed boost of 1.5 for 5 turns. It has a 10% chance of also boosting their attack and special attack by 20% and reducing the accuracy of the opponent's moves by 10%.

In mountains: Terrain Hiker
Rock and Ground types pokemon get a boost in speed by 1.5 for 5 turns. It has a 10% change to also raise the pokemon's defense and special defense by 20%. It ends if rain dance is used, and lasts for 8 turns instead if sandstorm is in play.

On the beach: Wet pools
Non water pokemon get their speed reduced by 0.5 for 5 turns and water pokemon get 20% attack boost. It also has a 10% chance to increase the defense and special defense of the user by 20%. It ends upon sunny day but lasts for 8 turns with rain dance in play.

On the sea: Rapid swim
Water pokemon get their speed boosted by 1.5 and rock/ground/fire pokemon get their speed reduced by 0.5 for 5 turns. It has a 10% chance to inflict 1/8 damage to rock/ground/fire pokemon each turn. Hail or sandstorm can end this, but rain dance makes the effect last for 8 turns.

At some exclusive spots: Magnetic power
Electric and steel type pokemon get a 20% increase in attack and special attack for 5 turns. It has a 10% chance to boost their defense and special defense by 20% and confuse the opponent.

Misty/Foggy areas: Mind focusing
Non-psychic and ghost type pokemon get an accuracy loss of 20% for 5 turns.  It also can boost the defense and special defense of psychic and ghost type pokemon by 20%. It ends when defog is used, but is active for 8 turns instead if mist is used.

Swamp: Toxic dart
Poison pokemon get 20% boost on their poison type moves for 5 turns. This also has a 10% chance to decrease the speed of their opponent by 0.5, and increase the accuracy of the poison moves by 20%. It ends when rapid spin, whirlpool or fire spin are used (just random moves).

On exclusive locations (dragon island?): Sheer power
Dragon type pokemon benefit from a boost of 20% in attack and special attack. It has a 10% chance to increase their speed by 1.5 and has an additional 20% chance that the opponent flinches after they are hit by a move.

Windy areas: Favourable Wind
Boosts the power of flying type moves by 20% for 5 turns. It also has a chance to boost the speed of the user by 1.5 and reduce the accuracy of the opponent's moves by 10%. Is kept for 8 turns when using tailwind but ends in sandstorm.

That covers up all the pokemon types! Those are just ideas, and corrections are perhaps very necessary, but as they are only temporary, I think that the boost percentages are quite fair, like sunny day and rain dance double the damage done by fire and water type moves respectively.

I just checked the new announcements, and I think that those will help too, in the points boosts and nerfs. :)
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2010, 05:55:47 PM »
Suggestion: Nerf damage in pvp/ boost hp or toughness.
Reason: Alot of pokémon battles are over in one attack. This is really boring and it will pretty much force everyone to only learn your pokémons dmg-abilitys. This would make the battles much more intresting and more skill dependent than just spamming one attack untill the other pokémon dies.

Suggestion: Cooldown on items
Reason: If you will be able to use items in pvp I would suggest that they will be on pretty long cooldown so you can't spam potion. Maybe use one every 10th turn or something. I dno if the cooldown should be shared or just for each one of the items.

Just some poop I had on my mind, more will be inc.

Offline schindle

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2010, 12:43:57 PM »
1) i already suggested this one. the answer was: they want the battles to be as it is now. i already said that you would have a lot of more strategies, but, it would need a complete overlook through all moves and so on. simply too much work

2) no items would be more RP like i guess. but, cooldowns are better then changing nothing:-D
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2010, 07:27:27 PM »
Skill: Final Resolve (or something like that)

Requirements: Pokemon must 100% love you. This pokemon has to be as close to you as pikachu is to ash.
The pokemon has to be on yellow or red health.
Pokemon has to be the last one in your group to be alive.
Your opponent must have at least 2 pokemon or more still alive.

What it does: Either full hp restore and/or Endure (So it survives the next hit.)
All stats increased by 50-100% and crit chance doubled.
(Unsure if PP is in game but..) PP usage to use an attack is increased by 5. (Meaning if you're 4/5 on hyper beam well you can't use it.)

Skill: Beast's Ambition
(Same thing, but 100% hate.)

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2010, 08:58:37 AM »
Skill: Final Resolve (or something like that)

Requirements: Pokemon must 100% love you. This pokemon has to be as close to you as pikachu is to ash.
The pokemon has to be on yellow or red health.
Pokemon has to be the last one in your group to be alive.
Your opponent must have at least 2 pokemon or more still alive.

What it does: Either full hp restore and/or Endure (So it survives the next hit.)
All stats increased by 50-100% and crit chance doubled.
(Unsure if PP is in game but..) PP usage to use an attack is increased by 5. (Meaning if you're 4/5 on hyper beam well you can't use it.)

Skill: Beast's Ambition
(Same thing, but 100% hate.)

Great Idea I guess will just have to see how difficult it would be to get 100% love. And also is that a little to much upgrade maybe perhaps just endure?

Well actually maybe a lower increase in stats. Or You get full restore of health when using endure.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 05:40:35 PM by Mr_Dark »
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2010, 05:32:47 PM »
Could it be poosible to create a betting system, so you agree on the amount of money at stake rather that just losing or gaining a set amount, or even make it posible to battle for ownership of a pokemon?

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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2010, 07:24:13 PM »
No, ownership of a pokemon won't be a prize of a battle. Anyway, any player can trade pokemon with another player, hence, a compromise can be made between the two players and the winner will trade over a 'not so wanted pokemon' for the said pokemon.

Money as far as I know will be from a percentage of the total money.
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2010, 07:46:26 PM »
Well I personally think that ownership of a pokemon as a stake in a battle is an excellent idea.

And if you're really strapped for cash, the shirt off your back has to be worth a pokedollar or two.
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2010, 08:21:16 PM »
Well I personally think that ownership of a pokemon as a stake in a battle is an excellent idea.

And if you're really strapped for cash, the shirt off your back has to be worth a pokedollar or two.

Well, the first person i battle, once this is implemented, is Bakagringo for his Arceus :P
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Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2010, 09:14:37 PM »

And if you're really strapped for cash, the shirt off your back has to be worth a pokedollar or two.

My shirt is worth at least 150 PokéDollars
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