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Author Topic: [RP] Rising Legends [K:Evening|O:Night|Spring 3]  (Read 137800 times)

Offline Darkstar64

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[RP] Rising Legends [K:Evening|O:Night|Spring 3]
« on: October 02, 2011, 05:55:24 PM »
Rising Legends


Three years after the Cypher incident, trainers started flocking to the Orre region to have their hand at the new Orre pokemon league. It wasn't any normal league after all. Trainers had two options to become champions. They could fight their way up all of Mt. Battle, or alternatively, they could choose to fight a brutal team of four residing in the four towns, those being Agate Village, Gateon Port, Pyrite Town, and Phenac City, and then fighting the trainer at the top of Mt. Battle, dubbed the 100'th challenge. Fighting the four may sound easier, but it was no simple task. They were easily as strong, if not stronger, than the 100'th challenge. Trainers also started going to Kanto as well, as rumors of a roaming legendary pokemon were spread. Unfortunately, with the downfall of Team Rocket and Cypher brings birth to a new evil organization, (TO BE NAMED LATER). The organization is still small, but spreads it's villainous acts wide across both Kanto, Johto (unrelated), and Orre regions. The world is full of new trainers, and even pokemon, who will rise to the title of Legends


The rules are simple.

-No Killing of players without consent.
-No Modding without explicit consent.
-No Flaming of any real-world group.
-Posts must have something to do with the story, so no OOCC posts here.
-Posts can have OOCC, but it must be very brief; 1-2 sentences. Longer posts should go in the OOCC page.
-Your character can be from anywhere, but keep the story within Orre and Kanto regions. (POSSIBLE TO CHANGE)
-No OPing. This rule is handled with a 3-strikes sort of enforcement.
-Post must use proper grammar and punctuation.

More will be added as necesarry.



A Skeleton is on the Profiles page.

As a character...
These are the things you can do as each of the different players.

As a Trainer you may...
-Catch pokemon
-Work to become the champion
-Take part in contests (I'll let you know where they take place)

As an Evil Organization Member/Owner you may...
-Catch/Steal pokemon
-Work undercover (as a trainer or Good organization member)

As a Good Organization Member/Owner you may...
-Catch pokemon
-Try to recover stolen pokemon
-Thwart the actions of Evil Organizations
-Work undercover (as a trainer or Evil organization member)

As a Pokemon you may...
-Explore the region on your own
-Make friends with other pokemon
-Become caught by trainers
-Try to avoid Evil Organizations

As ANY of these characters you may...
-Have battles
-Talk with other people (with pokemon, it's ONLY other pokemon, but you can give indications)

Extra Information

-I feel like a 4-move set is too restricting, so players who are pokemon can have 6-move sets, and players who are trainers can have pokemon with 5-move sets. If a Pokemon player is caught by a trainer player, the former may keep their 6 moves.

-Team Rocket/Magma/Aqua/Galactic/Plasma are supposed to have a small influence in the story. If one of these organizations has at least 1 player in it, it can have a more noticeable influence in the story.



Moves and Battles
Moves can be used in any way that makes sense. For example, you can use Flamethrower as a light source. But you can't do something like use Flamethrower to blast you up into the air.

As for Battles, they must be done it 'turns' to where you can't double post during a battle. You can attack and move and dodge in any way you like, but you must both be able to have input in a battle. You are also allowed to use your surroundings to your advantage (or disadvantage), but you have to think about what area you're fighting in.
Eg: You're not going to jump off a tree if you're battle takes place in the middle of Goldenrod City. You can however spring off the wall of a building.

JerryEDIT: Approved!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 08:16:27 AM by Darkstar64 »

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 11:55:54 PM »

I woke up that morning, the room had a golden glow about it. I had decided that today was going to be my last day here in Pallet Town before I left on my journey. I got up and went downstairs, still in my pajamas.

-Good morning, mom.

-Oh, good morning. Are you ready for your big adventure?

-As ready as I'll ever be.

-Well, I'm making pancakes for breakfast.


My sister heard that from upstairs.

-Yes, it's a special day.

-Can big brother make them? He makes REEEEALY good pancakes.

-No, he should relax today.

-Oh, I don't mind. I'll make them.

-Are you sure you want to?

I nodded, and started to pull the ingredients out.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2011, 12:09:42 AM »
(I'll be at the abandoned ship in the middle of the desert of Orre. It is now Darkrai's home.)

I sat in my training, forcing myself to keep my power under control. I didn't want any humans to know where I was, or for any to know my presence. I wanted to go explore a little today, and without Cresselia constantly chasing me, or humans hunting me, i could do as I please. Once my training was done, I formed into a Shadow.

Now, where should I go next. This region is small, but holds many secrets. I want to learn them all.

I sat and contemplated my next adventure. Freedom never felt so good.
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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2011, 12:20:10 AM »
((i will be using the same intro as i did in the other one))

It was night. Latias was in a cage in Team Rocket's facilitys, she was realy tired from all the experiments they have conducted to her, but after a bit she is waken up by someone calling her, she looks and its a Magnezone calling her from a cage in front of her ((Yellow its Latias, other colors it other pokemon ))

Magnezone "Hey... Latias... we are ready ot prepare a escape from here, all you have to do is stay still hidding until we open a way for you"

Latias just nooded as Magnezone was giving instructions to every Electric Type pokemon arorund, they all in one go started using Discharge at the same time, making all the electricity in the base go into shutdown, after a bit, an Aggron and a Rhyperior break their cages, letting every other pokemon in the cages free, and only Latias's cage gently since they knew she was weak.

After a couple of minutes Team Rocket Operatives were gathering in the Warehouse, all trying to control the pokemon that were freed as one Comm from a higher up Team Rocket was heard


Latias was getting scared as the other pokemon suddently started fighting Team Rocket's pokemon, suddently a large explosion was heard, it was Rhyperior that used Rock Wrecker on the celling, a large shout was heard from it

Rhyperior " HURRY, GO NOW"

Latias was still scared she stayed still worryed about her friends

"but... what about you..."

At that time the Magnezone from before speaked up

Magnezone "this was never about us, it was about you, now go and be free from all this torture, GO"

Latias was starting to cry, but tucked her arms and legs and rushed out of there like a Jet out through the celling flying away as further as she could from the base, trying to look for help, from the base smoke was being lifted, from all the fighting and explosions, noticing it was sunrise she kept flying to get away.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2011, 12:26:54 AM »
My sister came downstairs and turned on the TV. The news was on, and they talked about how a smoke cloud had risen up out of nowhere.

-That's a bit unsettling.

I saw something on the corner of the screen.


-Huh? Okay...

She did, and she paused as we saw something on the very corner of the screen.

-I see it too now. What is that?

-Maybe a pokemon escaping something...

It was odd, and I had no idea what it was.

-I'll go investigate that later. Back to pancakes.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2011, 12:32:24 AM »
I took the time to check the map of the Region. I scratched it out on the wall. There were some areas still not drawn.

Hmm, that cave I found the other day interests me, too bad there are too many humans that go there for me to really get a feel of the place.

It was the only place that was full of life. A village built into trees and rock.

I must know more about that place.

I shot out of the ship in my shadow form, ready to head to that village, and to that cave.

(I am referring to Agate Village and Relic Cave.)
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Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2011, 12:45:13 AM »
                               Mew and Mew two
Deep in the heart of Kanto, two of the most powerful pokemon were facing off. Mew, leader of all known pokemon, lower only to the greatest of legends and the leader of all the lesser ones, floated amusededly at the sight of its..."opponent"

To any other, Mewtwo would strike fear in their hearts, it was an imposing figure with powers nearly unrivaled by the lesser legends...yet it faced the most difficult task today

negotiating his cerfew

"I AM MEW FRIGGIN TWO FOR ARCEUS SAKE, I WILL NOT STAND FOR A...A...BEDTIME!" He waved his arms in fustration as he floated above the treetops

"Now kitty, you've been getting awfully cranky these last few days, I think a set sleep sceduel would be best for your...temper" Chided Mew, wagging its finger at him in a motherly fashion

he shook with indignation "NO!" his Aura charged up and eyes blared as he fired off a Shadow ball

it was soundly stopped by a pink bubble, and thrown back at him, nocking him back a half mile...Mew teleported next to him and sat on his large head "ooooh, don't be like that, its not that bad"

"get off my head"

Mew got a hint of annoyance in her voice "honey...don't make me punish you"

"we'll see how that goes"

He tries to fight back, but he is resoundedly countered and sent to the earth in a small crater, she floated above him and giggled "ooh, you...your so cute when your upset, but it scares the others, so I need you to go to bed when the sun sets okey doky? that way you'll wake up NICE and Happy and Refreshed, doesn't that sound nice?"

Mewtwo groaned and held his head in fustration...from almost destroying humanity...to trying to rebell from a surrogate mother...oh how the mighty had fallen...
"FINE!" he sat up and crossed his arms "I'll go to friggen bed, you happy now?"
Mew patted his head "vary"

he grumbled as they made their way back to camp

It was humiliating being treated this way, but Mew was on a whole other level than he was, She could do things he could only dream of....and that scared him just as much as she annoyed him....
         It was so strange being on the S.S Anne, in the air conditioned room waiting to head to Kanto...I was so used to being in the cold that I had to turn down the air to its coldest possible limit...and that was still fairly warm. What was I doing here, if it wasn't for that anonomous letter I had received in Sinnoah I wouldn't of even thought to go here.

       But something about this letter, it knew way to much about me, and my travels, and that meant only one of two things...stalker, or...part of me wanted to jump ship at the thought of her, but it would of been rude to ignore it...especially after she had put so much effort into sending it to me.

       The letter had given me the ticket and everything...I was so nervous...but no one had showed themselves the entire cruise. I was dissapointed, maybe it wasn't her at all, just some challanger who heard about the boy who only trained in the coldest places in the world...The horn sounded...we had docked

        It had been a fairly long voyage, but I figured if I got out I could find something to do and then go back to the usual...whoever had sent the letter had not shown up... it was dissapointing, but whatever.

        As I walked out of the room with my stuff...someone came up behind me and put me in a headlock....I knew that smell, I knew that strength anywhere...

        "Hey Mr.Snowman, long time no see" the energetic voice of Carmela

 I got flustered at her sudden attack, I had expected this the entire cruise, she just HAD to wait till my guard was done

"H-hi Carmela" I scratched the back of my head and smiled as well as I could

she nudged me in the arm "hey player, you found any girlfriends while you were out and about?"

I waved my hands in front of my face and shook my head "ha-aha...no, there aren't many girls where I was traveling anyway..."

she leaned in and smirked "oh really, not MANY hmmmm?"

I studdered incoherantly at her stare...she had got taller...and...prettier...while I had been away... she traveled with me my first year out...but she was into fire pokemon, and I into ice...so we went our seperate ways for a few years to polish our skills...now she seemed so...strong

"Oh, I know someone who couldn't wait to see you"

"BROTHER!!!" Ethan ran out from behind a wall and jumped me, hugging me vigorously with all limbs he had...dear lord how old was he now...ten?"

"Im gonna be a trainer this year!" he said, bouncing up and down in excitement "Carmela taught me ALL about pokemon while you were traveling, I am sooooooo~ excited! Im gonna get a Pipulp like you did"

"Its an Empoleon now"

Carmela raised an eyebrow "Wow, you definantly weren't wasting your time were you?"

I laughed nervously, but she poked me in the chest "Right then...no excuses, your competing in the pokemon league this year, or I'll MAKE you do it"

"you know I don't like that"

"Please brother, I know you can win!" he grabbed my sleeve....

"ugh...fine I'll do it, for you two, but don't expect much ok"

« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 12:52:36 AM by Robbase231 »

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2011, 01:39:29 AM »
I made it to my destination. I stayed in my shadow form. I did not want any human to follow me. I sneaked past a few of them. They all looked old and beat up, and it would be pointless to fight any of them. I made my way to the cave.

(On the other side of this cave was some kind of stone. I have to know what that is.)

I went into the cave, and like before, I couldn't sustain my shadow form inside of it. I would need to be quick, in case any human showed up. I ran to the other side, and came to the forest with the odd rock. I had a good look at it before, I just wanted to check out the forest.

For being in the middle of a cave, there is a lot of space, I should make camp here if I need to.

I begin my exploration.
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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 02:42:44 AM »
We sat down at the local diner in corner booth. I Nervously smiled over my meal as my brother hopped up and down next to me

He was always cute and energetic, and that hadn't changed  much in these last few years. he was a natural blond like our late mother, and had her....carisma as well
"So what gym are you going to first big brother?"
Carmella snorted "Well there is one right here in Vermillion City"
I gulped "wha...already? but I just got here"

She grabbed my hand and gripped it "oh I think you'll do fine"

I flushed and smiled a little bit, Ethan pipped up looking super excited "OOH, Canni watch? Canni please?"

"I think I want to watch too" she leaned over the table, amused at my brothers excitement, oh jeeze she was sure enjoying herself. I sighed and held my head

"I think we should finish eating before we decide anything"

heh, he's too chicken to face LT. Surge, Wuss"  commented a guy at a table across from me to his friend, he made little attempt to hide what he said too

" Ethan yelled

"Hey kid, shut it, your bro's a punk, just accept it"

"oooooh, this is getting interesting"

"Carmela" I groaned...fine then, I guess I had to proove myself for my kid brother. I got up, there was some "Ooooohs" from the table of guys, the guy who insulted me was smirking "Ah, you got backbone after all"
"were taking this outside" I said, feeling for my pokeballs

"Like hell we are" he tossed out his Electabuzz, The owner of the establishment started yelling at us...well I guess I had to end it quickly

"fine...Go Glaceon" My pokemon fired out of her pokeball and stood regally before the electabuzz. The man laughed "dude that pokemon looks gay"
"Ice beam"
before he could even react his electabuzz was Frozen in a shocked expression, stuck in a  thick block of ice
"what the..."
we walked out of the diner, my brother stuck his tongue out at the guy.
"Well look at mister macho, with that kind of power that gym will be no sweat"
"YOU...ARE...SO...COOOOOOOOOOL!" yelled my brother
"fine...I'll do the friggin gym battle, jeeze"

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 02:52:15 AM »
Latias keeps lookind arround for some help but after a bit she starts feeling weak, the fatigue from the experiments earlyer that day began to tire her out, she soon after starts wedging then falls down directly to the ground uncouncious,she was allready over a town, she falls hard making a wall of smoke through where she goes by sliding on the ground of a park, making her the ground shake a bit from her hitting the wall

((like the other, pleasse someone find her))
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Robbase231

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2011, 03:12:54 AM »
Latias keeps lookind arround for some help but after a bit she starts feeling weak, the fatigue from the experiments earlyer that day began to tire her out, she soon after starts wedging then falls down directly to the ground uncouncious,she was allready over a town, she falls hard making a wall of smoke through where she goes by sliding on the ground of a park, making her the ground shake a bit from her hitting the wall

((like the other, pleasse someone find her))

                             Mew and Mew two

Mew led the way home with the disgruntled Clone following sluggishly behind. He was looking everywhere but the back of his...master...because every time he saw that swishing tail he wanted to SCREAM in indignation.

Freaking cerfew

who did she think she was

It was because of that he spotted a pokemon fall to the earth...it looked like a Latias

"Hey mew..."

"Latias fell down"

"what latias?....Oh dear, good eye mew two"

she zoomed over to the pokemon and he followed behind
"does this mean I can have the old rules back?"



"language Mew two"

they flew down to the park and alighted next to the pokemon

Mew waved her finger around, using Metranome, the next thing Mewtwo knew the latias was glowing with healing energies

"you feeling any better dear?"
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 03:16:37 AM by Robbase231 »

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2011, 03:15:29 AM »
Breakfast was finally done, and everyone sat down at the table.

-Thanks big brother!

-Yes, thanks for breakfast!

-Oh, it wasn't THAT big of a deal. Which I said with a smug expression on my face.

-Alright, Snivy, come out for breakfast!

He appeared in front of me. He smiled at me, pancakes were his favorite too.

We had a nice relaxing breakfast, and a little discussion about pokemon. Then I went upstairs to prepare. In the middle of packing, Sarah, my sister, came into my room, trying to be as quiet as she could, because she liked to creep up on me.

-Hi Sarah.

-Darn, you heard me!

-What's up?

-I wanna go with you!

I thought for a minute, wondering what to say. She was 9, ALMOST the age to receive her pokemon, with her birthday being in about 2 months. If I took her with me, she'd have at least a little experience with pokemon, making her an experienced trainer before she was one.

-...I'd like that. Ask mom if it's okay, and tell her to come up here before she decides.


She goes downstairs to talk with out mom.

-So what do you think, Snivy? I think it'll be good for her.

He nods at me agreeing with me. Mom then comes into the room.

-Alright, what's your justification?

-Think about it, she'll be ready for her journey in 2 months. In that time, I can train her to become a good trainer! And I PROMISE we'll come home in time for her birthday.

She thought for a moment.

-...Alright, but if she wants to come home, you have to bring her back. Okay?

-Of course!


We all walk downstairs and say our goodbyes. Sarah and I walk outside, I turn around and say...

-Just...Don't worry too much...Promise me that, okay?

-I have a lot of confidence in you. I won't. Oh, almost forgot! Here...

She gives me a bundle of money. A ridiculous amount.

-This is for Pokemon Center rooms, and food. Let me know if it runs out.

-I don't think this'll run out!

-Trust me, it will. Faster than you think.

-Brother, let's go!

-Bye mom!

I run out of Pallet Town with Sarah.

-Bye you two! Be safe!

-Ready you two?



(Excuse me while I copy you Rob.)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 03:26:08 AM by Darkstar64 »

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2011, 03:16:12 AM »
(For now i will be controlling the mean trainer that has my egg)
Maybe i can make you hatch if we go to relic forest, maybe i can find celebi too you worthless manaphy egg.

The mean trainer(we will say his name is bob) gets on a hover craft thingy and hover ride somethings to the place with relic forest and goes in, he gets to a large rock in the middle and sees darkrai.Hey look a darkrai!

Bob gets a idea.Hey darkrai! you better let me catch you or this manaphy egg gets it!

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 03:23:17 AM »
Bob gets a idea.Hey darkrai! you better let me catch you or this manaphy egg gets it!

Foolish Human. I used Flash to blind him and shadowed up to him, grabbed the egg as I came up, and pushed him to the ground.

You are a fool if you think putting a pokemon, not yet born I may add, will make me cringe. I am Darkrai, and you dare speak to me like a common Magikarp.

I pointed at his pokeballs on his belt.

You are not deserving of your pokemon, I can tell. RELEASE THEM HUMAN!

I was surrounded full of black aura, and had a Dark Void ready to put him to sleep. He would be the one to face my nightmares.
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Re: [RP] Rising Legends
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2011, 03:29:48 AM »
Bob sent out a totodile, a torchick and a bullbasuar.(How he thinks he will win i don't know)