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Author Topic: [Profiles] Eternal War  (Read 10815 times)

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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[Profiles] Eternal War
« on: July 20, 2012, 10:41:12 AM »
 Eons ago the Titans undisputedly ruled the lands of the Overworld. While under their control, chaos reigned, and monsters roamed freely terrifying mortals and wreaking havoc wherever they went. This was all very short lived though, as Cronus, leader of the Titans and Lord of Time, received a prophecy from his mother Gaea, stating that one of his children would attempt to overthrow and imprison him. Taking precautions Cronus swallowed each one of his children immediately after birth.

 However by their sixth child, Cronus's wife Rhea,  was angered by Cronus's actions. She craftily replaced baby Zeus with a rock swaddled in clothing. Cronus, thinking the rock was Zeus, swallowed it. Rhea then snuck baby Zeus to the cave where Amalthea, the divine goat, resided. Amalthea suckled and raised the infant Zeus until he was strong enough to survive on his own. Zeus returned to Mt. Etna, the home of the Titans. Cronus, unaware the boy was his son took him on as his personal servant. He received a drink from Zeus, unaware that his own son had poisoned it. Soon after drinking it, Cronus regurgitated Zeus's brothers and sisters; Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hera. Cronus then realized who Zeus was, and the Everlasting Battle between the Gods and Titans began.

      It is now the twenty first century and the war between the Titans and the Gods still rages on, but slowly the Olympian's powers are waning. Zeus, now king of the Gods and ruler of the skies, has  been captured and forced to trade places with Atlas to hold up the World. The Demigods, children of the Gods, have begun a desperate on Mt. Etna where the Titans reside, hoping to catch them off guard and free Zeus. They were intercepted at the gates of Mt. Etna by an army of men and women with powers that mysteriously resembled those of the Titans. After a long and one-sided battle, the Demigods were defeated. Some fled, most were captured or killed and a few even stooped so low as to join the Titan.  In this time of war and mistrust only one thing is sure...
The final battle is approaching.
This is the page for the profiles. I need a FEW things to be clear before you start posting.
1. You MUST submit a Profile, and be accepted, before you start RPing. You will be booted, and not allowed back in if you don't follow this rule. GMs too.
2. You ARE NOT ALLOWED to post your profiles here. You must sent them in a PM to either me or Blades, and we will post them, if they're accepted. If you DO NOT FOLLOW THIS RULE, you WILL be banned.
3. If the GMs feel like your Profile is too Over-powered, or Under-powered, YOU WILL BE DENIED. We will tell you what's wrong, and give you a chance to fix it.
4. The GMs have the right to refuse your profile, and not let you join. If you feel that their reasoning isn't valid, please take it up with ALL the GMs.
5. You ARE allowed to use your old OC from the predecessor. It isn't advised, but you may. If you wish to use the same character, they must be able to fit the new profiles.
6. You may use up to 3 characters. You may only have up to 2 of the same species. Your sides are not limited.
7. Please, don't just pick Demi-gods. I'd like to see some variation here.


Username: (your name here)
Name: (name of character)
Age: (self-explanatory)
Personality: (How does your character react to certain stimuli? Try and be descriptive here.)
Mythological God parent: (name of God parent, what are they God OF,)
Abilities: (things you earned from your God Parent)
Items: (weapons, and the likes )
Power level: (1-10, 10 being strongest. Although we WILL accept profiles with 10 listed, you must have a VALID reason. If not, then you will be declined)
Gods, or Titans?:
Bio: (background)
Appearance: (what they look like. Pics and/or writing is allowed.)

Username: (your name here)
Name: (name of character)
Age: (self-explanatory)
Personality: (How does your character react to certain stimuli? Try and be descriptive here.)
Mythological Titan parent: (name of parent, what are they in charge of)
Abilities: (things you earned from your God Parent)
Items: (weapons, and the likes )
Power level: (1-10, 10 being strongest. Although we WILL accept profiles with 10 listed, you must have a VALID reason. If not, then you will be declined)
Gods, or Titans?:
Bio: (background)
Appearance: (what they look like. Pics and/or writing is allowed.)

Username: (your name here)
Name: (name of character)
Age: (self-explanatory)
Personality: (How does your character react to certain stimuli? Try and be descriptive here.)
Monster Species: (What type of monster are you? Rare beings, such as Charybdis or Scylla WILL NOT be accepted. However, monsters from other mythologies are allowed.)
Abilities: (self-explanatory)
Power level: (1-10, 10 being strongest. Although we WILL accept profiles with 10 listed, you must have a VALID reason. If not, then you will be declined)
Gods, or Titans?:
Speech: (Can your monster speak Common tongue? Or does it speak it's own? Is it mute?)
Bio: (background)
Appearance: (what they look like. Pics and/or writing is allowed.)

Username: (your name here)
Name: (name of character)
Age: (self-explanatory)
Personality: (How does your character react to certain stimuli? Try and be descriptive here.)
Monster Species: (Rare beings, such as Charybdis or Scylla WILL NOT be accepted. However, monsters from other mythologies are allowed.)
Abilities: (self-explanatory)
Power level: (1-10, 10 being strongest. Although we WILL accept profiles with 10 listed, you must have a VALID reason. If not, then you will be declined)
Gods, or Titans?:
Speech: (Can your monster speak Common tongue? Or does it speak it's own? Is it mute?)
Bio: (background)
Appearance: (what they look like. Pics and/or writing is allowed.)
OOCC Page: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4591.new.html#new
RP Page: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4590.msg118040/topicseen.html#new

GMs: WhatThePumpkin, The-Blades-Slave
Sub GM. Replacement GM: Meowth
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 11:44:46 AM by WhatThePumpkin »
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 01:47:47 PM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Tylan Hakima
Personality: He is quiet, not talking unless he has too. He is extremely protective of those he considers close to him and will die to defend them.
Mythological God parent: Boreas God of north wind
Abilities: He can make his skin harden like a thin sit of armor and when angered winds tend to blow that are slightly cold.
Age: 25
Items: A small ruin shaped like a Greek pillar, on command it will enlarge and spout into his weapon. The weapon itself is a staff, designed after a long and thing greek pillar. It is made for defensive moves, but small blades extend from each end of the staff, so he can fight offensively when needed to.
Power level: On his own 4 with Daylin 7.
Gods, or Titans?: Gods
Bio: When he was young he lived in the country, away from other people. He had a pretty regular life until the day his younger brother was born. His older sister killed his mother and the rest of his family, when she reached Tylan she could not beat him, but he could not beat her either! She tried to kill the young baby Daylin, who was crying, hidden behind Tylan. Tylan threw himself in the way, resulting in a long and wicked looking cut that spans his back! His sister left him for dead and he struggled to survive with baby Daylin, teadching him and feeding him until he was older. On Daylns eleventh birthday he was gifted witha small scaled green skull with long curved black horns that could transform into a sword! Tylan took him and traveled to the demi-god army, both he and Daylin joining. In the battle for Mt. Etna  they were on the front lines, fighting until they were hit by a son of Kronus and his time slowing ability! They are now locked away in the dungeons of Mt. Etna, hoping to get out!
Appearance: He is around 6', with very pale skin and light blue hair that droops slightly into his pure white pupiless eyes. He has a scar that travels across his back, which he recieved from his older sister in a fight. He is dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and loose black jeans with pockets down the sides and shiny black combat boots.

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Daylin Hakima
Personality: He is angered easily and tends to try to just pulverize evrything. He chatters alot and often provokes fights between himself and Tylan.
Mythological God parent: Aries, god of war.
Abilities: Daylin inherited only on thing, inhuman like strength.
Items: A small green skull that is scaled and green, it has curved black horns jetting from its head and transforms into Daylins Weapon. Daylins weapon is a simple sword with a long silver blade and an intertwining red and back handle. The only complex thing about it is the green skull, scaled with short black horns, that forms the pommel of the sword.
Power level: 6 without Tylan, 7 with him.
Gods, or Titans?: Gods
Bio: (Read Tylans)
Appearance: He is 5'7 with red hair that hangs lightly into his fiery red eyes, and his skin is a slight shade darker than Tylans. He usually dresses in black jeans with pockets down the sides, a red t-shirt and black combat boots.

(Tell me if I need to change anything Meowth or WTP. Went ahead and just posted my profile to get it out of the way. Also I will add in Umbreas profile later.}

Edit: Corrected as many spelling mistakes as I could find.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 12:09:49 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2012, 01:05:30 AM »

Username: 9Nexalas6

Name: Vin Harron

Personality: Shy towards his ally's, serious towards his enemies.

Mythological Titan parent: Hyperion

Abilities: Able to concentrate his energy to certain areas to boost his offensive power.

Items: A magic sword that let's him fire his energy at will, but so far he can only do it up to 10 times per battle, depending if they're back to back or not.

Power level: 6

Gods, or Titans: Gods

Bio: Barely in his 20's. He honestly hates violence, and doesn't wish to be in this war. But ever since a certain incident, he became a traitor to the titans. He was forced to kill his own best friend, who happened to be a demi-god, and ever since then guilt grew inside him, until he couldn't take it anymore, and ended up fleeing Mt. Edna and tried joining the god's side, to repent for what he did. Of course he wasn't accepted with open arms and ended up getting a sword to his throat a few times, but eventually he was able to join the gods side. However, he is still having a hard time trust wise with everyone else.


(His hair is white, but his armor is blue, and his skin is normal color. I was too lasy to color it. :I)
Accepted. Good to see ya, Nexa.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2012, 01:07:43 AM »
Username: Nightshade06
Name: Alala Homados
Age: 20
Personality: Very Straight forward most of the time. Does not feel the need to lie to make someone feel better. Very head strong. Not afraid to go into a fight if prepared.
Mythological God parent: Athena
Abilities:Very Smart. Superior Tactical Warfare. Highly skilled in combat.
Items: ,(short spear),,(A miniature version of The Aegis)
Power level: 6
Gods, or Titans?:Gods
Bio:Ever since she was young she had no idea who her mother was....Raised by her father a soldier for the humans. He was in command of his own unit. Alala was always fascinated with battle tactics and formations and such. So she ended up being trained in combat by her father at a young age using multiple of weaponry. She excelled intensely with anything put in her hand.When she turned 16 her father gifted her something very important...A minature version of the Aegis that Zeus gave Athena, and two daggers that she personally had someone craft for Alala. Shocked finding out that her mother was Athena. She set out to find her to find out why she was kept from knowing the truth till now. After a few years of trying to figure out where to go or how to get there. She ended up in the middle of a raging battle between the Gods and Titans where she joined up with the Gods in an attempt to defend them so she could see her mother for the first time. But in the end it was not meant to be as the Gods lost and many where captured along with Alala and a few others...And this is where she waits for someone to rescue her and as payment she plans to help lead the army to a victory against the Titans someday.

Glad you've decided to join, Nightshade~ Accepted. Her level's fine. I also edited in the stuff you and Blades were chatting about.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 01:31:53 AM by WhatThePumpkin »
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Desbear

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2012, 03:49:50 AM »
HRGH. WTP told me to post it o3o.

personality: Shy, until you either A. show you're nice. or B. show you're nice by petting him ebfore he shows he's a human. doesn't like being ignored. And a bit of a idiot.
Mythological god parent:cybele, goddess of wild animals.
trait picked up from them:can turn into some animals. much prefers cats to human form.
Items:None. hard to carry items when a animal. And efialtes is still trying to figure out how when he changes back to his human form, his clothes are on. I mean, He's happy, but Its still..odd.
Power level:4.
bio: As a child EfialteS had a friend. names mikto. mikto was always a bit....creepy. but it was good, once they both found out of about there powers though....mikto turned on efialtes. mikto was a titan after all... now, efialtes had always liked animals, and they seemed to always like him. So when he found out about his powers to turn into a animal, he was happy, So one day he decided he should go help the gods by, being a spy! Who suspects the cute kitten? or the chirping birds? or that howling wolf? Noone! well, one day after changing from a bird to a cat, someone saw him. and figured he must be  a spy or something... so they knocked him out...after spraying him with water...  so Now he is Imprisoned in Mt. etna..
appearance: A small kitten with grey and white fur-oh...you want his human appearance? a small kid with brown hair, in a black hoodie,  and usually has the hood on.

I shall make mikto's later.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2012, 03:56:58 AM by Meowth »

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2012, 08:03:00 AM »
Username: WhatThePumpkin
Name: Spectrome (Spec for short)
Age: 21
Personality: He's usually quiet, as he is very prideful. He doesn't like embarrassing himself, so he refrains from talking much, because of his silly accent. He is a bit of a hothead, when his pride is insulted, and won't hesistate to attack you. If you are a friend, or at least on his side, he may verbally fight you, but never physically.
Monster Species: Behir. Somewhat related to the Hydra, although, not native to Greece.
Abilities: He can alter his body form slightly, with the ability to retract 8 pairs of legs into his lower section, to form a snakelike tail. He is faster in this mode, although he compromises speed for strength. He can also do things native to his species, like storing electricity, although not very much. At most, it can stun someone for a minute.
Power level: 8. It drops to 3 in speed mode.
Gods, or Titans?: Gods, although he's more on the neutral side.
Speech: He speaks the native tongue, although, he struggles greatly with Greek and English. He speaks Turkish, and communicates with others of his monster species fluently. Therefore, although he doesn't speak much, when he doesn't, he has a thick turkish accent, and usually speaks with bad grammar.
Bio: Spectrome is the iligitimate offspring of a Human male, and a Behir female. He's the only one of his family, although not the only one of his species, who has the body of a human, up until the pelvis, where his body widens out to become a reptilian body. He wasn't well liked by most of his family, nor was he very popular with the humans in the surrounding area. But, he was happy as he is. Soon enough, he bored of his life in Turkey, and decided to go for a sort of "adventure." Along the way, he ran into a Demi-god, who was on his way to some sort of battle, along with a group of others. Having nothing else to do, and finding the idea of a battle exciting, he offered to help them. Long story short, each of the comerades he had travelled with were either killed, or changed sides during the battle, save for one: the one who had let him join. They were both captured, and hidden away in Mnt. Etna.
Appearance: He stands at 7' exactly, with short black hair.Long, but thin, spiney horns, used for grooming, sprout from the top of his head, his shoulders, and all along the back of his lower body. He has the typical, well tanned Arabian skin, with small patches of purple scaled on his arms, under his Amber, snakelike eyes, and on his hips. He wears a blue scarf around his mouth and neck, to hide it, and a thin, white t-shirt. The soft, vulnerable underbelly of his lower body is a light blue, as are his 16 legs. The back of him, is covered with thick, purple scales, and the tip of his tail splits into soft, periwinkle and purple telsons.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2012, 06:55:46 PM »
Okay, so I made up profiles for the twins to be in Eternal War. Tell me if I need to change anything, alright?

The twins are gonna share a bio, okay?
Username: Ayara012
Name: Ayara
Age: 14. Birthday March 20th, the Spring Solstice.
Personality: With people she doesn’t know, Ayara can be very cold and intimidating. The fastest way to earn her trust is to get through a fight or battle with her. Ayara, being the older of the two-she was born first-is protective of Artemis. If you attack or upset her sister, she’s likely to lash out at you. However, Ayara hides most of her fears, and is actually quite fragile. Her social skills are a bit lacking, which surprises some people, given her dad. I mean, if you’ve met the guy, you know.
Mythological God parent: Apollo, got of the sun, archery, healing, music, poetry, and prophecy.
Abilities: Ayara is a very accurate shot with her bow, and has the ability to control fire. It’s a very tiring ability, so she practices with it often to get used to it. She’s also very fit, and a good climber. She spars with Artemis weekly so that they both stay sharp at hand-to-hand combat. She also knows how to use her Kusarigamas very well. She can use her boot-knife well.
Items: A Golden Bow that was given to her by her father when she was 6, along with a quiver. The bow transforms into a gold ring, wrapped in thread, and the quiver becomes a gold sun necklace. A pair of black Kusarigamas that she had forged by a Hephaestus child, which change into earrings. Down the side of her right boot she has an obsidian boot-knife, which she made as a child. It can be used for close combat, or thrown. However, she only brings it out when absolutely necessary. It’s her last-ditch weapon.
Power level: 7
Gods, or Titans: Gods.
Bio: When Ayara and Artemis were born, their mother already knew they were demigods, daughters of Apollo. When she saw their eyes, she became scared of them. She tried to care for them, but as they grew, and monsters began to appear, she fled, leaving them with their older, fully human, brother. They were 4 at the time. Their brother, angry that their mother had fled, blamed them. He didn’t care for them, and let them wander. They had to scrounge food for themselves. One day, when they were 5, a new monster attacked. It eventually left, but the house was badly damaged. Their brother, 15 at the time, snapped. He began beating  the twins, sometimes with his fist, sometimes with weapons such as a knife. He gave the twins many scars, most prominently the scar over Ayara’s eye, and the scar around Artemis’ neck. One night, after being beaten so badly that they were half-dead, they left. Ayara carried Artemis on her back, and they fled to the alleys nearby, where they barely survived. When they were 6, Apollo appeared and gifted them with their weapons. They lived in the alleys, being attacked by both humans and monsters, until they were 8. A group of Demigods found them, and they were brought to camp. They’ve been with the demigods ever since. They were on the front lines of the battle, and were captured. They’re now in the dungeons, awaiting a chance to escape.
Appearance: Ayara is approximately 5”8’. She has long, mid-back-length red-brown hair, which she keeps in a braid. She’s Caucasian, but quite tan. She’s fast, fit, and lithe but well-built. Her eyes are a dark, intelligent red, with flecks of yellow, orange, blue, and green that give off the appearance of flickering flames. She has a prominent scar over her right eye. She typically wears a black tank top and knee-length camouflage combat shorts, along with steel-toed lace-up combat boots. She has Solid black cuff earrings with red studded gems that match her Kusarigamas.  She wears black cut-off gloves.

Username: Ayara012
Name: Artemis
Age: 14. Birthday March 20th, the Spring Solstice.
Personality: Artemis is a very kind, gentle person most of the time. She’s much more talkative than her sister. However, during battle, she is very serious. Like her sister, she has a hidden fragility to her. Just as Ayara will protect Artemis, Artemis will protect Ayara.
Mythological God parent: Apollo, got of the sun, archery, healing, music, poetry, and prophecy.
Abilities: Artemis is also a good shot with a bow, though she doesn’t carry one. She’s accurate with her knives, and is very good at using her quarterstaff. Like her sister, she is fit and can climb. They sparr weekly and are proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Her ability from her father is that of healing. She can help to heal many wounds, although larger ones can be difficult, and the larger the injury the more draining it is to heal.
Items: Artemis carries a set of throwing knives that she keeps hidden on her. Nobody knows how or exactly how many knives she has-She hasn’t even told Ayara. It was given to her by Apollo, when she was 6. She also has a collapsible quarterstaff, which is reinforced and has carvings all over it. There are hidden blades in both ends, though she rarely uses them. They can be released and retracted by pressing a button hidden in one of the designs on the quarterstaff.  The quarterstaff was also crafted by a Hephaestus child.
Power level: 6
Gods, or Titans: Gods
Bio: *See Ayara’s Bio*
Appearance: Artemis looks very similar to her sister, except for a few key characteristics. Artemis is also approximately 5”8’, and with mid-back-length red-brown hair. Artemis keeps her hair down, except for a braid coming from either side to combine in the middle and lay overtop the hair in the back. She’s also very tan and fit, like her sister. Her eyes, however, are a soft gold similar to sunlight. She has no scar over her eye. She wears a dark blue halter top and tight, knee-length grey-silver shorts, along with modified and reinforced gladiator-style sandals that wrap up over her shins, too, so that she can fight. Her halter–top collar hides the scar that runs all the way around her neck. She wears gold bangles on her wrists.


Daylin: 35/100

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2012, 10:05:21 PM »
Evil is gonna be fun

Username: Lubbies
Name: Cornelius
Age: 23
Personality: Quiet, solemn, keeps to himself, takes pleasure in battle and becomes more confident at night.
Mythological Titan parent: Selene, titaness of the moon
Abilities: Cornelius can shoot shadows from his hands, if the moon is full he gains considerable power.
Items: A small sword used for close combat.
Power level: 6
Gods, or Titans?: Titans
Bio: The only thing Cornelius has known is the battle that raged between the gods and the titans. When he was very young he was forced to train to fight in the war. He quickly adapted and became a skilled warrior. He is quiet and keeps to himself mostly but when the moon is out he does nothing to hide his over-confidence, this often got him into trouble in the morning. He fought during the battle at Mount Etna and he enjoyed it when the demi-gods were captured and imprisoned. He likes to taunt the prisoners when he has the time.


Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2012, 04:03:36 AM »
[8:47:17 PM] Meowth: ...
[8:47:32 PM] Meowth: I have to post my profille now don't I?
[8:49:56 PM] Whatthepumpkin: Yuppers C:
[8:50:03 PM] Meowth: crap.

personality: demented, creepy, aggressive,  Psychotic, and for a strange reason, and totally not for comical reasons very childish when tired.
Mythological titan parent: oceanus
trait picked up from them: able to control the water in blood on the ground and blood within himself
Items:none other than his weapons.
Weapons: A DEAD ARM. and this: it draws blood, and once full he can do a...special. attack. only able to be preformed once every battle.
Power level:(1-10)4.
bio: when mikto was a kid, he had a friend...named efialtes, unfortunatly, as they grew, they learned they were Demi-[name here's]...mikto was a titan...he backstabbed efialtes, literally, stabbed him with a syringe.... he was hoping it killed him.... it didn't... now before that..he always had something. A obsession with...blood.... he collected it whenever someone he knew was bleeding... there is only one person he never got a sample of.... guess who? it was efialtes... Now when he learned he could control his blood and blood on the ground.... you can imagine how happy he was... as he grew... he collected all his sample's...and he decided. if he has a sample. he wants you dead... he is now waiting for a "mission"... but he still has one goal. kill efialtes.... kill him so he can have a blood sample...
appearance: A small kid, in a blood red jacket, about 5'2, always with a creepy smile on his face...

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2012, 09:10:47 PM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Umbrea Hakima
Age: 30
Personality: She loves her brothers, but shows it in a psychotic way. She remains calm and almost emotionless in situation, only truly prevoked when someone threatens her brothers, who she is determined to kill herself.
Mythological Titan parent: Erebos, god of darkness.
Abilities: She can manifest and solidify items from shadows themselves. Her only other ability is to shadow travel short distances.

She wields two of these, which span across her back in an 'X', ready to be drawn in an instant.  The only other item she has is a simple locket she wears around her neck that contains a picture of a young Tylan and newborn Daylin.
Power level: 7
Gods, or Titans?: Titans
Bio: She grew up in solitude, with her mother and brothers. She truly did love them all, but her brothers relied to much on there mortal mother for protection. With great displeasure she killed her mother, putting on an emotionless mask to make her brother Tylan think she truly didn't care. She found out that day Tylan was truly stronger than she expected, defending his newborn brother with passion she had never seen before. Even going so far as to throw himself in the way of her sword and take several shadow shuriken to the back, all to defend Daylin.  She left him for dead there, hoping he would become stronger, but during her years of travel she really did become a cold person, loving the taste of battle and blood. She has been demented from the things she has seen working for the titans, but she still does truly care for her brother in a perverse way. She is current at Mt.Etna, investigating a rumor she heard that a son of Boreas and a child of Aries that resembled her brothers.
Appearance: She 5'9 with short silver hair that stops around hers ears. She has pale skin and a doll like complexion. Her most renowned features are her eyes, black as Tartarus itself, they can bore holes through a soul.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2012, 01:16:28 AM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Kain
Age: 26?
Personality: Twisted, like's to pretend to be nice before killing someone, sometimes taunts his allies.
Monster Species: Sheikan, A semi-rare species of gryphon that can copy abilities.
Abilities: Copy Cat. Allows him to copy someones power or ability for 20 mins., and the power he copies is weaker than the original.
Base Power Level: 5
Copy Power level: Original power level of the thing he copies -3
Gods, or Titans?: Titans
Speech: Speaks only the common language.
Kain is a rare type of demi monster, mostly because he has been able to obtain a human shape. His right eye gives him the ability to copy someone else's power, unless it involves changing his shape. Unlike most demi-monsters, he has a mind of his own and often finished his missions his own little way. He cant really remember life before the war, and he dosent really care either. He considers himself powerful, but he has hardly any physical strength, he makes up for this ,however, with his agility and flexibility. Enjoys taunting and then killing demi-gods. Hate's shape shifters.

Accepted C: P.S. Put this on dA so I can critique the coloring, since this isn't th right place, please? owo
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2012, 09:53:10 PM »
Username: WhatThePumpkin
Name: Zer0
Age: 17
Personality: Zer0's a morbid, sadistic, and immoral demi-titan. He attacks friend and foe alike, caring for nothing but his own entertainment. He likes to play with his foes to wear down their psyche, before slowly killing them as he sees fit. He tends to burst into laughter whenever he's being harmed, or harming people. The worst part, is that he can get a little perverted if you let him get close enough in a battle, with enough wounds. So...you've been warned.
Mythological Titan parent: Perses, Titan of Destruction
Abilities: Not much. He can fly, although the tips of his wings have been known to shatter/eplode in mid-flight, or when attacked. He relies on these for balance. He can tell the difference from demi-titan and demi-god from human, just by smelling (or tasting) their blood. He can shoot a sort of electric discharge from the eye on his chest that explodes on contact with ANYTHING besides air. He is actually surprisingly agile and flexible, but his strength lies in his ability to make light of anything. He only reacts violently (not, haha, I cut your arm off, it's so pretty, I'll eat it, violent. But, angered, hack-slashing everyone in his path violent) when he senses that you pose a threat. The eye on his chest is his version of a brain, with it controlling his motions. It has a personality of it's own, and Zer0 will protect it, no matter what.
Items: A small dagger, 3 spools of thread, and 3 needles.
Power level: He's a level 8.5, but he is easily distracted when it comes to battling, and doesn't really rely on his powers, but agility to do his job. A 6 could probably beat him, if they were smart enough. Especially since when he becomes violent, he doesn't really pay attention to where he's hitting, and can therefore, actually only inflict minor wounds.
Gods, or Titans?: Titans.
Bio: Zer0, at first, wasn't the problem child in his family. He was calm, almost like a doll. he followed instructions, never complained, never had an attitude. Until, of course, a strange occurrence at the age of 6. From that day, onward, Zer0 (Crypt at the time), started going far enough as to cut himself, and sew his wounds up, just because he thought it looked pretty. At the age of 7, he was abandoned on the step of an asylum in his sleep, after disposing of his left eye. That night, he met his father, the Titan of Destruction. Mildly pleased with his actions, Perses gifted him with a pair of wings, to help him get away and spread his deeds all over the earth, as well as his sensitivity to blood, s that he can enjoy what he does. His main purpose, to this day, is to exterminate human-kind, one human by the time. However, at the age of 14, he grew tired of going after humans. It was around this time that he killed his first demi-god. Amused with how long it took, their reaction to everything in them being dragged and removed from their body, and how pretty the eyes were when they dulled,  he realized that that was what he wanted to do. Kill demi-gods. He eventually found his way to the Titan's home base, and joined them, rising pretty high up in the ranks. He was stationed in Hell at first, but was moved around to wandering about the Overworld, seeking out demi-gods from the Gods' army, and killing them, or recruiting them for the Titans.
Appearance: http://whatthepumpkin.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d580g8n (he has more scars on the side of his hips. His eyes are red, and he usually has wings. But, they're not in this pic ;P )
Sent it here, because I don't trust myself with it :P


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [Profiles] Eternal War
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2012, 04:49:43 AM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Cornelius (nickname: Ace)
Age: 20
Personality: He is a person who literaly dosent give a crud about anything. Dosent like fighting.
Mythological Titan parent: Krios
Abilities: He uses his cards to fight, and can create walls of cards to protect himself, but a good swing of the sword can perice right through his defences. he can also fire a barrage of cards at someone, and at most time it's effective, but it never works againt someone with good defence.
Items: Cards
Power level: 7 Against a normal enemy, 3 againt high defence/attack enemies.
Gods, or Titans?: Titans
Bio: He's a carefree type of guy that isn't a fan of fighting, but does as he is ordered without question. Whenever he has bad luck he always uses the line: "Looks like lady luck is mad at me today..." He loves using refrences that have to do with chance or luck, or gambling. Before the war, he was a master gambler that always got the good hand. One day at a poker game, it was the first time he lost, and then the strangest thing happened. Cards flew everywhere, and the other people he was playing with got pelted by them to death. Oh course he did what any normal person would do: Flip out and run away with the dead guys wallet. Shortly after, he was transported to Mt.Edna and ended up joining the Demi-Titans. He's still fairly new to this and is rather sane at the moment. Basicly he's not evil, he just does what he's told like a mercinary.

Approved. Be careful not to go OP. Like I do at times........
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 05:32:44 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100