CoroCoro’s Website Shows New Pokemon’s Silhouette As Well - New Theories!Read the news
here (
Credits to Rda and Drpepper245 for this.The pictures;

See large scale at the link.

Now in colours.
We expect another generation 5 pokemon or two revealed as soon as on the 10th. I'll update with some pictures when they are available.
Pokemon Sunday just finished airing! For next week's episode preview (May 9th's), hostess Shokotan was shown holding up a poster with a question mark covering it, as you can see below. It was then explicitly stated that a new Pokemon from Pokemon Black and White will be revealed.
As with Zoroark, the show will probably only show a silhouette at first (on the 9th) and then reveal the Pokemon in full during their next episode (the 16th). However, CoroCoro magazine will probably have the Pokemon in their May 15th issue, which will likely be leaked on the Internet around the 10th or 11th. So, we should know what the new Pokemon or Pokemon forme is within the next two weeks! What could it be?
Additional Information:
TV Tokyo's description for May 16th's Pokemon Sunday episode states that the show will be announcing special fifth generation news: "Pokemon Black and White's three starters, shocking battle scenes, and more will be revealed to the public!"
About an hour ago, the official Japanese Pokemon website and simultaneously revealed the Legendary mascots of Pokemon Black and White: Reshiram and Zekrom; these will be both their English and Japanese names. Contrary to their color schemes, Reshiram is Pokemon Black's mascot while Zekrom is White's. The Japanese site also revealed that the games will be released in Japan in September whereas the English website stated we would see their release in Spring 2011.
From Pokemon Sunday which just ended;
The June CoroCoro images are apparently beginning to leak now. We only have one photo so far, which reveals two new Pokemon. We're not sure if the photo is fake at this point, but we'll keep updating this news story as we discover more information and images. Right now, the image below is too blurry to read - we can barely make out the Pokemon's names.
The white Pokemon is named Chiramii | It is the Chinchilla Pokemon, a Normal-type. Its abilities are Cute Charm or Technician and it knows a new movie called "Sweep Slap."
The pink Pokemon we only see partially is named Munna
The gear-like Pokemon below is called Giaru
Additional pictures;
Some additional pokes revealed over time (while I was on vacation - I still am!)
And a swan <.<
I bet you this new bug evolve into a cocoon at level 7 and then another bug at level 10
Isshu's Fighting-type Legendary trio, as you can see below. The blue one is Steel/Fighting, the gray one is Rock/Fighting, and the green one is Grass/Fighting. Like Entei, Suicune, and Raikou, the Fighting-type Pokemon roam their home region and can be encountered at any time*.
Thanks goes to Pokebeach and Pokexperto
*Unknown whether they are triggered or not.