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Author Topic: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?  (Read 9778 times)

Offline Yume Tsuki

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[Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:13:14 PM »
This quest will be made out of a few quests that are chained to each other. This quest can be started near the entrance of a town. It's still WIP so far I have quest number one.

"Oh hey there trainer, you look like someone who likes investigating. Would you mind help me?"

- Sure, what's up?
- No, you got it wrong.

If you answer the red line the man will say:
"Oh, too bad. I need a good trainer to investigate this..."

If you answer the green line he will say:
"Good! I go right to the point to keep it short. Fredrique our local tailor has reported pieces of cloth have been stolen from his shop. We'd like to find out who is this thief. If you need some more details on this case go talk with him."

After this you go to the tailor's shop and have a talk with Fredrique:
"C'est terrible! Without la pieces of clothes I cannot express my artistic feelings! Un momente, who are you?"

- I'm helping out with the investigations involving your stolen goods.
- Just looking around in your shop...

If you say the red line Fredrique will answer with:
"Sure, have a look around. I make le finest clothes."

If you answer with the green line he will say:
"Finally! Someone investigating this in a serieux way. What can I help you with?"

You will ask the following questions:

- Can you tell me about the stolen goods
"Those were one of my finest pieces of cloth. Specifically made of Caterpie Silk!"
- Do you have any ideas who it could have done?
"Non, all I know is that moi was stupide leaving the door unlocked last night."
- Can I look around for any clues?
"Naturellement! I want my piece of cloth back, I'll do anything to get them back."

After this you inspect the other pieces cloth in the shop. There are no traces found here so you go have a look at the door. You see quite a deep scratch on the doorknob. When you ask Fredrique about it he'll answer:
"Non, le scratch wasn't there until le day mon silk c'est stolen."

After this you go back to the man you started the quest at.
"So, did you find anything intresting?"
"Well, whoever broke into Fredrique's place has slashed the doorknob. While it was possible to open it the normal way."
"Hm intresting, we'll investigate the clue you found if we can find fingerprints on it we can find the culprit. Come back later, I will reveal the results about the culprit to you."

Reward: 500$, 25 exp to Skillpoints

Not really much since it's a pretty small quest.

The next quest will begin after you've got the next Gymbadge

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Offline Jerry

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Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 12:12:29 PM »
Hmm, I would like to change some of the pieces of speech of Frederique, in those ways:

"C'est terrible! Without the pieces of cloth I cannot express mon talent artistique! Un moment, who are you?"

If you say the red line Fredrique will answer with:
"Biensur! Have a look around. I make the finest clothes."

If you answer with the green line he will say:
"Finalement! Someone investigating this in a serious way. How can I help you?"

You will ask the following questions:

- Can you tell me about the stolen goods
"Those were one of my chefs-d'oeuvres. Specifically made of Caterpie Silk!"
- Do you have any ideas who it could have done?
"Non, all I know is that I was stupid leaving the door unlocked last night."
- Can I look around for any clues?
"Naturellement! I want my piece of cloth back, je ferais tout to get them back."

After this you inspect the other pieces cloth in the shop. There is no trace found here so you go have a look at the door. You see quite a deep scratch on the doorknob. When you ask Fredrique about it he'll answer:
"Non, the scratch wasn't there until le jour my silk was stolen."

After this you go back to the man you started the quest at.
"So, did you find anything interesting?"
"Well, whoever broke into Fredrique's place has slashed the doorknob. While it was possible to open it without doing so."
"Hm interesting, we'll investigate the clue you found. If we can find fingerprints on it we can find the culprit. Come back later, I will inform you the results as soon as I can."

Minor changes which I think make it better :)

(The deleted lines are good, I didn't add/remove/edit anything there.)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

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Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2011, 12:09:04 AM »
It's a very good start, although it seems to be a little short to justify a reward. I would be pleased to see you continue this storyline.

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2011, 01:04:23 AM »
You return to the man after recieving the right badge.

"Hey, you're back! We just finished the investigation and what we found is that the thief was most probably a Pokémon. One with claws having a hard time to open a door, we didn't find any footprints so it might be a light weighted Pokémon or a flying one. Could you have a look around town? The Pokémon might be around somewhere."

After this you go around speaking with the townsfolk. In the park you find a girl who just walks towards her Pokémon with is a Buneary.

"Ah there you are Tipsy! What's that? Oh what a cute clothes you're wearing! Who gave you those? Mhh they feel soft and smooth kinda like silk..."

After this small eavesdropping you go talk to the girl.

"Hm? What is it trainer?"

- Why hello there, would you mind giving those clothes to me?
- Those clothes aren't yours give them back!

Red answer: "No! They look cute on Tipsy, I won't give them to you."

She runs away with her Pokémon and you got to chase her. You'll find her running into a dead end.

"N-no those clothes are Tipsy's. I won't give them to a meanie."

A battle starts and you have to fight her Buneary. Winning the fight she will cry.

"No. Tipsy, how could you do that." *snifle* "You happy now meanie? You hurt my friend."

The man from the entrance of town joins you looking at the situation. And will ask the girl:
"Hm, may I ask you how you got those clothes?"

The girl answers:
"Tipsy found them while we were playing hide and seek."

The man will turn towards you and say: "Looks like we got ourselves another clue this time." Then he turns back to the girl. "Did you know silk got stolen from the tailor's shop?" The girl will reply: "Huh? You mean Tipsy stole clothes?" The man quickly replies: "Oh no no no, that is impossible. It's more likely that your Buneary found it somewhere." The man turns back to you again. "You should be less aggresive. At this right no one might want to tell you a clue."

Green Answer: The girl will look at you for some while and then ask:
"Why do you need them?"

"Silk has been stolen from the Tailor's shop, I'm helping out investigating who stole the silk. Those clothes might be a clue. Where did you find them?"

"Oh really? Thats too bad, I like these clothes... Oh well... Tipsy found them while we were playing hide and seek..."
She hands over the clothes.

"Fredrique sells clothes for a far too expensive price, and these clothes look better than his..."
The girl says.

After this to go to the man at the entrance.

"Hey, you found a clue! Where did you find it?"

"A girl's pokémon found it. While they were playing hide and seek."

"Hmm Intresting. We have to find out more about this matter."

This marks the end of quest part 2

Green answer Reward: Silk Clothes (Quest Item), 200$ and 25+ exp
Red answer Reward: Silk Clothes (Quest Item)

Part 3 will start when you go back to Frederique to show him the clothes.

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Offline Jerry

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Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2011, 11:02:31 AM »
Okay, do continue :)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2011, 09:58:16 PM »
You talk to Frederique

"Oh my goodness, c'est mon silk!"

He remains quiet for a while.

"W-who did this to my silk?"

You'll answer: "That's still a mystery, a buneary was found wearing it."

"You! You need to find the one who did this!"
Frederique demands you. Is he furious because his silk was used to make clothes?

After this you go back to the park to look for more clues. You'll find the girl.

"Oh hey. It's the investigator. Whats the matter?"

"Could you show me the place where you found your buneary?"
"Maybe not... Sorry I bothered you."

Green answer: "Oh right."

She steps aside from the brush where a small hole is visible.

"I found Tipsy right here."

Now that she stepped aside you can identify the opening. It's just big enough to let you through so you go investigate some more.

In the back of the brush you find the forest behind the park, you notice buneary footprints and very small footprints of a unknown Pokémon. You decide to follow the footprints deeper in the forest until you end up running into a Pokémon.

It's a wild Leavanny, it got startled and begins to attack you having no choice but to fight it.

After you win the battle the little girl appears together with the man followed by Frederique.

"What's happening here?"

The man asks.

Frederique steps forward. Looking at the situation, the environment it littered with pieces of silk.

"This pokémon is the fashion designer I admired?"

He says.

"This pokémon created the masterpiece you gave me before?"

He walks towards the pokémon.

"This pokémon is a real talent! You should work in my boutique!"

Leavanny cries a bit afraid. The little girl steps in front Frederique.

"Stop it you scare her!"

The girl turns to the Leavanny.

"Hi there... You seem to like making clothes... Am I right?"

The leavanny answers with another cry this time enthausiastic.

"Would you like to come with Frederique? He isn't that scary, just a bit too much into designing."

Leavanny jumps happily.

"Really? You want to help me out?"

Frederique says.

Leavanny walks towards him.


Then Frederique turns towards you.

"I have to thank you for your effort, thanks to you I found myself more inspiration for my work. Come at my boutique I give you a great reward."

The man also turns towards you.

"You did a good job there, you should consider becoming a detective."

After this all of them leave you can get your reward at Frederique's shop.

Reward: Choice out of a few clothes your character can wear.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 03:46:09 PM by Yukimenoko »

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Jerry

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Re: [Quest] Who is the silk thief?
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2011, 12:58:38 PM »
Hmm nice having Leavanny as fashion designer!

Maybe you could change 'Wonderful' where Frederique exclaimed to 'Merveilleux!' to add some more french in it ;)
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If it cannot be solved what is the use of worrying?

Currently playing Pokemon XY/ORAS/Shuffle and Clash of Clans and testing out PokemonRevolutionOnline and Dragonmon Hunter....
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