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Author Topic: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP  (Read 15186 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« on: April 16, 2012, 07:33:17 AM »
Do not post profiles here, send your profile as a PM.

*Any profiles posted here here by anyone else than me or the GM's will be deleted!


Username: Your PU username
Name: Your character name
Age: How old your character is
Gender: You know the deal here
Former occupation: What you character did before the apocalypse happened. You can't be a jack of all trades.
Personality: How your character behaves
Bio: Your character's back story.
Weapon: Melee only RP. You may use a gun, but you can't have any ammo. Guns are used like melee weapons.
Appearance: What your character looks like. Please provide a picture if necessary.

-You can't be a zombie, you have to be a human.

-Zombies are also NPC's, so you can kill them as you please, but don't kill a ridiculous amount at once. That would be Gmodding.

Accepted profiles
GM Cortex J./ Al and Special zombies
Sub GM Bing/Stew and Special zombies
Sub GMDarkstar/Lance and special zombies
Meowth/Making new character
Mr. Fox/Will
Nightshade06/Tiren Slaughter
Rocks/Randall Norton

Deceased characters
Angelo the chef
Joe the Otaku
Axyl the Soldier
Mundy The Crazed Gunman
Foxtrot the Mercenary
Lewis the Archer

Random Zombie RP

« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 04:23:21 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2012, 07:59:10 AM »
Username: Cortex J.
Name: Al
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Former occupation: Retired imagineer, repair man
Personality: Happy go lucky
Bio:Al is your typical inventor who is always cooking up new ideas for weapons. He has the strongest arms anyone has ever seen, but he never leaves his shops for fear that he will join the ranks of the undead.

Al has a special place in his heart for books, as they provide him with new ideas for weapons. He is always looking to trade for them

Name: Special zombies
Age: Undefined
Gender: Undefined
Former occupation: none
Personality: blood thirsty
Bio: The ultimate banhammers, beware as encountering these means certain death.

*Only the GM's will play as special zombies. If you encounter any of these special zombies, it means you have been banned from the RP.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 05:59:40 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 06:14:26 AM »
Username: dreadknight

Name: Victor Bravo, aka Foxtrot

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Former occupation: Mercenary for hire

Personality: Somewhat hot-headed. He doesn't like working in groups but he's not too fond of being alone either.

Bio: At the age of 17, Victor signed up for the military. His abilites in long range and hand-to-hand combat got him noticed by a private mercenary company. After a little misunderstanding that ended with him getting dishonorably discharged, one of the mercenary recruiters came to him and told him that they could make his less than savory record go away, if he signed up with them. He accepted, not knowing what else to do. Over the years his jobs have ranged from paid assassin to security guard, but he never would've guessed what his next job would be...


Most people call him Foxtrot. His friends call him Victor or Vic for short.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 06:17:59 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2012, 06:19:56 AM »
Username: Aquashin

Name: Axyl

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Former occupation: Army Military, Assault Division

Personality: Axyl is very protective of other people, and only wishes that she do everything and only letting the person die if its a last resort, other than that, she trys to be nice and serious.

Bio: Dispite her appearance, she was a Sergeant Major in the US Military, that conducted alot of missions for the army, being an Elite Specialist sharpshooter. almost everyday she is wearing the same type of clothes, as the headphoes are allways there if she has free time to hear music and relax, and put all the anger away.

Weapon: Combat Knife

Appearance: I made this characther in Saints Row The Third a long time ago and i still use it like this so im using this one.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 06:22:22 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 06:24:19 AM »

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Tanu
Age: 35
Gender: male
Former occupation: Lumberjack                                                                                                               
Personality: Kind, Defiant, Stubborn, Optimistic.                                                                                                                                                             

 Bio: He has always been defiant so when he mentioned being a lumberjack to his mother at the age of ten she laughed and said no which made him try that much harder. He has lived on perfection isles for ten years he moved there seeking refuge from the zombies at age twenty five he lived right on the edge of town close enough for him to make daily trips to the forest. He has resigned to the idea he is going to die and therefore is currently wandering the streets of town looking for survivors and a refuge for himself.
Appearance:  Lightly tanned skin, with deep chocolate brown eyes. His hair is brown and shaggy and the clothes he has on at the moment, Black jeans, Red t-shirt, and worn out country boots, are torn from wearing them from days on end he also has a light beard from not shaving. He is skinny, but is a lot stronger than he looks.

Weapons: Dull axe and a zippo lighter with a picture of a bear on it.

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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 06:26:46 AM »
Username: Meowth
Name: Mr. Mundy, he has always hated his name.
Age: 30
Gender: male
Former occupation: sniper, I almost feel sorry for him with the whole "no ammo" thing.
Personality:Has honor, mild temper, doesn't think about what he's doing sometimes, though, I can't really find anywhere else to say this, but he will talk a bit odd for..well..you'll see.
Bio: Mr. mundy before the whole outbreak was a sniper, since it was the only thing he was good at he helped out in the war, always carrying around a kukri, for various reasons, one of which was that it was a gift from his dad, the other is because its great to kill those who try to sneak up on yah, he had to explain to his dad that he is a assassin, and not a crazed gunman though, after the zombie Apocalypse started, he ran out of ammo pretty quickly, so he's had to use his kukri a lot, like, a ton, he's became pretty good with it, he really wonders if there is a way to escape this hell, he's currently held up in a small shack, running really low on rations.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 06:49:33 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2012, 12:09:11 AM »
Username: Mr. Fox
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Former occupation: Will worked in construction before he stowed away on board one of the ships headed to Paradise Isle.
Personality: Slightly insane, doesn't trust any one.
Bio: Back on the main land he was a very wealth man who tried to use his money to keep his family safe from the Zombies, but just like every other fortified structure every one eventually died. A quite some times after his family was killed he was walking under what was once a bridge when a large piece of concrete fell and hit him on the back of his neck. When he woke he had no idea of who he was or where he was, all he knew was that he was in danger, he could feel it. He got up and started walking towards the sea, and eventually found the boats headed for Paradise Isle. He found himself in the cargo compartment of one of the ships. Once the ships reached the Isle he grabbed everything he could carry and headed deep into the mountains to build a fortress. Over the ten years of peace he built a small base barely big enough for 5 people to relax. He only ever leaves his fortress when he needs food or supplies.
Weapon: Double barreled shot gun; he used his only two rounds to catch some food a while back, now he uses it to intimidate people who find their way to his little shack. Machete, large wrench.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 12:22:48 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2012, 12:11:06 AM »
Username: Lubbies
Name: Zack
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Former occupation: Student
Personality: Party animal, anger issues tiny bit of craziness.
Bio: Before the zombie apocolypse occurred Zack was still in college, he was one of the most popular kids in school. He partied all night and failed all day. The day the virus came to his school he was sleeping on his desk. All the other kids ran out of the classroom and got mauled to death or "undeath". He believed that his primeral laziness saved him. He escaped and took the last plane to Paradise Island. He is currently on the beach but for some reason he's not scared.
Weapon: none
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 11:08:10 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2012, 02:11:45 AM »
Username: Darkstar64
Name: Lance
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Former occupation: No real occupation, other than school and helping out at school.
Personality: Quiet, keeps to himself, comes across as rude sometimes.
Bio: Lance is a quiet kid who only talks to those he's given his trust. He doesn't speak much, because one of the only things on his mind is keeping himself alive, with the occasional reminiscence of his parents and old friends, and who wants to talk about that all the time? He tends to stay by himself, only going into the populated safe zones to trade. He's a good fighter, since he was taught how to fight with a sword at a young age. His attitude is what makes him come across as rude, and the sword is what makes him look aggressive.
Weapon: Longsword


No necklace.

Name: Special zombies
Age: Undefined
Gender: Undefined
Former occupation: none
Personality: blood thirsty
Bio: The ultimate banhammers, beware as encountering these means certain death.

*Only the GM's will play special zombies. If you encounter any of these special zombies, it means you have been banned from the RP.

Approved and Darkstar is the sub GM for the RP. He has all the same powers as me, but I have the ultimate say.
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 02:51:10 AM »
Username: Bing.
Name: Stew.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Former occupation: Sleazy businessman/ Lying Politician.
Personality: Greedy, selfish. 
Bio:  Before the event, Stew was a high ranking politician working under the President.  His parents led a poor life and Stew lied his way into luxury.  He arrived at his position under the President by sticking a knife in every competitors back.  He does everything for self-gain.  His one good trait is that he is very good at bringing people together and motivating them, usually with money or false hope. 
Weapon: Metal baseball bat, Hired Thugs.

Name: Special zombies
Age: Undefined
Gender: Undefined
Former occupation: none
Personality: blood thirsty
Bio: The ultimate banhammers, beware as encountering these means certain death.

*Only the GM's will play as special zombies. If you encounter any of these special zombies, it means you have been banned from the RP.
Approved, say hello to the last Sub GM.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 03:00:48 AM »

Username: Nightshade06
Name: Tiren slaughter -aka "shade"
Age: 33
Gender: male
Former occupation: Sales clerk, taijutsu trainer on the side"jujustsu and karate" just to clarify
Personality: Dark, probably a little demented, puts on a fake front for work purposes, easily irritated
Bio: At the age of 13 losing his parents in the night as he slept "murdered" "drug related" "rather ironic last name". Had to live at a foster home till he was old enough to get a job and place of his own. Going from job to job he eventually picked up fighting as a hobby being trained in various martial arts "jujutsu and karate and judo"never liked judo though". Eventually settled with a sales clerk job at the age of 28, and found a side job as a taijutsu trainer just for fun, with any extra money he got from training lessons he usually would use to collect odd knives, swords, guns and stuff of that sort, his favorite genre or weaponry would be the japanese samurai era. When the zombies started to appear years later he closed up shop and banned everyone from his life as they would only get in the way of his survival.
Weapon: Swiss army knife, and a Cold Steel Warrior Series Wakizashi "katana too long and tantos are for suicide...lol"
Appearance: "about 6'4""
Approved, but watch out for OP posts, I can see this character leaning in that direction.
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 07:02:06 AM »
Username: St. Jimmy
Name: Lewis
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Former occupation: Son and hunter
Personality: Serious and sullen, rarely smiles,
Bio: Lewis lived a great life with his father, despite his handicap.  Lewis is deaf, but it doesn't keep him out of the woods.  Without the ability to hear, his sight, smell, and touch heightened, enabling him to see farther and clearer, smell faint scents, and feel vibrations that others couldn't. He and his father lived in a one-room cabin in the Western Forest. Six months ago Lewis lost his father to the living dead, and his since been living on his own.
Weapon: 5-Inch blade hunting knife, slingshot that can, at best, knock a squirrel unconscious, bow and arrows carved by his father.
Appearance: 5ft 6 1/2 inches tall, wears basketball shorts and camouflage design jacket and cap.  Walks around barefooted most of the time.  His skin is tan and his hair is pretty long. 

Approved, but remember what I sent you. Bows and arrows are only allows, but Al is the one to do maintenance.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 09:09:53 PM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 07:20:49 AM »
Been meaning to join this RP, since the whole Random factor is at play here.
Username: WhatThePumpkin

Name: Alex

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Former occupation: SHe would usually help her dad out at the Super Duper Market, where he served meats (being a butcher). That's where she got her weapon from, as she had no interest in anything her brothers and mom had, such as maces and guns (only used to bash them in the head).

Personality: Alex has a strange, and rather random and irrational, way of acting. She dislikes company, and can often be found talking to herself out loud, reffering to herself as either Alex and Onyx (or, we). She's very paranoid, eyes darting around most of the time to make sure nothing's following her. She can never remain still, and always has to be doing something. She tends to hear things, and is also seen stabbing at things that aren't there. She seems to be amused beheading zombies. However, when she's acting somewhat reasonable, she's a very dark, and rather quiet person.

Bio: Alex was the odd-one-out in her family. While her siblings and parents lazed about on Paradise Island, she would lock herself in her room, and talk.  SHe would write on the walls, and break things, because she could. She didn't really understand the point of moving from one place to the other, until she grew older, when the zombie apoctalypse spread to the island. Her mother was the first to succumb in her family, all because Alex had shoved her outside when a few zombies came into the area without her weapon. Net to go were her brothers, who actually fell by her hands, to prevent them from having to live their lives as rotting, walking corpses. She roams about now, currently in the park of the residential area.

Weapon: Alex carries a weapon, that could be called a cross between a cleaver and a bone saw, usually carried by her left hand. Her preffered methods of attacking, is either severing the skull, and removing the brain to use as a projectile, or to bash the opponent repeatedly with either end-or side-of the cleaver-saw.

Appearance: Ale stands at 5' 7", with long black hair, whick she wears back in a ponytail. She has rather messy bangs, which hang over her face, concealing one of her pale lavender-gray eyes. She has mixed skin, and wears broken headphones over her head, which are yellow, and have a black smiley face on either of them. She wears sneakers, stained khaki shorts, and a long blue-black t-shirt.

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Re: [Profiles] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2012, 04:22:24 AM »
Username: Rocks
Name: Randell Norton
Age: Twenty
Gender: Male
Former occupation: He would do odd jobs now and then. He programmed a bit, and even went into construction, sometimes he would just paint art and try to sell it for ridiciulous prices.
Personality: He is reckless at times and can be stubborn. Once in a blue moon he can be manipulative, and act calm.
Bio: He was raised by a nice wholesome family that later died due to non zombie related accidents. He lived with his auntie for a while, and got his own place. Oh, and he had a girlfriend. She was a little bit too dead for his taste when he found her in her apartment, being devoured by mindless beast.
Weapon: Pocket knife.

He looks nothing like the way he acts, which is how he got his girlfriend.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword