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Author Topic: [Closed] Pokemon Battle Association  (Read 4335 times)

Offline deadae

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[Closed] Pokemon Battle Association
« on: September 25, 2011, 08:05:35 PM »
This story will be a serious story please. Still keep it fun. If you want to introduce a character(easier to remember names if u use ur pokemon universe name)there are only three rules:
1.character must come from another planet (not the world of pokemon)
2. character must chose PBA or team needs a name
3. character may not have powers or speacial abilities aside from minor psychic powers(this is only allowed because some trainers in the poke games manga and shows have minor psy abilities- like sabrina and her underlings.)just remember this is about pokemon...not powers

have fun writing ur story. After you write on your own story u may not write again until
1. you have written on another character.
2.someone has written on ur character.

you can throw other characters a curve ball, just dont harm them or thier pokemon. Don't force other characters to capture a pokemon they don't want. dont force them into battles all the time eighter. team rocket is disbaned(however u spell it) but can be reintroduced such as other teams remember though they will need leaders and new purposes if introduced. Also remeber the main point of this is team (not named) vs PBA

PBA- Currently the organization that controlls the world of pokemon battling caontest and all official events.

team(not named)- The surfaced purpose of this team is to overthrow PBA and change the world of battling contest etc... overthrow PBA? As ridiculous as it sounds they are doing it...Mainly because unlike other team this team doesn't seem to do anything wrong or frowned upon. they have excellent trainers and have invented new battle clauses(lol if u can think of any fun battle rules this will be the team for you) and people are enjoying the new battle system.

professor oak and every other professor have all gotten to gether to create a machine that searches other worlds for adept pokemon trainers it also brings the trainer to the pokemon world.these trainers will immeadiatley pick a faction to represent or be sent back to there home where pokemon are just games and manga etc.. they will be given their first pokemon any basic pokemon of any nature a pokedex and all other pokegear. in the end these trainers and theses trainers alone will represent their faction to descide(sry not the best speller)how the fate of official pokemon events... have fun.

you can be from any region just make sure u dont have professor oak meeting u in sinnoh or something crazy like that... i only have limited time now so ill type my part later on..have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh u dont have to type out wild battles just let us know that ur character trained on a certain route unless u plan on capturing a certain pokemon in this case play out the whole wild battle.

JerryEDIT: Rejected
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 10:06:24 PM by Jerry »
Rakia(Ra-kie-ya) Deadae(D-A-day)
"I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive!
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise...
To fly!"

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Re: Pokemon Battle Association
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 10:06:01 PM »
/locked for lack of grammar, spelling and punctuation from the founder and wrong topicness.

JerryEDIT: Sorry, wrong topicness was caused by Declan...  >.>
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 07:44:13 AM by Jerry »
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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