Coolio. Here is the next chapter. right now am writing a short fairy tale that takes place in a post apocalyptic world so if any one wants to read that one when its done let me know and i will make a thread for it.

so Chapter 5 is a little bit more in to emotional conflict with Ray and also (spoiler --> ) [spoiler]Scar dies[/spoiler] but we get a more insight into the town of Lendom and the citizens of the Lendom nation.
Chapter Five
The Battle That Was Never Fought
Ray sat in his room looking down on a map of the empire and tried to plot where they could attack next from when a knock sounded from the door.
“Enter if you must.” Ray answered the knock curtly.
“Ray, I just wanted to let you know that Ravenflight is ok.” Scar said as he entered.
“Scar I truly am sorry I do not know what came over me.” Ray looked in Scar’s eyes “but now we must plan an attack I believe here the casualties will be less. I consulted with Cody on the walls defense as well before I left the city and he believes that with this wall so high,” Ray pointed to a spot on the map, “that it will be not very well defended, thus we can storm it.”
“Ray, Taking Lendom will not bring Fredrick back to life.” Scar tried to comfort his friend “have you talked to Av yet?”
“Alert the men for we move at dawn.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
Last week in Lendom
“Sir” a short weasel like man ran after the caption of the guards. “Sir I heard your son say something you might like to know.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Alright, attack on my command.” Ray snuck forward with the small raiding party. Then disaster struck, a yell sounded form the wall and attack lights where lit as arrows flew down at the attackers from the ramparts.
“Keep attacking!” he ordered as some of his men started to fall back. Ray screamed as an arrow flew into his shoulder.
Scar rushed the fallen leader “Ray c’mon we need to get out of here the raid has been compromised.”
“No, we must take the wall.” Ray cringed as the arrow sunk deeper.
“Ray, we are getting cut to-“an arrow slammed into Scar’s lung, before he could finish.
“Commander, may I ask yo-“
“Scar, forget what I said before, you are my friend and will be till the end of times.” Ray interrupted Scar. Ray’s eyes become watery.
“Ray, give this to Ravenflight and tell her that I love her” Scar pressed a ring into Ray’s hand, “Ray, my friend, am sorry I failed you.”
“No Scar you could never fail me. You will never be forgotten.” Tears began to burn Ray’s eyes.
Scar smiled “None of us will ever be forgotten we’re making history. Just don’t let my boy” Scar began a coughing fit, blood seeped out of his wound. “learn about me from some monk, let him hear the truth and let him live in a free world, your world Ray.” Scar’s eye’s slowly glazed over as his lean body went limp.
“Sire, we must flee you are hurt.” A young boy of perhaps fourteen was running to Ray. “Everyone else is dead and you will join them soon if we don’t leave.”
“Cody, I can’t don’t you see? I am better dead, everyone has died around me. To live would to kill more people.” Ray tore at his clothing in anger.
“Ray you are the only one who can save us from your brother’s tyranny. That is why you were head of the army because people follow you not because of your blood but because you are the only thing that reminds us why we should fight against all odds against all types of evil.”
Ray stood up with a new fire in his eyes and he seemed to notice the peril they were in. “We must get Scar’s body back to The City In The Forest.”
The two began the voyage back to the forest, here and there they picked up warriors who had survived the onslaught. Finally they arrived at the forest line, Ray turned back to the battlefield, Lendom’s defenders where piling up the bodies and burning them, one thing was for sure the battle was lost but the war was far, far from over. They would return in greater force.