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Author Topic: Talented writer for quests and whatever!  (Read 21809 times)

Offline RadioactiveLemon

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Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« on: December 16, 2011, 02:13:48 AM »
Hello, I'm Jeff. Without looking very far, you can easily see that earlier,  I applied for a job on pixel artistry.  However, I have now found a position that may fit my quirky, creative, and funny (more or less...) nature. I have a huge vocabulary, and A in reading and ELA (Amazing statistics, right?) so I believe that the position of a quest/plot/Npc writer would be fitting.

I have plenty of time to spend writing, and I wouldn't really view this job as a "job". I think it would be fun to make other people happy and to express myself whilst being looked as a helpful person at the same time. Please note that I'm not just a regular fan-fiction writer on tumblr. I actually write some fairly deep things that I can only imagine would impress the community. It would make me vigorously overjoyed if you accept me as a writer. Thank you for taking the time to read my application. An example of a quest or whatever you would like for me to write, will be made soon.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 02:48:31 AM by RadioactiveLemon »
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Offline Tickles

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 03:37:17 AM »
I'm not a quest writer, but even I know that are not looking for writers. Just start writing.
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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2011, 12:54:05 PM »
That, or if you have submissions on tumblr, what's your tumblr account?
No one can go back and change a bad beginning; but anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2011, 03:08:19 PM »
 Indeed, no clue what ELA is supposed to be but I have Cambridge Proficiency, and there are many others on the Forums who could just say the same thing: I'm fit for the job so let me do it.

 How about you link us some previous work (maybe choose a couple that you believe is your best work so we don't have to sift through them).
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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2011, 03:54:33 PM »
Indeed, no clue what ELA is supposed to be but I have Cambridge Proficiency, and there are many others on the Forums who could just say the same thing: I'm fit for the job so let me do it.

 How about you link us some previous work (maybe choose a couple that you believe is your best work so we don't have to sift through them).

ELA sounds like its something straight out of elementary school, he's no where near our level.

But ya if you want a chance the first thing you need to do is submit examples of your work. Like make a good long quest and show us.

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2011, 04:05:10 PM »
ELA sounds like its something straight out of elementary school, he's no where near our level.

English and Language Arts.
googled it

Offline genbor

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2011, 04:11:21 PM »
ELA sounds like its something straight out of elementary school, he's no where near our level.

English and Language Arts.
googled it

"English Language Arts, a middle school class where children learn literature and writing skills."

 Yeah I've searched for it too.
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Offline RadioactiveLemon

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2011, 11:35:23 PM »
ELA sounds like its something straight out of elementary school, he's no where near our level.

English and Language Arts.
googled it

"English Language Arts, a middle school class where children learn literature and writing skills."

 Yeah I've searched for it too.
Also taught in high school (or at least where I go). We have to learn advanced paragraph structure and write about a book each month. This month, I choose an old novel called " Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde" Quite enthralling. So you can see that it is not elementary writing, it is repetitive over complicated ideas and advanced words I would barely ever use in real life situations (also taught in collage as well), but that's off the point. In brief, I simply wanted to say that I believe I'm suitable for the task of quest/NPC writing. Of course at night, I have a difficult time trying to articulate what I say ( I say that of course because I wrote this thread at night).

Now, on to the point where I actually give you a short example of my work.
In this quest entitled " Pucker up " you can speak to an old man near the center of a town in the game, and he assigns you a task to find a licky tongue that has been harassing people around town. Here is how the script will go for that part:
*player interacts with old man by pressing the talk button
Old man: "Excuse me young fella, may I have a moment of your time"?
*If player chooses "No", the man says: "You young wiper-snappers, ya never have any time to help the elders. I bet your playin' one of them pokemon gam- Oh wait..."
( 4-th wall break. Cool, huh. It takes a genius to do that.)
*If you choose yes:
Old man: "Wonderful! What I need you to do is talk to people around town to see what they know about a recent Licky tongue harassment. How about cha try to talk to the four people across the town? ya see around."
* after walking around town and finding first person standing around
Person1: "I don't know of any Pokemon harassment, but, My Pokemon are super tough"
* enters battle sequence. NPC has level 15 Rosellia. Gifts you a small amount of money
*Player talks to Person 2
Person2: "Licky tongue!? why yes, I was just on a walk for some oran berries, when I was assaulted by one. I wasn't hurt, but I was covered in saliva. Do you even know how hard it is to get that stuff out of a dress! The boy next to me owns a licky tongue, but I've been too scared to ask him if the big guy belongs to him."
*player talks to boy
Boy: "Yes, It was my licky tongue.  But I didn't think he'd just run off like that! Sorry for the trouble. Ya know, if this were a video game, what you just did would be called a quest, and in any video game, you return to the person that gave you the quest to get a super awesome reward!"
*player talks to old man
old man: "good job <insert player name here>! Here, take this for all your trouble."
*player receives 1 rare candy
( please note, if a player talks to an NPC before the right time in the quest, he/she will just say something like hello ) 

Oh, and in response to FrenchFry: My good sir, I am terribly sorry for the inconveniences to the community directed from my past skullduggery on IRC chat, however, you must note that I have only went on IRC once. There for, a gentleman may have signed on with my user name phrase. And further more, I am actually quite mature. To the point in which I am trying my best to apply for a chance to contribute to the game. In no way is this application for me just to get people impressed with my work. No sir, I am truly just hoping to help. I simply enjoy helping. ( yes, skullduggery is a word )

Anyways, even if there is not a job slot open, there will be once the game opens up and develops. i have a feeling that if I show some of my literary work to the community, I will have a good chance as a writer. Thanks for reading.
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Offline RadioactiveLemon

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2011, 04:49:06 AM »
Holy sweet Jesus, New idea!
Quest name: Burning hatred.
*once you get your third gym badge, you will walk out of the gym, and be called by the professor. He will tell you that he is in the forest north of the town, that was previously guarded by mysterious looking men. ( the antagonist team )

Professor: "<player name>, quickly, come to the forest. I nee-.... no. WE need you more than ever. These mysterious looking men came into the forest, and burned it all down.. everything. The Pokemon are injured beyond my recovery, the trees are wilted, and the grass is....
there is no grass."

*player goes to forest, which is a burned down and is some what of a large mess. The music is of course very sad-like.

Professor: "you see <player name>, a team of three suited men poured gasoline on everything as I came in to care for the forest pokemon as I always do every day. However, I was too late... Just as  they threw a match on everything, I tried to run at them. I was blocked by a wall of fire. The flames calmed down, but my lungs are too filled with pollution to help the pokemon.

*in a pause, smoke billows up for a few seconds

Professor: "Please, WHEEZE, COUGH COUGH. Get through the forest and find the people who did this."

* Player has to walk through the maze-like forest for a bit, until coming to an exit blocked by team Magma members. With out noticing you, a cut scene comes up with the following text:

Member1: "Alright, we've leveled the forest, now we can watch as fire pokemon come in to the forest and make homes."

Member2: " yea, but this is only step one. We need to do this to EVERY forest if we want to rule"

Member1: "But we already rule! Hheheh".

Member3: "Shut up you two, we need to leave before someone finds us."

* control comes back to the player, and you step forward.

Member3: " oh look, a goody goody wanting to fight us. I'll give a good fight..."

*Battle scene begins Member three is referred to as magma grunt in the battle. She has an numel, and a charmelion.

( when beaten ) Magma grunt: Whatever, this is only a minor inconvenience for us. We will be back sooner that you think. Heh, my boss is SO going to give me a promotion for this! Lets go grunts! Fwahahaha!

* grunts run out of the forest. And you get a call from the professor

Professor: "Good news everyo-. I mean, good news <player name>. I have found a way to revive the dying pokemon. It is my new invention, the porta-reviver. I can carry it with me, and it restores them to full health.

* quest ends
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 01:14:10 PM by RadioactiveLemon »
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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2011, 07:33:34 AM »
Overall the first quest seems like a good one as a tutorial for new players, but nothing more. I dont like the way you made the NPCs talk about the game like that. It would only work in a tutorial in my opinion.

Next, enough of the kiss-assing. We all know how you have acted in the past and it has been far from mature so dont act like your some big shot who only had their name taken. There is no job opening for a writer at the moment and how would that change when the game develops if its already developing now. So dont get your hopes up for a position, the best you can hope for is that they like this quest and decide to implement it in some way. And even if a position opens up i know many people on here who are more qualified, dedicated, and more deserving than you.

Now for the second quest. It ends too abruptly and leaves you questioning. You find out the professor created a device that is literally a walking poke-center and then it just ends? You cant leave it like that, and such a device would never be made into the game anyway, it would change it too much.

And lastly:

*Battle scene begins Member three is referred to as magma grunt in the battle. She has an urmel, and a charmelion.


Since when was Urmel a pokemon? Did you mean numel?

And its Lickitung, not licky tongue.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 07:52:30 AM by Viper »

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2011, 07:59:42 AM »
Overall the first quest seems like a good one as a tutorial for new players, but nothing more. I dont like the way you made the NPCs talk about the game like that. It would only work in a tutorial in my opinion.

Next, enough of the kiss-assing. We all know how you have acted in the past and it has been far from mature so dont act like your some big shot who only had their name taken. There is no job opening for a writer at the moment and how would that change when the game develops if its already developing now. So dont get your hopes up for a position, the best you can hope for is that they like this quest and decide to implement it in some way. And even if a position opens up i know many people on here who are more qualified, dedicated, and more deserving than you.

Now for the second quest. It ends too abruptly and leaves you questioning. You find out the professor created a device that is literally a walking poke-center and then it just ends? You cant leave it like that, and such a device would never be made into the game anyway, it would change it too much.

And lastly:

*Battle scene begins Member three is referred to as magma grunt in the battle. She has an urmel, and a charmelion.


Since when was Urmel a pokemon? Did you mean numel?

And its Lickitung, not licky tongue.

So, agreed.

The lemon has not been received well on IRC if I remember correctly.  I think he was the one who posted a certain thread that almost caused a flame war.

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2011, 08:04:19 AM »
 If you are serious about this then there is no problem, but you will have to do better than that. You don't only need to have good writing skills, but also must be creative. So instead of trying to show us how good your Grammar is and all the rest, how about you do that with some creative stories.

Kalika_Had'ke was another person who applied to the Quest Writing job and he got it. Check a submission from him:
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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2011, 01:11:22 PM »
I agree with everything I've seen here. I over-estimated myself and thought I was the writer of a novel or something. I should make the NPCs talk more seriously about the game. Not only that, my second quest is generic. For the second quest, this is what probably went through my head: " DUR HUR, HOW ABOT I MAEK A QUEST WER U HAV TO HAVE A FIGHT WITH TEAM MAGMA AFTR U LIEK, WALK THROUGH A FOREST DAT DEY BURNED DOWN. LOLOLOLOL. IT WILL BE SOO GOOD, U CULD USE IT AS MANGA!!!!!".

Looking back, I may have made that one better. Also, I forgot that word choice and spelling is not the most important thing. I lacked creativity. Now I understand that anyone with a brain could do what I did, and that my writing is not quirky, or very creative. Overall it is meh at best.

I'm sorry for the kiss assery. I don't mean it. I apologize for what I've done wrong in these forums. I'm going to forget about a job for now, and just enjoy the game and community. But instead of instead of all out flaming, you could have just said the writing wasn't so good.

So sorry for being a fag. I think I got my point across.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 01:13:21 PM by RadioactiveLemon »
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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2011, 01:25:52 PM »
I agree with everything I've seen here. I over-estimated myself and thought I was the writer of a novel or something. I should make the NPCs talk more seriously about the game. Not only that, my second quest is generic. For the second quest, this is what probably went through my head: " DUR HUR, HOW ABOT I MAEK A QUEST WER U HAV TO HAVE A FIGHT WITH TEAM MAGMA AFTR U LIEK, WALK THROUGH A FOREST DAT DEY BURNED DOWN. LOLOLOLOL. IT WILL BE SOO GOOD, U CULD USE IT AS MANGA!!!!!".

Looking back, I may have made that one better. Also, I forgot that word choice and spelling is not the most important thing. I lacked creativity. Now I understand that anyone with a brain could do what I did, and that my writing is not quirky, or very creative. Overall it is meh at best.

I'm sorry for the kiss assery. I don't mean it. I apologize for what I've done wrong in these forums. I'm going to forget about a job for now, and just enjoy the game and community. But instead of instead of all out flaming, you could have just said the writing wasn't so good.

So sorry for being a fag. I think I got my point across.

Don't worry about it, just keep trying and it'll eventually get better!
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Quote from: Frenchfry545
That settles it. I'm starting a new religion. It's called "Misterdarkism".

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Re: Talented writer for quests and whatever!
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2011, 02:16:09 PM »
 I don't see where I was flaming. Also, just like Mr_Dark said, keep trying, eventually it will work out if you are serious enough.
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