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Author Topic: [Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy  (Read 324866 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Closed] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Evening| Weather: Cloudy
« on: January 09, 2012, 06:15:25 AM »
In the distant future, a viral outbreak caused a strange phenomenon among humans. The virus, known as Project Perfect World, was released into the atmosphere, bringing genetic mutations among the humans. Some humans benefited from the virus, others were harmed, and the rest were unaffected. A war broke out, and thousands of lives were lost as the battle between the chose, the humans, and the monsters rampaged across the land. Out of this, a group of chosen and humans banded together, and built the flying city of Utopia. 100 years has passed since the end of the war, and Utopia lived up to it's name since then. However, the under lands are in great poverty and turmoil. Crime is abundant, and those that wish to escape to Utopia have a slim chance. But Utopia is not all it promises, as a new threat lies in the midst, and could bring the entire country, and possibly the world, to it's knees.

  • Human

The humans that remain have grown immune to the virus, therefore, they have not been mutated. They are skilled workers, fighters, and pretty much anything they put their mind to. They are weaker than any of the mutants due to the lack of powers, but are able to use weapons and armors more effectively. The human lifespan is at 75-80 years.

  • The chosen
The chosen are humans that gained powers from the virus, but have not changed in appearance. Their powers vary from each other, and no two are the same. The chosen have a weakness to lead, however, which causes their powers, and life force, to slowly drain. Standing around lead causes them to feel weak, and touching the metal can prove lethal. Chosen lifespan is 45-50 years

  • Monsters

The monsters were also humans affected by the virus, but were transformed into grotesque beings. They have higher resistances to lead than the chosen, but can still be killed by the lethal metal. Their powers tend to be more physical, and don't vary as much as the chosen. Some monsters are slaves to the chosen, while others hate the chosen and humans alike. Monster lifespan is unknown.

  • Robot

Robots were built during the war to help the humans when they became a minority. They behave the same way as humans, but can't go against any command they are given by their owner. Robots are built out of lead to be protected from Monsters and chosen, and can get uprgades that can improve their skills, especially in combat. Robots are durable, but are weakened by strong electromagnetic fields. Robot lifespan is ageless.

The weapons allowed in this RP are ones already invented. I limit it to this as the lore of this Rp is that industry concentrated on building robots, and regular guns are effective on the mutated individuals. Such weapons are guns, swords, knives, arrows, pretty much anything invented. The weapons have a lead base in their ammunition, or blade, if they are specifically designed to kill mutants.

Utopia is above Central City

  • No godmodding at all. You will receive one warning. After that, you will be kicked out of the RP if it continues.
  • All posts must be at least a paragraph long. A paragraph is 4-5 complete sentences. Any shorter will result in being dropped from the RP.
  • Proper grammar and spelling must be used at all times. If it is character dialogue, then the rules do not apply, but must be easy to read, and easy to understand. Use Microsoft Word, or a spell check program to help you with editing.

  • Your character has a life, which means they interact with people. They must be doing something, unless it has to do with a battle phase. Give them some personality. Time does not stand still at all either.
  • You must post relevant to what is happening near your character. If there is a battle going on, you need to post on what you are seeing as that character, or what you are going to do about it. For example, Johnny stumbles upon a battle going on, he runs from it.
  • Do not ignore other characters if they address your character.
  • Be creative. Though this is not really a rule, let your mind run as you post, it makes for a good story.

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OOCC is here- http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4102.msg96999/topicseen.html#new

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 05:13:24 PM by Cortex J. »
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Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2012, 11:54:37 PM »
(RP has Started)

Utopia lies asleep, floating silently vthe under lands. 100 years has passed since the last war, and everyone finds peace in this time. The streets of Utopia are gold in color, and the buildings silver as the moon. A simple scene of peace for everyone.

Mysterious man:Soon, our plans will come to completion, and I will rule everything. The new world is coming, and it shall be a magnificent step for Utopia.

Meanwhile, in the Underlands, crime is afoot, dangers lurk everywhere, and the people live in such squallier, they can barely make it a day without stealing, or killing. Who will you fight for, who will rise to power, who will fall, who will win the Utopia we strive for?

Other more mysterious man:We will gain what we deserve, for all of former mankind.
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Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 01:11:06 AM »
In Utopia, on a courner of a popular plaza, bang sounds could be heard, even if not close to it, a store which had some chimneys and smoke coming out of them, inside, were a couple of people, all clients, behind the people and the counter, only one person was standing there, a young girl named Axyl, her hair was silver and long to her knees, she was delivering packages to the people in the store, namely, weapons and armor, she was a blacksmith there.

"Thank you and come again, my work will be allways perfect"

she received money from the people

Guard " Thank you sweetheart, if we get more guards or some of them ruin armors and weapons we will come by again"

the guards turned back but looked at her as they leave carrying alot of boxes, they liked to visit the girl because her beauty for them was out of this world, as she smiles and waves them goodbye, then sighs and gets her bigger than normal ahmmer, and the bang sounds start to be heard again through the plaza
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 02:03:30 AM »
I was laying down on my makeshift bed. Not much had happened today. The screaming of people being robbed, the loud footsteps of thieves running in the night, nothing out of the ordinary. I turned on my side, facing my weapon which was leaning against the 'wall'.

Me: I still can't believe I made that...

I don't even know why I did. The only thing it's good for is amplifying my powers, but I don't need to do that. There isn't any point in doing so. Yet it seemed like a good idea at the time. I turned to look away from it.

I made it so I could protect myself. So I could actually get food so I wasn't starving like I was tonight. So I didn't feel like these powers were for nothing.

But let's face it, they were. And I was probably going to die of starvation down here, and no one would notice, or even care.

I lay on my front side now, letting tears run down my face. I was going to die down here. There wasn't a chance of me making it to Utopia, or any chance of me living down here either.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 06:55:40 AM by Darkstar64 »

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2012, 02:36:34 AM »
The sound of a sword striking metal rang throughout the clearing. A bead of sweat rolled down my face as I swung at the makeshift metal practice dummy before me. The sword struck, and I let it bounce back, using the momentum to switch attacks, now swinging with my left hand, and then jumping back to avoid an imagined blow. I had been at it for hours now, but it was no more than my daily practice. After this, I would have archery practice. Then book study. And then I would go and look for food. This place that I inhabited, here in the underland-it was better than many places. You could actually be out at night without being considered suicide-not that there was anyone around to do so. This was a secluded place. The humans weren't strong enough to live here, the monsters just plain didn't like it, and the robots only do what their masters order them to. But no where in the underland is truly paradise, or even safe. There was a town a half-day's walk from here, but I would only go there if I needed to-the place was filled with poverty and death, and as it is, I don't speak with people. There's no point. All they do is chatter and chatter and chatter about how horrible their lives are.
Tsk. In the underland, people prattle. In Utopia, they're corrupt. Ha.
I sheathed my sword. It was time for archery. I'd probably have to visit that rotten town soon-There are certain things that you can only attain from those poor humans.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2012, 02:43:29 AM »
Solomon wakes up, again.Screw it I give up.

Solomon jumps out of his metal bed he made.Well, time to d what i do every night, explore more of the hospital.

Solomon starts walking out of his wing, after closing the gate to keep monsters out of his wing he starts walking out, he decides to take the left pathway, he explores the area for a hour or two until he gets to a wing he hasn't been in.He  walks into a room and steps on a stick(Yeah, its cliche, deal with it) He hears a large growl from a monster as it wakes up, he looks up at it, it looks like a powerful monster.

Well crap, I'm screwed.
The grenchler starts charging towards Solomon, solomon barely dodges it.Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap.

Solomon turns a bit of metal he finds into a spear, he throws it at the grenchler, it bends.Well Crap. Again.

The grenchler starts charging at him again. Solomon grabs a pipeline and turns it into some steps, he climbs them and destroys them, the grenchler jumps up.THIS ISN'T EVEN FAIR!

It starts running at solomon.Its faster than I thought!!

Solomon starts running back to his wing of the hospital. With it chasing.Damn it, I should stop exploring these wings and explore my wing!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 02:53:53 AM by Meowth »

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2012, 07:54:46 AM »
I was in my bed, waiting for morning to come. There wasn't any chance of me sleeping now. Another boring, sleepless, starving night.

All of a sudden, I started hearing rushed footsteps, as if someone was running. I brushed it off, since it was a normal occurrence. The footsteps got louder, but still I ignored them. It wasn't until I heard the sound of a wooden board being dragged along the ground that I noticed someone was close. I got up, and looked over at the door. There was someone crouching in the doorway...it's a small door.

?: I don't understand how you get in here without crawling.

A VERY small doorway.

Me: W-w-well, I-

?: Doesn't matter, kid.

He crawled in the room.

?: You know the drill around here. I come in with a weapon, you say 'Don't kill me', I take your stuff, and then I leave. We're on step three, so gimme your stuff.

I glanced over at my weapon, and quickly back to him. He looks over at it.

?: Well, what do we have here?

He walks over to the weapon, and picks it up.

?: So, how does this work?

Me: W-well, for starters, you're holding upside-down...

He flips it over, so the larger end is at the top.

?: So what's this for?

I tried to think of something quickly. I couldn't let him know what it was, he might take it. I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

Me: I-It's a cosplay item.

(This is the part where I introduce his TRUE instability. This next part happens in his head.)


It was the only thing that came to mind, so-rry!


Oh really?! Like what?!

A training weapon? Scrap Metal? A piece of a Robot? Nothing?

Allow me to show you why everything you just said proves that you must be retarded. A training weapon is something he wants, it'll help him become better at mugging people! And what scrap metal is shaped just like that?! Plus, everyone knows that Robots are made with lead!

Only the outsides, idiot!

Well, why would he want robot parts anyway?

Maybe someone around here BUYS robot parts!

WHO?! WHY?! There are robot parts all over the place, why would they need this one?!

Maybe it's a special part!

You are just so full of sh-

Shhh! Do you WANT to get in trouble?!

Oh, right. And anyway, as soon as you say 'nothing', they know its something.

(This is like his split sub-conscious arguing with itself. We'll see more of this. ;D)

?: Um...kid...Are you okay?

I quickly look up. He's still there, looking a little impatient.

Me: Yeah, fine...

?: Sooo...A cosplay item, huh?

Me: ...Y-yeah.

?: A little heavy for something like that, huh?

W-well, we take things really seriously...

?: ...Well then, since this seems to be the only thing you got, I'll just be taking it and going now. This might just earn me a pretty penny at a smithy.

He was heading for the door with my only possession. The only thing I had to call my own. I ran at him, and grabbed the weapon.

?: Hey, what are you doing?!

My hands spark up, and the bulb at the top starts to glow.

?: The hell?!

I pull it away while he's dazed, and send a spark his way. It surges through his body, and I watch as he collapses, falling to the ground, squirming as the electricity surges through him. He stops moving after about 10 seconds. I put my hand on his chest. Heart still 'pumping', and he's still breathing.

I put my weapon back in the corner, and start to drag the guy out of my house. I pulled him up to the corner of the adjacent building, and prop him up against the wall. I then go back into my house, close the door, and lay back down in bed. I start crying again.

Me: What if he dies? I might be called a murderer. What if he doesn't die? Then he might report me. And then I'll be arrested. I wonder if anyone saw me? I be they'll call the police and I'll be taken away.

I sit up in bed, with my hands on my forehead.


A hush falls on the surrounding noises. I lay back down, still crying, still waiting for morning.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2012, 03:03:53 PM »
(At aqua)
A man in a trench coat and hat walks into the blacksmiths shop. His face can't be seen, and he is bulkier than an average human. He walks up to the counter and places an envelope on it, then motions at the girl swinging the hammer. It was time to get info on Utopia and it's guard, and time for her next assignment. He sits there and waits for her to notice, but doesn't say a word.

(At Darkstar)
The man snaps out of his state of unconsciousness, and runs to find his gang. About a quarter mile from where he woke up, a zigarex attacks him, and mauls him to death. Looks like it was just his luck today, get's knocked out by a chosen, and now dead by a monster. Meanwhile, a dark figure seen everything that happened with the electrical guy, walks up to the entrance, and finds a hole. He places a sack filled with food inside of the hole, then walks away into the night.

(At Ayara)
A small rat runs into the training room, carrying something shiny in it's mouth. A ring, with a red gem in it. It promptly places it down when it sees the girl with the bow and arrow, and scurries away.

(Think of these as me providing you guys with stuff to work with, some will be more interactive, others will be random things, but I decided for your first mini events, I will be nice. After this, you guys may be put into danger, or lose something. All depends on where I see the story going.)

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2012, 04:20:27 PM »
Axyl was still banging on the sword she was making just when she notices the man standing up, her face gets more serious and turns her eyes to the sword, giving it fez more hits then putting it on water, making a heat shock sound and alot of vapor comes out, she takes it out and checks it, she lays it down and finnaly goes to the counter, getting the envelope then turns to the big guy

"same as allways?"

looks at the envelope then opens it to see inside
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2012, 04:41:40 PM »
Axyl was still banging on the sword she was making just when she notices the man standing up, her face gets more serious and turns her eyes to the sword, giving it fez more hits then putting it on water, making a heat shock sound and alot of vapor comes out, she takes it out and checks it, she lays it down and finnaly goes to the counter, getting the envelope then turns to the big guy

"same as allways?"

looks at the envelope then opens it to see inside

Archie looks around to make sure no one is there to listen.

Not this time. We need you to get some documents from the paladin's HQ. We had a spy try to go in there, but he ended up getting killed. We believe they may be working on something big, and we want to be sure. This will require your skill with stealth, but we don't want any deaths. It may bring too much unwanted attention. Think you can handle that?
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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2012, 04:59:13 PM »
Axyl looks up at him and sighs then nods

"fine by me, i will be in and out before they even know it... i will leave it in the place named here on the envelope like allways...jsut came sure you keep providing my dad..."

she sighs and takes the envelope to her office and goes back to another sword that was red from being on the fire and bangs on it
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2012, 05:13:13 PM »
Axyl looks up at him and sighs then nods

"fine by me, i will be in and out before they even know it... i will leave it in the place named here on the envelope like allways...jsut came sure you keep providing my dad..."

she sighs and takes the envelope to her office and goes back to another sword that was red from being on the fire and bangs on it

I'll let you get to it.

Archie bows and promptly exits the blacksmith. As he walks down the street, a few guards try to approach them, but one takes into account his large size and tells the others to stay back.

Let's go see if the Richards have our protection money. I wouldn't want to mess with him even if he was my friend. Look at him, he's huge.

The others agree and leave to the north side of the city. Archie makes it to a secluded spot, and jumps from the city. He hits the ground hard, making a crater, but he gets out as if it was just business as usual, and disappears into the night.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2012, 10:15:06 PM »
Solomon looks back as he is running, it was closer than it was 5 minutes ago.I AM SO SCREWED!

Solomon gets a idea, he knows of a body of water he could jump in to escape.Well here it goes.

Solomon jumps in the water as he passes, he gets to the middle of the water(Small body of water) and looks back, the grenchler is still behind him.OH COME ON! IT CAN SWIM!? REALLY?!

Solomon Gets to the end of the water and Starts running to his wing again, the water had seemed to slow the grechler down a little bit though.Solomon barely gets in his wing and closes the giant "gate"(Just a huge metal door.) he looks at the door and see's a dent, he creeks the gate open and looks out, the grenchler can be seen going back to where it was in the first place.I wish i had found a way to get rid of it.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 10:17:38 PM by Meowth »

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2012, 01:04:04 AM »
I was standing on top of a building, staring at the night sky. I hated this place, it was dirty, people stole all the time, and monsters lurked everywhere. I guess I shouldent complain about the monsters, since I am one, human mind or not. I'm lucky to get any food without stealing, wich makes me no different than the common theives. I looked into the sky, or more specificly, Utopia. I sigh hard, as if I'll manage to get there. I walk back to the exit, I'm lucky I dont weigh as much as the average adult, otherwise i'd fall through the roof. I'd live in that building, if it wasent about to fall over, so every night i try looking for a new place to sleep. I pause though as soon as I see something move and get prepared to fight. A few zigarex's crawl out of their hiding places and charge at me, a total of three. I wrap my tentacles around two of them and throw them and the one that I missed leaps at me, but I use my claws to my advantage and stab it while it's in midair, then throw it. I start running at high speed in case if there were more.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 03:43:58 AM by Lugiafan96 »
. . .

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Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2012, 01:11:49 AM »
(At Darkstar)
The man snaps out of his state of unconsciousness, and runs to find his gang. About a quarter mile from where he woke up, a zigarex attacks him, and mauls him to death. Looks like it was just his luck today, get's knocked out by a chosen, and now dead by a monster. Meanwhile, a dark figure seen everything that happened with the electrical guy, walks up to the entrance, and finds a hole. He places a sack filled with food inside of the hole, then walks away into the night.

I heard more footsteps coming towards the house. I got up and grabbed my weapon again. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but I didn't want to get hurt either.

The footsteps stop when he reaches the door. I see his hand and a sack come in through a crack in the 'doorway'. He drops it, pulls his hand back, and footsteps can be heard again, getting softer as he walks away.

I set my weapon upside-down on the floor (so it's standing up on the three blades), and walk over to the sack. I pick it up, and open it. It's full of food. I'm surprised to see this, as I thought no one cared about me.

There was bread, fruit, and a pouch of clean water. There was enough to last me a couple days here. Today was my lucky day, I guess.

Me: ...Thanks.

I pulled out the first loaf of bread, and took a bite out of it. Whoever it was must have been rich, because it had nuts and dried fruit in it, quite a hearty bread. I continued eating. Maybe my luck would turn up sooner or later.